Why do Zionist apologists demand special debating privileges?

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by klipkap, Oct 16, 2012.

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  1. Uri

    Uri Active Member

    Jun 13, 2011
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    This is a funny post.
    Sums it all up, from our egyptian friend point of view.
  2. allegoricalfact

    allegoricalfact Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    Have you ever seen the interview with the woman who helped plant those bombs ? I'll see if I can find it later.
  3. allegoricalfact

    allegoricalfact Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2012
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    The scales of Jusice go down on one side and then the other before they balance up. For years almost all of us believed the Israelis only now we are more open to listening to the other side, of course from both sides there will be exagerations of the truth. And it makes no difference in the end which Powers said what in deciding which peoples should be displaced or not.

    It is useful to know the complex History of it all but none of that takes away from the fact that one peoples is being abused by another peoples because and only because of ethnetisity .....And yup it is Anti Semetic for many Palistinians are Semites where as many Jewish Israelis are not........DNA tells us so.
  4. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    Where do you find that this thread asked for anyone to apologise for being a Zionist?
    On the contrary, I welcome Zionists defending their Myths. I am just asking that they do not expect to be granted special debating priveledges, and that when they are confronted by historical facts, they do not respond with the utterly lame "Jew hater" strawman.
  5. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    Is it OK if this Rookie takes up your challenge?
    You can find my replies to the three posts that you refer to in the "Kissinger" thread. Unfortunately that is nearly 50 pages long, which means that it might soon be terminated by a mod.
    Anyway, while it lasts, see you there Try_This :wink:
  6. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    Dear Borat,
    Many thanks for confirming that the Zionist Myths are alive and well. Your post proves just how well crud like the quoting of the Economist article can be repeated time and time again, no matter how often it has been disproved, or shown to be gross cherry-picking. Here's a friendly tip .... I mean it. Try to verify that quote, and THEN READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE. If you can't find it, feel free to give me a call. I will be only too pleased to help.

    Abu Afak posted the same drivel and he was destroyed. Then Beletesri tried exactly the same old rehash of the Shmuel Katz propoganda, and he was sunk. Yoadm tried it and he was cut off at the pass. And since then a whole screed of Apologist followers have tried to slip the same old MYTH into the forum, and have been caught out.

    And now you have tried it.

    LOL ... if it weren't so sad.


    Regarding my MYTH ALERT signals having been debunked, can you show me exactly where? Like EXACTLY as opposed to your "Say So". I mean a forum reference where verifiable historical facts have refuted my MYTH ALERT claims?

    My humblest thanks for proving therewith that my Opening Post was fully justified.

    If you post just one instance, I promise to post one where the "Economist" MYTH was obliterated, AND, note AND, to refute your claim.

    Off you go Buddy. Time to put money where the mouth is.
  7. Khalil

    Khalil New Member

    Nov 5, 2011
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    Haha, good reply klipklap... I probably will leave a reply to what Borat had said on the previous page. EDIT: if I find the time to do it tonight
  8. Khalil

    Khalil New Member

    Nov 5, 2011
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    First I’d like to point out how you provided no primary evidence. Commenting on the Economist article from October 2, 1948, Erskine Childers writes “seen in its place in the full ‘Economist’ it was once clear that … [it] was a second-hand account” and that the “correspondent who had not been in that city at the time.” Nonetheless this is not enough information to prove that about 700,000 people left their homes. The exodus of Haifa actually started in December, contrary to the wishes of the authorities at the time – as I will explain in more detail shortly.

    The first people to leave Haifa (which has nothing to do with orders) were 250 Arab families form the Halissa quarter on 4 December. Describing this departure Benny Morris writes “Danin and Palmon on 11 December noted the start of emigration out of Haifa. Most of the Arab movement out of Haifa’s border area was due to the fighting – sniping, bombings and demolitions –and fears of fighting that marked life on the peripheries of each community. Some Arab families who lived inside or on the edges of Jewish districts on Mount Carmel were intimidated, possibly at Irgun or Lehi instruction into leaving their homes.” Throughout the rest of December there were several attacks on the Arab population of Haifa and the Haifa National Committee member Hajj Mohammad Nimr al Khatib recalled that “the Haifa Arab public began to feel the weakness of its position and there were residents who began to emigrate from the city. Of course, this had a dampening effect on those who remained in the town.” One source states that by mid-December 15,000 – 20,000 Arabs had fled from Haifa, while another claims that by 22 January “25,000” had left Haifa. And this is months before your "Economist report" was written.

