Black Culture Pathology, What to do?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Moi621, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. LoneLaugher

    LoneLaugher New Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    Bingo! And THEN we can send in Moike's black Gestapo to "terminate" many and rip out the genitals of every female under the age of 50 !


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    Bingo! And THEN we can send in Moike's black Gestapo to "terminate" many and rip out the genitals of every female under the age of 50 !

  2. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    I'm not saying to hurt them. I'm saying better them.

    You folks are giving them a fish. I'm trying to teach them how to fish so they quit expecting or requirung someone else to Do it for them.
  3. fifthofnovember

    fifthofnovember Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    It's a sorry state of affairs when someone (of your own race) that urges you to give up scumbaggery and be a decent human being is seen as "bringing a white message" (white devil, white devil). While I guess that white people should take that as a complement, it is a sad commentary on the culture that rejects it.
    Jolly Penguin and Merwen like this.
  4. LoneLaugher

    LoneLaugher New Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    Except....that is not what you said. And.....who is going to pay for all those fishing lessons?

    Please......will ONE of you nutters just admit to your true point of view? This is an anonymous forum. Be yourselves.

    Check that.....Molke did. I'll bet he feels refreshed.
  5. hseiken

    hseiken New Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Always check the agenda of the source.

    "The New Century Foundation is an organization founded in 1994 known primarily for publishing American Renaissance. From 1994 to 1999 its activities received considerable funding by the Pioneer Fund,[1][2][3] and has been described as a white supremacist group,[4] which its founder, Jared Taylor, denies, calling it white separatist." - From wikipedia.

    Seems a lot of you guys stop at the first layer of your research. I don't claim to be the most well researched guy and can be lazy with my arguments, so I'm just as guilty, but citing studies by a group pushing for white separatism after being labeled as pushing white supremacist agendas doesn't sound like I need to hear anything they have to say, and most people who are against racism of any kind are likely to fall into the same thought process.
    balancing act, Rampart and Marcotic like this.
  6. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    That is what I said. I suppose a more appropriate analogy would have been you guys are strapping them To your backs and your swimming and pulling them along intheprocess. This causes them to drag u down and go slower while keeping them unable to pull their own weight.

    I suggest making them swim themselves. No money needed. In fact we will be saving money by cutting all of the government entitlement funds they currently receive. They will learn to feed themselves and make better decisions with their own lives while lookin ahead towards the consequences of the future rather than immediate gratification. This will make everybody stronger. Especially them.
  7. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    What if I told you that violence rates amongst black teens are SIGNIFICANTLY lower than they were decades ago even while they constitute a larger part of the general population? That in fact, rates are much lower for all serious and minor crimes including homicide - much lower than when they were first collected in 1964 and much lower than in the 80s, 90s, and 2000s? That black youths (under the age of 18 ) account for less than 2% of the nation's homicides. That even while they are locked up at a HUGELY unrepresentative rate, blacks don't use OR DEAL drugs at significantly higher rates than their "white" peers.

    Would it blow your mind? Would it change your perspective even a little? Probably not.

    And that's why I pretty much just write obvious racists off and focus on countering their cherry-picking and outright lies.
  8. LoneLaugher

    LoneLaugher New Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    The arrogance is suffocating.

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  9. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    Someone up-thread said the problem was hopelessness. I agree.

    One of the basic truths of human life is that what you do affects what happens to you. Act one way and good things happen, act another way and bad things happen. People learn this linkage as children. But it seems to be broken among many blacks who live in "ghetto" communities. Many of them act in self-punishing ways, which also harm society. Here's what I think is going on -

    When blacks were slaves or subject to oppressive discrimination, it was impossible for them to rise, no matter what they did. That's an abnormal and unnatural situation for human beings, and it continued for over two hundred years. That's more than enough to demolish the social tradition which encourages people to try to better themselves.

    To solve the problem being discussed here, that social tradition must be reignited. Young black people must learn that their choices can improve their lives. Once they believe this, the majority would turn away from self-punishment.

