what kind of people do this???

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by undertheice, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. exotix

    exotix New Member Past Donor

    Feb 29, 2012
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    If you haven't noticed ... this is now going to Congress for investigation and review ... this is because of the racisss-bent ... where Zimmy simply profiled an innocent black teen for the purpose of putting himself in danger for the purpose of pursuing that danger and shooting to death Martin because the law said he could ...
  2. Riot

    Riot New Member

    May 12, 2013
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    Haven't you noticed that they have nothing.
  3. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    oh, i've noticed all these things and i see them for just what they are - another political stunt. what the outcome will be is predictable. federal authorities will find some reason to make new inroads into the rights of sovereign states and more power will be centralized. it will be just another circus aimed at consolidation of power.

    the real incident will never be addressed. the flaws of humanity will be exploited, as will our fears. more dollars will be pumped into useless federal programs, a few regulations might even be tweaked to no real effect. i'm sure it will make y'all feel a whole lot better to know that the individual has lost another round to the collective.

    i think that may be what this is all about in the first place. it's nothing about race or crime. it's all about making sure that we are all just identical cogs in the machine.
  4. exotix

    exotix New Member Past Donor

    Feb 29, 2012
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    It's quite hilarious watching conservatives assume the same *Cosmic Conscience* they hate Libs for ... LOL.
  5. RPA1

    RPA1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 22, 2009
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    There is nothing to be seen because that never happened according to evidence and testimony.
  6. exotix

    exotix New Member Past Donor

    Feb 29, 2012
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    What about *Gods Plan* ?
  7. RPA1

    RPA1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 22, 2009
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    Yeah "racissses" like Al Sharptongue and Jessie (I want Obama's balls) Jag@ff.

    Pinch yourself, you are in fantasy-land.

    - - - Updated - - -

    What about staying on topic? Oh yeah, deflection is refuge for failure.
  8. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    conservative? cosmic conscience? i'm just someone who wants to be left to do what i do and wishes the same for others. if that makes me a conservative, so be it. i'm not the one assigning blame for what seems, even upon closer examination, to be simply a collision of fates. i leave that to the pretentious fools who wish to claim moral superiority. i'm not the one who insists on making up reality as i go along. i leave that to those who wish to inflict their own desires upon the rest of us.

    i noted not too long ago that i have watched as liberalism and conservatism have switched identities. while i haven't changed, my position in society seems to have done an about-face. the same authoritarian power that once tried to force me into a mold has simply changed its name and "stated" ends. it still uses the rabble to do its dirty work and it still insists we all conform to some imaginary ideal. that ideal has become a bit more pedestrian, but the populist nature of the current regime makes that sort of inevitable.
  9. AtsamattaU

    AtsamattaU Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2012
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    One objective observer to (presumably) another, there are two aspects you've left out. One is that Zimmerman did not "find himself" in a difficult situation; he put himself into a difficult situation. As a neighborhood watch volunteer - even as a concerned citizen - he fulfilled his duty when he called the police and reported a suspicious person. He went on, though, and made a decision to get out of his truck based on bad assumptions. I don't think his decisions were racially motivated, but they may have been influenced by some of the stand-your-ground and vigilante culture in the region.

    The second piece you've left out is the context in which the tragedy is set. We are not yet a nation in which skin color is not a factor in preconceptions and judgments. The President has tried reminding us of that context, but hell-bent partisans can't help but complain that he's "making it about race." The point is that, from the perspective of the black community, what happened here was an unarmed black minor was shot to death at point blank range on semi-public property, and the local authorities decided it was justified and there was no need to arrest the killer. Objectively, that's a shocking decision no matter what races are involved. But given the racial context, it's offensive.

    In the end, the state did it's job and brought charges, the jury did its job and weighed the evidence, and Zimmerman was found not guilty (which is not the same thing as being found innocent). Now, instead of empathizing with their fellow Americans, certain white Americans are rubbing in the verdict and referring to Trayvon as a "thug" who attacked Zimmerman for no reason. They're holding Zimmerman up as a model of how we should all be free to "defend" ourselves in public. God help us if we start to emulate George Zimmerman! Is it so hard to accept this for the tragedy it is and say that, despite Zimmerman's exoneration, poor judgment ruled the night Trayvon was killed? Can we acknowledge that, yeah, given the history of race relations in the U.S., it looked a little odd that Zimmerman was let off so easily early on? Can white Americans show some empathy for their fellow citizens of a different race?
  10. AtsamattaU

    AtsamattaU Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2012
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    Which claims are those?
  11. royofan

    royofan New Member

    Feb 16, 2013
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    What's going to Congress?

    And it's already going there?

    So what's the schedule?

    When does the investigation and review start?

    Got that info exotix?
  12. royofan

    royofan New Member

    Feb 16, 2013
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    "vigilante culture in the region."




    Speaking of claims with no proof....

    Prove there is vigilante culture somewhere that George was influenced by.

    And to add, do any of you libs find it troubling to cry about how minorities are treated so unfairly by the police and the next minute ask why " it looked a little odd that Zimmerman was let off so easily early on?".
  13. exotix

    exotix New Member Past Donor

    Feb 29, 2012
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    Sen. John McCain, Ariz., breaks ranks with the GOP and is urging state legislatures to review Stand Your Ground laws in the wake of the Zimmerman trial, which became a national flashpoint for race relations in America.


    "I can also see that Stand Your Ground laws may be something that needs to be reviewed by the Florida legislature or any other legislature that has passed such legislation," McCain said on CNN.

    Asked whether his home state legislature should consider revising its own similar law, McCain said yes.

    "I think that, yes, I do, and I'm confident that the members of the Arizona legislature will because it is a very controversial legislation," he said.