    If you look at the National Arab Committee communique’s throughout Haifa's exodus you find out that they were demanding for the residents of Haifa to stay put, not leave. Walid Khalidi examined all of these in his writing “The Fall of Haifa”, here are but some of them: On December 6 1947, the committee demanded the Arabs of Haifa to stay at his post or at his work whenever an incident occurs. The next communique from December 12 1947 says “beware of fifth columnists” and that these rumors are “influencing some people to leave their properties and houses which have become an easy pretty to the enemy who has seized and occupied them.” Next on December 14, the committee announces they have formed subcommittees and “these subcommittees are empowered to prevent people from abandoning their houses, particularly along the borders of the mixed Arab Jewish areas.” On December 16 the committee said “do not give in to warnings and threats and never desert your houses.” The communique on 29 December, after the Zionists rolled a barrel bomb from Hadar Ha Carmel, said “that all firing should cease” and that “the public should resume work as usual.” On January 9 1948, the communique said “all must stay at their work. Those who leave their work not only harm themselves by losing their means of livelihood, but they also harm their nation” and that “all government employees and police” must remain at their post. The last communique to come from Haifa before its fall states that “everyone must maintain his position and carry out all instructions and orders given to him.”

    The committee finally appealed to the British army to provide them with land and sea transport to Acre and Lebanon. As Simha Flapan wrote this was only after “in collaboration with the Irgun, the Haganah then succeeded in conquering the Arab sections of the town, driving the inhabitants from their homes. The Haganah’s conditions for truce were so humiliating that the Arab National Committee of Haifa could not accept them” and that they were “suffering heavy casualties and unable to receive reinforcements from other Palestinian fighting forces or from the Arab states.”

    The leadership of Haifa had actually demanded that the residents stay put. There was months of bombings, skirmishing, and food shortages, etc. The Haganah had to launch its onslaught on 21-22 April, to force the remaining Arab population to leave, although Haganah and other Zionist groups had been routinely attacking the city since December.

    This is hardly evidence to prove that the 700,000 Arabs left their homes due to “orders.” You haven’t even provided any primary evidence of the orders. Surely an order of such importance must be traceable somewhere? You do not ask the entire population of a country to leave without somebody debating the matter, without a decision somewhere being taken, without an impression somewhere being made. On the contrary there is evidence to prove that the Arab countries told the Palestinians to stay put, and even in many cases, refused refugees to enter their country. Walid Khalidi who examined Arab documents from the General Assembly, ALA, AHC, and the Arab League from the time period states that they don’t mention one order to evacuate. Thus, where could of these evacuation orders come from? Moreover to list some specific examples: In April 1948 Abd al-Rahman Azzam Pasha, secretary of the general of the Arab League, and King Abdallah both issued public calls to the Arabs not to leave their homes. Fawzi al-Qawukji, commander of the Arab Liberation Army, was also given commands to stop the flight by force. The Arab governments only decided to allow entry to women and children and to send back all men of military age (18-50). Another example would be Muhammad Adib al-Umri, the deputy director of the Ramallah broadcasting station, he appealed to the Arabs to stop the flight form Jenin, Tulkarm, and other towns. Also on May 10, Radio Jerusalem broadcast orders on its Arab program from Arab commanders, and the AHC demanded Palestinians to stop the mass flight from Jerusalem. Even a report of the Jewish Agency’s Arab section form January 3, 1948, at the beginning of the flight, suggests that “the Arab exodus from Palestine continues, mainly to the countries of the West. Of late, the Arab Higher Executive has succeeded in imposing close scrutiny on those leaving for Arab countries in the Middle East.” And this is to list just a few examples…
  9. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I think if you do a tad of research you might find that prior to the end of the mandate all of the Arab High Council workers and families and large chunks of the middle class in haifa and jaffa decided it would be prudent to get outta "dodge" so to speak to avoid the inevitable "gun fight". At least 30,000 left of their own accord. of course, that doesn't make the hundred plus thousand that decamped with guns at their backs disappear, so the statement is true. YOu wish to argue the equation has a single variable, which is plainly wrong.
  10. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    I absolutely agree with you. Benny Morris made all of that absolutely clear in his books of the Palestinian Refugee problem. I did that research a LOOOONG time ago and have been cognizant on the flight of the rich since then.

