someone enlighten me on why the Russians send weapons to Assad

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by Darketernal, May 30, 2013.

  1. Darketernal

    Darketernal Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    For me, i can't really figure it out. The only thing i can think of is that Russia wants to keep its strong military position in the region of Syria.

    Quite honestly i am disappointed that Hezbollah and Russia would continue to keep supporting a dictator, and simply don't care for what the people in Syria are experiencing. Seeing a country like North Korea were the people die by the buckets from starvation and poor conditions for decades under the control of a military regime has led me to believe that is not the way to go. Although i know the Russians could care less if people are dying and would only focus on their control in this power game, i can't keep wondering if there is no better alternative? :confusion:
  2. KGB agent

    KGB agent Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2010
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    ....Because Russia wants to avoid the cration of a new islamofacist neibour and, thus, Assad to win?
    Should we support terrorists aka "rebels" like Saudi Arabia and the West instead?
  3. General Winter

    General Winter Active Member

    May 23, 2009
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    [/QUOTE] Should we support terrorists aka "rebels" like Saudi Arabia and the West instead?[/QUOTE]

    We should support rebels in Sweden.Swedish monarchist regime wich supresses struggle for the rights of emigrants is one of the most cruel regimes in the world and it should be destroyed in the interests of supressing people quickly as it is possible .Swedish rebels neeeds solidarity and military support of all progressive forces.
  4. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Assad has been a fairly loyal ally and market for military equipment, of the Russians, and he represents stability to their interests in the Middle East. Why would the Russians care about about people suffering? It's not like they won't suffer if the Islamist rebels win.
  5. Darketernal

    Darketernal Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I can imagine that, Russia already has its hands full on the Chechens, i also wouldn't want a Islamofacist neighbor country with people yelling allah akbar and trying to kill me in the name of some fake god. But Assad has been too strict on his people, and this has given rise to rebellion, after the war they need a strong leader to guide the country, but one that is a little bit more softer with the people, circumstances are too hard now in syria, with children , woman and men dying there. Besides rockets some medical equipment , water and food should be send as well.
  6. Darketernal

    Darketernal Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    True that, i am also tending more in the "politically sense" of "bad luck" for the Syrian rebels, but on the other hand i hope Russians also have a more humanitarian side to them. The suffering in Syria is beyond belief. I mean those babies with bullets and shrapnel in their bodies are innocent in terms of the political and military battlefield that is going on. I hope they get some aid relief.
  7. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    the same reason the USA supports dictator/allies without caring about the people in those countries...
  8. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    fake god? it's the same god christians cherish...

    not unlike Bahrain where the US remained quiet as it's rulers crushed the protest movement...
  9. Bezukhov

    Bezukhov Active Member

    Jun 26, 2009
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    Why? The Russians ain't giving them away. Its the Almighty Dollar...errr Ruble.
  10. Pregnar Kraps

    Pregnar Kraps New Member Past Donor

    Jan 29, 2013
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    Something just occurred to me and I chose this thread to note it because it happens to deal with Syria, even though not Obama's policy on Syria.

    One indication of how bad Obama is: While deliberating the vagaries of the players in the Syrian civil war and trying to understand which side best represents the US interests, I find myself as much in doubt about Obama's real allegiance to the US as I do Russia's. Who is Obama REALLY working to help in Syria and why?

    When you can't trust your own President to watch out for America's best interests, something is REALLY wrong.

    He is just plain awful!

    God, PLEASE let him be impeached quickly.

    Biden would be better! Even if he IS a buffoon!

    At least no one doubts his love of this country.
  11. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    :roll: Where to begin?