    Stand Your Ground laws refer to a legal doctrine in some states where an individual is permitted to use force in the name of self-defense without having to necessarily try to retreat from a confrontation.

    Though Zimmerman did not cite the theory in his successful defense against murder charges in the Martin shooting, Stand Your Ground laws have come under scrutiny because of concerns that these laws might give rise to similar violent confrontations.

  14. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    this is precisely the sort of political grandstanding i was referring to earlier. while "stand your ground" has nothing to do with zimmerman/martin, the case is being used to pick apart the fabric of state sovereignty. thus begins the long slide down that slippery slope you undoubtedly will try to tell us does not exist.

    would you like to know how it goes? first "stand your ground" is eliminated. next "castle doctrine" comes under fire. after all, the police should surely be able to protect you as well in your own home as in the streets. next come the limitations on any sort of self-defense. all along the way it will be noticed that law enforcement isn't quite keeping up their end of the bargain, so their powers will have to be expanded. in a perfect storm this would end with a kinder, gentler police state, but even the drones of the left would probably balk at that. or maybe not..... it should be remembered the sort of power that old school reactionaries gained as they "battled" communism. the house un-american activities committee comes immediately to mind, and there is little difference between those authoritarians and the present crop.

    there has been an ongoing battle between the federal government and the sovereign states and the states have been losing for a long, long time. as we continue to consolidate power among fewer and fewer people, the capacity for abuse of power continues to grow. the reason this nation fought for independence in the first place was the unresponsive governance of centralized control and great pains were taken to be sure that such a situation did not arise again. in the last two-hundred fifty years our own centralized control has grown in power and it has continued to destroy the opposition to its unresponsive nature. the greatest opposition to this trend has always been the right of the individual to own and protect himself. reducing or even eliminating the individual's right to protect himself would go a long way toward completing the job undertaken by a long line of authoritarians in office.

    i don't suppose any of this matters to our brethren on the left. few if any of us will be alive to see any conclusion to this battle. in the meantime they will revel in their illusory security and they will hardly even miss their liberties as they are stripped from them. i won't bother to wait for the posts claiming i'm just some right wing nut job. i know they'll come, but they don't matter to me.
  15. Margot

    Margot Account closed, not banned

    Oct 23, 2010
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    Castle Doctrine is good law and well established.. SYG isn't and across the country police chiefs hate it.

    When a cop discharges his weapon he is accountable for every bullet.. and its reviewed.

    Further.. NW doesn't kill neighborhood teens..
  16. EggKiller

    EggKiller Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Can white Americans show some empathy for their fellow citizens of a different race?[/QUOTE]

    Zimmerman is half white. Why are you not calling for Hispanics empathy towards blacks? Why are you not calling for blacks to empathize with whites and Hispanics? Yes a black kid died but Zimmerman, whites and Hispanics must now live with the anger and violence from blacks. Why no empathy for anyone else?

    You showed your hand and your holding jokers.
  17. Googlibears

    Googlibears New Member

    May 7, 2010
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    How much empathy are we supposed to show? Race card is constantly pulled in these situations and white people are ALWAYS blamed. Whites are always considered racists. In this situation, blacks are the racists. They can't believe that someone defended themselves against one of their own. It's ridiculous, this whole trial and situation following it.
  18. Grokmaster

    Grokmaster Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Gleeka snerg blering zappo qiuzit...

    Why would anyone "have a problem" with some nonsense that you just MADEUP, that has no support in the facts of the case?
  19. EggKiller

    EggKiller Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2012
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    Yeah googli I agree. That's my mess up by erasing the quote from atamatsu. I knew I messed it up but didn't really care enough to fix it. I'll be accused of racism either way.
  20. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    WOW, people are still imagining Zimmerman as Lex Luthur, the super genius who perfectly concocted and timed the perfect murder. He started a fight, managed not to cause a single scratch on his victim(besides the bullet hole), was able to get the guy to bash his head on the ground, break his nose, and then shot the kid from the ground without losing his gun in the process, AFTER calling the cops, telling them exactly where he was, without anyone videotaping the whole thing with their iphone and no ideal witnesses, right in front of all his neighbors. Zimmerman should be given the reigns to our national defense, because he is clearly a super genius. Must have some amazing skills to set that whole thing up, yet he received very little formal training. Sign him up.

    ILEANRIGHT New Member Past Donor

    Sep 6, 2012
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    You forgot, all this while headed to Target!
  22. JohnnyMo

    JohnnyMo Moderator Staff Member Donor

    Dec 23, 2011
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    Comments like the above sound silly. The behavior of both that evening was foolish and reckless.

    You nor I know who was attacked or who made the first contact. Suggesting you do is dishonest. No one should have died that night, period. By virtue of FL law, George was rightfully found not guilty by reasonable doubt. Because of the reckless behavior of both, Martin is dead and George's fife will never be then same, because as you put it, of a man who hoped to stem a rising tide of crime in his neighborhood George acted like an idiot, fact!
  23. undertheice

    undertheice Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    in case you haven't noticed, most people are idiots. all an honest man can do is use the information available to him and try to come to a rational conclusion. the evidence that was accepted by the jury is all i have to go by and my statement, though a bit more lavender tinged than may be called for, is how they saw it. it may be considered reckless to place yourself in the sort of position zimmerman did, but someone must take some chance when faced with a rising crime rate. when it becomes obvious that the police are either unwilling or unable to do anything about it, the average citizen must take that chance. it is reckless to place yourself between your neighborhood and crime, but people do it every day. it is a necessary part of taking responsibility for your own security.
  24. exotix

    exotix New Member Past Donor

    Feb 29, 2012
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    I'm glad you believe Martin was responsible for his own death .... welcome to private citizens as the police-state you hate.

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