    I usually preface my MYTH claim on this topic with a "most", but agree that this time I did not. It was a slip. I should have said that "the exodus of most of the Palestinian refugees was not due to exhortations by the Arab leadership to vacate the area. In fact it still remains true because the 30 000 that you quoted fled because of their own prediction of what was about to happen, not exhortation by their leadership. Khalid is absolutely correct, and there are bucketfulls of evidence in support of the fact that the Arab leadership urged their followers to stay in their homes. Either way I find 700 000 versus 30 000 to be quite compelling.
  11. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    Excellent post Khalil. MYTH BUSTED!!!

    Have you ever tried to verify that quote?
    All that happens is you go around in circles and all that you can find is that it was quoted by Mark A. Tessler in his book "A History of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict" on page 304. Everyone quotes and requotes that source. I could not get any closer to the claimed real origin than that. Even the "source" provided by Borat managed to get the spelling of his name wrong. In fact there are literally hundreds of sites propagating the story, all of whom misspell the Syrian's name. LOL. See what I mean about Myth propagation?

    And when we point out these factual errors, we are accused of being holocaust supporters, anti-Semites; Jew haters; etc. Hence the OP.
  12. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Considering the enormous amount of documented evidence available to anyone nowadays , at a click of a mouse, without having to spend days/weeks in stuffy libraries, Zionists - lies /myths/ deception tactics are easily exposed.

    A kwiki from wiki got this :
    The Battle of Haifa, called by the Jewish forces Operation Bi'ur Hametz (Hebrew: מבצע ביעור חמץ‎, "Passover Cleaning") was a Haganah operation carried out on 21–22 April 1948. The objective of the operation was the capture of the Arab neighborhoods of Haifa and was a major event in the final stages of the civil war in Palestine, leading up to the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

    Zionist terrorists used several methods , Psychological warfare. intimidation and brutal massacres .
    Broadcasts on radio and by loudspeaker vans

    Childers points out that Zionist radio broadcasts were designed to demoralize the Arab audience.
    On March 17, four days before the Jewish offensive, the Irgun made an Arabic-language broadcast, warning urban Arabs that "typhus, cholera and similar diseases would break out heavily among them in April and May".[160][168] Similarly, Khalidi points to what he describes as the Zionist "psychological offensive" which was highlighted by, though not limited to, radio messages warning the Arabs of diseases, the ineffectiveness of armed resistance and the incompetence of their leaders.[162] According to Morris[169] during the exodus of Haifa "The Haganah broadcasts called on the populace to 'evacuate the women, the children and the old immediately, and send them to a safe haven'."

    During the exodus from Haifa according to Morris[169] the Haganah made effective use of "Arab language broadcasts and loudspeaker vans" and according to Pappé ] "Jewish loudspeakers [urged] the Palestinian women and children to leave before it was too late."

    According to Morris during April the Haganah "had prepared and recorded six speeches, which were broadcast time and again by the Haganah's radio station and loudspeaker vans". They didn't call for Arab flight, but they "were designed to cause demoralisation—and the HGS\Operations proposed to 'exploit' this demoralisation (it didn't say how)".[170]

    Shelling of civilians and fighters Haganah by the use of the Davidka mortar. He writes that it was a "favorite weapon of the Zionists", which they used against civilians: "the Davidka tossed a shell containing 60 lbs. of TNT usually into crowded built-up civilian quarters where the noise and blast maddened women and children into a frenzy of fear and panic."

    In his memoirs the Palestinian Arab physician Elias Srouji claims massacres were intended to scare inhabitants. He wrote:

    Tactics became even more brutal when the Zionists were ready to complete their occupation of the Galilee in October. By that time the Arab villagers, having seen what had happened elsewhere, had become adamant about staying put in their homes and on their lands. To frighten them away, the occupying forces started a strategy of planned massacres, which were carried out in Eilabun, Faradiyya, Safsaf, Sa'sa', and other villages. In places where this was not to their advantage for one reason or another, the army would resort to forceful expulsion. I was to wittnes some of these tactics in Rameh a month or so later.[178]

    Nathan Krystall writes:

    News of the attack on and massacre in Deir Yassin spread quickly throughout Palestine. De Reynier argued that the "general terror" was "astutely fostered by the Jews, with Haganah radio incessantly repeating 'Remember Deir Yassin' and loudspeaker vans broadcasting messages in Arabic such as: 'Unless you leave your homes, the fate of Deir Yassin will be your fate.'"

