Part 9 of Post Your Tough Questions Regarding Christianity

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Mitt Ryan, Nov 15, 2013.

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  1. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Part 9 is a continuation of Post your tough questions pertaining to God/Jesus/Holy Bible and I will do my best to clarify and make sense of it to those who are unaware...I still have questions unanswered in Part 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8.

    Also I might answer questions that are on other members threads and so this will keep me real busy with the many questions that I will answer from my point of view/perspective keeping in line with Scripture.

    I don't want my intentions to come across as converting you or whatever lol... but rather clear up things etc... so ask away.
  2. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by dairyair on pg. 70 #696 of Part 3 in response to my post

    On the other hand if He made us with infinite wisdom and benevolent like Him that would mean God would have to create a world where we have to do His will, but it would be a creation devoid of love.

    In other words, if the world were such that we had to do God’s will, it would be nothing more than a puppet show God was putting on for Himself. And how could God love a puppet?

    So God gave us free will to choose to believe in Him, to love Him, or to not believe in Him and not love Him.

    And we see this free will being displayed daily on this thread. God sees who believes and loves Him and who doesn't believe and doesn't love Him. (Post by Mitt Ryan)

    Please tell us you were drinking heavily on this post. (Post by dairyair in response to my post above)

    I can honestly/truthfully tell you anytime I'm here on-line answering questions the things that I drink are water sometimes juice....yeah that's right just plain cold water and juice.

    Now in regards to my post above, that just happens to be the truth and nothing but the truth. We must not forget that our Lord is omniscient, He is truth!
  3. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    Are babies born inherently evil? Not just "in a sinful state" as all babies are according to Christian dogma....but EVIL, so much so that God would approve killing a baby to stop its evil nature?

    Wait....first consult 1 Samuel 15:3, before answering.
  4. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by thebrucebeat on pg. 70 #699 of Part 3

    Interestingly, the only reason there were nine plagues against Egypt wasn't because Pharoah was hard, but because God hardened his heart. That is not disputable as it is written in Exodus. Pharoah was prepared to let the Hebrews go several times until God hardened his heart.
    Why do you think God wanted these plagues to befall Egypt?
    You are not reading and interpreting Scripture correctly...not surprising! That's why I'm here to help you interpret it correctly. Basically you are misinterpreting due to factors you are not aware of and so I will explain.

    Every language has its own way of using certain types of words and phrases that might appear odd to a person not familiar with the language. For instance, suppose a person commented that his wife became angry and "bit his head off."

    Would anyone think that the speaker actually had his head bitten off? Of course not! English-speaking people understand this example of figurative speech.

    Or suppose a person went looking for a lost pet, and someone said that he was "hitting the streets." He was not literally hitting the streets with his fists. Most English speakers would understand the idiom.

    In the same way, the biblical languages had idioms, colloquialisms, Semitisms, and word usages peculiar to them, which those familiar with the language would understand.

    Hebrew and Greek languages used verbs to mean something other than their strict, literal usage.
    So when the text says that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, it means that God would permit or allow Pharaoh’s heart to be hardened.

    Pharaoh made up his own mind to resist God’s demands. Of his own accord, he stubbornly refused to comply. Of course, God provided the occasion for Pharaoh to demonstrate his unyielding attitude. If God had not sent Moses, Pharaoh would not have been faced with the dilemma of whether to release the Israelites. So God was certainly the instigator and initiator. But He was not the author of Pharaoh’s defiance.

    So in conclusion, the plagues were all the result of Pharaoh's own stubborness, his hardened heart. And it is clear that God did not unjustly or directly harden Pharaoh’s heart. So your question, "Why do you think God wanted these plagues to befall Egypt?" is not a valid question, since we know that is not what God wanted.
  5. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by Woody on pg. 71 #704 of Part 3

    Well for starters there is no Egyptian record of the 10 plagues......and as usual the only source is the Bible ain't that odd agian.

    This is just another made up fairy tale.

    Not so fast my friend. Archaeologists now widely believe the plagues occurred at the ancient city of Pi-Rameses in the Nile Delta, which was the capital of Egypt during the reign of Rameses II.

