Clinton left wing Fascism

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Jackster, Jun 28, 2015.

  1. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    As we know fascism and communism are just two branches of the socialist tree. Should we be surprised leftists are now feeling this empowered to basically come straight out with it? And the bigger questions i suppose are, are we dumb enough to forget or indoctrinated enough to give it another go? Are they really this empowered to be so forthright with political positions that wouldve been seen as traitorous just mere decades ago? What has changed?


    Hosted by host Lady Lynn de Rothschild in the City of London — London’s financial district — which governs itself by way of a private corporation, Clinton gave a speech about the future of capitalism, ISIS, and the danger of free market “ideologues.”

    He urged people to take action against free market capitalism, and instead to produce a third way — something he is known for implementing in his political career — marrying corporate interests and government.

    Now who else do we know that wanted the 'third way' marrying corporate interests and government?

    Mussolini of course, who was a left wing extremists. In 1912 Mussolini was the leading member of the National Directorate of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI).[2] Prior to 1914 he was a keen supporter of the Socialist International, starting the series of meetings in Switzerland[3] that organised the communist revolutions and insurrections that swept through Europe from 1917.

    He also did office work for the local Socialist Party, and edited its newspaper L'Avvenire del Lavoratore (The Future of the Worker)
    edited the weekly Lotta di classe (The Class Struggle)

    Then we can look at the influences Giovanni Gentile known as the 'the philosopher of Fascism' and was an Italian neo-Hegelian Idealist philosopher and politician. Strongly influenced by the German idealist and materialist schools of thought — namely Karl Marx, Hegel, and Fichte. You will note Hegel as a strong influence on Marx.
  2. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    republicans are the ones trying to bring fascism to this country

  3. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    Breitbart? Lol, no thanks.
  4. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Why not address what he said?

    He urged people to take action against free market capitalism, and instead to produce a third way — something he is known for implementing in his political career — marrying corporate interests and government.
  5. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Interesting. You really going with the mussolini as a left wing dictator?
  6. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Of course he was, what sort of a right winger helps with communist revolutions and insurrections, edits for papers such as The Future of the Worker and the The Class Struggle? With WW1 as it was obvious classes across nations wouldnt rise up together, so he looked for a new way to advance socialism.

    Then Giovanni Gentile known as the 'the philosopher of Fascism' was strongly influenced by the German idealist and materialist schools of thought — namely Karl Marx, Hegel, and Fichte. You will note Hegel as a strong influence on Marx. All of the left wing schools.

    Just because the right in many cases has favored patriotism doesnt change that fact fascism is left wing. They take a RW concept then corrupt it and anything else to advance their socialist utopia.

    Now we have Clinton openly admitting he wants people to fight against free markets for his third way corporatism, just as Mussolini did before him
  7. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Hmm. Have you considered that this fascism you claim is left wing held both to social conservatism and authoritarianism?

    Have you considered it's opposition to egalitarianism?

    Have you considered that Italian fascists described themselves and their creed as right wing?

    Do you agree that your comparison with Clinton is a completely stupid and embarrassing effort on your part and are you ready to apologise to the forum members or are you going to run away like most right wing nuts do around here?
  8. TheAngryLiberal

    TheAngryLiberal Banned

    Mar 24, 2010
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    If anyone looks like a Facist party, it's the Republicans

    Fascism is the ultimate manifestation of social change and moral revolution, and glorifies nationalism. Sound familiar? It should. Republicans are all about culture wars and preach morality and how great America is. Fascists, like Republicans today, reject democracy and liberalism. Many Republicans called for violently overthrowing the government if the 2010 midterm elections didn’t go their way and have viciously attacked liberalism. Fascists also reject internationalism and pacifism and support militarism and war. Republicans have been calling for the United States to pull out of the United Nations since the 1950’s and have since 2001, been the party of war as evidenced by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the calls to attack Iran, North Korea, and most recently Libya. Fascists also promote heroism, vitalism and violence. Ever notice how Republicans promote themselves by chopping wood or firing guns or some other “manly” activity? They are trying to prove how tough they are. And the examples of violence are aplenty. Just look at the shooting in Arizona and the calls to shoot liberals in the forehead and the threats of “second amendment remedies” among many others. Republicans have ALL of these traits. Now let’s examine how fascists and Republicans agree on the issues.

