Gay and Lesbian rights ,well Ok define what they are ?

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by philxx, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    why do Gay and lesbian Rights ,whatever they are get listed under civil rights,martin luther king and Malcolm X ,never campaigned for gay Marriage ,or did they ??

    Homosexual rights are civil rights because it involves issues concerning discrimination and persecution ,but i am sorry I am yet to see a happy person or one from the Greek Is of lesbos ,being discriminated against ever ,except by the LGBTIQ of course ,they attack and discriminate against hetrosexuals and Bisexuals all the time .

    And why does the PF ,allow the words 'Gay and lesbian "without censor ?

    Which runs contrary to PF ,guidelines and rules No1 as to what is acceptable.:crazy:
  2. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    Why would PF censor the word for being happy or being from the island of lesbos?

    And what do you hope to gain starting yet another thread where you pretend like you don't understand what people mean when they say "gay" and Lesbian" and argue about their semantics ? Wouldn't this be considered spamming and against the rules of PF as well?

    I'm sorry, your fixation on semantics isn't that that compelling. Your tactics and.... enthusiasm on the topic are, at best, distracting.
  3. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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  4. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    what the heck!!!!

    what is the I and Q?

    my decoder ring doesn't have that.

    L= lesbian
    G= Gay (redundant but i guess it's for men)
    B= BiSexual
    T- cross dresser

    what is I and Q?
  5. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    You win 1 troll card!

  6. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    Don't act like you don't know what google is ;-P
  7. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    OK wise guys, when did "intersex" and "questioning" join the party?

    I'm dead serioius because this is getting ridiculous all these labels for how one has sex.
  8. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    "Intersex" and "questioning" are just minor variations to what LGBT represents, so they don't actually represent a different way for "how one has sex". They represent the same concepts.

    And they didn't "join the party" per say. The gay community did not come together and negotiate with those who might call themselves as "interesex" and "questioning" and decided to add the label. Various forms of "LGBT" gain and lose popularity based on use and acceptance of the term, so you're not going to find some definitive moment that "I" or "Q" joined the party. One might think the long label is getting a little ridiculous, but this hardly seems like a serious objection.. "OMG your name is too long" is a criticism of the name, not the concept. But in answer to this objection, some are pushing for GSM (Gender & sexuality minority) as a simpler label.
  9. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    GSM can't work because it's already used in the telecom sector.

    Also, it's not a gender minority because men and women are all that we have and being gay is not a 3rd, 4th or 5th gender

    I guess I fall under the category of "good lord man, that name is too long and makes it disruptive to your cause"
  10. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    Context clues usually aid in clarifying one of the many examples of acronyms with multiple meanings :p
    Some cultures do consider "gays" as the "third gender". When they speak of "gender" they're referring to gender roles, not biological sex.

    That said, I don't think that's what they are refering to in the use of "Gender & Sexuality Minorities". In this case, "Gender Minority" likely refers to transexuals & intersexuals... in other words, those people who have conflict with their gender identity. It's not refering to gays or lesbians who are generally happy with their gender identity, but instead are conflicted in their sexual orientation.

    This may well be the case :p
  11. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    You have to be joking ,excuse me semantics .

    All i have to say to this is ,they started it first insisting that all political questions concerning the Homosexual Community ,like the real Community of homosexuals Humans ,v\s the none human ,as in real living and beathing human beings ,LGBTIAPQ Community of Semantics from Hell.

    they insist that all questions ,goes through the Prism of the most distorted ,unhistorically founded ,and outright ANTI-SCIENTIFIC ,thats SCIENCE ,if you are from the USA you are somewhat confused on what SCIENCE is I know the God nutter Creationists rule your political sytem ,ok ,I get that so any twadle of confusion is expected,but be clear if you defend the LGBTIQAPC you are defending ANTI-SCIENCE .

    the question of the actual methods of thinking and use of words with no meaning in relation to Political SCIENCE ,hey this is a POLITICAL SITE isn't it?

    lets be clear ,The LGBTIQAPC ,has nothing to do0 with Politics they are UNDEMOCRATIC ,eg DO THEY HAVE ANY ELECTIONS ?

    They are not representative of ANY real Living breathing Humans Homosexual or otherwise .

    they speak for ABSOLUTLY no -one .But the 200 odd sociologists a couple of hundred United Nations bureaucrats and a few "middle class left Radicals' and that is the LGBTIQAPC in total.

    The homosexual community BTW ,is Multi Millioned .See 2 totally separate distinct COMMUNITIES ,hey even the words are different .

    Have a look ,the GAY and Lesbian Community of confusion and Reactionary political perspective defending the Religious Institution of Marriage v\s the Homosexual Proud to be different yet not different at all community .

    Clear now ,so why do those that defend the LGBTIQAPC Goobly Goog ,against the homosexual community ,and no they are not the same things BTW!

