Why don't Feminists Condemn Bill Maher the #1 Misogynist?

Discussion in 'Women's Rights' started by Libhater, May 8, 2012.

  1. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    You won't hear a peep from the femanazi gang when it comes to condemning a liberal Misogynist. Where was the femanazi gang when Bill Clinton was putting on a spectacle of rape and sexist encounters with the fairer sex? Bill Maher has got to be the most dispicable Misogynist on earth. But of course we hear nothing from the NAG (National Association of Gals) gang when it comes to holding a liberal accountable for anything. Perhaps the deafness coming from the NOW (National Association of Wiccans) over these matters is to be expected as their membership has never reached more than 250,000 nationwide, and real women (Conservative women) will have nothing to do with their alternative lifestyle agenda. Liberal media so quick to jump all over Rush's correct statements about that ms fluke loser, but they're no where to be found when one of their own Bill Maher slams Conservative women likeSarah and Bristol Palin at will. This is a great example of why no one has any need for or respect for a bunch of one-sided lesbos.
  2. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    It's quite simple, really. Real women don't like Palin or her daughter, either.

    BTW, the way you worded your post suggests that you model a lot of your behavior and attitudes on the pronouncements of a drug-addled, sexually incompetent bigot who has no idea what a real woman is, and cannot in any way relate to them.
  3. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Its real women that adore Sarah and her daughter, and its because the Palins are so independent mined and mainstream with their belief system that scares the crap out of you statist liberals.

    Gee, my behavior and my attitudes about life are modeled after our founding fathers. Care to tell me which one of those founders I resemble?
  4. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    The poster that doesn't want women to vote... that wants a woman's right to vote taken away from her... wants to talk about misogyny.... :disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:
  5. Smartmouthwoman

    Smartmouthwoman Bless your heart Past Donor

    May 13, 2009
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    Funny you'd attack a person with no power for speaking up against a powerful celeb who berates and insults women. Who cares what Libhater thinks? You prove his point by failing to condemn the real culprit, Bill Maher. No surprise here. Nothing worse than a faux feminist. [​IMG]
  6. Cigar

    Cigar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 27, 2011
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  7. raytri

    raytri Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2004
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    "Feminazi." Hur hur hur. How clever.

    If by "Feminazi" you mean "womens groups", you're not only lame, you're wrong:

    “Listen, supposedly progressive men (ok, and women, too): Cut the crap! Stop degrading women with whom you disagree and/or don’t like by using female body terms or other gender-associated slurs,” Lisa Bennett, NOW communications director wrote on NOW’s “Say it Sister” blog.

  8. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    LOL!! The Michelle Obama Basher arrives!!

    Well done, you!

    The real culprit??

    Tell me how much you love successful women, lol. O, only if they're sporting the right shade of lippie and carrying the right handbag!!
  9. thevsj

    thevsj New Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    1st. I could maybe reply more accurately to your point if you could use two similar examples.. instead, you use Rush/Fluke v Maher/Palin. Fluke is not a national figure, she is not a politician,an author or a super-star.. she is a private citizen making an argument before congress, nothing more..

    The Palin's are the opposite of that.They entered into the public arena at their own will. They went on national TV, they went from city to city, they spoke at town halls.. they entered into a life that was fair game for comment. Fluke did not. She did not even go on TV until after Rush called her a slut. The Palins? well, they are all over TV dancing with the stars,trekking around Alaska and so on.

    Fluke=Jane Doe,who never sought public attention and was vilified and called slut because she spoke to congress.. The Palins=The political equivalent of the Kardashians..

    Fluke, iow, walked into the Capitol and talked to her representatives.. something we tell all our citizens to do when they want/need something "Call your congressman"... and she was called slut for it by a radio program on 600 domestic stations, heard by 20-30 million people..

    that doesn't mean the Palin's deserved what was said about them(that's a different argument all together), but it should explain the differences and why one was so 'out of bounds' compared to the other..

    Now, the Maher point. Personally I don't get the argument that he's a misogynist. Sorry I don't see it. He's called the Palin's names, implied they're stupid,vapid.. etc etc. But that's not misogyny.. That's not a prejudice against women,that's not wanting to oppress women.. it's just calling two of the names.. He's not saying all women are stupid c--ts. Just Sarah. He's not making fun of all women's memoirs on how they got pregnant, just Bristols. If anything, he's a D--k for saying that stuff.. but they are still fair-game for the comments.

    Rush went further, saying, "So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you" .. if you want birth control, we want to see your sex tapes.. he addressed it to all women. He went further by implying that all women who wanted their insurance to cover birth control simply wanted to be paid to have sex..

