A Final Tribute To Whites

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by frenchy fuqua, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    Interesting reply, especially since that second paragraph is a double-edged sword and applies either direction and with that in mind re-read the dribble posted by our resident rasists here maybe you will see the flaw in their mind-set.
  2. snakestretcher

    snakestretcher Banned

    Jun 3, 2010
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    It's that freedom of speech stuff again; except that the racists don't understand that what they are actually exhibiting is freedom of idiocy, and venting the kind of bile that they wouldn't dare do in front of their victim. It's nice and safe behind an anonymous keyboard...
  3. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    The term 'racist' has been overblown from the get-go. What does it matter if someone is a racist or not? If you've gotten to the point of calling many if not most of the people here racists--then wouldn't it make sense to learn the reason(s) why these people are racists? What exactly determines a person to be racist? My understanding of the term 'racist' is that its one who believes his race is superior to that of another. I haven't seen that to be the case here. What you people do when shouting out the racist term is to publically admit that you have no debatable material in which to discourse with, thus your need to name call to avoid any participation in any debate where the topic is race, racism or race relations. Methinks its time you people grow up!
  4. Sturmgeist

    Sturmgeist Active Member

    Nov 20, 2009
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    I agree the term racist has been over-used by a lot of people. The correct term is bigot.

    I would say that it is impossible for a true individualist to be a bigot or a racist, though.

    It is interesting to watch the overwhelming prejudice amongst both self proclaimed liberals and self proclaimed conservatives on this forum.

    Labeling conservatives as racist or Republicans as the party of racism is prejudice. With prejudice being the root of all racism, what makes those liberals any better than the actual racists?

    The belief that minorities cannot make it on their own and as individuals and thus require some form of assistance is bigoted. Propagation of these beliefs causes minorities to believe them. They them act out in the manner that they think society expects.

    So, if you observe black people having a hard time and requiring assistance and you already believe they require assistance or if you observe black criminals and you already believe blacks are criminals, then you are reinforcing your own beliefs via observational selection bias. When people talk about these group behaviors that were observed as if they are facts then confirmation bias occurs, further propagating the belief. Finally, when blacks recognize that people think they need help or are criminals, then they will act in ways that confirm the societal beliefs. These are all ways that our brains subconsciously make irrational decisions.

    An example would be the belief in the early 1900s that many black males were friendly, ignorant, and child-like in mindset. Although these beliefs are clearly not based on reality, many people believed it and black males played out that role in public. Since most of society has realized that those beliefs were false, black males no longer play that role.

    This argument can be made of the poor, as well. If you believe that poor people are lazy, then you will treat them like they are lazy, and they will be lazy. If you believe poor people need pubic assistance and give them public assistance and treat them like people who need help, then they will maintain that role, as long as they are treated that way.

    Liberals and conservatives are both guilty of this behavior.
  5. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    Me thinks that if you do not see the openly displayed racisim by some here it is you that might want to take your own advice and grow up. Racisim or being a racist is easly defined, a person makes racist remarks they are a racist, is that too difficult to grasp or do you simply ignore it when you see it because you agree with it?
  6. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    Such bigotry toward the poor becomes tedious. The documented evidence of children in poverty achieving impressively as adults after having been given a helping hand at a formative time by the society to which they belong is undeniable. Whether you accept the mythological aspects of it, Christian morality infuses American society and is a self-expression of, by, and for the People. We care for those in need who cannot help themselves, and pretending that they can to escape the responsibility is fatuous. Survival of the fittest is not the criterion for a civilised nation.
  7. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    You need to point out some of these racist remarks before anyone can take your petty grievances seriously. Show us exactly what racist remark people are making that proves they feel superior to another race. Would you be just as upset if someone was to call you an anti American commie leftist who is hell bent on pandering to the black race out of a feeling of white liberal guilt? You need to learn how to become a man and face life as its being thrown at us without whining like a petulant child.
  8. Sturmgeist

    Sturmgeist Active Member

    Nov 20, 2009
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    You missed the point. It is about expected behavior and how it influences future behavior.

    In order to alleviate your obvious concerns, I'll define my view on charity.
    Voluntary charitable assistance is fine. Coerced government assistance is immoral and subsidizes false necessity. When subsidy exceeds actual income for low level employment and requires a lack of employment, there its no incentive to work.
  9. Iolo

    Iolo Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 5, 2011
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    And people with tails, who carried us for millions of years through the trees, are almost extinct! The world is going to the dogs, aye!
  10. Natty Bumpo

    Natty Bumpo Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2012
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    I don't presume to predict when assistance at a critical time facilitates personal success, nor do I trust to the ideologically convenient clairvoyance of others. And why would anyone who thinks what a People do in concert is pernicious assume doing it via personal whim is any different?