    See i defend the Homosexual community ,not the LGBTIQAPC Fraud!
  12. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    do you know how silly ,LGBTIQAPC looks ,and as far as "Q",that did it for me ,because your definition of 'Q' is incorrect ,as the LGBTIQAP Community [whoever they actually are]says 'Q' is in Fact Questioning and or Queer!

    I am sorry while there is breath i my body this middle class liberal confusion ,political pollution I call it ,must be cleaned up and shut up.what the hell its doing in the Civil rights section is beyond me ,it sould be put in Humour \Comedy as tradgedy section.

    civil rights are democratic rights ,gay and lesbian,Bisexual,Transexual,intersexual,Queer\Questioning ,Asexual,Pansexual Community rights ,please are people that stupid!

    And note ,it can not be considered a sexual orientation and the question of Gender without the INCLUSION of the most suppressed ,HETRO SEXUAL WOMEN RIGHTS. Now can it ignore 40% of all Humans and be something concerning these questions of Sexual politics.I think Not!

    So when the LGBTIQAPCommunity ,recognises the rights of hetrosexual women in relationship to Oppression by Men ,well i may even recognise it as legitimate .except when we start to speak of these questions it can be NOTHING other then HBH,not LGBTIQAPC!

    Off to the Humour section please,this rubbish is now dealt with ,the games up ,good try the HBH alliance of Human sexuality and any Politics about it WINS!
  13. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    do you know how silly ,LGBTIQAPC looks ,and as far as "Q",that did it for me ,because your definition of 'Q' is incorrect ,as the LGBTIQAP Community [whoever they actually are]says 'Q' is in Fact Questioning and or Queer!

    I am sorry while there is breath i my body this middle class liberal confusion ,political pollution I call it ,must be cleaned up and shut up.what the hell its doing in the Civil rights section is beyond me ,it sould be put in Humour \Comedy as tradgedy section.

    civil rights are democratic rights ,gay and lesbian,Bisexual,Transexual,intersexual,Queer\Questioning ,Asexual,Pansexual Community rights ,please are people that stupid!

    And note ,it can not be considered a sexual orientation and the question of Gender without the INCLUSION of the most suppressed ,HETRO SEXUAL WOMEN RIGHTS. Now can it ignore 40% of all Humans and be something concerning these questions of Sexual politics.I think Not!

    So when the LGBTIQAPCommunity ,recognises the rights of hetrosexual women in relationship to Oppression by Men ,well i may even recognise it as legitimate .except when we start to speak of these questions it can be NOTHING other then HBH,not LGBTIQAPC!

    Off to the Humour section please,this rubbish is now dealt with ,the games up ,good try, the HBH alliance of Human sexuality and any Politics about it WINS!

    See go down the Exclusion of any group of human sexuality means you cannot be discussing human sexualtity in any form ,HELLO wake up ,the LGBTIQAPC is a fraud!
  14. PatrickT

    PatrickT Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
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    Philxx: "Homosexual rights are civil rights because it involves issues concerning discrimination and persecution ,but i am sorry I am yet to see a happy person or one from the Greek Is of lesbos ,being discriminated against ever ,except by the LGBTIQ of course ,they attack and discriminate against hetrosexuals and Bisexuals all the time ."

    I see precious few happy married men but that's really irrelevant. I have know some very happy gay men and women. And, the government discriminates against gay couples. If a man and a woman live together, not even married, the government will declare it a common-law marriage and the partners will share in Social Security and Medicare coverage even if only one works. Doesn't work that way for gays, does it?

    The fact that you can't see discrimination says more about you and how you choose to view the world than it does anything or anyone else. For the record, I'm not gay and I'm certainly not a liberal but I do try to be fair and reasonable.
  15. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    There are plenty of civil rights issues that didn't involve either MLK or Malcolm. Women's suffrage is one example; marriage equality is another.​
  16. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Yes indeed i stand corrected ,but could for the sake of Political Science the term and definitions of Human sexuality in General.

    Be the Scientific ,Homosexual,bisexual ,Hetrosexual definitions rather then being based on who knows what ??

    Confusion in Politics gets humans killed ,and we wouldn't want that would we ,hey just look at Afghanistan for instance as example.

    And yes you are 100% correct the defence of the meaning of the Lesbos Island Inhabitants and happy humans in general ,Far out weighs the confused and phillistine ignorant "Gay and Lesbian 'as some unknown form of Human whatever!

    Human confusion,thats what the LGBTIQAPC ,represents and NOTHING ELSE!
  17. philxx

    philxx New Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    See the brainwashing of normally thinking humans by the LGBTIQAPC,you start as, Homosexual Rights are civil rights 'correct go to the top of the class.

