Almost-forgotten history of Diaoyu

Discussion in 'Asia' started by reedak, May 28, 2013.

  1. s002wjh

    s002wjh Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    can you name few group that murder 20millions in recent years other than jap/nazi? sure there are genocide, then there are GENOCIDE. the crime commited by jap/nazi during WWII trumph all other crime in recent history.
  2. litwin

    litwin Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    as far as i know, Turks killed 80% Armenians, and 60+% Assyrians with inhuman brutality (rape, stones, etc), actions Ivan the terrible in Eastern GDL (modern eastern - central Belarus, small parts of Latvia and Russia) were that brutal that you can not even imagine exported directly from bad scary movies. unfortunately Hollywood makes movies only about WW2....
  3. Akuma

    Akuma New Member

    Oct 4, 2013
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    I really wonder why you want war with us so much?
  4. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    On the contrary, a war between China and Japan won't do any good to both countries. A modern war is not fought with bows and arrows but missiles and bombs. The area of conflict won't be restricted to the Diaoyu Islands but the rest of both countries. War would bring about utter destruction and heavy casualties to both sides, with many cities destroyed and innocent civilians killed.

    In my opinion, China has two ways to handle the Diaoyu issue.

    The first is the "active" American model whereby China can try to apply economic sanctions against Japan.

    Japan had been trading with China since the era of the Chinese Warring States. Besides the fish from the sea, the Chinese market is vital for the survival of Japan. In its long history of trading with China, Japan has mastered the art of wriggling into the Chinese market, just like a worm wriggling its way into a sweet mango and embedding itself there.

    Like South Korea, China should widen the ban on the imports of Japanese fish and other seafood due to the Fukushima radiation. It should ban all its nationals from travelling to Japan. In addition, it should keep tabs on all Chinese and foreign companies that have joint ventures with Japanese firms in China.

    Alternatively, it can adopt the "passive" model of the Japanese by continuing its claim in all publications (books, newspapers, magazines, maps, etc), internet, radio and television broadcasts. It should reserve a day like "Diaoyu Memorial Day" to state its claim on the disputed islands.

    It is foolish and childish to send warships and fighter jets to "patrol" the disputed islands. Chinese activists trying to sail to the disputed islands and plant the Chinese flags there will do nothing to help the national cause but only end up making a laughingstock of themselves.
  5. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    Soaking in a very private onsen (hot spring) within an exclusive resort two hours' drive from Tokyo, a highly respected Japanese political grandee gave his frank opinion and disclosed the "naked truths" about the Diaoyu Islands to a junior Japanese parliamentarian.

    It is rare to find such an honest view on the bitter territorial issue by a Japanese, especially a senior politician from the pre-war era.

    Now two honest, noble Japanese (Former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and a highly respected Japanese political grandee) have come out in support of the Chinese claim on the Diaoyu Islands. Just pray that they won't be "given to the Mountain" by the self-proclaimed barbaric "superior pure blood" species as happened to the unfortunate old man in the trailer of the movie "The Ballad of Narayama (1983)" at
  6. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    They look quite like your father and other members of your self-proclaimed "superior pure blood" species.
  7. Akuma

    Akuma New Member

    Oct 4, 2013
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    :) We don´t look like you. We look perfect...

    And about Senkaku you will get nothing. Not oen grain of sand. You know that.
  8. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    1. Perfect? Don't make my toes laugh! If you were a Japanese American during World War II and you were arrogant enough to boast about your "perfect, superior pure blood" genes to the ancestors of your masters at Okinawa, you would certainly get "VIP treatment" at the Japanese-American Internment Camps.

    Following are excerpts from the article headlined "Japanese-American Internment Camps During Wwi" at

    (Begin excerpts)
    .....Roosevelt signed the Japanese Americans off to be personally humiliated and in some cases, to die. During this time of World War II the Japanese Americans were not protected when they were put into the internment camps, and they were left to fight against the racial discrimination that fell upon them that caused all their pain and suffering....So the U.S. government forced more than 120,000 Japanese Americans to leave their homes, businesses, schools, and, in some cases, family members due to separation during the relocation process. The order included all peoples of Japanese ancestry. More than two thirds of them were U.S. citizens who were put into the internment camps and half of them were children. They were all detained up to four years, 1942-1945.....During World War II, the Japanese American incarceration was due to the combination of Asian racial discrimination history throughout many years. It began when the Chinese people first started to migrate to the U.S. in the 1800s. In the beginning, much like the Chinese, the Japanese were seen as a source of cheap labor....they didn’t have the right to marry outside their own race. Also, they couldn’t be employed to certain jobs, and they were not allowed to buy a house anywhere they pleased. Even the children were punished, because some could only go to a segregated school....As we all know, the U.S. during the 1930s acquired very small tolerance towards people of color. At least, most of the U.S. as a whole country didn’t fancy the people of darker skinned color. Racism pretty much prevented the Japanese from living wherever they wanted, and working wherever they chose....In the end, the Japanese Americans in the internment camps during World War II were subjected to harsh, inadequate living standards and public, personal humiliation all due to racial discrimination. It wasn’t the war that started it all, because it was already going on in their general lifestyle. The war just gave the U.S. a reason to do what they did to them. It gave the U.S. a reason to really treat them harmfully and angrily. Since the majority of the U.S. never really like the Japanese that much anyway, and began to become jealous and angry at them due to their success in the labor force, they didn’t really care what happened to the Japanese. The Japanese incarceration had already been going on for awhile, and the Japanese internment camps was the cherry on top of the cake for all those who treated the Japanese Americans with racial discrimination. All this information is proof, proof to the statement that the Japanese Americans were left to fight against the racial discrimination during World War II that caused all their pain and suffering. (End excerpts)