    As we all know, Republicans claim to be the party of family values. This is the exact stance of fascists as well. Fascists, like Republicans, believe that a woman’s role is confined to the home as a mother. In Italy, the fascists banned literature on birth control and increased penalties for abortion in 1926, declaring both crimes against the state. Fascists even pushed policies designed to reduce the number of women in the workforce. Republicans are attempting to do all of these things. They have relentlessly railed against birth control, and have pushed their idea of abstinence as if they have always practiced it themselves. Hypocrites. They are attempting to ban abortion, considering laws to legalize the killing of abortion providers and laws that destroy Planned Parenthood and allow hospitals to let women die rather than give her a life saving abortion. Republicans are also assaulting unions that represent professions held by mostly women such as nurses and education and have been highly critical of single mothers who work.

    Speaking of education, Republicans and fascists have that in common too.
    Fascist states pursued policies of social indoctrination through propaganda in education and the media and seek to regulate the production of educational and media materials. We see Republicans doing this every day. They have their own news network that uses blatant lies and misinformation to paint liberalism as evil. Fox News is directly responsible for spreading hate and fear on behalf of the Republican Party and even promotes Republican candidates with total disregard to acceptable journalism ethics. Republicans have criticized journalists for asking tough questions and have called for laws to change the mainstream media. Many Republicans are against Freedom of the Press and have even detained journalists against their will for asking questions. Then there is the GOP stance on education. Their attempts to destroy public education is nothing more than an effort to create private schools designed to do their ideological bidding. Private schools can deny an education to anyone and can discriminately hire any teacher they wish which means an army of conservative teachers that will only teach the Republican ideology and their view of history. Fascists created their systems of education to glorify their movement and sought to inform students of its historical and political importance to the nation. It attempted to purge ideas that were not consistent with the beliefs of the fascist movement. Republicans are also doing this. Take Texas and the South for instance. In those Republican controlled areas, the Confederacy is being glorified and Joe McCarthy is being portrayed as heroic. The Civil Rights movement is being largely ignored and the Founding Fathers are being transformed into Republicans that agree with everything the Republicans are doing today. They are trying to portray the founders as Christians that wanted Christianity to rule the state. Republicans are also trying to abolish the Department of Education and are trying to slash education spending to a bare minimum. Republicans and fascists hate the well educated because they want the people to be stupid in order to manipulate them. Fascism tends to be anti-intellectual and so does the Republican Party.

    Another major aspect of fascism is its relationship with corporations. In 1925 the Fascist regime in Italy created a corporatist economic system. In theory, Fascist Corporatism is supposed to give unions a voice but in practice, that’s not what it did in Italy and Germany in the 1930’s. The Fascist regime first created a Ministry of Corporations that organized the Italian economy into 22 sectoral corporations, banned workers’ strikes and lock-outs. Even Hitler banned unions. This is similar to how corporations were before America declared its independence. At that time, corporations such as the Massachusetts Bay Company, controlled entire colonies. The Founding Fathers hated this practice so much they rebelled against it and set many restrictions against the corporate world they abhorred so much. Republicans are attempting to reintroduce this idea that corporations should run states and the government. They’ve already called for privatizing policemen and the military and they already allow the Koch brothers to call the shots. It won’t be long before they introduce corporatism. Marxists accuse fascism of being a capitalist tyranny that attempts to make conservative reaction popular to the working class but in practice represses the working class. Even Lenin claimed that “Fascism is capitalism in decay.” Fascists dismantled working-class organizations, significantly reduced wages in certain areas, abolished taxes on inheritance and war profits. Republicans seek to do ALL of these things. They have called for an end to the minimum wage, are ending union rights state by state, most recently in Wisconsin where Republicans slammed through an anti-union bill illegally, and seek to destroy any and all corporate taxes and taxes on the wealthy.