    All in accordance with Plan Dalet, or Plan D, (Hebrew: תוכנית ד'‎, Tokhnit dalet)

    source _ Wiki Causes of the 1948 Palestinian exodus.
  13. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    The Arab National Committee in Jerusalem, following the March 8, 1948, instructions of the Arab Higher Committee, ordered women, children and the elderly in various parts of Jerusalem to leave their homes: “Any opposition to this order... is an obstacle to the holy war... and will hamper the operations of the fighters in these districts.” The Arab Higher Committee also ordered the evacuation of “several dozen villages, as well as the removal of dependents from dozens more” in April-July 1948. “The invading Arab armies also occasionally ordered whole villages to depart, so as not to be in their way”

    Leaders like such as Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Said, who declared: “We will smash the country with our guns and obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in. The Arabs should conduct their wives and children to safe areas until the fighting has died down” (Myron Kaufman, The Coming Destruction of Israel, NY: The American Library Inc., 1970, pp. 26-27

    The Secretary of the Arab League Office in London, Edward Atiyah, wrote in his book, The Arabs: “This wholesale exodus was due partly to the belief of the Arabs, encouraged by the boastings of an unrealistic Arabic press and the irresponsible utterances of some of the Arab leaders that it could be only a matter of weeks before the Jews were defeated by the armies of the Arab States and the Palestinian Arabs enabled to re­enter and retake possession of their country” (Edward Atiyah, The Arabs, London: Penguin Books, 1955, p. 183).

    On April 3, 1949, the Near East Broadcasting Station ( Cyprus ) said: “It must not be forgotten that the Arab Higher Committee encouraged the refugees’ flight from their homes in Jaffa, Haifa and Jerusalem” (Samuel Katz, Battleground-Fact and Fantasy in Palestine, NY: Bantam Books, 1985, p. 15).
    “The Arab States encouraged the Palestine Arabs to leave their homes temporarily in order to be out of the way of the Arab invasion armies,” according to the Jordanian newspaper Filastin, (February 19, 1949).

  14. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    LOL nice try Khalil. Too bad all your quotes are for 1947/January 1948. Guess what, that was several months before the real war broke out, before Israel was born and invaded, before "victorious arab armies" arrived to drive the jews into the sea, before Arab leaders started calling on Palestinian arabs to get the f&ck out so that the glorious arab troops could finish the job of exterminating Jews.... See my previous post for the specific statements by arab leaders during the war.
  15. Marlowe

    Marlowe New Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Bo-Rat , why do you persist in trying to fool other people with that rubbish which even most Israelis with more than two brain cells - no longer subscribe to ?

    The planned ethnic cleansing /displace/dispossession of non-Jewish Palestine was contrived/devised at the Zionist congress 1897-88 .
    Go read Herzl Der Judenstaat and Altneuland also Weizman/Ben Gurion. a solution to Europe's Jewish problem , which , btw - also enjoyed Nazi support.

    It was a problem transplanted to the Levant.

  16. Borat

    Borat Banned

    May 18, 2011
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    Why don't you discuss it with Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas?

    The Arab armies entered Palestine to protect the Palestinians from the Zionist tyranny but, instead, they abandoned them, forced them to emigrate and to leave their homeland, and threw them into prisons similar to the ghettos in which the Jews used to live.”

    — Palestinian Authority (then) Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) (Falastin a-Thaura, (March 1976)

  17. Khalil

    Khalil New Member

    Nov 5, 2011
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    Again you provided no primary evidence of these orders. Considering you claim that 700,000 left Palestine due to orders, and are unable to substantiate the text of an official order, already makes your position very doubtful - and to be honest not true.

    To begin with, let us examine the source for this short paragraph you copy+pasted. The first half of the paragraph, claiming that the Arab National Committee on March 8 instructed women, children and the elderly to leave is claimed to be from Middle Eastern Studies, January 1986. The second part claiming that the Arab armies ordered dozens of villages to evacuate is claimed to be from Benny Morris’s Birth of the refugee problem revisted, pp. 263 & 590-592. It seems you have just put yourself into a deep hole Borat, as I will explain.

    To begin with the first source – Middle Eastern Studies, January 1986 – a document written by Benny Morris examined the flight of the Arab population between December 1, 1947 to June 1, 1948. Morris’s analysis was based off of an copy of a report he obtained from the intelligence branch of the Israeli Defense Forces. The document examined the months where almost half of the refugees left their homes, and gives the number of 391,000. It listed three major causes in their assigned order of importance:

    1) Direct, hostile Jewish operations against Arab settlements
    2) The effect of our hostile operations on nearby settlements
    3) Operations of the dissidents

    Benny Morris writes in this paper that “Jewish military operations indeed accounted for 70 percent of the Arab exodus”. In fact, I’m unsure how you could try to claim that this would prove 700,000 leaving their homes. The document which Benny Morris examined stated that “Arab institutions attempted to struggle against the phenomenon of flight and evacuation and to curb the waves of emigration.... Especially, they tried to prevent the exodus of youngsters of military age.... But all these actions completely failed because no positive action was taken which could have curbed the factors pushing toward emigration." In other words, it claims the opposite of what you’re trying to prove.

