Republicans outraged Obama usurped their 'Daddy party' throne

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Cigar, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. Cigar

    Cigar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 27, 2011
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    There's some that Talk the Talk, and those who Walk the Walk ...

    When it comes to his over seas policies ... he's gotten results.

    The natural Conservative response ... will be Deny!

  2. BTeamBomber

    BTeamBomber Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Let's be honest, its' not just national security and defense that the left has taken the "reputation advantage" with.

    The right has lost all advantages on the economy (it was their policies that put us where we are today).
    The right has lost its moral imperative (white males can no longer move entire elections while the right catered exclusively to them).
    The right has lost its religious base (most evangelical churches are dying, Christians are rare amongst younger generations and most church growth happens in moderate congregations)
    The right has lost its positions on deregulation and unfettered private industry (the majority of Americans polled now prefer more regulations for private industry after the right wing stances caused exactly what we knew they would, corruption, greed and theft)
    The right has lost its position as being "oil friendly" (for the first time in decades the US is exporting MORE refined oil than it's importing, couple that with new and renewable energy progress thats happened and the "drill baby drill" mantra is a laughable position to use at best).
    The right has lost it's ability to related to the common man (this goes without saying as right now their only support is with extremists coupled with those that will always vote for the "other" party using the lesser of two evils stance, meaning they'll vote against the GOP the first chance they get)
    The right has lost it's position as the party that you can trust when in control of Congress. Despite conning America into voting for them in 2010, Congress has spent the last year and a half at the lowest approval rating pretty much in the history of our nation, even while Obama's approval rating has improved. This current Congress has done less to help Americans and even proposed less to help Americans than any in history, and they remain useless and worthless as leaders of their respective district. Hey, at least they campaign well.

    I'm really not certain why anyone that isn't completely deluded and stupid would even consider voting for the GOP in 2012. I get that they can be fooled into thinking that "this time it'll be different if I vote for my guy". But not one of you can look anyone straight in the face and vote GOP based on the past 15 years worth of their performance, especially the last 5 years. If they continue to be this bad, the younger generations will completely marginalize this party and it will be extinct in 20 years. At least one can hope.
    toddwv and (deleted member) like this.
  3. Cigar

    Cigar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 27, 2011
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    They have made themselves the Laughing stock of Politics; all you need to do is replay their own words.
  4. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Iraq belong to the brave soldiers who valiantly fought there despite
    Obama's snarky claims as a Senator about Iraqi Freedom.
    Iraq belongs to those valiant soldiers and Bush/Cheney NOT Obama.

    Obama did make matter worse in Afghanistan.Upped the casualty count
    far above when Bush was President.
    Haven't heard a word about that Casualty Count ever since Obama took office.
    Now why is that.
    No More Anti-War Rallies either.Where's Cindy Sheehan.
    Now why is that.
    Iran is a literal ticking time bomb as is N.Korea under Obama.
    Syria is ready to fall.Egypt has Muslim Brotherhood in their Parliament
    and we were told that would never happen.
    Obama has Muslim Brotherhood over to Our White House.
    Now why is that.
    Where is ANY Proof that Bin Laden was Alive let alone dead.Gotta have proof pal.
    technically not a homicide w/o a body.
    Afghanistan is a huge mess and getting worse,not better with Obama's
    redirecting a War General { Petraeus } as Director of CIA and
    Leon Panetta as Defense Secretary. As CIA Director it was Panetta who
    weakned it as did Clinton when he was President.
  5. TaraAnne

    TaraAnne Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    Here is the basics of what the right has left to spew for thier election

    1. Obama is a muslim
    2. Obama was not born in this country
    3. Obama did not release his college records.
    4. Obama is a celebrity
    5. Obama is a communist
    6. Obama is a marxist

    That is all they have left, I find the Republican party is like a monkey (*)(*)(*)(*) fight at the zoo. No one in charge and everyone slinging stuff around until it sticks.
  6. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    The President has been a great Commander in Chief and Chief Diplomat. Foreign policy is the one area where he has excelled with flying colors. Still, the President could have done much better.

    For example, he should have at the least abided by the War Powers Resolution when entering Libya. The President would have been the first Executive to have actually followed the law. To go one step further, the President should have urged Congress to declare war on Libya or grant letters of marque or reprisal to the United States NATO Brigade rather than ignore Constitutional law.