    It's almost a text-book example of a misogynistic male.. "All women, if they want something from me, have to do something sexual" Vs Maher's "The Palins are <insert dirty word>"

    They are two different arguments.. and here's another difference.. Sandra Fluke didn't insert herself into the Palin's lives.. But Bristol sure did insert herself into Sandra's.. Again, bringing comments down upon herself... and then crying about it because the comments weren't what she dictated them to be... when she knew she was going to get hit with insults when she made the "where's my letter Mr. President" comments..Fluke had no idea what was coming her way when she spoke to congress..

    I do wonder if there is a thread any where on this board of you asking why Sarah, who famously wrote about Dave Letterman,

    didn't say anything about Rush's words.. which are the epitome of sexual exploitation.. where as Maher were insults.

    ironically, the Palin's inability to condemn Rush's words are part of the reasons they get insulted in the 1st place...
    Gwendoline and (deleted member) like this.
  10. thevsj

    thevsj New Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    nah, of course you can have a legitimate argument with that kind of language.. I mean, I can't discern what side of the political spectrum you're on at all.. *rollseyes*

    1st, Fluke's a loser? why? because she went to her congressional reps on an issue dear to her? Like, I don't know, what we tell every citizen to do when they feel strongly about something?

    2. only conservatives are 'real women'? tell that to my vagina.. because I'm pretty sure it's real and I'm a women who hunts,shoots guns for fun,goes fishin', believes in the death penalty.. AND the right to choose,equal rights for all regardless of sexual orientation,the public option and.."someone who cares about the welfare of the people &#8212; their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties... " and none of it made my vagina fall off..

    3. one sided lesbo's? you were rejected by a hot chick weren't you?

    finally, see.. two can be insulting..

    my 1st reply to you was a well thought-out,rational,legitimate argument to be debated civilly.. I went ahead and over-looked the bait you laid out in order to give you what I think is a rational response.. I'm highlighting you again to ask you, why the need to be so uncivil and down right rude? Or was that your sole point in your post instead of wanting a real conversation?
  11. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Its noted that you do have a sense of humor.

    Yeah, she made a spectacle of herself in front of congress peddling her wares in hopes that we the taxpayers will help pay for her promiscuous lifestyle. This, at a time when the govt under obama has overspent us into near financial ruin; that we are now to foot the bill for this college slut so she'll be able to buy condoms? You gotta be kiddin.

    I was with you right up to the part where you believe in the death penalty when I was beginning to think you were just joushing me by describing yourself as being another Conservative Sarah Palin. But no, you went on and lost me when you described yourself as pro death when it comes to our babies, your backing of same sex marriages and that public option which is nothing less then straight out socialism. Never expected your vagina to fall off, but if I were you I would be worried that that area of your torso may be in dire need of an oil change an an overall free lubrication of all the rusting parts.

  12. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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  13. maori

    maori New Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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  14. thevsj

    thevsj New Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    I try ;)

    that's not exactly what she was asking for. Hers was to ask that congress mandate insurance coverage for contraceptives. And why not. It covers viagra (yes yes I know it's a medical condition, but there are many many women who use b/c fro endometriosis,acne,polycystic ovary,reduction of menstrual pain and cramps.. etc.. trust me, these things can be a (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) to tote around sometimes) so it is a pretty misogynistic idea on it's face to not want to cover the pill for women, when men get theirs without any hassle..Now, if the Catholics didn't want to cover RU 486, I could see their point because they also don't want to allow euthanasia in terminal patients, so there is a consistency there.. I still wouldn't agree with it, but could atleast see where it was coming from. Birth control pills have so many other valid uses though and she was there to talk about them..

    now, even if they could only be use as contraception.. so what?! Why can't my insurance cover a medically necessary medicine, that's no one business but mine that I take.. Is valtrex (the herpes med) banned? Antibiotics that also treat gonorrhea or chlamydia? What about the HIV cocktail? So why not birth control.. it's better than abortions isn't it?

    as for that 'spectacle'.. she did her duty as a citizen of the country. She took her argument to the representatives of this country... How was that a spectacle instead of being absolutely patriotic? You didn't like her message, fine, attack it!.. but do not negate her rights to do exactly what she did nor besmirch her as a 'slut' or say she is making a spectacle for using her God-given rights that thousands in this country have died to protect for her! Those rights were not just given to your side of the political spectrum ya know..

    I am not 'pro death when it comes to our babies', I am pro-death when it comes to some of our criminals.. but I am also pro-choice when it comes to who gets to decide what happens to a woman's body. . I simply have too many other things in my life to worry about than what goes on in someone else's bedroom or their doctor's office. Don't you? How does it affect you personally if Jill in east Ba'jip has an abortion? How does it impede on your life or destroy the relation with your wife if Harold in BFE marries the love of his life, who happens to be named Bill? You're a God-fearing man, I assume, why not leave the alone and let God sort them out? Isn't that his job? While yours is to love your neighbor?

