Media: Ron Paul delegate strategy is perfectly legitimate

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by camp_steveo, May 4, 2012.

  1. Roelath

    Roelath Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
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    They are in a sense but, they're compromising due in large part based upon what the Media tells them to do. Is there a reinforcement of it being "Obama vs. Romney" almost every turn throughout the campaign progress? Of course. How about Ron Paul? Quite little. You take in the previous flops that preceded Gingrich dropping out you witness a dramatization of the Political process and it's purely always between two people within a party. It's a giant show... Romney has only been so successful due in large part because the media itself has been attached to him since the 08 Elections and because he is a sold out Politician (Same donors as Obama). You don't witness non stop coverage of the Ron Paul campaign with it's thousands showing up for rallies but, you'll hear about some petty remark between Obama & Romney because that's what the American people are being forced into. "Voting for the lesser of Two Evils" is an approach by the Government and the Controlled Media to push their own agenda then proceed to create division within the American people creating petty squabbles that don't matter... So yes people who are not brainwashed, uninformed, Authoritarians and Romney/Obama Collectivists will be voting for Ron Paul. Judging by how the American people have acted thus far in the past few decades I doubt we'll see any change in the direction as to how Government runs or does things.

    You call it Deception because you're too foolish and so many others are just as foolish as not to do it as well. He wins his battles by being smart not by following with whatever everyone else wishes for him to follow... Wars aren't won when the odds are against you by "Playing Fair". These "Rules" that suggest a person cannot do as he does are purely reaction like I mentioned to the inability and foolishness of others who did not do the same.

    The British probably made similar remarks when the American Revolutionaries didn't fight fair either.

    Clearly your best is to call his supporters "Pot heads"... Do you lack the ability to create something beyond ad hominems?
  2. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    whiners, .........seize the day !
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  3. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    No. Explain why it's evil. I'm a reasonable person and will respond to reason. So far, I have not seen any reason from you.

    Also, I'm not "doing" anything. I'm not a Ron Paul delegate, or part of his campaign, or in any way an affiliate. I'm avid observer. As an elected committee member of another party, the bylaws of my party and the bylaws of the Republican Party (including the bylaws of the state that I"m in ) do not allow me to participate in the delegate process or the RNC convention.

    Socialism is evil because it denies a fundamental part of human nature, which is economic calculation, and it makes the individual a slave of the collective. So, explain to me why using parliamentary procedures to increase the power of one's faction is "evil." I'll restate again that is the *very purpose* of parliamentary procedure to give a minority faction a voice and a level of power and not be smothered by a majority. I assert that Ron Paul's delegate strategy is one of the reasons that parliamentary procedure exists and has evolved since ancient Rome.
    Roelath and (deleted member) like this.
  4. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    You mean like Lincoln, who went up against the clear favorite and used a delegate strategy and high handed tactics to win over the convention? I agree that he was evil, but that's not why.

    What you don't get is that this is not some "weird" technicality. It's part and parcel of the political process.

    Primaries favor the most extreme candidates because only the voters on the far edges of the wing come out in force during a primary. The reason we have a Republic, and the reason that we use parliamentary procedure to operate our political parties is to counteract the dangers of direct democracy and majority rule.

    That is a ridiculous strawman about person who has written a dozen books on the principles that he follows to fashion his views. But here you contradict yourself. First, you complain that he's following the rules to the letter, which isn't fair to his opponents who have not the knowledge to counteract it, and then you complain that he doesn't want to follow the rules.

    How about making up your mind?
  5. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    It must be a majority vote. It's not like a general election where the winner can receive less than 50% of the popular vote and still win. In a nominating election, balloting continues until a winner emerges with over 50% of the total votes.
  6. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    They just needed a genius like Ben Bernanke to manage the debasement of their currency. Then they would have remained an empire forever.
  7. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    toynbee (one of the most respected historians) said the roman system was doomed from the start because they weren't oriented towards production

    Arnold J. Toynbee and James Burke argue that the Roman Empire itself was a rotten system from its inception, and that the entire Imperial era was one of steady decay of institutions founded in Republican times. In their view, the Empire could never have lasted longer than it did without radical reforms that no Emperor could implement. The Romans had no budgetary system and thus wasted whatever resources they had available. The economy of the Empire was a Raubwirtschaft or plunder economy based on looting existing resources rather than producing anything new.

    and if you've ever visited rome, florence, venice, torino, barolo and etc

    you'd probably realize that rome is still an empire of culture and beauty
  8. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    It's hard to orient your nation to production when you are forcing people into tax slavery and debasing the currency to the point of worthlessness.

    Gibbons argued it was moral decay. Why should I believe Toynbee over Gibbons? Either way, it seems like an appeal to authority to me.

    Just as the Federal Reserve today is used to plunder from the producers and redistribute to the political class and their hangers on.

