Illuminati totally controls orgainzed religion, politics, and the media

Discussion in 'Illuminati' started by bwinwright, Nov 10, 2013.

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  1. bwinwright

    bwinwright New Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    Illuminati totally controls organized religion, politics, and the media

    Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am now absolutely convinced that organized religion, politics, and the mainstream media are ALL totally controlled by the Illuminati. Who or what are the Illuminati, you ask? The Illuminati is the name used to describe the world’s wealthiest and most powerful group of men and women who own and control the world’s central banking system.

    Remember the words of Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild who said, “Give me control over a country’s money supply and I do not care who makes the laws.” What he meant is that whoever controls the money supply controls the churches, the government, and the media in that particular country.

    Today, the Illuminati (The Illuminated or Enlightened Ones) owns and controls the central banks of some 185 countries, including the Federal Reserve Bank in America, The Bank of England in The UK, etc. The Illuminati rule the Empire of the City States which includes the three sovereign city states, all independent countries, of Vatican City, the Inner City of London, and Washington D.C.

    Each of these three tiny little city states is approximately a square mile in size, yet together they make up the most powerful (and evil) entity on Earth. They even have their own flag, which has a white or cream colored background, two horizontal red bars and three red stars sitting on top of the two red bars. Make no mistake; this Empire of the three city states is in charge. Check out this little five minute video below. There is a much longer five hour long video available for those who want to know more about this Empire.

    Ladies and gentlemen, this Empire is responsible for virtually all of the most profitable criminal activity on Earth. They orchestrate all of the wars using lies and deception in order to support their military industrial complex, stealing trillions of dollars from us in the process. Of course, they are also responsible for murdering millions of innocent people too. They have murdered about 200,000,000 innocent people, globally, over the past 100 years. Check out this little 6 minute video below.

    They totally control the world’s heroin and cocaine business earning trillions more. Both the wars in Viet Nam and Afghanistan were really about the Empire’s heroin and cocaine interests. Of course, controlling Middle Eastern Oil is always a dominant motive. Fighting for truth, justice, and the democracy has always served the Empire as an effective and convenient lie and excuse for war. Their media lie and lie, over and over, until we stupid Americans actually believe it.

    They totally control the world’s oil business and to maintain their monopolistic control over energy they have effectively suppressed various energy discoveries and technologies which would have vastly improved the human condition. The Cannabis Plant, alone, can totally replace our need for fossil fuel by using only 9% of our farm land to grow this most useful and beneficial plant. This is a key reason why the Empire fights so hard to keep Cannabis illegal in America and around the world. They pay off politicians and religious leaders regularly to falsely demonize the plant and keep cannabis illegal. Check out the little five minute video of RT’s Abby Martin talking about cannabis (hemp).

    The Empire also totally controls the Medical Establishment which includes the AMA, Big Pharma, and the FDA. They have effectively suppressed the most effective medicine so they can make trillions of dollars from their patented, yet ineffective, even barbaric forms of allopathic medicine, the old slash, poison, and burn form of medicine.

    The Cannabis Plant is also the world’s best source for medicine. The oil distilled from the female cannabis plant’s flower buds, often referred to as Rick Simpson’s Hemp Oil, acts to strengthen the human body’s immune system more effectively than any other substance ever found. Virtually any and all forms of cancer can be totally overcome within 3 to 4 months by eating a few drops of hemp oil each day. No surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy are necessary. Check out these links below for evidence.

    These same Illuminati scum are responsible for Aspartame, Chemtrails, fluoride, Bisphenol-A, Genetically Modified Foods, and Vaccines, all of which are
    Dramatically accelerating the advances of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, kidney disease, and virtually every other internal disorder you can name. Of course, our politicians and religious leaders are well paid to remain silent.

    This is just the tip of their iceberg of monstrous crimes too. The Illuminati have effectively used their enormous wealth and power to totally control the mainstream media, the education system, organized religion, government and politics all for the purpose of keeping YOU ignorant.

    Preachers and politicians are paid off to avoid talking about any profound truths like the fraudulent wars and the suppressed energy and medical technology. Since these payoffs normally come from seemingly innocent and concerned citizens, usually fraudulent front companies for big oil or big Pharma, most folks, including YOU, remain in the dark.