    Another aspect shared by fascists and Republicans is their hatred of homosexuals and people who are different. Just as fascists banned homosexuality in 1931 and hated certain groups like gypsies and Jews, Republicans seek to make homosexuality illegal and have made it clear that they intend to persecute those they feel are inferior such as Muslims, African-Americans, hispanics, and other ethnic groups. The current hearings in Congress specifically targeting Muslims is sufficient proof of that, not to mention their constant racial attacks on President Obama and the laws being passed against hispanics in Arizona.

    Another major aspect of fascism that Republicans share is the fixing of elections. If the 2000 Election isn’t enough to convince you of fraudulent elections then also consider these current attempts to subvert democracy. Republicans in New Hampshire are pushing bills that would keep college students from voting. One bill would require a students parents live in the state and another would ban same day registration. Why? Because the youth come out to vote for liberals. This is the reason Republicans are out to destroy unions too, since unions support Democrats in elections most of the time. One Tea Party leader has already suggested a bill that would only allow people with property to vote. Even the voting rights of women are being threatened. These are blatant attempts to subvert Democracy and destroy political opponents. These are things that fascists do.

    Here is something else that Republicans and fascists have in common: death panels. In Arizona, Republicans have already decided the fates of 98 people by taking their names off the transplant lists in an effort to save money. Never mind the fact that the federal government has sent funds to cover these people. The Republican fascists in Arizona are too busy spending that cash on private prisons so they can send suspected illegal immigrants to them. Death panels are expected to spread to other Republican controlled states such as Texas and Mississippi among others. Fascists like death panels and private prisons too. Millions of Jews died because of death panels and the deaths only stopped after American soldiers liberated the prison camps.

    The last aspect that fascists and Republicans have in common is their obsession with Christianity. The Republican party is one with the Christian Right today. Their goal is to make Christianity the national religion in order to create a Christian state. Republicans would then tear up the Constitution and replace it with the Bible. Republicans hate separation of church and state and have vowed to destroy it. Republicans have even gone so far as to make up quotes and falsely attribute them to the Founding Fathers to make it seem like they wholeheartedly agree with them. They actually do not agree. This obsession with religion is very familiar, in fact its Hitleresque. Take a gander at these quotes.

    “The National Government will preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built up. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality and the family as the basis of national life.”

    “It is the purpose of the Government to fill our whole culture once more with a Christian spirit, and that not only in politics. We want to burn out the harmful features in our theater and our literature.”

    “The Government, being resolved to undertake the political and moral purification of our public life, is creating and securing the conditions necessary for a really profound revival of religious life.”

    “The struggle against materialistic views and for a real national community is just as much in the interest of the German nation as in [the interest] of the welfare of our Christian faith. The Government of the Reich regards Christianity as the unshakable foundation of the morals and moral code of the nation. The rights of the churches will not be diminished.”

    All of these quotes were spoken by Adolf Hitler, one of fascisms biggest stars. And Republicans agree with his words. In fact, Christianity is one reason why Republicans are doing all of the above things stated throughout this article. If you are a white Christian male that votes Republican, you are safe. But if you aren’t, you are targeted.

    The time for compromise with Republicans is over. The time for tolerance of them is also over. We could sit here and allow them to control things and turn the country into a fascist state or we can take action and bring down fascism before it takes hold and strangles us. I’m not suggesting general strikes or pacifism. Republicans would only be too happy to abuse the law and use military force against us. I’m calling on freedom loving Americans everywhere to storm Republican controlled capitals across the country and drag these Republican fascists out of power kicking and screaming and then elect new people to replace them. There may be little other recourse by the time Republicans are finished serving their terms and waiting to recall them will take too much time. Voting rights are being attacked from every angle. Our personal lives are under constant assault. Our right to negotiate our wages are being terminated and war and corporate power are increasing. We can no longer risk allowing this dangerous political party to have any power whatsoever. There was once a time in this country when a party rose up and forcefully put the other one on the sidelines for a long period of time because it was a danger to the nation and its ideals. During the Civil War era, Republicans, also the liberals of the era, came to power and brought down the once conservative Democratic Party for being a threat to freedom and Democracy. Once again, we liberals must rise to the occasion and be willing to fight for ourselves, for others, and for our nations ideals no matter the cost. Only this time, it must be Republicans that pay the price. They must be restricted from holding public office for a couple decades so that Democrats have ample time to clean up their mess and reverse all of the damage done by Republicans. In these dark times, it is our duty to do whatever is necessary to keep America free and its people equal. We must stand up and march together in the millions and topple every Republican controlled capital in the nation and then press forward to Washington DC and chase Republicans out of Congress. Its the only way to save America, ourselves, and those we love. Perhaps after a couple decades in political exile, Republicans will have denounced the fascist elements of their party and come to their senses. If forcing Republicans out of office is our only option to save America and ensure the freedom, equality, survival, and prosperity of the middle class, then in the words of John Boehner, “So be it.”
    DarkSkies and (deleted member) like this.
  9. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    Because the OP doesn't include a single quote of "what he said."