    ... and if it had ever proved adequate, society would have no need to redress its poverty as a community.

    That substitution remains always available to those who believe their charity is sufficient. As soon as they actually demonstrate such a capability, the communal responsibility will be rendered irrelevant.
  11. BlackSand

    BlackSand New Member

    Apr 9, 2013
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    Well Now …

    It is common knowledge that Emperor Hirohito and the other Nationalist in Japan were followers of the ideas and drew their inspiration from the teachings of Bushido (code of the Samurai).
    Even in his first broadcast ever to the Japanese people on August 15th, 1945 … He never even then said anything about surrender … But simply pleaded with his people to “endure the unendurable”.
    The birth of the Kamikaze was a clear sign of their desperation … And likewise a clear sign that the Japanese people meant what they said with … “We will fight to the last man, woman and child”.

    The Japanese soldiers would almost always fight to the death … or at least their suicide.
    Fighting between American forces and remnants of the Japanese Military went on in Guadalcanal and the Philippines until 1948.
    Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda continued fighting on the Island of Lubang in the Philippines until March 9 of 1974 … When he finally received orders to surrender.

    “The Japanese men did not surrender, even in the face of insuperable odds ...”
    “Don't you ever think that our men are worthy of some better enemy than the Japanese.”
    ~ British General Robert Brooke-Popham.

    “Do not live in shame as a prisoner, Die and leave no ignominious crime behind you.” ~ The Field Service Code issued by General Tojo ~1941

    The point to all this is that the Japanese were not going to surrender … Regardless of the fact that Tokyo was in ruins and they were drastically reduced in their ability to fight back.

    What people like you don't understand is why we dropped two bombs on Japan.
    We dropped the first bomb on Hiroshima … To show Japan and the rest of the world (not just the Japanese) what we could do to them.
    We dropped the second bomb on Nagasaki to show Emperor Hirohito that we were both capable and willing to do it again … for however long it took.
    He realized the point that it was his choice if he wanted to die along with all of his people … And that the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu Omikami wasn't going to save him.

    Japan was forced the bear the cost, because they were not willing to get the point otherwise.

    Now I understand that those circumstances probably stink to high heaven to you … But I also understand that someone like you isn't cut out for the hardships that are sometimes necessary in war.
    What you don't understand is that dropping the bombs on Japan … Saved more than just American or Allied lives ... And right or wrong by your standards, it worked.
  12. Tom Joad

    Tom Joad New Member

    May 29, 2013
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    Tennis is a wussy sport.

    American Black Dudes are the products of hundreds of years of selective breeding in order to be able to carry 500 lbs. bails of cotton on their shoulders and sire large numbers of new slaves for their masters.

    That's why most American Black Dudes can bench press well over 300 Lbs. and have foot long dicks.


    This is why old fat conservative white dudes are so afraid of them.

  13. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    You flood any country with massive amounts of immigration and eventually you replace the people, its pretty bloody simple. See how long Israel lasts with totally non bias immigration. Yes the patch of dirt will still be there, people would occupy the land but its no longer the Jews state is it? They would no longer have control over their own destiny, they'd be at the whim of whoever floods in the fastest.

    Whats happening in the US is happening across the West. Women work much longer now, have kids later and fewer of them, replacement rates are flat to slightly down which isnt so surprising since the baby boomer generation was so long ago. But look at how quickly populations are booming, where are they all coming from? Wont always stay this high, wont always be from third worlds you say? Try even discussing the issue and you're a Nazi racist. The vid below shows just how quickly the numbers will boom, which is clearly due to immigration given white birth rates.

    No doubt you'll say well have more kids blah blah. Why should we have to? The people are stating what they want by their actions. Less children with more and greater opportunities for them. Most of us strive to give our kids more than we had. So no im not happy about flooding third world low skilled immigration into post industrial countries at levels that WILL see replacement. I dont mind paying for a safety net, but we get nanny states and then flood people from around the world into that system? No they are not my people, i dont care to pay western style welfare for the entire world.