    Perhaps the greatest obstacle to reigniting the tradition of achievement among "ghetto" blacks is the ghetto itself. Despite all the fuss once made over desegregation (until it was rejected in favor of "black power," "black nationalism," etc.), poor blacks remain remarkably socially isolated. The "ghetto" youths probably have few if any social interactions outside their own community. I believe that's the core problem.

    Such youths have little opportunity to learn what to do to break out of the culture of poverty and crime. Someone said that blacks joining the middle or upper middle classes tend to leave the "inner city." That's no accident. Successful people want to be among other successful people who reinforce their own values and practices. Upwardly mobile black people don't feel they can find this reinforcement in the "inner city." Inner city residents suffer from what might be called "Keeping Down with the Joneses." All people want to be respected by those around them. Social approval is an instinctive need for everyone. In communities where so many lead unhappy lives, there may be intense social pressure to set low standards. That way, almost everyone can feel respected by those in their community, if not the world.

    Anyone trying to do better implicitly reproaches those around him. Those with hopes automatically withdraw their approval from those who have allowed themselves to do anything because they have no hopes. The resentment and pressure from offended family and friends would be enough to force most people to back down and give up their hopes, or at least keep their hopes a dirty secret.

    So there's the problem: history destroyed hope in black communities; now those communities, which once provided mutual support to people otherwise rejected, work against upwardly mobile people because they see mobility as destructive of community harmony.

    The solution seems clear: the old ghetto communities must be phased out of existence; integration, the long-scorned ideal of the early 1960s must be revived. To succeed in the world, black people must join the world. Aid programs that are community-focused must be retired, and replaced with programs encouraging the pursuit of opportunities wherever they may be.

    Let me give an example. New Orleans was once cursed with large communities of poor blacks displaying all the pathologies we would expect. Hurricane Katrina devastated those communities. FEMA helped many people relocate to temporary homes in other places. Then something wonderful happened, which surprised and discomfited the establishment. Many of the relocated people didn't want to come back, even after storm damages began to be repaired. In their new homes they had found jobs, better schools, less crime - all the things anyone would want where they lived. For the first time in their lives, they had opportunities and no one to tell them they shouldn't pursue those opportunities. And they seized their chance! Many never went back to New Orleans. They had lived wretched lives there. Why should they want to go back? This shows me that the trouble is not in the heads of individual black people. They're as smart and ambitious as anyone. They just need a chance. Those "inner city" communities will never give them a chance because they're steeped in a culture which rewards failure, including the culture of well meaning white people who minister to that community because it perpetuates their assumptions about black inferiority.

    The answer, I think, is to help and encourage black people of all ages to move out of the "inner city" in hope of a better life. Over time, the old ghettos must melt away.
  10. LoneLaugher

    LoneLaugher New Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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    (*)(*)(*)(*)in' A!

    Great post.
    Marcotic likes this.
  11. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Don't think I can disagree more. White people live in those same ghettos and there's no evidence that their behavior is not even remotely as horrific as their black counterparts. The same is true for the Hispanics. You want to talk about groups who have been discriminated agains for hundreds if not thousands of years then what about the jews? How come the Jewish community doesn't act this way, have the high crime rate etc etc? How about the native Americans... For god sakes we basically exterminated them. Talk about isolation they're LEGALLY isolated from the rest of the country. Why don't native Americans have absurdly high crime drug rates?

    There is one difference between those groups and blacks. All those groups have been oppressed and discriminated against... However those other groups do not blame everybody else for their problems. They do not wallow in self pity and constantly play the race card or act like victims that DESERVE a handout.

    Explain why the ONLY community experiencing these issues is the black community?
  12. LoneLaugher

    LoneLaugher New Member

    Jul 14, 2013
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  13. Unifier

    Unifier New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Sharpton, Jackson, and Obama don't care what black kids actually do. They only care about what's done to them. You see, this is what passes for "equality" in the liberal brain. Equal rights without equal responsibilities.