    I am not another conservative Sarah Palin.. I have an intelligence that goes past writings on my hand and vitriol..I can draw sounds. I can speak them back.. and sometimes even make a grand argument or two when the moon is right..:wink:

    I described myself because I am neither far right,nor far left.. but if I were to be arguing for any one of the things I listed.. I would be labeled one or the other.. and you would take away my working vagina and label me not real woman enough.. well, sorry.. but it's in fine working order even after a cpl of kids and 24 years of marriage to the same man..I am not straight out of socialism anymore than I worship Ayn Rand... but I can believe a little bit of everything and still be a real woman.. I don't really what care Sarah Palin says on the subject.. A real woman (or mama grizzly) would have protected her kids instead of dragging them out to every political function around nor would she use them as a shield or political marker against the left, and I cannot respect her for that alone.. (not too mention plenty of other things, but I admit, she was thrown into the shark-pit unaware.. but it was her reaction that lost her points and caused her problems IMO)

    I am against those pageants also because they stupid and boring.. You know as well as I do, not a single one of those girls cares a rip about 'world peace' they just say so because they want the stardom and accolades just like any sportsman does. Pageants have outlived their times the way daytime soap opera's have.. Ok, that not fair to AMC or OLTL, but ...:grin:

    I don't believe those women are being exploited any more than most prostitutes are.. I'm sure some may be, but most are consenting adults doing their thing in this mad mad mad world..so I figure, let them be.. But again, I'm for letting the gays be, letting women choose, letting me keep my guns within reason and too many other things to list.

    I'm going to make an insightful comment now..

    I think we are all being given shiny objects to fight over to take our minds off of what's truly killing this country.. you've been given your "social agenda' to fight over, the Fems theirs.. and in all that fighting everyone loses sight of what's being taken from us..Our manufacturers are closing up and moving off shore, our workers are being outsourced, only 28 individuals are giving to the super pacs that will change this country forever! 28 wealthy people will decide your life for you, not a democracy of the majority.. but instead, a feudalistic sect with their own agenda's that look nothing like yours or mine.

    We know we can't really change our politicians, they will cow to the highest bidder and really never go totally one way or the other because there are too many interest groups out there who are the real power in this country.. So we spend our time arguing social problems, because those we can win.. those we can do something about at all levels.. Whether Big Campaign donors get special favors? Eh? Can't do anything from local,to state, to federal about that though can we..

    I say, to each his own.. don't mess with mine, I won't mess with yours.. let's live how we feel we should (within reason and the law) and let our neighbors do the same.. and change the narrative on the other issues that really do matter in the grand scheme of this country..

    femanazi gang .. femanazi gang ... NAG (National Association of Gals) ...NOW (National Association of Wiccans) ...and real women (Conservative women) ... ms fluke loser... a bunch of one-sided lesbos.

    Those are your happy words?

    :sunnysideup: ( i don't know why we have an egg emoticon but why not)

    I am not doubting they exist, but they didn't start this thread.. you did... and not very civilly. If your point was a real conversation, why? If it was to bait a fight, OK.

    I guess I'm kinda just looking for the good argument and since I talk waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much, I don't want to waste the time on a... heh, I was going to say 'master-baiter', but that would be sad and used..so I'll say instead, I don't want to waste my time arguing with someone who just wants to pick a fight instead of possibly seeing another side and finding some kind of common ground to join hands and call the debate a draw, but still well worth the effort..
  15. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    I can't really see that you ressemble any of them. I do see you using words like "Feminazi" and others invented by a certain self-castrated eunuch with a nationally syndicated radio show.
  16. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Why not? Because I and millions of other taxpayers don't want to pay for some busy body whore who can't pay for her own contraceptives....that's why. When is enough enough? I think I'll make a spectacle of myself by going in front of congress and making a plea that they pay me the same money that they make which is around $175,000 a year. Afterall, I'll be representing that 99% of average Americans that feel we're getting the shaft, and that I do have or I should have the same equal rights that the whore Ms Fluke has.

    My goodness, do you want the fed govt to control every aspect of your life? Every time someone has a hissy fit they'll take their little gripes to the nanny state govt for a cure all? You and that ms fluke creature have got to start weaning off from the govt tit.

    Patriotic? LMFAO! She got her 15 minutes of liberal fame in front of the cameras. I understand that Hollywood, especially Saturday Night Live has an opening for her to host that show where she'll be mocking congress telling how she pulled a fast one over them. Update: Ms Fluke reneged on SNL's offer to host the show, seems she couldn't muster enough money from her OCW tent dwellers to pay for the flight out to la-la land.

    Great, so you're pro life for our unborn, and pro death for some of our criminals. There may be hope for you afterall.

    Woops, looks like I spoke too soon. Does the decision a woman makes to abort/murder her fetus fall into your meaning of pro-choice?