    Maybe white people can live in their own countries and remain strong majorities. I fully support all different kinds of people living in the West, only it mustn't dramatic shift the demographics. And maybe lets see every other peoples in the world embrace this multi cult diversity to the levels we have now before we give away the farm. Nope, not expected of any country except white ones....... sure you're not an anti white racist or self loathing white? Sounding awfully much that way since you hold such double standards.

    We know for your leftist dream of communism and one world authoritarian rule, every people on the planet must be only seen as class. Otherwise how else would this idiotic idea of one world govt supplied socialism work.

    Yeah check those charts out, nah thats not replacement.

    And to illustrate how pointless the idea is in helping the world's poverty by bankrupting our welfare and giving away the West. For every 1m/ pa the US takes in which creates the chart above (replacement) another 85m/ year are born.
  14. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    So are baseless dismissals and ad-hom attacks, yet you somehow soldier on without visible embarrassment. The high ground you think you have is illusory.

    That's dependent on how you define "diversity". I am, of course, talking about racial diversity and the specific traits that are unique to each race. These are, indeed, decreasing.

    You'll find that very few of these conversations actually involve the idea of "superiority". People like myself acknowledge that there are differences between the races. Each has their strengths and their weaknesses. People like you are quick to throw the "supremacist" canard around whenever someone ventures outside of the notion that every race is equally gifted in every area, when that empirically does not appear to be the case.

    Sure, we can do that. When one group is doing something while the other group is idle, the chance of success and failure is higher with the former than it is for the latter. This somewhat ties in somewhat with the "noble savage" theory introduced by the OP, and again reinforced with iAwesome's comment about whites being evil enough to invent something like the atomic bomb. His assumption is that no other race would have done something like this, which I think is absurd, but it gives a good example of the noble savage theory that many people subscribe to.

    I can tell you're not the type to substantiate your arguments, which is an intellectually lazy way of trying to shift the burden of proof onto me to disprove your claims, which is something I normally don't do, but I will in this case.


    It's not a non-sequitur at all. The policies that you undoubtedly support result in the extinction of the white race. Whether you are aware that this is the consequence or not is irrelevant.
  15. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    I find it very ironic that left-wing people routinely accuse others of "denying science", when they do the same thing all the time. There are differences between the races. Why is that such a controversial idea to you people?


    There is truth in the idea that they are specializing in what they are good at, but to deny the physical advantages they have in running and other similar sports is silly. They gained these traits over a long period of time, as they were necessary for survival in their part of the world. Whites have some upper body advantages over blacks that can be mentioned, as well.
  16. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Like the ones who add nothing of substance to a thread?

    - - - Updated - - -

    The Japanese would have never surrendered otherwise. They had their women and children ready to die for Japan. It would have required a land invasion or many more months or years of firebombing to end the war. That's another topic, though.
  17. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    You're under no obligation to enter these deeply offensive threads that contain ideas that you can't battle back with cogent arguments of your own. You're not the first to whine to moderators about trying to shut down all discussion on the topic, and you won't be the last. I only hope the moderators will continue to support the free speech of contributing members, even if the left-wing whiners don't like it.
  18. Sturmgeist

    Sturmgeist Active Member

    Nov 20, 2009
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    The government defines a uniform scope for the accountability of personal necessity. These boundaries are artificially created and defined "need" with means testing to exit that scope. That puts artificial pressure on those outside that scope, as they are now in a higher "need" category than those who have been subsidized. This creates a disincentive to work as it shows that less work equals more money rather than more work equals more money. It is immoral because it takes wealth earned from one category of people to give to another category of people. This is also known as theft.

    You also can't look at private charity versus public assistance with hindsight bias. You assume that private charity is unsuccessful, therefore public assistance had to be implemented. That argument is invalid because your premise and conclusion are based on the fact that public assistance was implemented. You assume a reason for its existence for the convenience of your argument.

    Redistribution of wealth, used as a means of coerced charity, maintains a class base where personal charity does not. Confirmation bias occurs when members of society regard this class base as "welfare recipients". There are connotations associated with being a welfare recipient that generate confirmation biases toward that group. While some individuals in that group may avoid becoming stuck in a repetitive cycle of expected behavior, most stay in that class for generations.