    Pretty warped, isn't it?
  14. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Brilliantly pertinent and truthful!

  15. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    Maybe you should read that and look at the absurd rates of black violent crime before u use it for your point.

    BTW. A major portion of those numbers and this report are not just about offenders but the high amount of American Indian victims.

    Still didn't address the issue.

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    Maybe you should read that and look at the absurd rates of black violent crime before u use it for your point.

    BTW. A major portion of those numbers and this report are not just about offenders but the high amount of American Indian victims.

    Still didn't address the issue.
  16. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    It's not some "Black" problem... it is absolutely and AMERICAN problem.

    People really need to start understanding that. You cannot put a 'color' on evil; the characteristics of our society itself (as a whole) are FAR MORE attributable to the evils we all can see.

    Please, STOP with this nonsense of Black this and White that. They ALL seem very HUMAN to me.
    Marcotic likes this.
  17. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    And white people essentially get executed in the street by black people and you folks got nothing to say. Ask me if I give a damn what you think about me.

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    This is blatantly false. Which is why you have YET to name ONE COUNTRY where blacks are not overrepresented in regards to violent crime.

    I'm still waiting.
  18. Kurmugeon

    Kurmugeon Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
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    So while the Leftie Extremists on this forum are busy congratulating each other on this thread in painting the violent black teens as victims worthy of MORE special programs, handouts and attention...

    Let me clue the lot of those tone-deaf Lefties in on where the Rest of U.S. are on this subject.

    1] Were not going to reward Murder and Assault with special programs and spending. In six months, when the money is spent, most lining the pockets of Elitist Leftie Program Facilitators, they'll just quadruple the violence, after all, that was how they got "Candy" last time. Enough! Bad behavior and violence will get " Po' Black Yutes" nothing but jail sentences and denial!

    2] If and when we do spend any more on poor, at risk youth, it will go evenly to ALL youths, particularly WHITE-poor, who are twice as numerous, and have been largely ignored for the last 45 years, yet for the most part have been behaving properly. The days of special racial set-asides are OVER!
    ALL Current programs which target by Race will have their funding cutoff completely!

    3] Rather than rewarding bad behavior with "Candy", we need to change a few laws. First, many of the exemptions for youths, such as not allowing the death penalty for under 17 year old murderers, need to be removed. You do a premeditated capital crime, regardless of age, you will be tried, and if convicted, given on swift appeal and if that fails, put down for the good of society. Second, the parents of those minority-age offenders will see very stiff penalties for their failure as parents. If your child commits a violent crime, your Welfare benefits will be cut in half for the length of the offender sentence.

    4] If you are on public assistance, regardless of race, you, and your children are wards of the state, and you loose the right to privacy and freedom of association. We will not publicly fund the generation of violent "Rent-a-mobs" to be used as on-demand "Give us more hand outs or we'll riot and assault you" troopers. If you're on public assistance, you MUST allow the search and review of your and your children's facebook, twitter, pintel and other social media for evidence of gang and other violence and racial hatred waring signs. If found, your welfare benefits will be cut in half for one to six months, and you and your children will be banned from using social media.

    THAT is an example of where the rest of U.S. are with respect to Black Violence.

    We are fed up, disgusted and not willing to let you use violence as a means of getting more special racial handouts.

    We have hand ENOUGH!

    We're mad as Hell, and we're not going to give you any more!

  19. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Really? It's NOT a human problem? ALL Blacks are the problem and we can't see where various aspects of societal troubles SPILL into one another??!!

    Please, cease with the one-dimensional analysis of what is before us ALL; we can all see it, so let's be completely honest. To hell with your labels of people and let's consider the larger aspects of violence in America.

    Get off of that!! It's a stupid and biased approach to what lies before us all. If Blacks disappeared tomorrow, there would still be problems with "Whites" (human beings). Can YOU not see this??!!
  20. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    I'm fed-up that people who should know better overall, remain STUPID.