    Special Interests and the Internment of Japanese-Americans During World War II

    51e. Japanese-American Internment

    2. The priest in the movie lamented: "I may finally lose my faith in the human soul (of my self-proclaimed 'perfect, superior pure blood' race)."

    Rashomon Trailer (Akira Kurosawa, 1950)
  9. Akuma

    Akuma New Member

    Oct 4, 2013
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    I would never be "japanese american" because i would never leave my nation. Beside that there exist no "japanese american" in our view. They are americans and we see them as foreigners. The rest about your nonsense...well we gave you chinese special treatment. :)
  10. reedak

    reedak Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    1. You are so blind to the increasing mixed marriages around you that you will be shocked to find yourself living in a country of foreigners when you wake up one day.

    A pathetic Nazi like you can keep dreaming about your self-proclaimed "perfect, superior pure blood" species, but not your pragmatic women folk whose Mr. Right is "often an American or European". Even a Korean man now stands a better chance than your fellow countryman in winning the heart of a Japanese woman.

    In conclusion, keep dreaming and boasting about your self-proclaimed "perfect, superior pure blood" genes till your day of “ashes to ashes, dust to dust”. :smile:

    2. Following are excerpts from the article headlined "What Japanese women want: a Western husband" at

    (Begin excerpts)
    ......A growing number of Japanese women are giving up on their male counterparts, and taking a gamble that looking abroad for love will bring them the qualities in a partner that seem rare at home. Mr. Right, as the hope goes, is often an American or European, a man appreciative of a wife's career and more of a partner in daily tasks.

    "They treat you like equals, and they don't hesitate to express mutual feelings of respect - I think Western men are more adept [at such things] than Japanese men," says the 36-year-old Ms. Mizuguchi, who works at a top trading firm. "They don't act like women are maids - I think they view women as individuals."

    Underscoring that Japanese women are losing hope with the local boys, dating agencies to help snag a Western husband have sprung up in Tokyo, some with branches in the US and Europe. Such companies rigorously vet their clients, screening for education, family background, occupation, and life goals.

    The kind of women who sign up for such services include doctors, lawyers, and other professionals - women who have delayed marriage to concentrate on careers and who aren't keen to give up hard won gains to become a housewife, as many Japanese men expect.

    Japanese women have come to consider traditional marriage roles as "disadvantageous in terms of time resources - they have to carry the burden of domestic chores as well as lose their free time," says Chizuko Ueno, a professor of sociology at Tokyo University.

    Normally, married Japanese women have not only to look after their own parents during old age, but also to care for their parents-in-law. When it comes to raising kids, "they can't expect much cooperation from their partner" because of the long work hours required at many Japanese corporations and because of established gender roles that assume that the woman does the child-rearing, Ms. Ueno adds.

    A generation of women who are now entering their 30s don't want to give up single life unless prospective partners are willing to break from traditional gender roles....

    Having ruled out an old-fashioned Japanese husband, many women here think the solution is a Western man. Indeed, some seem so enthralled with the idea that they are willing to spend thousands of dollars to inspect the wares personally. Of the more than 2,000 women on the books at one large matchmaking agency, about 200 travel to the US or Europe each month to meet prospects.

    Sentimental projections have recently been extended to Korean men also, due to romantic Korean soap operas.

    In 2003, Japanese women marrying American or British men outnumbered Japanese men marrying American or British women by 8 to 1. The total proportion of Japanese marrying foreigners each year has crept up from around 3.5 percent in 1995 to just over 5 percent.....

    Japanese women marry:
    Koreans 2,235
    Americans 1,529
    Chinese 890
    British 334
    Filipinos 117 (End excerpts)
  11. Ivan88

    Ivan88 Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2012
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    Greetings Akuma; It would be much appreciated if You explained what You wrote above.
    May I have the pleasure of your answer?
    Oshin 3 faces of.jpg View attachment 23665 girlJapan.jpg NiponLite.JPG

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