It all began before the Civil War

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by Flanders, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    No surprise here:

    Obama seeks more education funds
    By Lyndsey Layton

    No amount will satisfy the parasites in the education industry:

    It is said that the dinosaur had a tiny brain in a huge body, which undoubtedly contributed to its extinction. This huge body also required an enormous amount of food for its survival. The public education establishment has the same characteristics: small brain, huge body, enormous appetite for taxpayer money — its only means of survival.​

    Republicans and Democrats alike feed the sick dinosaur.

    Obviously, Democrats enlarge and enrich the parasite class at every turn. Unfortunately, Republicans have shown themselves to be just as bad. That’s why it is so difficult to stop those people.

    Deciding who to vote for should be a simple matter. Forget the media sales pitch that sells big government under the pretense of reporting the differences between the two parties. Voters only have to ask themselves one question: “Am I living on tax dollars?” If the answer is “No” there is NEVER a sound reason to vote for a Democrat.

    I can’t find a good reason to vote for the Republican either, but those are only choices irrespective of a few maverick parties. No matter who wins the election nothing is going to change for the benefit of private sector Americans. The parasite class will grow in size, individual liberties will shrink, and America’s sovereignty will come closer to vanishing altogether.

    NOTE: The Tea party is shaping up as a splinter party. Should they get enough decent people in Congress they might make a difference. Only time will tell.

    I can understand Hussein paying off the Democrat party’s longest-running, most loyal, constituency. I will never understand why Republicans get away with claiming they are different when they throw money at Democrat party parasites feeding at the public trough? If Republicans gave the education industry all of the money in the world they would still work for the Democrat party.

    Has anyone else noticed how those Republican wannabes still standing spend all of their time advocating grand themes unaccompanied by details when they are not telling us how conservative they are? But have you heard a one of them mention shutting down the Department of Education lately?

    Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797) could have been talking about public education when he said:

    "The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts."

    As soon as teachers owned the children they began nibbling away at everything else. For the record, “educators” began nibbling away at liberty in the 19th century:

    The idea of centralized, government-controlled education was imported into this country from Prussia in 1843 by Horace Mann the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, who believed that Americans could adapt the Prussian system to American needs. It had everything our statist control-freaks wanted: government education of teachers in state seminaries; a state directed curriculum; state-approved textbooks; compulsory school attendance; truant officers; and obedient parents. Toward the end of the 19th century, the system became the perfect means to indoctrinate children to become the obedient subjects of the growing industrial-government establishment.​

    I’ve often said that schools for government are Socialist seminaries. I was referring to people who train for government “service.” Now I can see that teachers’ colleges are also Socialist seminaries.

    After nearly two centuries of glorifying teachers here’s a must-read piece in two parts for everyone who wants to understand how and when the corrosion began:

    Public Education: The Sick Dinosaur on Fed Life Support
    Written by Samuel Blumenfeld
    Tuesday, 14 February 2012 12:39

    It is said that the dinosaur had a tiny brain in a huge body, which undoubtedly contributed to its extinction. This huge body also required an enormous amount of food for its survival. The public education establishment has the same characteristics: small brain, huge body, enormous appetite for taxpayer money — its only means of survival.

    The government school is also obsolete, a product of 19th century utopian reformers who believed in the perfectibility of man and a secular government education as the means to salvation. None of their ideas have panned out.

    The idea of centralized, government-controlled education was imported into this country from Prussia in 1843 by Horace Mann the Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, who believed that Americans could adapt the Prussian system to American needs. It had everything our statist control-freaks wanted: government education of teachers in state seminaries; a state directed curriculum; state-approved textbooks; compulsory school attendance; truant officers; and obedient parents. Toward the end of the 19th century, the system became the perfect means to indoctrinate children to become the obedient subjects of the growing industrial-government establishment.

    Although Americans at the time, in the 1830s and ‘40s, were enjoying full educational freedom and patronizing the growing number of private academies, Mann and his fellow statists saw the public school as the best means of imposing social control over the children of the poor immigrants who were flooding the United States as well as Americans who greatly valued private education.