    There is archaeological material that some archaeologists, such as William F. Albright, have considered historical evidence of the Ten Plagues.
  6. Incorporeal

    Incorporeal Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2009
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    Have you ever heard of the "age of accountability" as mentioned in the Hebrew culture?
  7. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    I'm not deliberately avoiding your question. I still have many questions to answer on Part 4 through 8, I'm almost done with part 3. But I will probably answer your question on this thread sooner than later because you posed a very good question. But perhaps maybe my friend WanRen might answer it for you but in any event I will definitely answer it myself on this thread. So I just ask to be patient...thanks!
  8. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by AlphaOmega on pg. 71 #705 of Part 3

    The OP has yet to answer a single "tough" question even though he routinely solicits the questions.

    How many years passed between the resurrection and christianity? Its a simple question with no alterior motive. I am curious as to why you and the OP wont answer.

    I haven't answered a single "tough" question yet because I haven't received one yet, all I get are easy (j/k)

    I answered your question on pg. 73 #729 of Part 8. My apologies it took some time but that's what happens when one gets oodles & oodles of questions

    needing answers, make no mistake I'm not making excuses nor am I complaining. Say hi to the family for me...will ya!
  9. SuperstringTheory

    SuperstringTheory New Member

    Nov 10, 2013
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    Your explanation is nonsense and it's pretty clear you don't understand the bible.

    Exodus 4:21 the Lord tells Moses that he would harden the Pharoah's heart before Moses even speaks to him. In Exodus 11:3 makes certain Egyptians favorable to Moses. The plain and obvious purpose of hardening the heart of the Pharoah is to show the mighty power of the lord through Moses and the plagues.

    Romans 9
    14 What then shall we say? Is God unjust? Not at all! 15 For he says to Moses,

    “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy,
    and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.”[f]
    16 It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God’s mercy. 17 For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”[g] 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.

    19 One of you will say to me: “Then why does God still blame us? For who is able to resist his will?” 20 But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? “Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?’”[h] 21 Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?

    22 What if God, although choosing to show his wrath and make his power known, bore with great patience the objects of his wrath—prepared for destruction? 23 What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy, whom he prepared in advance for glory—
  10. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by tecoyah on pg. 71 #707 of Part 3 in response to my post

    How can it be the same God, when we Christians believe in the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and the Muslims just believe in the Father?

    I tell ya, you claim you were a former Christian...but I don't know if that is true now!...sheesh! (Mitt Ryan)

    I see, so now "True" Christians not only get to decide who is also a "True Christian, but also who used to be one?

    I thought you all were supposed to be expanding, and gathering more people into the fold. (Post by tecoyah in response to my post above)

    No, it's obvious you don't really see, because as is the case most often than not you are misunderstanding my statements. So as usual I have to explain.

    I don't see where in the statements I made, makes it evidently clear that I'm deciding who is a "true Christian" did you come up with that false accusation? Only our Dear Lord could know who is a "true Christian".

    Furthermore the person I was directing my statements to, had previously told me he was a former Christian and so if that was true then that person at least should have known that Christians and Muslims are not worshipping the same God.

    Lastly as I have explained in every thread I open, I basically say that I'm here to answer questions concerning the Christian faith and that my intentions are not to convert anyone.

    So again it obvious you have the problem or a problem....fix it!
  11. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by tecoyah on pg. 72 #712 of Part 3

    It seems very clear at this point, that the intent of this thread is most certainly NOT to answer questions, but instead to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that there are no answers. It has gotten to the point where it is embarrassing to read the attempts being made to manipulate the Bible(s) in a rather pathetic pattern of misdirection and ignorance of science.
    It seems very clear at this point and all other points along the way that you have always been absolutey wrong and of course as usual you are spouting off your ever so clear biased opinions...what else is new, I beg you?

    Just admit guys like you can't handle the truth! I give answers but all I get back are denials...there are no anwsers...blah!...blah!...blah! All I'm doing is keeping in line with Scripture.

    Keep being in denial, someday you're going to run out of denials and will have to face the truth and nothing but the truth!
  12. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    It is rather obvious that the english translation has some words messed up. See the post before this as a response.
    So it has to be wrong in this case as well. The english version.

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    What image exactly is the image of God?

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  13. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    What image exactly is the image of God?

    Originally Posted by Mitt Ryan View Post
    Quote Posted by GraspingforPeace on pg. 70 #692 of Part 3 in response to WanRen's post

    We also have the same internal organs, skeletal structure, 98% same DNA dose not make apes humans or humans apes because that 2% is what separate humans from apes that 2% is the different ancestors.

    Are you saying now that Darwin got it wrong???