    Thus your own source disproved your claim for you… Rather the article you quoted decided to take out small bits and try to construct a new reality, so sad.

    Next, let us take a look at the other source, which is claimed to be Benny Morris pp. 590-592, these pages are attributed by other pro-Israeli websites as well. I’d like to point out that it is very strange for them to be using this source, considering just about the entire book refutes that the Arabs were responsible for the refugee problem… If you take a look at these pages you first notice that those exact words are never found in the text, thus the article shouldn’t be attributing quotation marks around them. In fact the word "dozens" is never used on these, page except once, and in this one instance it makes the opposite claim, saying "several dozen villages were ordered or 'advised' by the Haganah to evacuate." On these same pages it says that “the Arab Higher Committee and the local National Committees opposed the exodus, especially of army-aged males, and made efforts to block it. But they were inefficient and, sometimes, half-hearted.” Only after this does the text start to mention something similar to what you had said. It would also be important for me to note that in the beginning of Benny Morris’s book he lists on a map hundreds of Palestinian villages and their reason for departure – approximately 369 of them to be exact. Of this 369, he only attributes 6 of them for leaving on Arab orders, and even for some he shows that this was only partially the case. This is what his research indicated, and perhaps if you look at these 6 particular villages in close scrutiny you may find other reasons for their departure as well.

    Moreover, the claim from your article even uses the words “occasionally” which indicates that this wasn’t a very wide-spread practice. If it were to be the main reason for the exodus, he definitely would have said so. The rest of his research within the book disproves the claim that the Palestinians left on Arab orders.

    Morris also rejects that there Arabs demanded the Palestinians to evacuate. On page 269-271 Morris states that "had blanket orders to leave been issued by the outside Arab leaders, including the exiled Palestinian leaders - via radio broadcasts or in any other public manner- traces of them would certainly have surfaced in the contemporary documentation produced by the Yishu'vs/Israel's military and civilian institutions, the Mandate Government, and the British and American diplomatic legations in the area ... But no Jewish or British or American intelligence or diplomatic report from the critical period, December 1947 -July 1948, quotes from or even refers to such orders.” He continues to explain why the Arab orders didn’t cause the exodus on these pages.

    Again, this isn’t substantial evidence to prove that 700,000 Arabs left the country. It wasn’t a direct order, where was this broadcasted, when was it said, etc. There is no context.

    Ah, this is yet another lie. Edward Atiyah, who wrote that book you quoted, came forward to dismiss this interpretation. In a letter in The Spectator of 23 June, 1961, he wrote that there is "no suggestion whatever in what I wrote that the exodus of the Arab refugees was a result of a policy of evacuating the Arab population. What I said is something quite different from the Zionist allegation that the Arab refugees were ordered or even told by their leaders to evacuate..." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Atiyah)

    Again, give me some primary evidence of such orders. We have already went over this, I’m tired of you providing useless, vague, out of context, snippets from secondary sources that we can't even verify.
  18. Khalil

    Khalil New Member

    Nov 5, 2011
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    The same Mahmoud Abbas who wrote that “Shortly thereafter, Zionist forces expelled Palestinian Arabs to ensure a decisive Jewish majority in the future state of Israel, and Arab armies intervened.”

    Moreover, Mahmoud Abbas wasn’t giving orders for Palestinians to evacuate, now was he? Nor does he list any of these evacuations. So once again, you're wrong and unable to prove your position.

    Also, you completely failed to disprove that the Arab countries ordered the Palestinians to leave. You provided no primary evidence. Also you seemed to have failed to understand that these communiques were coming from the local authorities of Haifa, the same authorities the quotation claims told them to leave... . Also, the communique's I quoted from Haifa, show that the Arab leadership of the town, demanded that the residents to stay put. Frequent raids and bombings from the Haganah made a lot of the people leave, it was only after the Haganah had attacked and occupied the town in April did the Palestinians of Haifa leave.