    Did you mean emigrants or immigrants? If you have not realized, the Swedish government is run by the very same people that are letting all these immigrants in.
    Now perhaps you meant 'emigrants'? In which case, it is an unfortunate unintended consequence in response to foreign-born immigrants in Sweden who abuse the system. Since I do not know exactly what you meant to say, I do not want to get much into the details.
  12. KGB agent

    KGB agent Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2010
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    Well, he, probably, was too tough, but the escalation of the war isn't his fault. It was supported and funded from abroad from the beggining, if it wasn't, the army would steamroll any "rebel" forces it meet. Assad might leave after the conflict ends but at the moment the choise is pretty clear:
    a)support islamic terrorist.
    b)support secular regime.
    c)ignore it.
    We, for one, go for b).

    We also should support British people struggle for freedom. That ugly opressive dictator, Elithabeth II, should be executed.
    That poor guy was just expressing his opinon and the (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) is going to send him into British concentration camp for the rest of his life! Brits should be liberated! Bomb London NOW!

    Sweeds can't into sarcasm?
  13. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    The problem is, Biden really is a buffoon.

    That's why Bin Ladin was interested in taking out Obama, so that Biden would take charge and throw the country into chaos. And it would be chaos. Imagine having Tommy Boy for President.

    As for Obama's intention, he's an internationalist who will default to doing nothing unless the Europeans talk him into doing something major in Syria.

    Based on Libya, where we were saying we were not going to consider involvement on Sunday and we were at war by Wednesday; if the Europeans want us to to go to war for them, we will.
  14. General Winter

    General Winter Active Member

    May 23, 2009
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    The hallmark of totalitarianism is a general belief in certain things:in "Assad's dictatorship", in "hunger in N Korea",etc.No one of those tenderhearted Westerns who are so pity of starving Koreans never take in mind a simply thing:stop economic sanctions against this country and you'll stop the hunger (if only it really exists).No,Western everymen blindly believe that the cause of the hunger is communism that does not work.Then what for their sanctions are? Such a question Westerns never put in mind because they are not accustomed to think,they are accustomed to believe.An extreme degree of a brainwasing is a first symptom of totalitarianism.

    The other symptom of totalitarianism is а constant aggressiveness.Today the next victim of aggression is scheduled : Syria.For what reason we shoul support it? The next strengthening of Western totalitarianism brings a danger for Russia too.
  15. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Russia protects the Assad regime no matter what because it is afraid of losing its important naval bases in Tartus and Russia is not planning on abandoning its Mediterranean naval base in the Syrian port of Tartus despite Syria's ongoing domestic turmoil. Tartus has been the Russian supply base since the Soviet era and there are about 50 servicemen permanently stationed at the port with a special vessel for ship repairs.

  16. Potap

    Potap Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2009
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    This native Briton is outraged by something. Obviously he wants shariat. But terrible british queen does not allow Sharia law in Britain. This guy suffers without Sheriyat. It's necessary the Revolt, like in Syria.

    Against this background the revolt of rebels in Sweden looks very encouraging. I think they'll win in not a long time and all Swedes will be happy to make circumcision and to dress a yashmak on their women. Every one knows yashmak looks so sexy!
  17. nom de plume

    nom de plume New Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    Unlike the United States, the Russians do not want a radical Islamic, Jihadist, Sharia Law government to take over Syria. The "rebels" that are fighting Assad are Jihadists.

    Assad is evil but not nearly as evil as the "rebels" who he is trying to stave off.
  18. Darketernal

    Darketernal Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    That's what they want you to believe, the moon and God have no relationship in Judaism or Christianity that i know of, without going too deep the kabaa is a pagan worship location of origin. Islam is a mere tool to gain power over people, promising 70 virgins like promising a carrot on a rod to a donkey. They are too stupid to realize that after you die, your body and penis decays and is eaten by worms, how are you ever going to have sex with those 70 virgins remains a mystery to me.