    The Empire is evil but not stupid. YOU are the stupid one and that’s exactly the way they like you. Oh well…..
    DennisTate likes this.
  2. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    I merely but sincerely believe our federal Congress just needs to do a better job regarding our republic.
  3. Validation Boy

    Validation Boy Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2012
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    They've long reached their goal.

    Their current agenda is simply maintaining their position of power.

    They don't have to worry about advancements, because they've long trained the herd to beg for whatever evils they concoct in the future.

    Its all about Saturn.
  4. junius. fils

    junius. fils New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    As opposed to the Dumbinati, who control FAUX News,
    zalekbloom likes this.
  5. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    Maybe we just need to repeal the 17th Amendment in order to restore that balance of power in our republic.
  6. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    TPTB = the people to blame, the scapegoat, the boogeyman you CTs wet your pants over...a phantom. LOL
    DennisTate likes this.
  7. WhizzEWhig

    WhizzEWhig New Member

    Nov 23, 2013
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    I think it funny to see people laugh over this. Consider me a CT if you wish, but there is ample evidence to the affirmative in this situation. Various celebrities acknowledge oaths made to Satan, much has been made about the Secret Societies (about which JFK spoke in April 1963) that operate in this nation and abroad, and the root families are well known. If you choose not to believe what is going on, then ignorance is bliss. I, for one, understand that Satan has dominance on this earth, as evidenced in the book of Job, among others. This is why I got out of politics, a profession I was in for nearly 8 years. In my short time in the field, I saw things, heard things, and experienced things just on my small level that really rocked my understanding of politics to the core. People that expouse "Repubs are this" and "Dems are that" really are buying into the facade set up by these people. It's a political soap opera designed to keep people thinking people are at each other's throats, Dems hate Repubs, etc. It's a rouse. It's a farce. But hey, keep on keepin' on. When the concept of driving this nation into the ground (in order to be taken over by a World Bank system that will provide the stability we are going to require shortly) comes to fruition, you have no right for your jaws to hit the ground in amazement that "you didn't see it coming."
    DennisTate likes this.
  8. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    If the Illuminati are doing all of this for "free"; why do we need to pay our federal Congress?
  9. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    I am not sure what the problem is, I always liked Illuminati.

  10. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    lol!!!!! paranoid lunacy.
  11. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    I believe our federal Congres should be fixing Standards for the Union. It is what Socialism must bailout Capitalism for.
  12. Thundercat

    Thundercat New Member

    Jul 20, 2014
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    I have been trying to explain the very same and fully agree with you. The illuminate has a long history.
    Are you aware that the Templar's, who resided in the temple of Solomon found the 'Kabbalah', a book of ancient rituals still practiced to this day by secret sects like the Freemasons, 'Order of Sion', including many political heavy weights. It is said that their aim is to bring terror under the name of peace and to dominate the entire world in the name of their god - the anti-Christ. By the way, the 'Order of Sion' was the administrative part of the Knights Templar who at the 'splitting of the elm' meeting split from the Templar's, moved to Scotland and England and joined the Freemasons where these rituals are guarded with the greatest secrecy and of course are publicly denied and ridiculed as preposterous.
    I like to point out that the Templar's were untouchable by the Pope and king of France until after the said separation from the order. What they had and still have must be of prime importance to have kept the Pope and King at bay. Naturally they took this secret with them and the pond-life Templar monks got slaughtered and tortured for the secret they never knew. Jews are heavily involved, which goes somewhat to explain why they are able to make most governments kowtow to their demands. Witness the power of the Jewish lobby in the US and here in Britain and in turn their inactivity regarding the Palestine matter and their complicity in International war crimes. Everything is about money and total power. My opinion is that they intend to expand surveillance to such a degree to make any liberty next to impossible, controlling every part of your daily life. Why else would the media report everything with constant repeats - the basis of brain washing ? Quoting BTO "You ain't seen nothing yet!"
  13. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    Except this is only a theory, and Freemasonry is influenced by many things.c

    Nowhere did the Templars say such things nor the fabled "Priory of Sion". Nowhere in Freemasonry do we "aim" for such things.

