Part IV Post your tough Questions on Christianity

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by WanRen, Mar 3, 2013.

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  1. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by Akhlut:

    So, YHWH creates entities that he knows he will have to torment. Very nice fellow, since it would know ahead of time that its decision to go on this path would result in the untold torment of billions of sentient creatures. So, YHWH is evil. One doesn't set upon a course of action knowing that outcome without being evil.

    No God is not evil, He is perfectly Holy. He justly punishes people for their sins. He does not want people to be punished for their sins that's why He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ to pay for the penalty of sins, in that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting eternal life. So this is a free invitation to all people, to all us sinners, for everyone one of us is a sinner!

    So the choice is ours to make, where ever one ends up in the eternity, it was their choice to be there.
  2. GraspingforPeace

    GraspingforPeace Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2008
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    Seems like the worst invitation possible. Here's a thought: personal revelation to everybody.
  3. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by dairyair:

    You seem to rely little on what is in scripture and more how you believe what the scripture means. That is what is surprising.

    How can that be? I rely on a lot of what scripture is saying. For example when God said, "Look! I am about to cover the earth with a flood that will destroy every living thing that breathes. Everything on earth will die." Gen. 6:17 NLT

    I take that to mean a global flood and not a localized flood. One just has to look at key words in the context of the verse to interpret the true meaning.

    Now if God had said, "Look! I am about to cover part of the earth with a flood" then of course I would take it as a localized flood and not a global flood.
  4. Mjolnir

    Mjolnir New Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    You said that homosexuality was immoral because the purpose of sex is to produce children. By your own logic, straight couples who can't have children shouldn't have sex because it would be immoral.
  5. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Well, I have answer many tough questions from part I - IV, yours might be one of those, to make things easy maybe you can just repost what ever you think that I missed out.

    Stupid or not I answer as you and every body else as you have seen that is why we are now in part IV. It is only stupid if you consider my answer is stupid then the question is stupid, remember the stupidly claim did not come from me but from you.
  6. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Scientist now believe that life on earth came from outer space from some meteor just like what you have stated, others believe it started with some organism all this is just one example that science does not know all they have are theories.

    One thing science agrees is that nothing start from nothing. And who or what is that infinite something that started the whole cycle of life and universe? For me it is God, for you it is something.

    As I have pointed out God created humans in His image and likeness, God gave us the responsibility to care and expand the universe. Life started here on earth the process of creation maybe some asteroid, or some organism that God place on earth that started the whole process what ever it is we know that earth is the only planet that has humans and it will be just a matter of time that earthlings will colonize Mars and other planets.

    Maybe and this is a maybe there are some intelligent outer space creature for sure it is no where within our galaxy, maybe it is out there and maybe God created them too, maybe they were our ancestor and not apes and maybe, and more maybe just like you are also not sure only theories minus God.

    What and who is your god? and how do you know that is what your god wants you to be as to respect life and enjoy gift of life did your god brought the laws to you? or did you made them up and say that it was from your god?

    My God, is the Christians God of Abraham, it has a history and record that God exist and what it takes to reach enlightenment and that is to respect life and enjoy the gift of life as taught by God.

    That is why science and Christianity goes hand in hand and this goes back to Copernicus, Galileo, and many many more here are a list of Christians scientist that spear headed the advancement of science;
  7. thebrucebeat

    thebrucebeat Banned

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Let's start with this.
    Stringer thinks man started in Africa over 100,000 years ago, so these two sources aren't in agreement.
    Second, he is using the title Noah's Ark simply as an analogy. There is no connection between what he is talking about and Biblical history.
    Finally, you are simply making the case for me. You are saying Exodus did not actually occur, so why are you posturing yourself as disagreeing?
  8. thebrucebeat

    thebrucebeat Banned

    Sep 23, 2010
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    So you find it to be a perversion to be attracted to mature women who do not meet a certain level of attractiveness, that level being determined by you I presume.
    That concept is a true perversion.
    You should be ashamed of yourself.
  9. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Why do you say false things? it because you have misinterpreted what I've said? I have never said, "the purpose of sex is to produce children" If you go back to part 2 of "Post Your Tough Questions Regarding Christianity" to page 23, Post #230, no where did I make a remark like that. You have been misinterpreting me a lot. This is not the first time. Sometimes it makes me believe you are not that intelligent.

    Part of what I did say in that particular post was.... "Isn't having sexual relations between a man and woman in marriage sufficient enough? It is right and it serves a purpose."

    Now clearly as usual you have misinterpreted what I have said. You are just like your brother dairyair or should I say like most of other atheists...prone to misinterpreting what they else is new?

    Jesus makes God's standard (and desire) clear, when He reminds us that, "God made them male and female, from the beginning of creation. This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united as one, let no one split apart what God has joined." Mark 10:6-9 NLT

    Keeping the above points in mind, the biblical standard on marriage appears to be the following:

    1. Marriage is to be a lifelong commitment between two people before God

    2. Marriage is to be between one man and one woman

    3. Marriage is the institution God established for sexual relations and the perpetuation of the human race

    So in conclusion if a married couple (male and female) can't have children it doesn't mean it is immoral for them to continue to have sexual relations with each other. It only becomes immoral if they decide to have sex with other partners besides their spouse.
  10. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Your last question is the most important. Where is God in all that you have stated. You made presumptions regarding my self control. I am very much in control of what I write and of my emotions. Admittedly, a lot of what I think is not published as a result of that self control. You should exercise what you are preaching. You have stated previously that I was making false accusations, yet you do nothing in your little appeal to the Atheist cohorts that you have won favor with, to show those false accusations, instead, you now admit (once again) to the things that I previously stated regarding your ministry. Let me ask you this. Did Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, or even Paul leave their ministry because of the conduct of their congregation?