    Just like what the Bible said, God created humans in his image. The first homo sapien did not evolve or came from the ape-primates that is why up to now for million of years the ape-primates have not evolve to become intelligent creatures in fact they have remain the same for million of years because if those ape did evolve from homo sapien ancestors they would have already evolve to become equal to humans. Homo sapiens were distinctly created by God to take charge of the earth this include managing the apes. (Post by WanRen)

    Nope, statements like those make it patently clear you don't understand how evolution works. (Post by GfP in response to WanRen's post above)

    Do you consider yourself an expert on the subject? Do you realize what you believe in is just a theory?

    I must admit I like WanRen's explanation a whole lot because it just makes a whole lot of sense and we have God's Word that He created humans in His image, note that God didn't tell us that He created humans through a process called evolution, no he flat out said, He created humans in His image.

    And it's very easy to believe that because when I look at an ape, I see an ape, when I look at a human, I see a human.
    Humans are black, white, yellow, red, slanted eyes, circular eyes. All kinds of different features. What image would that be?

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  14. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mitt Ryan View Post
    Quote Posted by dairyair on pg. 70 #695 of Part 3 in response to my post

    When God fights evil, He is not resorting to evil in the sense that it is evil for Him when He justifiably punishes evil. If there is no evil, then there will be no punishments...simple as that!

    God punishes this evil so as to wake people up to learn lessons making them realize that evil brings about justifiable punishments. This lesson makes them turn away from their disobedience and back to their obedience where they should always be. (Post by Mitt Ryan)

    why does more than 2/3 not get his waking up? (Post by dairyair in response to my post above)

    Aren't you part of that 2/3? So tell us why do you not get His waking up?

    I know there are various reasons but first let's hear yours if you don't mind.
    I thought you were to answer questions, not ask them.
    Because 2/3 have their own gods or zen to follow and don't necessarily need the ones for the jews. They achieve their ever after in their own cultural way.
    And then there's 15% or so that do worship the God of Abraham but have a different way of achieving everlasting life.
  15. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by Woody on pg. 74 #731 of Part 3

    History don't have a record thats just it. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing outside the BIBLE that proves this character ever lived! His birth was a concocted fairy tale, as well as his life....the Gospels are the only record and they are not eyewitness accounts of anything. In other words when you search ANTIQUITY for a character that the christians called jesus christ you find NOTHING......the entire scenario has been written like a bad script for a Hollywood movie
    You haven't done a thorough research, if you had, you would have found that there is indeed historicity of our beloved Dear Lord Savior Jesus Christ outside of the Bible.

    Furthermore, virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed, and most biblical scholars and classical historians see the theories of his non-existence as effectively refuted.
  16. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by thebrucebeat on pg. 74 #732 of Part 3 in response to WanRen's post

    Yup, I am not here to win you all, I am here only to post the truth. But for you and your buddies you want to win us all, which will never happen.

    What reinforcement, there are I believe only two Christians here answering the dozens of anti Christ questions. I have answer all, you just ignore those you don't like. You can always ask again, remember there are so many of you I will get to each one one at a time. (Post by WanRen)

    You never chose to address the ten or so references to God hardening Pharoah's heart. You found one and came up with a ridiculous suggestion that when God says He did the hardening it really means Pharoah acted on his own. Your explanation was so convoluted it is very hard to take remotely seriously, particularly when scripture isn't grey about it, it isn't hidden language, apocalyptic metaphor or any other device. Scripture is very straight forward regarding who was responsible for Pharoah's change of heart.
    You believe that those who disagree are simply ignorant of scripture. I'm an ordained minister. I have a pretty darned good exposure to scripture and its study, as well as its origins. I think I have probably looked deeper than you have, and most certainly wider.
    You really aren't up to the task you set yourself up for with this thread. (Post by tbb in response to WanRen's post above)

    You have misintepreted the Scripture. I have explained it on pg. 1 post #4 of this thread.

    I wonder how could a former ordained minister misinterpret the Scripture?...but hey you are in the denial part of the aisle now so that's a good of explanation as any other.
  17. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by QuantumHead on his thread titled, "Do We Have Free Will?

    I believe not. I argue it is outlawed by Einstein's explanation of the relativity of time.

    Any arguments/affirmations? (posted on pg. 1 #1)
    Yes of course we have free will. I want to add that I read a few of QH's comments and I find them to be pure nonsense!
  18. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by thebrucebeat on pg. 74 #733 of Part 3 in response to WanRen's post

    Nope no mistake, the AD calendar starts with the birth of Jesus Christ which is 1 AD. The important thing is your question has been answer Christianity started in 1st AD with the birth of Jesus Christ and in between that and the resurrection is 33 years.