    Breitbart is a trash site known for heavily editing and misrepresenting what people.

    You want to talk about fascism? Propaganda like Breitbart is one of the cornerstones of fascism and all other authoritarian modes of government.
  10. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Completely ridiculous. If there were a bunch of right wingers who took over and merged free markets, patriotic, culture, traditions (the later 3 all nations had) of the classic liberal (John Locke ect) ideas into communism and came up with Fascism, then yes it would be their monstrous creation.

    That however is not the case, what we have is a bunch of leftists/ collectivists who saw communism as a failure to advance their socialist ideology. What Fascists did say, was the century would be one of the right (capitalism was working) and fascism was to the right of the most popular socialist movement of those times. To suggest one day a far left extremist Mussolini woke up and then automatically moved all the way over to the extreme right is nonsense. As to is the idea that RW elements they kept means its RW.

    Look at the ideologies of the people......all extreme left wing nuts.

    The name Fascist is derived from fasces. The collective greater than the individual - oh yes i can see people confuse that with Locke and the US founding fathers thoughts of limited govt, individuality and free markets which the right seeks to conserve.


    Now if we look at the economics,


    Mussolini personally set his approval and signature over a book which proclaims:

    Fascism entirely agrees with Mr. Maynard Keynes, despite the latter’s prominent position as a Liberal. In fact, Mr. Keynes’ excellent little book, The End of Laissez-Faire(l926) might, so far as it goes, serve as a useful introduction to fascist economics. There is scarcely anything to object to in it and there is much to applaud

    The same collectivist formula fits both fascism and socialism. In his brilliant work,The Road Ahead, John T. Flynn states:
    . . . the line between fascism and Fabian socialism is very thin. Fabian socialism is the dream. Fascism is Fabian socialism plus the inevitable dictator.

    Bernard Shaw is quoted as saying “All Fabians have their price, which is always the adoption of Fabian measures no matter by what Party.”(16)Since Keynesism is the economic platform of Fabianism and it is also adaptable to Fascism it is obvious that a hairline separates the two collectivisms.

    Milton Friedman, classic liberal rejects Keynes - as he explains he help foster the tendency if of the intellectual community to believe the way to solve all problems was though government. This is coercion, the very thing classic liberals are against, they say LIMITED govt is to oversee and facilitate competitive free markets. Govt getting in there is corporatism ( the third way) a key plank of the fascists state and completely anti free market.

    George Bernard Shaw - Fabian Socialist

    George Bernard Shaw Defends Hitler, Mass Murder

    Hey check it out, Tony Blair PM of the party Fabian Socialists started and fellow third way corporatism supporter - next to the Fabian's window. Look carefully, under the wolf in sheeps clothing logo - you'll see Bernard Shaw reshaping the earth.


    As i said, Fascism is leftist
  11. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Look your argument is wrong for a number of reasons too many to post today. So this is from a blog that's easy to find ;

    We really do live in a world in which (largely thanks to Goldberg, I think) most US conservatives now take it for granted that the Nazis were a left-wing Marxist party of some sort.

    The(*)idea that fascism is some variant of socialism is probably held more widely than that. For many(*)people who equate capitalism with an idealised laissez-faire, any diminution of property rights, any regulation of economic activity,(*)places fascism, socialism, and communism at least within the same genus.