    You do realize that "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" was based upon fake documents right?

    The Templars reported to the Papacy, but never were they ever subservient to any monarchy. The French King was a fascist who made up the charges and used torture to extract the confessions he needed.

    And here we have the base of it all...those damn Jews. Bigot.
    Pants likes this.
  14. Thundercat

    Thundercat New Member

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Who is the bigot here ? Let's say the Freemason pond-life like yourself would never get near any inner secret, as you well know unless you have a very high rank. The rest of the organisation is window dressing to claim some sort of legitimacy. The Kabbalah is no theory but then we know from recent news that Jews are masters in denial, in full view of the facts. And if I may say, Israels ignorance, arrogance and impunity will cost it dearly for many years to come and rightly so. Having said that, America is no better as it has proved for some time.
    You have some very intelligent people in the US, but I fear the average man on the street is a sandwich short of a picnic, by the dross of tourists we get to see here. I suppose it must help to support a criminal US administration.
    Land of the brave and free - you are truly deluded.
  15. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    lol!!!!! :roflol:

    I knew this was coming. :)
  16. Thundercat

    Thundercat New Member

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Ok then pal. I will tomorrow make a full compilation of the facts I know, which is substantial. I am certain that you will have a lot more fun then, if you are capable of reading it all. I leave it to your undoubted higher intellect to discard. Boy, it must be hell in there.
    Anyhow this is not just for you but for those who can string a couple of thoughts together. Till then. x
  17. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Why is that when you all boil it down, THE JEWS are always to blame?

  18. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    A lack of a superior plan means planing to fail.
    DennisTate likes this.
  19. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Because it is simple to blame them.

    In case nobody else noticed, bigots and other morons are really really stupid. So they need something simple to blame.

    And "Jew" is about the easiest word to remember, only consisting of 3 letters.
  20. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    First off, what does bigotry have to do with me being a "high rank"? Plus, what is "high rank"? I have gone through 60+ initiations and am a member of several invitation-only groups so it would be interesting to know constitutes a "high rank."

    Except it is, but then again, you really wouldn't know as you are hot high enough. Nor am I Jewish...I'm actually Christian.
  21. Thundercat

    Thundercat New Member

    Jul 20, 2014
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    To begin with I would like to point out that I was raised as an Evangelist, but over the years have become an atheist.
    I have no interests in denying or supporting religion and merely want to pass on facts collected over centuries
    regarding secret societies and ancient rituals.

    The Kabbalistic rituals of higher secrets of ritual sodomy, the evil eye, chanting incantations, necromancy, blood
    sacrifice and invoking the the fallen angels into the service of Lucifer fascinated the French Knights Templar. They
    realised the Kabballah originated in Palestine and once they realised that it was the key to untold spiritual magical
    power they cunningly planned a bloody Crusade to Palestine, in order to search for more Kabbalistic and magical
    artefacts, also looting the temple of Solomon. Solomon was a biblical magician king who has been accredited a
    large part of the knowledge, known as the Kabballah.
    The Templar's aim was to prevent the Muslims gaining any knowledge about the Kabballah.
    Historic islamic oral accounts from the 12th century testified to a sickening Crusade of plunder, torture, murder and
    sexual depravity . They destroyed any evidence of Kabballah origins so they may hold it's secrets exclusively.
    It is said that the Templar's returned to France with the 'Holy Grail' which is thought not to be an object, but a set of
    higher magical teachings ie. a piece of information. They indulged in Kabbalistic rituals , where they spat and
    trampelled on the image of Jesus, a satanic tradition which is still practised to this day by the ORDO TEMPLI
    ORIENTIS (OTO) in the US, once headed by Aleister Crowley.
    (The Templar Cross of Malta & Skull emblem is the insignia of the PHI KAPPA SIGMA secret society in the US.)