    But the whole idea of centralized, government-monopoly education is totally incompatible with the values of a free society. But these statist ideas, which swept over America in the wake of the industrial revolution and the rise of socialism, are now being seen by more and more Americans as impediments to true education. The computer has heralded a post-industrial information age in which decentralization and privatization are now the imperatives of the future development of a dynamic, high-tech, market economy.

    The government school is an anachronism. Not only does it no longer serve the basic purposes of education, and not only has it become a huge parasite on the national economy, but it is blocking the development of the new technology-driven private institutions that will be needed in America’s future. The public is addicted to government education because it has been with us for 169 years and most people cannot even imagine education without government control.

    Even though about two million parents are now homeschooling their children quite successfully without government supervision, the vast majority of Americans still put their children in government schools because they’ve been led to believe that they are too stupid to educate their own kids. The professional teachers, controlled by their politicized labor unions, have become educators for a variety of reasons.

    Their colleges of education have trained them in how to dumb down the kids while giving the impression that they are actually educating them. That is probably the greatest magic act of self-deception ever put over on a supposedly intelligent group of people.

    The lumbering dinosaur’s preoccupation with politics is an indication that it knows its survival depends not on pleasing the easily deceived parents but on controlling corrupt state legislators who prattle incessantly about their concern for “the children.” And the more incapable the system becomes of delivering academic excellence, the more it will rely on politics for its survival. Even George Bush, a Republican President, had the gall to saddle America with No Child Left Behind, which has just about left everyone behind, including the taxpayer.

    Of course, the education larcenists have become experts at pretending to reform education, but these reforms cannot work because the collective brain that has produced them is not only lacking in reasoning power, but exhibits the symptoms of disease and retardation. A school system that no longer educates but deliberately dumbs down its students is a corrupt freak that no more resembles a genuine institution of learning than a nest of rats in the sewer pipes of New York.

    Who will deny that distributing condoms to middle- and high-school students is about as corrupt an idea as has ever been promoted by so-called educators who are clearly guilty of contributing to the delinquency of minors? Who can deny that separating education from Biblical moral values has simply delivered the schools into the eager hands of the devil? And who can deny that the young adults emerging from our high schools are not only poorly prepared for college but are morally confused and ill-equipped to deal with the problems of our society?
  2. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Who are the young idiots at the Occupy Wall Street sites with signs extolling 19th century socialism, communism, and anarchy, but dam-ning 21st century capitalism and profit as if our high-tech economy could exist without them? They are the products of the dumbing down process in the government schools, which has reduced their brain power to that of the dinosaur.

    One would think that after a hundred years of compulsory school attendance, this nation would have reached new heights of literacy and intelligence. But the very opposite is true. The latest SAT verbal scores for the class of 2011 are the lowest on record. Indeed, the combined reading and math scores have fallen to their lowest level since 1995. No surprise when you consider that No Child Left Behind has just about left every child in the government schools very far behind.

    There is actually no better evidence documenting the dumbing-down process than the SAT scores. For example, in 1972, 2,817 students achieved a verbal score of 750 to 800, the highest possible score. In 1987 only 1,363 students achieved that score. In 1994, it was up slightly to 1,438. In other words, over a thousand smarties became dumber.

    In 1972, a total of 116,630 students achieved verbal scores between 600 and 800. In 1987 only 88,000 achieved that score. In 1972, a total of 71,084 scored between 200 and 249 in the verbal test, the lowest possible score. In 1987 the number of students scoring in that lowest category had risen to 123,470. In 1994, that number had increased to 136,841.

    And so the smart have been getting dumber, and the dumb have been getting even dumber. It should be noted that the total number of students who took the test in 1972 was 1,022,680; in 1987, it was 1,080,426. In 1994, that number was down to 1,050,386, probably indicating that fewer students felt they could score well on the SAT test.

    A review of the reforms, such as the new Common Core Standards, being advocated by the establishment, should convince any thinking citizen that government education is headed toward oblivion. Higher teacher pay, national certification, restructuring, more social services, more vegetables for lunch, preschool education, smaller class size, more sex ed, and other such reforms will cost the taxpayers billions of dollars but not one of them will improve academic education.