    I would summarise the “fascism is left-wing” idea in the following way:

    The original political programme advocated by Hitler and Mussolini was(*)socialist,(*)and their ramblings(*)out of power(*)provide a good guide to their “true” ideological leanings.What ever their attitude to business was in practise, it was a matter of pragmatic evolution and opportunism, rather than ideological conviction.Progressives admired Mussolini and even Hitler at the beginning.Business activity under fascism was fundamentally state-directed, so(*)property rights did not exist in any meaningful sense.


    Since fascism was always a kind of pseudo-ideology made on the fly, without a long history of thought and debate(*)like socialism, it’s wrong-headed to infer “what they really were” from the Italian fascists’ platform in 1919, or the fact that Hitler called his party “(National) Socialist German Workers Party”, or even from their electoral strategy.

    To say that fascism is an extremism of the political right, as defined in historical terms,(*)is reasonable(*)for the following reasons :

    All actually-existed fascist states practised business-friendly economic policies, even if they were not ideologically laissez-faire. They could have easily done otherwise — this was after all the 1930s, the heyday and apogee of socialism as an ideology. But no fascist in power even contemplated taking the Soviet route of destroying the capital- and land-owning classes.

    All actually-existed fascist states repressed labour unions, socialists, and communists. Despite the worker-friendly rhetoric of fascists, they in actual power regimented labour in such a way as to please any strike-breaking capitalist of the 19th century.(*)The Nazis, for example, forced workers into a single state-controlled trades union (DAF), which controlled wage growth and prevented striking and wage arbitration. Businesses (some, not even most), by contrast, were given incentives to consolidate into Morgan-style industrial trusts as shareholers and engage in contractual relations as monopolists or near-monopolists with other trusts and with the state.

    Communists have a demonstrated record of erasing traditional society root and branch — exterminating(*)aristocrats, industrialists, landowners, priests, kulaks, etc. Fascists in actual power, despite their modernist reputation, seem almost traditional in comparison. In Mussolini’s(*)Italy, the(*)king, the titled nobility, the church, the industrialists, the landholders, and the mafia slept soundly at night.(*)

    The chief innovation of fascism(*)was not really in political economy, but in political community.Self-proclaimed fascist parties in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s pinched their votes from the middle-class and conservative parties, not primarily from the socialists and the communists to whom their traditional constituencies (urban workers) mostly remained loyal. In Germany’s election of 1932, the Social Democrats and the Communists maintained their usual proportion of the combined vote (~35%), but the other traditional parties were substantially weakened, even hollowed out, with only the Catholic Zentrum maintaining double-digit strength (~12%).Big business interests either were strong supporters of the fascists once in power, or (in some countries) had backed them well before their seizure of power.

    Fascists fetishised law & order, and made a cult out of the armed forces.Amongst observers in non-fascist countries, it was conservatives and businessmen, not progressives, who were the most numerous to express admiration for the fascists. There were a few prominent socialists(*)like H G Wells who applauded some aspects of Mussolini’s regime, but these were mostly amongst intellectual kooks, and their significance pales in comparison to the conservative reaction which varied from enthusiastic approval of a bulwark against communism to benign indifference.Other self-proclaimed fascists — those who took their inspiration from Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930s — were unambiguously conservative in the unambiguously traditional sense, without the “modernist” touches which set Hitler and Mussolini apart. If I had to use three words to describe Franco, the best ones would be “God, Country, Property”.

    The Nazis(*)were(*)sui generis(*)and idiosyncratic,(*)an outlier amongst fascists, and perhaps they really shouldn’t be pegged into the left-right spectrum. But if they had to be, their political economy was clearly capitalist and therefore clearly distant from revolutionary or egalitarian socialism.

    These are from a blog on subject. I'll post the source if required.

  12. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Its late and i dont have time to address it all, but you basically agree we're talking left wingers who took up this ideology. As i stated before, Mussolini saw with the advert of war that class across country lines would not rise up and start brutally murdering other classes. By 1930 it was pretty obvious what it would take for communism to sweep through and it completely crushed their economies. I can point out work from Dr Sutton showing this and they almost immediately needed (or was the plan all along?) to bring in Western capitalist to get things moving.