    I guess Helicopter Ben's ancient ancestor, Commodus Bernanke,was right, then, to kick off the process.
  9. Objectivism

    Objectivism New Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    i'm sure they or some other country would find a way, if we're weak enough we could be invaded by anyone. we're weak enough to be invaded by mexico, might as well be zimbabwe next. maybe they'll borrow the weapons we gave to al qaeda...they seem to be effective at killing americans
  10. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    the usa produces more than any other country, approximately a fifth of global gdp

    i don't believe either one of them

    show me how that happens

    you realize that in reality, nothing you're writing makes sense, right?
  11. Objectivism

    Objectivism New Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    my assumptions that are based on hypothetical circumstances are drawn from the current trend of a failing country...what i've said makes perfect sense.

    if you keep maxing out credit cards and not paying them back, what happens? your credit goes down, and if you happen to be a country, the value of your currency goes down in an effort to pay it back, which isn't even making progress either. it's actually a fair assumption to say that the problem will continue to get worse, until it reaches a point of no return, and bankruptcy...but this bankruptcy won't be getting bailed out.

    do you have some knowledge of a recovery from the debt crisis that i haven't heard of? because if you do, please share, so you can back up your claim that my assumptions have no merit.
  12. squidward

    squidward Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2009
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    yes, they could have created enduring wealth for all, out of debt notes.
    They could have increased the price of necessities to unbearable levels, in the face of stubbornly high unemployment, generational low employment level, declining wages, growing involuntary part time work force, major asset deflation for the average citizen, and huge bonuses for the bankers that make it all happen. Onward and upward to untold glory.
  13. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    You guys put way too much weight on the media. Do you think the American public in general is glued not only in front of a TV, but a 24 hour news channel, absorbing image after image of Romney? You don't, I know this, but you also have no real idea how each American is absorbing media, or the effects of other channels of information like the internet and word of mouth. Ron Paul is not a great unknown like you all have forced yourself to assume he is. I kept tabs on him throughout the bulk of the campaign without even going out of my way to do so. It's like you're trying to tell me that New Coke didn't catch on because people didn't know about it. You're going to have to really sit down and accept the fact that people aren't voting for Ron Paul because they don't agree with his vision or his experience combined. That's exactly why I'm not voting for him. If Ron Paul had a record to show for his years in government, that would be one thing. If he had a portfolio of accomplishments that could temper his vision, that would be one thing. He has nothing but a record of voting against just about everything, introducing next to no ideas of his own, and wanting to take the country back two centuries. I really cannot fathom what is so attractive about that, but hey, to each their own.

    Except this isn't a war. War is war. This is a political race to hold the highest office in our country, and I don't want the person occupying that office to have gotten there by deception and sneakery. There are no rules saying Ron Paul can't do it, no official rules, but there are social expectations, and people don't like being deceived, which is EXACTLY what is happening here regardless of whether it's legal or not.

    It does not surprise me that you'd bring up the British colonies, because that's the era of antiquated thought Paul is bringing to the table.

    No I do not, however, I do not spend every waking moment of my life being 100% serious about everything. Sometimes I just like to make myself laugh, while incorporating the truth into the joke, as I did there.
  14. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    it doesn't make sense in the light of history, the current difficulties facing this country are nothing new and past troubles are what made us great

    obstacles bring people forth that can solve problems and no, ron paul isn't one of those people, he's the opposite of that
  15. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    The bolded part of your quote is precisely what JFK knew would happen when he initiated the space race. It doesn't matter that his goals were more militaristic than scientific, he knew that a nation inspired by a somewhat common and extraordinary goal would rise to meet that challenge, and it did. I think we need more scientific goals, more pinnacles to reach. We don't have anything like that, we're almost stagnating right now. Popular culture reflects that.
  16. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    that sounds good

    that may be true, although i have some doubts about it

    i remember the 1980's when it was japan that was supposedly about to overtakes us

    in fifty or a hundred years a clearer view of what's going on will emerge
  17. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    ....and even Romney feels the need to remind everyone that he will, indeed, be the nominee.


    The MSM's (lack of) credibility is put on display here with the opening line LOL. So much for the universal disclaimer that Ron Paul has no chance.


  18. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    All those "bias" media sources...:D
  19. dujac

    dujac Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2011
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    that's because he will be the nominee

    i've already wagered this with several people

    as i recall you were afraid to take the bet, am i right?
  20. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    I won't bet against a corrupt establishment and biased's a stacked deck....but that doesn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying what is playing out.
  21. Junkieturtle

    Junkieturtle Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2012
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    As I will thoroughly enjoy the backlash that will happen if Paul does manage to swindle the nomination away from the popular vote of the people. Can't wait for that moment when people realize he's trying to be the guy that gets the nomination, the guy most of them didn't vote for, ever. Hopefully the shame and embarrassment from that will retire him from politics for good.
  22. Objectivism

    Objectivism New Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    ok, you're right. the obstacles, thank god, have brought forth the savior, mitt romney. do i need to remind you how hitler got into power? when a country is weak and in need of a ruler, they'll take pretty much anyone that makes them feel good temporarily.

    i do agree though, hitler and ron paul are polar opposites
  23. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    Which means there is more wealth for the plunderers to steal. You, perhaps, believe in the altruism of people given the power to rule because they win popularity contests. I just see their avarice.

    The Federal Reserve debases the currency by creating more of it. The money that it counterfeits,and lends to the government, is spent by the government before the effects of the inflation take hold.

    I'm sorry that things don't make sense to you. Well, I'm not really sorry. It's your problem, not mine.
  24. Woogs

    Woogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    With all the funny business that's been going on in this election process, it might not be so clear as to who is being swindled.

    Just an observation........

    Ron Paul has been drawing huge crowds to his rallies...yet he doesn't get the votes in the primaries and caucuses....yet he gets the delegates, which is more work than simple voting.

    There's a huge disconnect there. If the people won't bother to vote for Ron in the caucus or primary, why are they bothering to go through the delegate process? It just doesn't fit.
  25. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    What leads you to believe that primary voting, which generally brings out only a small percentage of the population, is a "popular vote of the people"? You give far too much credit to the attention of the population. Most people don't even know who Ron Paul is. Hell, most people don't even know who Mitt Romney is.

    The huge crowds turning out at his various stops don't seem to be demanding that he resign.

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