    The government educators claim that they are working real hard to improve the performance of their schools. They are good at attending, at your expense, conventions, conferences, seminars, and workshops, held all over the country, to discuss curriculum reform, curriculum innovation, curriculum revision, curriculum enhancement, curriculum infusion. And they still haven’t figured out how to teach reading. I’ve been trying to get public schools to give my reading program, Alpha-Phonics, a try. But they look at me as if I’m some sort of alien from another planet.

    Each year, thousands of hours are spent by educators discussing every aspect of public education, thousands of articles are written for countless educational journals, hundreds of books are published on school reform, and yet the system keeps getting worse. If you’re curious about how these top educators think, the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) quoted Stanford University’s Elliot Eisner in their publication in Dec. 1990:

    We shouldn’t be thinking about effective schools or about effective teaching simply in terms of high-level achievement within the context of schooling. I don’t think that the major aim of school is to help kids do well in school. . . . Schools exist for the kind of life that kids are able to lead outside of schools. . . . There is increasing recognition of the importance of context-specificity. Hardly anyone now believes the idea that there is a "best way" to teach something, and that we will eventually converge on that best way.

    If you are as confused as I am about “context-specificity” it’s because you’re not thinking the way an educator does. They have to give the impression that teaching in a government school is about as complex as rocket science. In other words, in order to justify their high salaries, they have to sound profound, thoughtful, and meaningless. They have to deceive each other and think up new and clever ways to pretend that they are actually making sense. Does a homeschooler have to know something about “context specificity” to be able to teach a child anything?

    In the end, public education is nothing more than a system of cash flow that supports millions of teachers, administrators, janitors, food service employers, and thousands of doctors and masters of education in the manner to which they’ve become accustomed. The biggest job of the latter is to train newcomers to plug into the system and to concoct novel theories and ideas for their endless game of education reform. As long as they can convince the legislators and taxpayers that the reforms they offer will improve education, they will be able to keep the game going.
    Akula and (deleted member) like this.
  3. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    This is one of the most laughable posts I have ever seen on this or any other forum! If the educational system is so evil then why do so many hundreds of thousands of young people world wide apply to get into it???

    Go do a survey and ask people how many of them believe society would be better without it?

    You would get laughed at by everybody!
  4. pwillie

    pwillie Active Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    I'm not laughing....more money spent in this nation on education than any other country in the world,and we have less educated people. Why? Because it should be done on a local level with local school boards.No federal government intervention.The unions have put education on a no win level.Discipline is a thought of the past.No discipline? No education.:reading:
  5. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Correction: we have MORE educated people.
  6. Flanders

    Flanders Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Mr_Truth: CORRECTION: The job of education in this country is to institutionalize not impart wisdom. Result: This country has more brainwashed, institutionalized, semi-educated parasites than any country in the world.

    A prison is every institution unmasked.
  7. pwillie

    pwillie Active Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    "Truth" needs to change his handle to "Lord BS" would fit better!LOL! BTW,just because you post it,doesn't make it the truth....
  8. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    :laughing: Hey peewee ~ That pathetic home tells us of your trashy background and the state of your little mind. :laughing:

    Had you gotten an education you may be living in a good home like I do. ;)
  9. pwillie

    pwillie Active Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    "Mr"...Truth! I see that I am a site donor....put your money where your mouth is....:nana:
  10. dadoalex

    dadoalex Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 8, 2012
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    Actually, I think the proper word is "tirade."

    Actually. even more akin to the cartoon snowball rolling downhill with Elmer, or Tom, or the Coyote along for the ride. You can see he's on top of the snowball but you know he's really not in control.

    Really, a metaphor for all "conservatives" if you think about it.
  11. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    HAHAHA!!! I put my money into my alma mater, museums, and historical societies. :p
  12. pwillie

    pwillie Active Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    So,tell me...are you old enough to vote? Have you served in our military?...:fart:
  13. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Since you are changing the topic it proves you are conceding that what I wrote is the truth.