    In regards to Egypt, the President should be pushing hard against the Egyptian government. The Muslim Brotherhood, while clearly a majority representative in Egyptian society, may have ties to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. A secular government indicative of the secular and liberal protesters that began the movement in Egypt should have been endorsed. Furthermore, Egypt's President could very well be a former Mubarak Regime official. If that occurs, the protest movement for Egypt's citizens could have been all for nothing.

    The President's handling of the Iraq War is about as close-minded as Bush's handling. One must understand the complex domestic political, economic, and ethno-religious relations of Iraq to truly make a difference. If I was President, I would be advocating for the immediate resignation of Maliki Government officials, and the establishment of a confederate government divided along ethno-religious and economic lines (mainly oil claims), with a weak central authority. First, the current government is not representative of the majority Sunni population. Second, the Maliki government has been hostile to American allies, namely Turkey, who has actually addressed the first point I made. Third, the current government serves as an Iranian satellite. In the most recent Arab League meeting, the new Iraq representative espoused the same talking point Iran has been forwarding in regards to Syria, that there should be no interference whatsoever.

    Afghanistan must be handled in a similar manner to Iraq. The main problem is the Karzai government is seen as a western tool. The Taliban nor any other terrorist group takes his government seriously. In addition, the Taliban and other terrorist groups are obviously conservative ideologically speaking. The United States should understand this basic fact and propose for the creation of a highly decentralized confederation with the Karzai government as a representative among a weak central authority. Negotiations with terrorist groups could be conducted by a neutral party, preferably Qatar. Terrorist groups are not bodies you want to treat as second class citizens. By giving them some respect, they will be more open to reconciliation with Afghan civilian interests, Karzai government interests, and foreign interests.

    The Al-Awlaki killing should be considered a highly questionable move by the Obama administration. While the man was a terrorist, he was also an American citizen. If there was a plan to arrest him and provide a fair trail for him with less collateral damage than a drone attack, we should have taken the opportunity.

    By the way, there are some claims that Osama Bin Laden was killed in December 2001. I do not necessarily buy into it, but it is out there, and it was reported by the mainstream media.
  7. BGHS

    BGHS Newly Registered

    Apr 30, 2012
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    I don't understand why we still discuss in terms of political parties. We should be discussing from Points of view. My point of view is that anything coercive, should not be. Plain and simple.

    Is government rule coercive? Yes, then it should not be.

    However, I understand that government rule is here. So any party or individual looking to change the government towards a less coercive power is what I would choose.
  8. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    So where again is the Greatness.Because of some Faked Bin Laden mission all
    else pales in comparison.That happens to be the reason behoind the Faked Bin
    Laden Killing.To do just that.Prove what a Success and Commander Obama is.
    Things in the Middle East are unravelling as Iran is now truly desperate and
    Israel { our lone ally of note } has never been more vulnerable.
    Russia is getting more cocky and bolder as is China.
    N.Korea is likewise.
    Bush's strategy to make sure our Enemies FEAR us not LIKE us was the proper recipe.
    Those in foreign countries,truly understand that { Face or showing Face } meaning
    to not cower down and be Defeatest.
    Democrats and the left have no ability to understand or connect past historic dots
    regarding how a Superpower should act and carry itself.
    In this Obama is their Ringmaster.He has a 3 ring circus for Diplomacy.
    And a huge peanut gallery.
  9. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Causing fear throughout the world is what got the United States into the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, has led to curbing of our civil liberties, and has actually made us the most hated nation in the world. President Bush started the tactic of fear-mongering, President Obama has more or less continued it, with more success, but also great consequences. The research I have done on the bin Laden killing claims that the former leader of al-Qaeda was dead by December 2001. Those claims were never proven, only reiterated for political gain. If they were true, former Bush officials would have come out and admitted that they were such.

