How can anyone play a game like this?

Discussion in 'Music, TV, Movies & other Media' started by Brewskier, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. WatcherOfTheGate

    WatcherOfTheGate New Member

    Nov 2, 2011
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    I agree that looks like an awful game.
  2. Blasphemer

    Blasphemer Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2011
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    Its just a game, normal children can differentiate between game and reality. I dont think kids should play it, but if someone turns violent because of a game, it is emanating from some other underlying pathology. The link between violent media and crime is weak at best, and probably nonexsitent or an example of a correlation-causation fallacy. Dont like it? Dont play it.
  3. savage-republican

    savage-republican Well-Known Member

    Oct 31, 2006
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    There is a difference between violence in say a military game or an adventure game, and the violence for violence sake. You can not show any child violent images over and over without causing issues. Do you know how they make killers out of normal people in the military?

    We see countless posts about the violent American way, but than throw our hands up in the air as to the cause. We blame guns, we blame the government. But we never sit back and realize the violent images we pump through our brains everyday has an affect on us.
  4. Blasphemer

    Blasphemer Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2011
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  5. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    You missed the worst ones.
  6. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    That game is from '04...

    It sucked then, and, I doubt that's changed...

    Probably part of the reason the game did so poorly...

    That and the fact that it really has no purpose...

    1.7M-ish copies over 2 iterations is terrible...
  7. IQless1

    IQless1 New Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    I was saving two other points, waiting for someone to say just this.

    The first is that, at 18 (or younger in some cases) the military will train you to turn people into little pieces. If you don't, or can't stomach the sight of people in little pieces, you're not fit to be in combat. That's the same with the police, btw.

    Then there's the paramedics, the doctors, the nurses, the morticians, the clean-up crews, etc. All of them bear witness to TRUE horrors, as opposed to the horrors in video games.

    My second argument is about what makes a serial killer or murderer tick.

    In the old days, before video games, these people typically started at a very young age, some as early as pre-school age. They'd typically start by killing small animals like turtles, frogs, squirrels, etc., then move to bigger game like cats and dogs. A lot of kids did this stuff, but not all of them turned into serial killers, some of them became soldiers, or cops, or morticians, or doctors, or nurses, etc.

    In the age of video games, that lust for killing, which is inherent within a certain percentage of all people, has an outlet that doesn't actually involve the killing of animals and people. By playing these types of games, they are able to satisfy their blood lust. The may still become soldiers, paramedics, morticians, etc., but instead of actually killing things, they do it in simulation.

    My argument is that these games act to lessen the number of actual killings that take place, not increase them as some of you have proposed.
  8. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    I personally think that people who blame any form of media for violent crime just don't like the idea of personal responsibility anyway...
  9. Herkdriver

    Herkdriver New Member

    Mar 6, 2007
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    It looks over the top fake to me...but I concur it is not suitable for kids under 12.
  10. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    That's actually completely false and shows a total lack of understanding of psychology.

    A person with a sociopathic disorder would not make a good soldier, cop, doctor. They are much more likely to become a street criminal, gang member, con artist, or wind up in prison - or remain a non-criminal sociopath such as a domestic or child abuser who never actually gets charged for it - than become than a doctor or mortician, etc - they are defiant, dislike following authority, lack self-discipline, impulse control, interpersonal skills, etc which are generally necessary to succeed in any higher profession.

    Extreme sociopaths may be at the point where they can't get "aroused" by anything less than killing or rape - these guys might become serial killers, violent criminals, rapists, terrorists etc - but the average sociopath finds ways to satisfy their urges without taking it to that extreme - they may be bullies, domestic abusers, child abusers, petty criminals who never cross the line to murdering someone, etc -

    About 4% of the population are sociopathic - most of them never actually become murderers or killers, they find legal or non-homicidal outlets to behave anti-socially. Games and violent entertainment do not lessing it - they are encouraging it. Developing a sociopathic disorder is 50% based on genetics, and 50% based on cultural influences - young kids who are exposed to violence in the media (violent games, films, gangsta rap music), or in their culture in general (ex. their father is a drug dealer, beats his wife, etc) - are more likely to develop a sociopaths disorder later in life. Sociopaths behavior isn't exclusive to "killing", it includes any and all criminal or amoral behavior (robbing, lying, stealing, bullying, sexual abusing, or just being a social parasite in general - such as fathering children and abandoning the mother, or not working and letting other people support you). Developing a mindset that sociopathic behavior is "cool or fun" during childhood, leads to developing this disorder later in life, this is why nations where violence is less pervasive in our culture have much lower rates of sociopaths than the US does.