    Do you know what percentage of violent crime on Whites are perpetrated by other Whites? (When you see the figure, it should open your eyes; if it does not, then I suspect that you CHOOSE to remain misguided in your perceptions of violence in this society).
  21. bobov

    bobov New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    The other groups you mentioned were probably not as socially isolated as "ghetto" blacks, perhaps because there were less of them, so it was harder to stay in enclosed communities. Since there are millions of middle class and upper middle class blacks who have none of the troubles of the ghetto, it seems clear to me that the ghetto is the problem, not black people. If you doubt the reality of ghetto black isolation, just listen to them talk. Is it not extraordinary that black people spending their lives in New York or New Jersey talk like Alabama share croppers? This sort of linguistic singularity could only be maintained by those in an isolated group.

    Blacks also differ because of their history. They were forcibly brought here as slaves, and later kept down. This isn't to make an excuse. It explains how they lost the hope of self-betterment that animates all immigrants. Immigrants, including my grandparents, are people willing to take the risk of upending their lives, leaving behind their language, families, and everything they know for a chance at something better. That means immigrants are special before they even get here. They, of all people, see the connection between effort and results. This is the opposite of black people's experience, so I don't see immigrant success as a reproach.

    What I see is a learning problem. Black people long ago unlearned what most people know about the link between actions and consequences. Now they must learn it. Many already have. The ones who haven't are being blocked by their communities. Those communities may be irreparably broken. Instead of wasting a generation trying to fix what can't be fixed, the best answer may be to let those communities die, and help the people in them find new lives somewhere else.
    Marcotic likes this.
  22. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    I largely agree with what you've said. And as long as people keep in mind that we are dealing with human beings in all of this, the solutions will likely be better overall.
    Marcotic likes this.
  23. septimine

    septimine New Member

    Feb 18, 2012
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    If you're white, you can't do anything. It's like anything else, only the people involved can actually solve the problem. It's not going to do much good for a bunch of white people to argue about what black people to do. Any pathology can only be solved by the person seeking help. If your problem is drugs, I can't get you off drugs, it's not possible, because I can't stop you from seeking them out. If you don't want to change, all the help in the world is useless, and in some cases actually counterproductive. What stops you from using drugs is you deciding that your life with drugs is not worth living, and therefore you stop using drugs. I can support you once that happens, but until then, I can't do anything.
  24. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    1) Stop Welfare and change it to WorkFare. WorkFare could involve some great opportunity in integrated communities where job training via apprenticeship and jobs are available. Encourage the moving out of the ghetto.

    2) Black leaders should preach Middle Class values. Get a better education to get a better job to own a home in a nicer neighborhood with better schools.

    3) End current special admissions and special job preferences because they do not work.
    Establish such programs for Poor people as opposed to Black people.

    The feeling of hopelessness is "inbred" in the community.
    Instilling Middle Class values along with incentives to job training and job opportunity is the way out.
    Inner City ghettos are short on job opportunity.
    Ghetto culture also beats down anyone trying to improve themselves as "acting white".

    Moi :oldman:
    Recovered Liberal if any Liberal can be truly recovered
    I reject the special place in history coming to America. They should thank their lucky stars their fore bearers got out of Africa with its tribal wars and other enslavements and ended up in America.
    Kurmugeon and (deleted member) like this.
  25. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Sorry, not good enough.
    I was watching Mad Med, an episode where "Roger" and Christina Hendricks get mugged.
    There were those days when everyone knew their role and the thief got off with watches, rings, wallets, etc.
    So those days have improved.
    Not enough.
    Black people still hold the records in violent crimes.
    Black children are snuffed out in Chicago and the Chicago Black community & Black teachers go on a Trayvon march to D.C.
    How absurd can it get. When will Black people take responsibility for themselves and their gangsta image?
    So statistics say Black kids commit less crime. Not Good Enough.

    Moi :oldman:

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