    So what you're saying here is that if a woman decides to murder her husband in the confines of her bedroom or in a doctor's office...that it would be all right with you since you would never worry about what goes on in someone else's bedroom or doctor's office?

    It doesn't affect me personally, just like all the murders in America haven't as yet affected me personally, but morally speaking, don't you think that the wholesale slaughter of over 1 million of GOD's children a year via abortion is a bit unnecessary and a bit troubling just because the woman having these aborts is unstable and perhaps having a hard time with her PMS? There are thousand of young couples just looking to adopt a brand new baby so as to give that child a chance at breathing GOD's clean air. Oh, but no, you're more concerned with the rights of an unstable and emotionally screwed up woman to care about the possibility of engaging in adoptive services.

    Your loss. You probably couldn't believe that Sarah didn't abort her Downs Syndrome baby like every other liberal woman would have done. You see, Sarah's determination to go through with the delivery and accept her child as one of GOD's miracles doesn't compute with the liberal naysayer mentality that says abort first or euthanize the elderly so we don't have to bother with the disabled or the infirmed. Talk about insensitive and selfish.

    Stupid and boring to you perhaps, but not to thousands of red-blooded young Conservative men out there that just happen to love their women.

    These social issues are just a side bar for me. I get some enjoyment out of bantering around these issues; to see and hear the outrageous views from the peanut gallery. I disagree with your analysis of these super pacs being the final arbiter of our political system. Its all about the competing ideologies. Currently we have a socialistic run government (full of unelected czars) from top to bottom minus the Republican majority in our congress of course. You'll get to see the full monty come November when the Republicans take over ownership of our Senate, keep the congress in their name and elect Mitt Romney as president. If you didn't know the difference between a Cloward/Piven socialistic agenda and a Republican/Capitalistic agenda...then you surely will in six months time.

    Totally disagree with you here as far as Republicans/Conservatives are concerned. Whatever interest groups come making a bid to these people, you can rest assured it will be something that will benefit our nation as a whole. Can't say the same with the Democrats.

    Every current and past leader of the femanazi movement that I've seen came across as being shrill man-hating lesbians. But getting back to the OP, do you have any thoughts of why the femanazis stayed mute when it came to sizing up the misogynist Bill Maher, but were quick to denounce Rush's statements about ms fluke? Think it has anything to do with political affiliations? LOL!
  17. thevsj

    thevsj New Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    I really don't believe you are really this... ? whatever. I wasn't sure that it was an act,a 'caricature' if you will..I thought "He might just really feel this way"... right up until this part..

    see, you have some intelligence and humor... I've seen it in these replies.. but the 'unelected czars' was just too good for you leave out, so you threw it in and busted yourself as that caricature because no one, with your intelligence really believes that, any one with your intelligence knows that they're not real czars, just an easier title than "director of such and such".. or like the "Economic Czar of World War II", Franklin Roosevelt's guy.. who started the 'czar' thing..or the GWB created "cyber czar"

    these are just easier titles than their real ones.. we've been using the term since WWII.. and you know this.. but as I said, the line was too good to NOT throw out there..

    so, when you want to have a real discussion, sans caricature,find me... I'd love to play with you.. free-happy-smileys-295.gif
  18. thevsj

    thevsj New Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    Lol... that was my 1st reply you,Skippy...it's on the 1st page of this thread..
  19. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Well, unelected czars are exactly what they are, and I believe there isn't anyone in the obot admin that had ever worked in the private sector--a total statist run oligarchy. The czar Van Jones got fired because Glenn Beck exposed him for the commie that he is.
  20. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Oh, that's right Missy, the one where you skated around the issue by not telling me why the femanazis didn't come down on libs like Maher or Bill Clinton, but were quick to excoriate Conservatives like Rush and Clarence Thomas with those fluke and Anita Hill episodes.
  21. thevsj

    thevsj New Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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    as for Clarence and Anita? I was too young for that.. but I'm pretty people went crazy over that because he sexually harassed her.. different from Maher and different from Clinton since Monica wanted it and Anita didn't..
  22. dudeman

    dudeman New Member

    Apr 16, 2006
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    Personally, I believe that Bill Maher and John Stewart are extremist leftist political hacks in line with Rush Limbaugh and David Duke on the right hiding behind the auspices of "comedy". That being said, Bill Maher's comments do not threaten to remove government cheese from the pockets of women. Thus, it is not treated seriously.
  23. leftysergeant

    leftysergeant New Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Not the point at all. Creeps like Palin and the Coulter critter threaten to remove some of the most basic human rights from women, in order to return them to the feudal-level status that they suffered until the twentieth century, lacking the right to control their own bodies or property and all that.

    Feminist women and men who love strong, intelligent women have no use for the right wing harpies, either.

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