    There's no such thing as a person who's "likes killing" but is otherwise totally normal and needs an outlet to "keep themselves from killing people" - they don't even have to start with abusing animals. They could "get started" by bullying their little brother, or by beating their high school girlfriend, by vandalizing cars with friends during high school, etc - and entertainment like this encourages violence during youth. You need to learn more about psychology.
  11. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Actually, that would probably make it wildly popular, the next "must have" game.
  12. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    No it wouldn't - it would be completely disallowed from advertising, on-line, in stores - footage or screenshots of it it wouldn't even be allowed to be uploaded on Youtube or any video sharing sites, video game discussion sites and such sites would be fined and/or shut down by the federal govt if they violate said regulations.

    The only way to even know about it would be to subscribe to an "adult video games magazine" or visit an "adult video game" store, which would be just like any pornographic store - windowless, on the edge of town, and only 21 or older could enter.

    Wouldn't just apply to this game either, would apply to any and all violent games, Grand Theft Auto, the new Mortal Kombat, etc - they'd be effectively run out of the industry and only cater to a niche group, so mainstream game companies would be financially penalized from even producing them.

    Once we start selling porn or nude videos in Wal-Mart stores and advertising them on mainstream movie sites, then I'll support doing the same with games like this.
  13. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Not at all, it's all backed in modern psychology, and the strongest environmental like between youth violence is the cultural promoting of violence - there's a much stronger link between over-exposure to media violence and crime later in life, than there even is with child abuse.

    No, I don't like it - so I'll ban it.
  14. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Did you just fall off a turnip truck? All someone would have to do is host the stuff offshore (Caymans, China, Australia, India, even Europe) and it would be available. It wouldn't be on " just click on over to "" and there it is! If anything, it would be irresistible!

    No, you just look for the people selling them online...which would happen immediately upon release. I suspect the release dates, titles, and the like would be known on discussion boards (hosted, of course, offshore) within minutes of their release.

    Not at all. (You know nothing about the video game industry, obviously.) They would be widely available and as common as they are now, and there is not a thing you can do about it, no matter how much you wail and gnash your teeth.
  15. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Well yeah, we really could if we wanted to. If the Chinese govt can effectively ban people from criticizing the govt in private emails, then with more regulation we could definitely and effectively ban it from being promoted online. We could just outright ban any and all non-domestic websites that host prohibited content, and ban 'proxy' and avoidance software that allows access to prohibited content, and enact criminal penalties against those who create/use it - though even that would be unnecessary since most kids would have no clue how to use it anyway. Hell if the USA "wanted" to, they could shut the entire Internet down, as bad as that would be - it's not like they don't have the might to do whatever the hell they want - and if people didn't like it, well they've got the police and military on their side, so in the long run, there's not jack crap that anyone could do about it short of starting (and winning) a revolution.

    Sure, there's technically always going to be someone, somewhere who would figure out a way to get around it- but hell there are people "somewhere" who manage to acquire explosives illegally - it's not like anyone in the mainstream would have a clue how to do it. Works for me - that's one thing I do like about the UK govt, they don't bull(*)(*)(*)(*) around. In the UK, Internet porn isn't even available to the mainstream, people have to voluntarily opt in to viewing adult or violent content with their ISP - I'd be in favor of this as well.

    I mean, I guess you seriously believe that if crack and heroin stands were available in middle schools, that there wouldn't be anymore drug users then there are now, just because "people can still find a way to get it".

    Or hell, why have any laws at all? Why not just go full-on anarchist and legalize rape and murder, since it's not like murderers and rapists won't kill/rape people anyway?