    Those Templar's who managed to escape the slaughter by the King of France fled to Scotland and Malta, where
    they renamed themselves 'The Sovereign Knights of Malta and later re-emerged in Scotland, calling themselves
    All versions of Freemasonry, Rosi Cruxianism, The Skull & Bones, The Palladian Freemasonry, Co Masonry,
    Scotish Right Masonry, The Ku Klux Klan and Crowleys ORDO TEMPLI ORIENTIS (OTO) are derived from the
    original Kabbalistic rituals of the Knights Templar.

    During the 1930's and 1940's the O.T.O. lodge in California was headed by a brilliant rocket designer called Jack
    Parsons.He developed patented rocket technology which is still in use by NASA today. They named a crater on
    the dark side of the moon in honour of Jack Parsons. Much of the work was controlled by ex. Nazi officers like
    Werner Von Braun, brought to the USA by the CIA project 'Paper Clip'. Jack Parsons was fully aware what his
    rocket designs were going to be used for.
    At night Parsons would hold sex magic rituals in his house in Pasadena and initiate fellow scientists at the Los
    Alamos atomic bomb laboratory. Not far from Parsons rocket launching pad in Pasadena, the Jewish scientist
    Robert Oppenheimer was building the worlds first atomic bomb, which was exploded at Los Alamos, at a place
    called 'the road of death' which lies on the 33rd degree parallel.

    In 1948 George Bush (snr) was baptised in the name of 'Magog', the spirit who would lead the army of demons
    against Christ at the apocalypse of armageddon. The same year Jack Parsons baptised himself as Balarian
    'Armiluss', Al Dajjal, the anti-Christ. Parsons took on the ancient Judaic teachings that Christ and his church are
    the enemies of civilisation and that they had to be destroyed.
    On a 40 day pilgrimage in the Mahawi dessert, the area where 'Area 51' now resides, Parsons summoned forth
    'Babalon', the scarlet woman and whore of the apocalypse, the consort of the great beast, SATAN. This was in
    the presence of L Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of Scientology and former initiate of Aleister Crowley's
    Hubbard wrote a 'so called' secret text (Dianetics), which now has an inspired following of evangelical millionaires
    in Holywood, just as the Kabballah training schools are now brim full, who has their interests in these Judaic magical
    techniques inspired by Britney Spears and Madonna.
    Isaac Bashevis Singer, a literature Nobel price winning author once wrote that Kabballah teaches that dead
    matter is not really dead.
    It may also be of interest that in Roman Polanski's movie 'Rosemary's Baby' the part of the devil is acted by
    Anton Lavey, the founder of the American Church of Satan.

    The Kabbalistic banishing of the pentagram was in part performed by Queen Elisabeth 2 during her Coronation
    ceremony in 1952, originally designed by Aleister Crowley for the Golden Dawn secret society. The royal orb is
    the symbol of 'World International Female Freemasonry' and the ' Maltese Cross' on her crown is the symbol of
    Non Jewish 'Gentile' Kabbalists. Prince William will be the next King of the Kabballah.
    Nb. The Maltese Skull & Bones represents the high council of the Kabballah, known as 'The Great White Head'
    which is used by many American secret societies.
    The book of revelation states that 'Satan shall appear on Earth as the red dragon'.
    The royal crest has the red dragon of Wales on the bottom right, above is the White Horse' (Rev.6) wearing the
    Merovingian crown around it's neck and chained to the devil - the red dragon below, under which the inscription
    reads "ICHI DIEN" - I SERVE.
    The book of revelation predicts the birth of the anti-Christ with huge political power and with a simple plan of
    Famine, Plague, War and total annihalation of all living creatures. In fact the ancient text of Islam warn us in the
    Quran that the anti-Christ (Dajjal) ie. Satan will be assisted by many minor anti-Christs who will herald the main
    Dajjal to reign with terror in the name of peace.
    The bible speaks of Satan wanting to prevent the new Mesiah being raised by mass killings of children.
    * Each day 26 thousand children are killed by starvation and preventable deseases such as the common cold.

