Why do Democrat Presidents nominate scores of ugly, butch-looking women?

Discussion in 'Humor & Satire' started by Polar Bear, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. DeskFan

    DeskFan New Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    Ok here is the corrected version.
    Your stance is "that people's worth should not be judged solely based on looks", yet you wear make up. It doesn't matter if your "generally deemed attractive, with or without"; you still use make up. You are influencing people's judgement of you and your appearance by wearing make up. You are contradicting your own beliefs.
  2. Polly Minx

    Polly Minx Active Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Oh for the love of...

    Look, you either put up or shut up, you cowardly hypocrite!

    You've got a lot of (*)(*)(*)(*)ing nerve! You attack me personally for my appearance, yet refuse to post your own! Awww, what's the matter Mr. Manly Man? Can't measure up to your own standards? Don't wanna be judged the same way you judge others?

    You hurt my feelings for no reason. I never did anything to you. You owe me either a picture or an apology, take your pick! :boo::frustrated:
  3. DeskFan

    DeskFan New Member

    Mar 29, 2012
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    Wearing make up is a superficial socially accepted thing to do for women. Women throughout history and throughout different cultures were viewed as being inferior to men and were thought to only have sex and child rearing as their only meritable traits. Due to that women did all sorts of things to look "pretty." I find the concept of makeup to be pitiful, whimsical, and superficial. I respect women who don't use make up more then women who do.

    I am not the type of person that breaches my own privacy by putting up pictures of myself online.

    As for this thread, you dont think people should make funny of each other people?, If that is the case you must not have a sense of humor.
    Polly Minx and (deleted member) like this.
  4. Polly Minx

    Polly Minx Active Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    I appreciated this. Thank you. :)

    As to my thoughts on the matter, of course you're correct here. Nevertheless, let's consider a couple things:

    -Do you wear clothes? Yes? Okay then I guess being superficial is okay with you too on some level.

    -Like you said, the demand for cosmetics comes from guys in the first place. And then you turn around and complain that women are "vain" and "superficial" if they take advantage of such things. If guys don't want women to take advantage of cosmetics, then they should stop rewarding and valuing them more for doing so. You don't get to be on both sides of the issue at once. (In other words, if more guys were like you, then fewer women would use make-up and so forth. But they're not.)

    Admittedly, I can be a sensitive person in both the positive (compassionate) and the negative (touchy) senses. My own sense of humor is mostly pretty cheesy and harmless, I confess. (Though I enjoy laughing at stupidity as much as the next person.) I don't like discriminatory jokes. Studies show that joking about something is the easiest way to legitimize it in people's minds. i.e. Telling discriminatory jokes is the most effective means of legitimizing discrimination. I'm sensitive to that in both the positive and negative ways. I don't like being called a "butch" or a "dumb blonde" or whatever.
  5. Glücksritter

    Glücksritter Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    As we see in the case of Janet Reno, this is an illegitimate generalization. At the opposite when it comes to her qualities, her ugliness is the least of her problems.

    You wanted to cite us the major differences ...

    Maybe you can explain this

    as well??

    PS: By the way, don't be too proud of your stated attractiveness, the blonde woman behin you looks hot, but you appear a little bit pale to me, the blue-pink contrast is reduced by that. Too many wash cycles? Try to use laundry detergents for colours ...
  6. Black Monarch

    Black Monarch New Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    I've been told that I'm cute...

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  7. Black Monarch

    Black Monarch New Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    They don't. Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin are pretty sharp tacks, as crazy as they might be sometimes.

    Wow. It looks like someone mistook the humor and satire section for serious business.

    Maybe on Internets, but never in mainstream media. Watch moar Faux News.

    i.e., "these groups were discriminated against in the past, so now we're going to discriminate against everyone else in revenge"

    And that's anti-discrimination?

    No, because conservatives don't give a crap if someone is a minority or not. I only care about the drop-off in the rate of acceptance for qualified applicants.

    But not your spelling, I'll bet :)

    So you wear makeup because you're a sex worker?

    Not only that, but most women look better without obvious makeup.

    Men wear clothing for physical and thermal protection, not for how it makes us look. This is proven by our consistently poor fashion sense.

    No, the demand comes almost exclusively from women. The majority of us prefer Tyra Banks when her forehead isn't blue.
  8. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I think too many people jump to this conclusion without fully understanding biology. Makeup is a lot more rooted in our animal nature that most of us realize. Throughout the animal kingdom, any member of a species that stands out from the rest will be seen as having higher mating value. Courting attention through appearance is actually a survival and replication mechanism. The interesting part is that in most other species, it is the male that is the colorful one and the female that is the bland one. Look at the peacock with his bright and colofful tail compared to the bland and boring peahen. Look at the lion, the king of the jungle, with his glorious mane compared to the rather dull and plain looking lioness. But in humans, it's the other way around. It is the female that is bright and colorful and the male that is rather dull in appearance. But the function of the appearance is still the same; to attract attention. The more attention attracted, the better mate selection. The higher quality mate you attract, the better quality offspring you stand to produce.

    It's less "shallow" than people think. Most of it is instinctual. That's why it has been repeatedly documented in various incarnations all over the globe all throughout history. The only thing that changes is the style. Different cultures value different aesthetic elements. But the need to engage in them is a biological drive for survival and reproduction.
  9. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Do us all a favor and put a picture of your idol for president the commie Jill Stein up here for all to see. Talk about a bow-wow.

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