    - - - Updated - - -

    It is no lie. You were chased out by your own inability to stand up to the issues that were before you. Bottom line.
  11. Mjolnir

    Mjolnir New Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    Ah, well perhaps one of your cohorts said something to that effect then. If it's going to take you two months to reply to something, you can't expect me to remember fully which bit of fundamentalist lunacy I was commenting on. OK, you've presented three conditions regarding marriage. A couple who can't produce children cannot fulfill the third condition. But you think that people who can't have children should still have sex and get married, so we can take that to mean that (3) is not a necessary condition for marriage. Now of course there are plenty of people who get married, and then for whatever reason feel the need to get a divorce. I haven't heard any calls from Republicans lately to add an amendment to the constitution banning divorce, so we'll assume that one isn't necessary either. As for point (2), polygamy is common in the bible, and there have been many christian leaders who have expressed the opinion that it does not outlawed by scripture. A man may, as in the passage you quote above, join with a woman to be united as one, but where does it say that he can do this only once? So if none of the conditions you gave are actually real conditions, why should I believe anything else you say?
  12. Mjolnir

    Mjolnir New Member

    Sep 27, 2012
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    So you agree that certain individuals finding something disgusting has nothing to do with whether or not it's a sin.
  13. John.

    John. New Member

    Jun 7, 2012
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    No, we don't have evidence. And your dates and facts about Out of Africa are completely wrong.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Completely untrue.
  14. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    The bottom line is marriage is between a man and a woman. God created Adam and Eve. Abraham and Sarah couldn't have any children until Sarah was in her senior years around 90 and in all those long years Abraham and Sarah remain with each other until death. Atheist feel there is nothing wrong with same sex relationship be it for procreation or sex and this is one reason why atheist hate God and why I said atheist will have their own twisted set of morals they will make laws to make anything okay.
  15. WhatNow!?

    WhatNow!? New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    It would be very ignorant to insist only atheists are for same sex marriage when there is so much proof that contradicts it.

    It would be very ignorant to insist all christians are against same sex marriage when there is so much proof that contradicts it.

    """"The bottom line is marriage is between a man and a woman. God created Adam and Eve. Abraham and Sarah couldn't have any children until Sarah was in her senior years around 90 and in all those long years Abraham and Sarah remain with each other until death. """"

    Now, could you explain what the above quote has to do with same sex marriage??????????

    I didn't see any bottom line.

    You just saying, """bottom line is marriage is between a man and a woman."""" doesn't make it true...
  16. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Simple, you can argue all you want that same sex is okay, it is normal, nothing wrong base on what? base on what you personal feel? We all have a personal feel about many things such as the right to possess high power weapons, the right to have many wives, the right to have many same sex partners, the right to drive, etc. etc. it is for this very reason why we need laws and one of the most basic natural laws is that marriage is between a man and a woman. And now men are about to corrupt the natural order of nature by legalising same sex relationship what's next cloning?
  17. WhatNow!?

    WhatNow!? New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
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    Who the heck are YOU to decide what is "natural" or not...and so what? ALL citizens should have the same rights as all other citizens...the end....why do you think rights should be taken away from people just because YOU don't approve??

    Here's the rest of my post, most of which you just ignored...

    It would be very ignorant to insist only atheists are for same sex marriage when there is so much proof that contradicts it.

    It would be very ignorant to insist all christians are against same sex marriage when there is so much proof that contradicts it.

    Wanren posted:""""The bottom line is marriage is between a man and a woman. God created Adam and Eve. Abraham and Sarah couldn't have any children until Sarah was in her senior years around 90 and in all those long years Abraham and Sarah remain with each other until death. """"

    Now, could you explain what the above quote has to do with same sex marriage??????????

    I didn't see any bottom line.

    You just saying, """bottom line is marriage is between a man and a woman."""" doesn't make it true...

    .if you can't face all of it, don't cherry pick...
  18. Slyhunter

    Slyhunter New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2010
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    Sticking a male plug in a female socket is normal. Sticking a male plug in someone's ass where it doesn't belong is immoral.
  19. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Of course you have. But you can never see it. Even if it's been shown over and over to you.
    BTW - don't you have your own part IV thread to answer questions?
  20. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    You can't go by what they say, you have to go by what you think they think they mean.
    Can married couples have sex in daytime? With the lights on? Anything other than the missonary position? Afterall, some of those will likely be for pleasure and not procreation.
  21. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    This is a flat out lie. Read the bible verse again.
  22. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    If you don't define what you mean, then folks take it to mean what every other person thinks it means. What is the purpose?
    BTW - Don't you have your own thread IV to answer ???? in.

    And now if you'd be so kind to not bring names into your replies making assumptions it would be appreciated. And maybe with in the TOS.
  23. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    You do know abraham fornicated at the request of his wife. Sinned.
  24. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I am curious what the toughest question that you had a valid answer for.

    Reading through the posts I can find any.

    What was the toughest question ... feel free to pick more than one if it is hard to choose.
  25. PrometheusBound

    PrometheusBound New Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Pretty authoritarian, aren't you? I'm not going to let you direct my script. I'm not going to let you make me your debate boytoy. Your unnatural desires are all about dominance. The easiest people to dominate are trusting children. QED.

    Recruiting poster fails.
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