    Politicians are advancing a global plan - the plan of the anti-Christ, the doctrine of Lucifer which the Templar,
    Freemasons and the Illuminati global network of societies follow. They use vast technology to spy on and kill
    everybody, whoever get's in their way (J F Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Ghandi).
    The Illuminati is a global network of witch coverns, black magicians and Freemasons, using a secret code of
    numbers and words to communicate the plan to one another. They hold rituals, right in the heart of the UK
    parliament and Washington DC and have made the US the headquarters of their barberous plan to bring
    about the apocalyptic prophecies of the anti-Christ. In short we have a Lucifarian elite, creating a global fashist
    Symbols are used by masonic lodges, witch coverns, satanists and alchemists to directly access parts of the
    brain which respond to strong shapes and colours. As the saying goes " A picture paints a thousand words !", so
    magical symbols can be used to convey a multi layered message or command. This is known as 'SIGIL MAGIC'.
    Sigils are found in a huge number of company logos and bombard our sub conscious on a daily basis.
    For instance, every bar code (trillions) have three sixes in them. Front, middle and end.
    (And each man shall have the number of the beast. Nothing bought or sold shall pass without knowing the beast
    number 666)
    Manly P Hall, a high ranking Freemason wrote the book 'The secret teachings of all ages' where he states that
    the radiation symbol is a masonic sigil used in excepted Right Freemasonry, which represents the success of
    our combined plan for world domination.
    * Sigils can also be conveyed using hand signals.
    Freemasonry is more than a secret society. It is in fact a religion. They pray to a tri-penthium god, one facet of
    which is the war mongering BAAL..
    Freemasonry is the most popular occult religion among police officers, judges and barristers (such as Tony Blair).
    The satanic pentagram is in every masonic building and if you are looking for the anti-Christ start at the Pentagon.
    The Pentagon is a piece of occult architecture and orientated to the North where in spiritual terms the gods of war
    are evoked at the north point of the compass. It is a pentagon, within a pentagon, within a pentagon, within a
    pentagon, the same manner in which a secret society set's itself up.
    Washington DC is full of signs of Freemasonry and is the home of the satanic group OTO. It is fashioned after an
    Egyptian necropolis, which in Egypt symbolised a temple for the dead. Washington DC is the modern version and
    the temple for death.
    The monument is proportioned after the ancient obelisk of Egypt and is 555 feet high and ankered 20% below,
    making a total of 666 feet.
    The small roads surrounding the White House in the parklands are typiclly masonic and have been exposed
    by David Ike and other authors to be making up the shape of an owl sitting on a pyramid. The owl is the symbol of
    the 'Bohemian Grove' in California and the pyramid was used by the Bavarian Illuminati.
    Still with me so far ?
    In 2005 American broadcaster Alex Jones and his cameraman Mike Hanson infiltrated the Bohemian Grove, a
    gigantic private redwood forest owned by the Bohemian club of San Francisco. For 130 years the Bohemian club
    has been holding rituals for two weeks each summer in the private forest. The ritual is called 'The Cremation of
    Care', which is based on Masonic Coffin Ritual & Babylonian Human Sacrifice Pageants. Homo-erotic images
    are used in the rituals. The hangman's noose is heavily featured - just like Freemasonry. The Bohemian Grove
    annals bgagg that the 'Manhatten Project' was concocted in a building at the Bohemian Grove, known as the
    'Chalet'. The strategic defence innitiative, better known as 'Star Wars' was also the brain child of Grove members
    and was born inside the chalet.
    The membership list reads like the who's who of US and European elite. Jimmy Carter, George Bush senior and
    junior, Henry Kissinger, George Schulz and the list goes on and on.
    When it came to the modern day equivalent of the philophers stone, to master alchemy at it's highest level,
    changing one element into another, changing uranium into plutonium, one of the highest secrets of alchemy,
    the S1 committee of the Manhatten project met at the Bohemian Grove. Among the ancient trees grown men
    listened to the manic laughter of Satan, wearing L masks and black robes.
    It was here at the Bohemian Grove that the consumation of thousands of years of alchemical atomic research took
    place and nothing less than the birth of 'the bomb'.
    Aleister Crowley called it the age of 'Thelema'. Thelema is the Greek word for willpower. The third volume of the
    Illuminati is the 'age of Thelema' where the whole of the humanity is processed, bombarde with images of death.
    This is the 'NEW WORLD ORDER'. The enemy has revealed itself.

