Russian Navy Sunburn missle test

Discussion in 'Warfare / Military' started by Same Issues, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. Same Issues

    Same Issues Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2014
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    Watch These Russian Missiles Completely Tear Through A Derelict Wreck
    The ship launching the missile above appears to be the Russian naval destroyer Быстрый, pronounced "bystryy," which translates to the Quick. The only Sovremenny-class destroyer in the Pacific Fleet, it carries P-270 Moskit anti-ship cruise missiles.

    In NATO parlance, the missile is known as the SS-N-22 Sunburn. It can reach speeds of Mach 3 at high altitude, or Mach 2.2 at low-altitude, along with conventional or nuclear warheads. Clearly, its kinetic energy alone is enough to tear through a surface ship, even without all the explosions.

    But more than that, the devil is, as always, in the details. If you notice, two missiles hit the target, from a head-on vector. Not so coincidentally, that's pretty much exactly what you'd try to do if you wanted to take out an American Arleigh Burke-class destroyer.

    That's because some American destroyers lack a CIWS system (their last line of defense) up front, making them vulnerable to attack during close-in encounters from head-on. And still, even if you only had one up front, it might not do much good against two very high speed missiles approaching from the same vector at the same time.


    Pretty impressive display, but the ship still floats:smile:

    Although it is on fire, and probably would have most of its crew taken out from the shock. I believe China has a similar if not identical platform on some of its vessels.
  2. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    The Sunburn has been around for twenty-five years. The fact it it mounted on an old Sovremenny-class destroyer should tell you how ancient it is.

    The USN Navy has this one figured out.
  3. KGB agent

    KGB agent Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2010
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    Taking into account your cruisers are being penetrated by subsonic target drones your claim sounds more like a wet dream.
  4. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    What are your estimates of the life expectancy of a Sovremenny when the light goes green? Thinks she'll get any Sunburns off before she dies in a hail of Harpoons or a Mk. 48 breaks her back?
  5. KGB agent

    KGB agent Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2010
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    Considereng awesome Moskit outranges Harpoon and has 3 times the speed of it, Sovremenny will have no problems sending Burke or Tico to the bottom without entering their engagement range.
  6. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    The missile has range and speed but is not an independent weapon. It is utterly reliant on something "lighting" a target so it can find the target. Anything radiating any electromagnetic radiation anywhere near an American ship after a "weapons free" will die quickly or be forced to cease lighting the target. A sub at periscope depth is very vulnerable, so they will have to dive deep to survive a little longer. Aircraft will die quickly.

    But the Harpoon (and shipping attack variants of the Tomahawk) are "fire-and-forget" weapons. You can make a bearing-only attack with them. Send them to a general area (flying low) then they pop up and turn on their search radar and kamikaze into anything they see.

    Back at the US fleet, once the light is broken the Arleigh Burke or Ticonderoga need only change course or speed and the now-blind Russian junk missile zooms harmlessly past.

    Knowing the general state of readiness of Russian ships and crews (<20 days a year at sea), it is unlikely the Sovremenny will ever leave port before a Tomahawk finds it.
  7. KGB agent

    KGB agent Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2010
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    Wet dreams and ignorance, nothing more. The missiles themselves are equipped with radars and are capable of detecting ships by their own.

    Moreover, external detection systems might be situated out of engagement range of what you call "ships". Starting from reconiance planes, other ships and ending with sattelites. (Yes, USSR had succesfully developed "Legenda" system to transmit enemy fleet location to anti-ship missiles, this system is now being replaced with "Liana")

    That backward subsonic POS Harpoon has little to no chances to pass AA, nor any Russian ship will get itself close enough for that.

    A submerged submarine is close to invulnerable, a whole load of incidents involving a pair of submarines and their collision prove how hard to detect they are.

    Ironically, the monstrous speed of our missiles will help them to detect the target without external guidance. Their flight time is about 15 minutes max, so any kind of manuever of sitting duck called Burke or Tico will ultimately fail since they can't manage to leave missile's own detection zone from arrival point in time that short. And then BOOOM, they are feeding fish.

    Knowing the general state of readiness of American ships and crews (they even disable their CIWS since that junk tend to engage friendly ships time to time) it is unlikely Burke crew will find out what is happening before (*)(*)(*)(*) really hits the fan.
  8. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Even after Hussein Obama degraded the US Navy, the difference in sea time (200 days a yr vs 20 days a year) will tell.

    Even fast but obsolete missiles won't change that.

    The MiG-25 was fast but was a turkey of a fighter plane.
  9. KGB agent

    KGB agent Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2010
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    I just wonder where do you get this funny info from. I mean, if I would ask you for a source you are going to fail provide anynthing, or, at least, the one which can be considered reliable, just like when you have failed to find any pic of a rusty Kuznetsov.

    Oh, "obsolete" you say. Arn't you the guy, which advocating using truely obsolete (38 y.o.) subsonic POS Harpoon?

    MiG-25 was pretty much head above anything US had till F-14. And, hell, good luck trying to shoot down properly operated Mach 3 fighter on 25 kilometer altitude.
  10. Taxcutter

    Taxcutter New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Taxcutter says:
    Chuck Yaeger flew the MiG-25 and said it couldn't out-turn a Boeing 737.

    Harpoons are incredibly stealthy.

    We haven't worried too much about the Sunburn since its introduction in the 1980s. What has changed?

    Will Russian sailors -who get no sea time these days - get seasick on an extended deployment?

    Next thing you know we'll hear about how unstoppable the ISU-152 is.
  11. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    The only three things Russians can build are guns, jets and tanks. Their ships and submarines SUCK. Just google the problem India has with the carrier they bought from the Russians recently. The boilers were defective........THE (*)(*)(*)(*)ING BOILERS, which are ancient technology and very easy to test, were pieces of crap. And that was just a refit. If they can't handle a refit how are they capable of building advanced ships with any appreciable level of quality.
  12. KGB agent

    KGB agent Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2010
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    Just like SR-71. So what? Wasn't made to manuever.
    According to who? They are small, yes, but those relics wasn't built with stealth technology in mind. Being small also results in poor range and shamefully small warhead.
    I like how you put "we" in your post. Does "we" stands for "US navy" or "uneducated fanboys"?
    So...where are the prooflinks?
    At least they won't be killed by their own CIWS like US sailors.
    Next thing you know we'll hear about how M4 Sherman beats all MBT and is still up to date.

    If your education system taught you to read further than headlines, you would figure out that it happened due to Indian demand to change isolation material, despite the original project. Not our problems.

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