    Of course for you my answers are not your truth because even if I pointed out that Charles Darwin do not believe humans evolve from apes you will say I am lying. Even if history has recorded that a man name Jesus of Nazareth did exist and was crucified you will say I am lying. (Post by WanRen)

    Even if the concept you are trying to sell here was accurate, which it is not, it would begin with the birth of Jesus at AD 0, not 1.

    This is why you are over your head. Even the simplest math and science is not understood by you. (Post by tbb in response to WanRen's post above)

    WanRen is right and you are wrong. I believe you owe my friend WanRen an apology.

    Maybe it's you that's over your
  19. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by dairyair on pg. 74 #734 of Part 3

    That is the part I can't quite comprehend. If there was a figure to save all of mankind, why the secrecy of his life and works? If should've been shouted from the highest mountains, traveled the world over and been extremely well documented. I just don't get the secrecy of it all.

    You're talking about the time in history when there were so many illiterate people. There were also many obstacles to overcome to try to get the Good News out mainly from persecutions of people spreading it.

    The disciples of Jesus suffered dearly, most of them were crucified themselves for spreading the Good News of the Gospels. Those days were very tough. People as we know can be savages, I mean you look back at the entire history of mankind and you got to admit it really hasn't been easy sailing and pleasant at's that sinful nature that's in us being the culprit.

    But now as we can see in the 21st century the Good News has spread far and wide, there are approx. 3 billion practicing Christians world-wide praising our Lord Savior Jesus Christ daily.
  20. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    actually the great advances humanity has made in the last century or two are the result of secular advances. it was only when we started to shake off the shackles of superstition that we started to value life to the degree we do today.
  21. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Sorry I just noticed you quoted me incorrectly again so that I wouldnt be notifed. Please stop doing that. For everyone else reading, I am still waiting for answers that never came. These posters have a habit of avoiding the questions by doing one of two things, stating they are busy and answering questions from months old threads that they know you wont drill back through to verify OR they state they answered your question and refer you back to months old posts that will contain a non answer if you decide to waste a half hour to go check. If you notice they spend more time telling you they dont have time to answer than it did to simply answer the question in the first place.
    To Mitt, please stop quoting me incorrectly. Ive asked you a bunch of times to not do that and if I notice again I will contact the mods. You are deliberately using my posts in a way that doesnt notify me you and you know it. You do this because you dont want me coming back to defend my stance yet appear to everyone else like you responded. What would god think of that? Once is a mistake, repeatedly is intentional misleadings of other human being. A sin.
    Also, if you are answering someone months later to tell them you answered you should re-post the answer in your notification of the answer not refer them back to a year old thread. This thread is borderline trolling as your excuse is it takes you a long time to answer because of the number of questions when in reality there arent that many and you should be answering these within a day of being asked. These arent nuclear fusion questions.
  22. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    This member does indeed have the habit of avoiding actual debate, and participation in quality discussion....however, I might point out that when he does actually respond directly it is seldom worth reading. Best to simply write him off as part of the Pointless Person Party.
  23. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Yes on this Tecoyah we agree! I dont mind an honest debate but avoiding the questions and then sneakily adding a pseudo response months later without notifying the person that actually asked the question means you didnt want the person to know you responded yet appear to others as if you had. I gotta say at least you guys on the left give respones quickly and in a timely manner. This is something I dont even think the mods have compensated for in the rules. Its a very odd thing to do and if the purpose is to bring more people over to faith, then its doing the exact opposite which is even more strange.
  24. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Quote Posted by Woody on pg. 74 #737 of Part 3

    You would think. But who witnessed these miracles other than the so called Gospel writers? Who else saw anything he did? Christians do not find it the least bit odd that with all the historians around at the time not one calls attention to this Jewish wonder worker.

    There were multitudes of people that witness His miracles. Did you expect every single one of them should have written a book? The vast majority of people living in those days were illiterate. So the message spread by word of mouth for the most part.

    There were also persecutions the early disciples of Jesus had to endure. Imagine if the 1st coming of Jesus happened in our lifetime, you can bet it would have been a whole lot different. With all the telecommunications we have now.

    You know there are Jews who are still waiting for there Messiah to appear but when He comes again it will be His 2nd coming as prophesied in Scriptures. They missed the 1st coming because they rejected Him but they are not going to reject Him when He comes again!
  25. thebrucebeat

    thebrucebeat Banned

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Perfect example of what AlphaOmega described.
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