    "Our contest is not against flesh & blood but against powers, against principalities, against the world rulers of this
    present darkness, against spiritual forces of evil who live in heavenly places !"
    ( The Epistle of Paul, addressing the Ephesinians, 6: 12 )

    I challenge any disbeliever to disprove any of these facts. Good luck.
  22. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    I'm sorry

    Actually they didn't. The charges were trumped up by the French King to dissolve the debt he owed them.

    That's a fantastic theory, but there is no real evidence to support it.

    The only time this was said was during torture sessions and information obtained through such cruel means cannot be trusted. In fact the Pope absolved the Templars of their crimes, but still disbanded them.

    So what? Symbols are arbitrary and ambiguous. No symbol is exclusively used by any one group, culture, religion, organization, or society. You and I could use a symbol for two different reasons and define it differently as well.

    Wow. You just slaughtered history right here.

    It was the Knights Hospitallier who took the name of "Knight of Malta" and they didn't take that name until 1530.

    And Masonic theory is a myth that has been debunked by Robert Cooper and Stephen Dafoe.

    False. You are talking out of your ass with this. It is painfully obvious that you have not done any actual research, but rather jumped on some sites filled with erroneous information and are now parroting it.

    I love that you have to identify Oppenheimer as "the Jewish scientist". It couldn't be just "scientist", you had to throw "Jewish" in there. LOL

    ROFL! According to whom? For being an "atheist" you sure sound like a religious fundamentalist.

    LMAO! Except there is no such recognized Masonic organization called "World International Female Freemasonry."

    Quit applying your ignorant interpretations as if they are someone's beliefs other than your own.

    No it isn't.

    Freemasonry follows no such plans nor did the medieval Templars.

    Witches?! LOL Get me a duck!!

    Everyone uses symbols.

    No they don't. You can't say this because it's impossible for someone to see every bar code.

    Except the books he wrote were done several decades prior to him even joining the Lodge, let alone joining the Scottish Rite.

    You still haven't defined what a "high ranking Freemason" is. I'm guessing though that you have to be a 33rd, even though the 33rd degree doesn't bestow any authority on you. It also isn't relevant outside the Scottish Rite. The Scottish Rite is not the central authority over Freemasonry and is but one branch of a much larger tree.


    This is only groups that are used in my region of the United States. This doesn't include groups used in Europe like the Swedish Rite.
    The red boxes indicate the groups I belong to and the dashed ones indicate ones I have been talked to about joining.
    Also note that some of these groups have many degrees within them​

    Freemasonry is not a religion and no we don't worship any "tri-penthium god" nor Baal. This is something trumped up by anti-Masons of the past and, even though disproven time and time again, it is still perpetuated by the ignorant today. I've ran into this ignorant assertion before and I posted some information from Chris Haffner's "Workman Unashamed":

    Despite the fact that no Royal Arch ritual uses the word Ba'al...


    Throughout the Old Testament, the word Ba'al is an ordinary everyday word, with ordinary everyday meanings. It is true that it is used sixty-nine times to represent a Canaanite god or gods, although often not as a proper name, but as a description. It is used as a proper name of other things or persons many times. For Example Ba'al is the name of a city in 1 Chronicles 4:33. In 1 Chronicles 5:5 and 9:36, it is a name of a Jewish person.

    It is used even more frequently in combination:

    Baal Gad, Baal Hazor, Baal Hermon, Baal Meon, Baal Perazim, Baal Shalisha, Baal Tamar, Baal Zephon, Baalah, Baalath (feminine of Baal), Baalath Beor and Baale are names of towns or places.
    Baal Hanan and Baalis are names of kings.
    Baal Berith, Baal Peor, and Baal Zebub (Lord of the Flies) are names of gods.


    However, what is much more significant is the use of baal translated into other words. It is translated as "master" four times...


    This is very important, as by analogy, Yahweh is the Ba'al of Israel. Another translation is "owner" (twelve times).