    In addition, there is conflicting claims on such matters. In 2007, Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto was interviewed stating that Omar Sheikh killed bin Laden. In 2002, Oliver North stated that he was dead, yet a year earlier, in 2001, it was claimed that bin Laden was dying of Kidney failure. These are completely contradictory claims.
  10. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    on foreign policy, he is way better than bush. Got bin laden. Went to Afghanistan where the terrorists were training, Pakistan actually. Stopped the war in Iraq, which should've never happened. You support bush on Iraq but it was the wrong war for terrorism. Right if you want access to ME oil and revenge for daddy.
  11. KidCharlieMange

    KidCharlieMange Banned

    Apr 30, 2012
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    It's the economy.
  12. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Edit: They are not contradictory claims, yet together invalidate the legitimacy that bin Laden died in December 2001.
  13. CoolWalker

    CoolWalker New Member

    Jun 9, 2010
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    Bows to foreign leaders, has the audacity to let his wife touch the Queen of England, has Americans killed because he "suspects" them of being terrorists (without any trial by jury)...yeah, he's the man alright. You can't embarrass the already embarrassed.
  14. Blackrook

    Blackrook Banned

    May 8, 2009
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    Obama has kept the Bush military and anti-terrorism policies in place, the same policies the left criticized during the entire eight years Bush was President. Now you hypocritically praise Obama for doing the same as Bush?
  15. TaraAnne

    TaraAnne Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    Explain what policies he ended torture, He hasnt sent a massive amounts of troops into the country to find WMD that dont exist. So what policies has he kept. I think if you are going to make staements like that you need to show proof.
  16. TaraAnne

    TaraAnne Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    Atleast he doesnt kiss them and hold their hands like republican presidents! However we all know Republicans have trouble with their sexuality anyway.
  17. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    lol, know you want to see a death certificate for Bin Laden.... he is dead, have you heard from him sense his death?
  18. REDRUM

    REDRUM New Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Justify that The War Powers Act is unconstitutional except when a Democrat is President. Aside the fact that President Obama didn't bring peace to the world, his foreign policy embraces calamity, government interventionism and imperialism by the authorization of drone air missile strikes in Somalia, Pakistan, Libya and Yemen which are violations of The American Constitution and International Law. The Afghanistan conflict, "a war of necessity" President Obama once defined continues to persist despite the fact that protests in the U.S. are minimal and support for the Afghanistan war continues to subside. President Obama authorized the extra judicial murder of a U.S. citizen which is also a violation of International Law and a clear violation of The U.S. Constitution. President Obama acquires no ingenuity or leadership set with which to dictate, no knowledge base with which to govern, and no ideological base that is consistent with a Republic and capitalism. The inclination of promoting peace while at the same time funding and supporting U.S. imperialism and government interventionism in foreign countries, that logic is fundamentally erroneous.
  19. BTeamBomber

    BTeamBomber Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2008
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    Exactly, even Al Queda confirmed he was dead this time. They never said a word last time, well, scratch that, Bin Laden would come on and say words. He gave time stamp evidence numerous times to current events and what not. This time? Pakistan, Al Queda and everyone else says he's dead. Guess what, sometimes the things you hear on TV are actually the truth. Like when the majority of media outlets bash your ideology and the crappy leaders you try to put in charge ideologies.
  20. Blackrook

    Blackrook Banned

    May 8, 2009
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    Obama attacked Libya and didn't even bother to get approval from Congress, in violation of the Constitution and the War Powers Act. He should be impeached.
  21. Montoya

    Montoya Banned

    Jan 5, 2011
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    He didn't need approval.
  22. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    How so? Every President since the enactment of the War Powers Act has needed Congressional approval within 60 days of a conflict. Congress simply is a poor enforcer, and Presidents never try to be the bigger person. In addition, as per the War Powers Clause of the Constitution, Congress must declare war, grant letters of marque or reprisal, or institute rules governing captures on land and water. Presidential powers in regards to war are purely backed by custom and precedent, but not by Constitutional law or general statutory law.
  23. TaraAnne

    TaraAnne Banned

    Mar 20, 2012
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    The administration did not need aproval simple because they were inforcing a no fly zone and making sure Lybia was not attacking it citizens through the UN. Please learn you Constitution and quit reading right wing blogs.
  24. thediplomat2.0

    thediplomat2.0 Banned

    Jul 13, 2011
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    The War Powers Act states that in any case where the President sends United States military personnel or equipment, he must get approval from Congress to continue the conflict within 60 days, and must notify Congress of his actions within 48 hours. The President did neither. In addition, the only Constitutional means of engaging in a conflict as per the War Powers Clause are through a Congressional declaration of war, or the issuing of letters of marque or reprisal.
  25. kk8

    kk8 New Member Past Donor

    May 21, 2009
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    Looks like the libs are having as much fun patting Obama on the back, as Obama is himself. Keep talking, your fear is showing. Say bye bye now, you're done come November.

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