    During the Vietnam war I attempted to enlist (unlike the Republicans on the chicken hawk list) but failed the military physical due to health reasons. But, as most people would say, there is no failure when you try but don't succeed. The real failure is when you don't try at all like these Republican clowns:

    Spencer Abraham
    Elliott Abrams
    Ken Adelman
    Roger Ailes
    Lamar Alexander
    George Felix Allen
    Richard Keith "Dick" Armey
    John Ashcroft
    Harvey Leroy "Lee" Atwater
    Haley Reeves Barbour
    Bob Barr
    Roscoe Bartlett
    Robert Leroy Bartley
    Joseph Linus "Joe" Barton
    Charles Foster "Charlie" Bass
    Gary Lee Bauer
    Glenn Lee Beck
    William Bennett
    Richard B. Berman
    Wolf Isaac Blitzer
    Richard Blumenthal
    Roy Blunt
    John Andrew Boehner
    Clint Bolick
    John Bolton
    Pat Boone
    Neal Boortz
    Max Boot
    James Paul David "Jim" Bunning
    George Walker Bush
    John Ellis "Jeb" Bush
    Carl Cameron
    Kirk Thomas Cameron
    Andrew "Andy" Card
    Gerald Posner Carmen
    Clarence Saxby Chambliss
    John P.H. "Pecker Head" Chandler
    Richard Bruce "Still Dick" Cheney
    Thomas Leo Clancy
    Thomas Allen "Tom" Coburn
    Roy Cohn
    Norman Bertram "Norm" Coleman
    John Cornyn III
    Ann Hart Coulter
    Toby Keith Covel
    Larry "Wide Stance" Craig
    Dinesh D'Souza
    Thomas Dale "Tom," "The Hammer" DeLay
    Steven James Doocy
    Charles Gwynne "Chuck" Douglas III
    John Mathias Engler
    Donald Louis Evans
    Jerry Lamon Falwell
    Don Feder
    Douglas J. Feith
    Jim Finnegan
    Bryan Fischer
    Malcolm Stevenson "Steve" Forbes
    Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama
    Frank Gaffney
    Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich
    Rudolph Wiliam Louis "Rudy" Giuliani
    Alan Gottlieb
    William Franklin "Billy" Graham
    William Franklin Graham
    William Phillip "Phil" Gramm
    Lee Greenwood
    Judd Gregg
    Sean Hannity
    Paul Harvey
    Dennis Hastert
    John Edgar Hoover
    Brit Hume
    Asa Hutchinson
    Young Timothy Hutchinson
    David R. Ignatius
    Laura Anne Ingraham
    Frederick Walter Kagan
    Robert Kagan
    Joyce Kaufman
    Francis Anthony Keating
    Ronald Kessler
    Alan Lee Keyes
    Brian Kilmeade
    Charles De Ganahl Koch
    David Koch
    William "Bill" Kristol
    Jon Llewellyn Kyle
    Wayne LaPierre
    Michael Arthur Ledeen
    Irve Lewis "Scooter" Libby
    Joseph Isidore "Joe" Lieberman
    David Limbaugh
    Rush Hudson Limbaugh III
    William "Bill" Loeb III
    Chester Trent Lott, Sr.
    Frank I. Luntz
    David Martin McIntosh
    Joseph "Joe" McQuaid
    Gerald McRaney
    Michael Medved
    John Luigi Mica
    Don Nickles
    Grover Glenn Norquist
    Theodore Anthony "Ted" Nugent
    William "Bill" O'Reilly
    Patrick Jake "PJ" O'Rourke
    Marvin Olasky
    John M. Olin
    Ted Olson
    Richard Norman Perle
    James Danforth "Dan" Quayle
    Michael Reagan
    Ralph Eugene Reed, Jr.
    Robert James "Kid Rock" Ritchie
    Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson
    Willard Mitt Romney
    Karl Christian Rove
    Marco Antonio Rubio
    Antonin Gregory Scalia
    Charles Joseph "Joe" Scarborough
    Todd Andrew Schnitt
    Melvin Floyd "Mel" Sembler
    Richard Craig Shelby
    Alan Kooi Simpson
    Francis Albert "Frank" Sinatra
    Willard Cleon Skousen
    Robert Anthony "Tony" Snow
    Britney Jean Spears
    Sylvester Gardenzio "Sly" Stallone
    Kenneth Winston Starr
    Michael Stephen Steele
    Benjamin Jeremy "Ben" Stein
    Mark Steyn
    David Alan Stockman
    Roger Stone
    Thomas Gerard "Tom" Tancredo
    James Taranto
    Clarence Thomas
    Fred Thompson
    Meldrim "Mel" Thomson
    Donn Tibbetts
    Clyde Anderson Tolson
    Robert Emmett Tyrrell, Jr.
    Jon Vincent Voight
    Christopher "Chris" Wallace
    John P. Walters
    John "Duke" Wayne
    John Vincent "Vin" Weber
    Michael Alan "Michael Savage" Weiner
    William Floyd "Bill" Weld
    George Frederick Will
    Walter Winchell
    Paul Dundes Wolfowitz
  14. pwillie

    pwillie Active Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    I checked on you,and the "Town" library is your you live in a tent?:nana:
  15. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    If you REALLY want to see less educated people, leave education up to the locals.