    There may be an argument that being a "charity case" has derogatory connotations, if that's where you were taking that argument. I might even be inclined to agree with it, as it is difficult to find polls measuring how Americans think about individuals who receive charity. The main difference, however, is the freedom of choice by the individuals funding the charity, making it moral.
  19. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 13, 2008
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    Indeed. Racists and bigots are all cowards at heart.
    Anonymous internet forums bring them out from under their rocks to spew an endless diarrhea of ignorant, hate-mongering rants.
  20. Sturmgeist

    Sturmgeist Active Member

    Nov 20, 2009
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    You cannot ascribe a single phenotypic fluctuation to the disappearance of whites as a race, especially when that fluctuation is over the most common phenotypic distinction among humanity. Brown eyes have always been the most common eye color amongst all races.

    Your article does not describe larger muscle mass in blacks. That is still just not a fact. There are a lot of studies of racial muscle/skeletal structure differences that do indicate shorter torsos and longer limbs among blacks which increases the leverage for existing muscles to develop stronger fast twitch fibers. Whites on the other hand develop more slow twitch fibers on average. That is why you see more blacks winning sprints and becoming better basketball players. It is also why most of the worlds strongest men are nearly exclusively white. Average mass has nothing to do with it.

    The decrease in the white population as a majority will be due to lower birth rates when compared to other races. There is no indication that whites will disappear as a race or that intermixing of races will ever be prevalent enough to spread a uniform phenotypic trait for skin tone.

    I don't deny inherent differences among races, but there is no evidence that minor morphologic differences cause a race to be great simply because of skin color.

    I'm starting to think we are arguing the wrong issues, as well. It appears we actually understand the same concept in terms of racial differences minus an interpretation of facts. The actual point to which we differ is whether or not the white race will disappear. Looking back at the older posts to this one makes it appear that you addressed me based on your assumption of my political leanings (as if I have some secret agenda in my post), unless you truly do not believe the OP is bigoted.
  21. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    I'm not ascribing a single phenotypic fluctuation, I am ascribing many. There are a number of genetic characteristics that white people have that are becoming more and more rare as immigration and race mixing agendas are pursued. Either you care about the loss of these characteristics into a sea of brown uniformity or you don't.

    Are you serious? I quoted the article where it says exactly that. Here it is again, read it this time

    Not according to the two articles that I've posted so far. Your unsubstantiated say-so is not persuasive thus far, though I'm glad we can at least agree that there are physical differences between the races that account for why some races are better at certain activities than others. One left-wing person in this thread was arguing that these differences are simply the result of growing up around the activities in which they excel.

    Whites never needed to become minorities in their own countries. The rest of the world could have outbreeded whites to their hearts content in their own countries and it wouldn't have affected the white countries of Europe, US, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere but for immigration policies that those countries adopted.

    Again, nobody is suggesting that melanin content is responsible for superiority. That's a strawman that you've introduced twice now. The OP celebrates the race in question that was responsible for great achievements in humanity, and how that race is facing decline due to race mixing policies and immigration.

    I don't really care about your political leanings, I care about the anti-white attitude that you have that I have seen in both left-wing and right-wing adherents, in this thread and others (though it's more common amongst left-wing people, generally). I believe the white race has a right to survive, and should do everything in its power to do that. I don't think it's an immoral attitude to have, any more than the attitude of people who wish to save endangered species from extinction. Whites have accomplished a lot. It shouldn't be controversial to say that.
    Pennywise and (deleted member) like this.
  22. Goldwater

    Goldwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 21, 2009
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    I disagree with the implied concept that tax dollars going to social programs is a sinister redistribution of wealth. I'm opposed to excessive military spending but I don't feel like I've been coerced into paying for more aircraft carriers than we need. I'm a tax payer, and I vote, so what happens after elections is the responsibility of the voters who voted for the guy that won. If your guy didn't win...his allocations of our tax dollars towards things he ran on....isn't socialism, or even oppression.

    Private charity is not as consistent as public social programs. One could easily argue that consistent assistance breeds dependency, and I'm sure it does, but at the same time...one must keep in mind the institutionalized social disadvantages that some social assistance recipients have to deal with.
  23. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    You girls call anyone that dares disagree with you those things all the time, again your selective reading and comprehension skills are working overtime, you miss so much on purpose it is laughable. Ahhh, the final reply of a right-winger that has nothing further to add, throw out some more insults, as I said take your own advice and grow up.
  24. Casper

    Casper Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Feb 17, 2012
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    Go bother someone that cares what you have to add to any discussion, you seem to forget I am no longer interested in your Opinions on any topics. Go find a bridge.
  25. AKR

    AKR New Member

    Nov 8, 2008
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    When these morons post, there should be a script that redirects them to stormfront's homepage.

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