    Sorry but modern society has gone so far anarchist, that anything one inch to the right of "Mad Max" is considered "fascism/Communism". Well if that's fascism, then what society needs is a hell of a lot more "fascism".
  16. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Wow, you really POUNDED that straw man!

    Reality: video gamers are often smart, computer-savvy people. No matter how much fascists like you try, you won't be able to stop them. Heck, pirated DVD's are illegal now...and I suspect I could buy some TODAY if I wanted to! They come in by the thousands and stopping it just isn't possible.

    It looks like you missed your calling as a censor for the North Koreans.
  17. kilgram

    kilgram New Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    A gore game Ok. And if it was a film? Because there are many violent films like this. Do you have any problem with that movies?
  18. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    If you purchased pirated DVD's and they ripped you off, who would you report them to?
  19. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Yes, I would like them banned from advertising and from mainstream theatres. People would have to go to adult video stores, or adult film theaters to watch them.
  20. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    I mean, hypothetically the goverment could forcibly shut down the video game industry and the internet altogether if they really wanted to - so it's not like they couldn't stop them if they wanted to - they could also monitor people's emails, cell phones, and internet traffic in order to prevent piracy. They've got the guys with guns and tanks on their side so when it boils down to it - there's nothing they can't do - it's just a matter of how much regulation is too much. I'd say that would basically be like living in Communist China, and wouldn't be worth it. But hell, a little more regulation to keep kids from having such unregulated access to perverse content online would be great. Basically, I'd have to monitor my kid's internet access 24/7 to make sure they aren't having access to games like this- even if I wouldn't allow my kid to buy it, they could easily download it and play it from some warez or torrent site. Plus there are lots of 'mainstream' sites like Wikipedia and Youtube which aren't considered "adults only" (and wouldn't be filtered by internet filtering software), which do actually contain lots of perverse content which a kid could find if they knew where to look for it.

    The Internet really is the equivalent of legally opening a porn theater or crack stand inside a middle school.
  21. Jarlaxle

    Jarlaxle Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I give up. You have comprehended NOTHING that I have posted. This is like trying to debate a mental patient with delusions of godhood.
  22. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    It's the truth - saying 'you can't stop it' doesn't mean anything - isn't any different than saying 'people still rob banks, so there's no reason to make robbing banks a crime'.

    If the govt cracked down on the internet and enacted some regulations took keep explicit content away from minors - then it would lessen the likelihood of children being exposed to that - sure some tech savvy kids may find a way to get it, but it would keep the general population of children away from it - as far as adults, I could care less if they play violent games - I just don't want violent content being shoved in kid's faces via the internet - not sure what's so hard to understand about that.

    If I wanted to, I could download and play that game from a warez site in 5 minutes - and I'm not extremely tech savvy - and I'm sure many kids could too - that's why more regulation would be nice.
  23. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    A 7-8 year old kid learns their personal 'responsibility' from what they are exposed to. If they have an abusive father who hits his wife, they're going to learn from what they see. If they have negligent parents who don't stop them from playing or viewing violent games/media on a regular basis, they'll imitate the behavior and morals they learn from it - sure they may not all become murderers - but they are more likely to vandalize cars, bully other children, abuse animals, steal or commit petty crimes, etc - this is all completely proven psychological fact. It's bad for children and bad for society.

    If someone "enjoys" the idea of people being killed graphically, even just in a game, that is an extremely misanthropic and psychologically unhealthy mindset - garbage in, garbage out. That anti-social mindset will find its outlet in other negative ways, even if not violent crime.
  24. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    So in summary:

    Go to Google. Turn 'safesearch' off, and search images for "beheadings" or something similar - you're going to turn up tons of gruesome images which could scar a kid. This would take about 2 minutes to do - so does anyone have a problem with content like that being so easily available to kids online, or is any regulation to make it harder just a form of 'facism' - people who don't want 7 year old kids viewing dead bodies or severed heads online are fascists I guess, lol
  25. Really People?

    Really People? New Member

    Apr 22, 2010
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    As far as kids, it's on the parents to reinforce positive behavior in children...

    I don't buy the "media makes people commit crimes" nonsense...

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