    So lets say your a socialist of the day, would you really be willing to allow socialists from other countries come in a brutally murder your family members, community, co-workers and anyone else that doesnt follow you're ideology? And for what gain? Western corporations coming to save people from staving to death? So its understandable they'd look at another way, controlling the means of production through corporatism rather than owning the means.

    Not that i accept this, but even if they really did have a change of heart and felt right wing was the way to go, we still have a bunch of leftists that steering the ship. Its like having someone who's classic liberal RW type all of a sudden changing sides, inventing a new sort of communism then slaughtering millions of people and claiming it was all the lefties fault.
  13. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    The 2 parties are finally moving apart and defining themselves. The D party is marxist/socialist/communist; "progressive" is code for all that. They got rid of their Blue Dog gems and that was the final purge of all things "democratic". The R party is in the process of pushing out the RINO's who went along with the dems for decades to get their piece of the pork pie. Now the constitutionalist/libertarian/Tea Party people are gradually taking over. We will elect more constitutionalists and we WILL primary the RINO's out.

    The lines and delineations are becoming apparent. The Democratic Left is Marxist and will NEVER be satisfied with anything but dominion over your money, your property, your constitutional rights, and in fact total control. Nothing less will ever be enough. In the end, the American People will NOT stand for it and the will be a backlash of monumental political proportions. Mark my words.

    See my siggy.

    And btw, most political forums? You had better be careful what you say, because your freedom of speech is not easily condoned by the lefty mods teams that run them - if you don't agree with leftism.
  14. creation

    creation New Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    How can they be a bunch of leftists steering the ship when they proposed and followed right wing precepts?

    Basically as soon as they changed their spots they became different animals.

    But go ahead and tell us why that isn't so.
  15. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    True believer huh? IMHO the scenario laid out here only exists in the minds of crazy people.
  16. onecut

    onecut New Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    Left wing fascism is an oxymoron.
  17. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    You're entitled to your opinion.
  18. Yepimonfire

    Yepimonfire New Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Exactly. The entire modern Republican idea can be dismissed or made into a mockery with very basic facts. Most republican assertions have no data to back it up, usually on the contrary, but people swear blind allegiance to it and will delude themselves by altering the data to achieve their desired result.

    And keep in mind bill clinton was very moderate, supported free trade, a war on crime, welfare reform, and a balanced budget.
    toddwv and (deleted member) like this.
  19. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Yes it is my opinion and for very good reason. It's not like any thing you have to say corresponds to reality just crazy talk.
    toddwv and (deleted member) like this.
  20. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    It something that has been going on at least since the early 90's. It's like they throw facts out the window and make up crap in its stead. It's the problem in debating Republican types - whatever the topic at hand is they are sure to make up something to fit whatever they want to assert.
  21. Jackster

    Jackster New Member

    May 30, 2012
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    Clinton is a third way supporter which merges govt and business to achieve desired outcomes, they're big govt central planners. Its that corporatism that fascism used just rebadged, which is anti free market. I dont think its any coincidence the third way theory was born in the very economic school that Fabian Socialists created, supported by Blair a Fabian whos a member and ex-leader of the party started by Fabians. The same Fabian socialists that supported Communism and Fascism as good socialists. I supplied the short video of Bernard Shaw (a key Fabian member) who supported Hilter killing undesirables, socialists believed in killing the sponges on society and their political foe.
  22. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Don't make personal attacks or harassment. We're done here.
  23. Yepimonfire

    Yepimonfire New Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Fascism is actually an authoritarian right wing. [​IMG]

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  24. Yepimonfire

    Yepimonfire New Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Do you even know what third way is? It's a non-interventionist economy with a very strong social safety net and laws protecting the people right to organize. If you googled countries that have government like this, ignored the RW propaganda websites, you'd see they have higher GDP per capita and a much better standard of living.
  25. toddwv

    toddwv Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 18, 2009
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    The only "constitutionalist" part of the Tea Party is where they want to amend the Constitution to codify their socially repressive mindset.

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