    A third translation is as husband (eleven times).​

    Chris Haffner then makes the following statement of Stephen Knight's book and the Baal myth:

    "With disregard for logical thought, Knight makes assumptions about the meaning of the second Royal Arch word which appear nowhere in any Masonic ritual, and then treats them as if they were true. He proceeds to suggest that the words of an obscure sixteenth century demonologist are relevant to twentieth century Masons. Knight is attacking only what his imagination has led him to believe is the meaning of the second word, with no reference the only relevant meanings - those which are explained to every new Royal Arch Mason."​

    Actually Tony Blair is not and was never a Mason.

    We have no "satanic pentagram" in our Lodges. Nor is the pentagon "anti-Christian".

    Again, for being an "atheist" you sure seem to appear as a Christian zealot.

    It really isn't, but people see what they need to see. Scapegoats are weak-minded and need a target to blame for their perceptions.

    FYI, you can spell Jesus in the streets.

    Actually the foundation is only 36-ft below the base which would only make it around 591-feet.

    David Icke is a nutbag obsessed with reptiles and aliens.

    And no one cares.

    There is no such thing.

    Last I checked, the burden of proof lied with the accuser not the accused and an accusation in of itself is not proof. Plus, you can't disprove a negative.
  23. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    I don't work for the government.

    I am a Freemason. That should be quite obvious, but I'm not deluded. I did research before joining and continue to do research.

    No, I'm not a Jew. I'm actually a Christian.

    No, I'm standing by truth. And what's the old adage, "when you're a hammer everything looks like a nail."

    Such as? I find your entire post erroneous

    Well, my research is at least corroborated by real life experience as a Mason.

    Your bigotry is repugnant.


    I agree to the point that many of the world leaders are corrupt or inept in many ways, to include Obama, but we differ on the reasons and motivation, but then again my degree is in International Relations and I've actually studied this not use scapegoating and fear-mongering tactics.

    It seems very little.
  24. Thundercat

    Thundercat New Member

    Jul 20, 2014
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    Not meaning to be offensive, but since you are a Freemason you are obviously biased. Furthermore, it has to be expected that your knowledge of the inner circle secrets is bound to be limited. In similar fashion the Knights Templar monks also had no knowledge of the secrets, being the pond-life in comparison to their administrative 'Order of Sion'.
    Since you are a member of a Kabbalistic order it makes sense that you should deny all and sundry and try to undermine anything which may lay accusations at your beloved Lodge.
    It is the oldest trick in the book to attempt to smear all unwelcome news and frankly your defence in general is precisely that.
    Still, I grant you credit for the effort.
    Nothing you have argued undermined my main point of the Lucifarian elite trying to dominate the world, nor that it's centre is the US.
    Oh and what about the pentagram in your lodge ? Pure coincidence of course.
    Finally let me say that I do not doubt that many of the Freemasons are nice people and you possibly are as well. However the delusion comes from trust in the elite which as history has proved numerous times keeps the pond-life in the dark and those who do know adopt the Egyptian river mentality (de nial). I do hope you can understand why I feel it essential to undermine any Kabbalistic sect and yours is one of them, being part of the Illuminati associated network. Nice try but no cigar.
    As the saying goes "You can fool some of the people some of the time .........!
  25. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    Not offended at all. I know I have my obvious bias being a Mason.

    And yet, you as a non-member presume to know more than actual members. It's an extremely illogical argument: you think actual members know less than non-members. This is more offending than you're first sentence as you are inferring that we "low level" Masons are too stupid to know the secrets, but somehow you are clever or intelligent enough to know them. By your argument you are lower on the information ladder than I am and so would know less about this fabled "inner circle".

    And yet there is no real evidence that the Priory of Sion ever existed as authority over the Templar Order. You are perpetuating myth as fact.

    I deny lies. I am very proud of being a Mason and what we as a Fraternity and our members have done.

    My Lodge? My Lodge is great, but you don't even know about my Lodge.

    Don't patronize me. Simply making your statements doesn't make them anything more than your opinion.

    We don't use the pentagram in my Lodge.

    I'm really a bastard once you get to know me.

    I'm not delusional. And in Freemasonry, I'd outrank, by your definition, many "elites".

    Because weak-minded people need scapegoats to justify events in the world as well as their bigotry? Sure, I can understand that, but I don't condone or accept it.

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