    But I'm all in favor of the Fed pulling funds for the rural south if that's what the rural south wants. In some parts of the country, ignorance is PRIZED. I'm also in favor of pulling all federal electrification projects is that's what those boys want.
  16. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Thanx for proving my point.

  17. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    You can show that greater federal involvement in education has lead to increases in the general level of education amongst the populace? Hell, you can't even show that compulsory government education has lead to an increase in the general level of education. Central planning in education has been no more effective at surpassing the market than any other form of central planning.
  18. pwillie

    pwillie Active Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    The only thing Federal education has led to,is how to sign up for welfare!They teach you just enough to spell your name and write down your social security number...Charter Schools are a product of the can't legislate a mind...Truth Man,how long have you belonged to the "Union Welfare"?:nana:
  19. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I guess you never visited the Ozarks back in the 40s and 50s. Or West Virgina. Or Tennessee.
  20. Mrlittlelawyer

    Mrlittlelawyer Member

    Sep 9, 2011
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    I live right near West Virginia and Tennessee. I live in Virginia right in between the places. More fed intervention wouldn't help these schools. Its the principle of what is taught. Logic is thrown out the window. Math and science are glorified. There is to much or to little home work given to the kids. The teachers are not always actually teaching (though there are plenty of good teachers). The culture these kids live in destroys 'em double. The only thing they care about is what guy they are dating. What girl they have. How many video games.What the gossip is. The parents are failing as well as the kids. Its not a break down of the schools alone. Its the whole system. This system as strong as it is is like a machine being constantly tested under "new" things. Like government education teaching the government can take care of em, feminism (women working away from home not caring for kids), men who aren't acting like men and don't care as much about their children, homosexuality, ect. the whole thing is coming down. Lets see what happens when it does shall we?

    P.S. New thing aren't always bad, but they aren't always good.
  21. pwillie

    pwillie Active Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    Being brought up in a rural area doesn't make you dumb.Because your from the south,doesn't make a person from the North smarter....Discipline is the answer,and under the Fed laws,you cannot use discipline.Single parent families are the biggest contributors of poor discipline.......Kind and Gentler nation is not the answer.We need compulsory military service,and drop "soft' drugs as being criminal.Get the prisons cleaned out for hardened criminals.Parole all those kids to the military,and save their lives through discipline! Structured life for young people is the only way to save our nation.:handshake:
    Akula and (deleted member) like this.
  22. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    In my opinion, we could be solving many of our modern social dilemmas, merely by solving official poverty in our republic.
  23. pwillie

    pwillie Active Member Past Donor

    May 22, 2010
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    From the beginning of time,we have had will never end through government intervention....Some choose to rise above it and some choose to keep the life style,you can't legislate peoples minds....
  24. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    We have had poverty and being poor; only one can be solved for through public sector intervention in private sector markets.

    Why pay for an over thirty year War on Poverty instead of simply solving it in a market friendly manner via unemployment compensation?
  25. septimine

    septimine New Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    I think the worst thing we could do is continue with our day-care centers. I can hardly call them schools. Compared to what 8th graders were expected to know in the 1880's, our kids are downright retarded

    how much of this test could YOU pass?

    Now here's an easier test:

    The first test, which most people, even college graduates would fail, is a test given to 8th graders in 1880. The second, much easier test, is an 8th grade test from 1990. Not only are the questions much easier, but our tests today don't even require that the student come up with the answers himself, but rather choose from pre-selected answers given in multiple choice format. In 1880, the same 14 year olds were expected to write essays.

    Still think public schools are better for learning than private schools?
    Akula and (deleted member) like this.

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