    Furthermore, I pointed out that prior to any Arab interventions, thousands of Palestinians had already been leaving Haifa and other villages/towns. In fact by the time the Arab countries finally intervened on May 15, already 300,000 refugees were created. Also, I said how Khalidi's examination of all the documents from several different Arab leaderships at the time hadn't mentioned any orders - of which you were unable to provide any documents. I provided much more information, but you decided to not respond to it.
  19. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    OMG Borat, but you really have no clue about the happenings after UNGAR 181, do you? You are still mired in the Shmuel Katz propaganda drivel, as Khalil has shown, drivel that was already exposed by 1961. You are more than 40 years behind the times in your insistence on perpetuating the Zionist Myths!! And yet you still profess knowledge on this sad travisty of international law.

    All for those "BEFORE's" that you quote .... you say that they were all "before" the real war broke out. Here, let me explain it to you because your inherited blinkering has clearly deprived you of proper analysis.

    By the time the "real war" broke out, as you have just clearly concluded, the bulk of the gross Zionist ethnic cleansing of Arab Palestinians from what was to become Israel had ALREADY BEEN COMMITTED. Yet the Zionist blame the Arab war which started only on 15th May 1948 as being the reason for the conflict. We salute you for opening our eyes to the truth.
  20. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    They do classes in it.

    They get paid to attend Hasbara college and get paid to join these forums by their government.

    They exhaust you by posting nonsense and twisting what you say. Thats the plan you see. They want to exhaust you and overhwelm you with lies and twisted facts repeated day after day with no evidence whatsoever and with a few personal insults thrown in. You ask for proof and they write another line of trash till you get fed up and exhausted and leave the thread.

    Their ultimate goal is to exhaust you enough by lies that you eventually leave.

    It's called Hasbara 101 and they get paid to do it.
  21. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    this is exactly what I mean

    lies and deceit and because the post is so ridiculous you just get to the point of thinking this poster is not worth the effort in even a reply

    I have a lot of them on ignore. That way I dont even see their posts except if they are quoted in someone elses

    I think though that any sane normal person knows the truth if they really want the truth so they skip reading the lies from them here or put them on ignore.

    There is no point in arguing with Deyasty as we say. Tell him he is right and he will go back to planting his corn :mrgreen:
  22. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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  23. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    Regarding your “economist proof” that Arab leaders ordered the flight of the Arabs, this was investigated more than 40 years ago by Erskine Childers – click the blue for the source:
    Sick, isn’t it Borat. Such gross cherry picking to try to shore up a tired trashed old Zionist Myth.

    So please don't even bother to quote http://www.jewishfederations.org/page.aspx?id=121275 again. It has been rolled over on its back so many times, as were the same quotes from COMMENTARY magazine ... the EXACT SAME QUOTES made by Abu Afak 6 years ago and trashed then. The EXACT SAME QUOTES provided by I.Beletesri ... which were destroyed. And here they are again, being made by Borat. WOW!!
    Abu Sina and (deleted member) like this.
  24. klipkap

    klipkap Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2006
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    Good grief, Borat, I have to admire the punishment that you are willing to take to perpetuate your precious MYTHS; the utter destruction of your credibility that you are willing to endure. Here is yet another case. It is yet another Shmuel Katz propaganda lie that was sunk 40 years ago. Let me put it out of its misery once again.

    Here is a link (click the blue) to the famous “Spectator Correspondence” of 1961, a sequence of posts that most Zionist apologists would wish would disappear forever. It makes absolutely fascinating reading. It fully confirms Khalils rebuttal posts and seals the fate of this scurrilous Zionist myth since, in the late 1940s radio broadcasts would have been the prime tool to get a message to the bulk of this rural population:
    And even this has support from further original research by Khalid, reported in the same Spectator Correspondence:
    So much for the lies of Shmuel Katz.

    KABOOM to the tired Zionist Myth, to Shmuel and to Borat's evidence.
  25. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Shmuel Katz a liar?????????????????? You could not clip his toenails...

    Scraping the bottom of your 'cajon de Basura' (Garbage Can) will not reverse one infinitesimal iota in your copious desecration of Jewish History.

    Nothing is going to change for Israelis are looking forward to prosperity and Peace and your host country cannot get out off its pecuniary calamitous dire, and would surely revert back to the level of Greece and Portugal in the not too distant future...

    NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE!!!! To change things you would have to move in on Jerusalem with your army of Jew Haters, comprende?

    Check this one and read....
    http://palestine-studies.org/enakba/exodus/Erskine Childers, Walid Khalidi, Jon Kimche, et al.pdf

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