    I am going to be silent about that, because it would mean nothing i am honest to say i know nothing about this desert country.
  19. Darketernal

    Darketernal Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Its true what you are saying, the same happened in Iraq. USA was never a real friend/ally, they just had a strategic interest, i am guessing the same for Russia in Syria.
  20. Darketernal

    Darketernal Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Its a matter of being honest. And to be honest, Obama is NOT a foreign affair expert, he went to China and came back empty handed, and anything that happens abroad he doesn't know well how to deal with it. Obama's strength lies (although i am guessing you have a tendency for the republican side) in internal domestic American interests.

    In comparison , when a hurricane struck New Orleans , president Bush took forever to get into action and show support to the American people, he completely let down the American nation in a rather appalling way, Obama arrived quickly immediately on the scene, in natural or domestic disasters. His support and speech for the victims of sandy hook was unprecedented and heart warming, how he addressed the nation as a parent instead of as a president, and how he wanted to protect the children of his country.

    So my conclusion is that whether you like him or not, his beliefs stand for protecting America and benefiting those who are experiencing a need for his help and support. For instance with the 11 march earthquake in Japan, immediately a aircraft carrier went in to save Japanese victims. These are the signs i see.

    But nobody is perfect , not even Obama, and in terms of his foreign policy id throw it into the garbage can immediately, its just not his specialty.
  21. Darketernal

    Darketernal Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    I think this was an interesting comment, mainly because "labeling" has taken place, stupid people are easy to convince about convictions, a great deal of the American people are stupid enough to think in terms of "labels" , but that does not mean that the "smart" Americans who are pulling the strings behind the scenes don't know what they are doing. Labels are used by them to convince common people in a easy to understand manner what to do and think on their level. Deep explanations wouldn't be understood, so labels are used.

    These smart Americans know EXACTLY what's going on. In the case of North Korea, more money means more weapons which means more threat. Hence sanctions are being put into place against North Korea, although we feel very sorry for the starving North Koreans, our own safety is of a greater concern. I am not saying we are better then the Russians, but i think the Russians have very little if any concern about what is happening to the people and the humanitarian crisis in Syria, or am i wrong in that?

    I think that totalitarianism, or labeling is a great 'if not misused' tool ,to quickly explain to the common people what is EVIL and what is GOOD, Americans have a tendency to quickly label people, something you especially see in the American court system. You are either a sheep or a goat, that Mr.Shepard American will separate into light and darkness, just as Jesus in the bible did by separating the weeds from the devil and the grain of God, and since in old times most Americans were deep believers its understandable that the adapted this policy of letting the bible book doing the thinking for them instead of thinking for themselves as they should.

    I therefore think your statement is completely correct in that people need to think not in terms of totalitarianism or black and white labeling , but be a lot more careful to understand that one word often cannot cover an entire person. I would also like to see Americans to be more forgiving , they have such a condemning system with very little room for forgiveness or opportunity in the understanding that growing takes time, and moving out of a bad place or habit takes sometimes enormous effort, and help is more useful then condemnation, labeling or long time imprisonment.
  22. wyly

    wyly Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2008
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    The oldest Abrahamic religions are, in chronological order of founding, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Bahá'í Faith.
    all the same god...

    you have the info of the world at your fingertips but you would prefer to voice an opinion without knowing all the facts?
  23. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    They think that in doing so...

    ... it will alleviate the Muslim influx into Russia...

    ... needless to say, it won't work.

    See also:

    Russia-Syrian-Iranian common defense pact
    24 July 2006 : Russia, Iran and Syria have entered a defense pact that is in the process of altering the balance of power in the entire Middle East. Russia’s part in the pact has been kept relatively secret for a long time. But the facts reveal a long steady Russian commitment to the Iranian nuclear program and arms supply to Syria.
    (From an old Hal Lindsey article - source link no longer works)
  24. EvilAztec

    EvilAztec Banned

    Aug 18, 2011
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    From an old Hal Lindsey article-it is a crap
  25. SAUER

    SAUER New Member

    May 16, 2012
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    Why not to bring democracy and freedom to Saudi Arabia? The motive - There is a regime that Amnesty International condemns as a widespread human-rights violator. :smile:

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