    Then for some unexplained and TOTALLY UNECESSARY ,reason suddenly hey presto ,"gay" gets a mention ,make up your mind please ,politics does not tolerate your loose ill defined term "GAY"in anyway !

    Whereas,you correctly define the only legitimate political definition ,Homosexual Civil Rights. ie. as in Democratic Rights.

    And out side the Greek citizens of Lesbos Island ,hey look a Political definition ,GREEK NATIONALS.

    And those that have achieved the democratic civil right of HAPPINESS ,the lucky very few!

    The rest of us are still persuing it.

    Sorry and ,oh yes the political validity of "Gay and Lesbian,'or LGBTIQAPC.

    Yes ? And your position is??????????

    BTW,the religious institutions and RITES OF MARRIAGE ,are not democratic in their function nor their histories .

    yes,didn't they tell you ,AGAIN,MARRIAGE BETWEEN HUMANS is SLAVERY not a democratic Right!

    Thats Gay ,lesbian ,Homosexual,Bisexual or hetrosexual MARRIAGE!

    Oh and BTW,in Australia the Social welfare\Security system pays Married couples 30% less benefit ,for the trouble ,thats on all forms of benefit.Personally i think that is discrimatory ,why does the government think that a single human unmarried should get more then those that are .If assessed as individuals?

    No my position is that Married or not benefits should be based on what the INDIVIDUAL ,irrespective of Religious based customs.

    To keep it simple for those unfamiliar with Social security systems ,if you are a old age pensioner ,single in Australia ,you recieve approx ,$400-450 a week.

    Whereas if married for 2 humans you get only $250-280 if assessed as individual life long tax payers.
  18. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    Drinking and driving causes ugly accidents. Drinking and posting... not so pretty either.​
  19. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    I was joking, I wish you were.
    "Semantics from Hell".... lol. Is that kinda like a "Demonic Light Bulb" or a "Cotten ball of Doom"?
  20. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    They aren't labels for how one has sex. That's plainly your personal bias speaking.

    Here, educate yourself already:

    What is Intersex?
  21. Perriquine

    Perriquine On hiatus Past Donor

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Different groups use the same acronyms all the time. Your claim is asinine.

    While the 'G' in GSM does stand for gender, it's a catchall that covers people who were born with physical attributes that don't fit neatly into the binary concept of male and female (intersex); it also covers people who identify as a gender different from their birth sex; and it covers people whose expression of gender doesn't conform to societal norms (effeminate men, masculine women). It even covers people who don't subscribe to the binary concept of gender, period.

    Now, you may have issues with some or all of those descriptions, but guess what - you don't have the power to dictate to other people how they should perceive themselves and how they describe those perceptions.

    The 'S' in GSM stands primarily for sexual orientation - a concept you've made clear ad nauseum that you don't believe in. We seriously don't need to hear it again.

    I can think of a much shorter label for the category you fall under.
  22. JeffLV

    JeffLV Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 18, 2008
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    I think he might understand this one... His objection to sexual orientation identity largely stems from the fact that he considered it irrelevant.

    "There's no need to call myself a homo/heterosexual man... I'm just a man"

    A respectable position he has, as I tried to sum it up. Given how he does not wish to be identified by his sexuality, perhaps he might understand why some do not wish to be identified by gender roles & biological sex, for those who consider it equally as irrelevant and oppressive or representing a false dichotomy of sex & gender.
  23. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    you really are militant in your views aren't you? Just because I don't view you as a gay male then I'm the enemy. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the term dillutive with respect to messaging. When you add letters to the label of the "movement" do you do that to target the audience it serves or to try and "educate" the rest of the population. If the former, then add all the alphabet soup you want. If the latter, and I suspect that is the intent, then you are dilluting your message because you are confusing the general public who honestly, don't give a 2nd thought every day about is she gay, is he straight. It never really enters our minds and to target that audience, you need less confusion, not more. I asked a very innocent question about what is the I and Q which have been added to the label and look at the responses. Were they helpful or confrontational? It's not my "job" to keep up to speed with the new label. If you want to use a new label then educate educate educate and spread the word.

    But, good luck to you and based upon your comments I'd gather you are not responsible for marcomm, advertising, target marketing or any other responsibility where you must understand and anticipate human nature.
  24. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    correct, and the sooner that more people take that viewpoint the sooner we can discard every single bloody label we allow govt to place upon us and we can get on with our lives being men, women and children. That is how laws were meant to be.............blind. If you know people who don't like you because of what you do sexually then they are just ignorant people and no legislation can stop their idiocy. If they won't go to a Dr because he is gay; fine, get out of my way so he can see me sooner and go enjoy your pain you fool.
  25. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Good points. Though I'm certain that discarding various 'labels' will take society longer to do than one mere lifetime. I wouldn't be to anxious about that happening.

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