How Many Bombs Did the United States Drop in 2015?

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by resisting arrest, Jan 14, 2016.

  1. resisting arrest

    resisting arrest Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 24, 2008
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    No, it is you who doesn't have clue about the military or anything else!

    The Western Way of War is finished ... kaput!

  2. theunbubba

    theunbubba Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 11, 2008
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    Looks like we need more bombs, not less
  3. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    I am well aware of the history, sir. My interpretation of it may not be the same as yours, but I am well aware.
  4. resisting arrest

    resisting arrest Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 24, 2008
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    What "interpretation" could that mean? I would need some elaboration on that! If it was Stalin aiding Hitler like the U.S. was aiding ISIS and the other crazies you and your fellow conservatives would be calling them "allies".

  5. Talon

    Talon Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 4, 2008
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    Tell us, comrade, how your fellow ANSWERnik Barack Obama has been aiding ISIS. Caliph Ibrahim and the psychopaths in his genocidal death cult don't act like the Dear Leader has been aiding them.
  6. resisting arrest

    resisting arrest Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 24, 2008
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    Since when did I say I supported Obama. I always opposed him ... always ... even when he was in the senate ...

  7. Seth Bullock

    Seth Bullock Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 26, 2015
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    Did the all-knowing, all-seeing, omnipotent U.S. deliberately and diabolically, with calculated precision, arm and fund AQ/ISIS in Syria?

    Or ...

    Did shallow, arrogant, inexperienced, politicians with no foreign policy expertise - like Obama and Hillary Clinton - make another foreign policy blunder?

    Why do you think teenagers are the worst drivers on the road?

    Why would you expect anything different when you put someone in charge of anything they're not qualified to to be in charge of?

    If you hand a bowl of spaghetti over to a 2 year old, what do you think is going to happen?


    This is what I mean by different interpretations.
  8. resisting arrest

    resisting arrest Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 24, 2008
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    Woah!!! For a minute there as I was reading your post I thought I was having a flashback to Bush II's administration. All right I got my bearings
    back. We're here in 2016 January 15th.

  9. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    My point wasn't that we have a right to dictate their government - it's that our analysis is that Syria won't be stable until it has different leadership.

    Syria is 75% Sunni, but Assad is a Alawite aligned with the Shiite government of Iran. His repression of the Sunni majority began not long after he came to power in 2000, and the Bush administration began our opposition in about 2001.

    While ISIL claims to be Sunni Muslim, they are terrorist radicals who take an extreme ideological view that is not shard by the vast majority of Sunni Muslims. In last night's GOP debate, ISIL was stated as numbering only about 40K to 50K - a tiny minority.

    However, ISIL has been smart about how they support local populations both in fighting for them against the central governments of Iraq and Syria (where the governments have been lethal to Sunnis) and in supplying services the central governments have denied.
  10. Locke9-05

    Locke9-05 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    It's a war on terrorism, not a conventionally declared war against a recognized sovereign state. It's also a guerrilla war against insurgents on their home turf. And if you compare the numbers in terms of US casualties and ISIS casualties, I think you'll find that the US is in fact winning. Do some more homework next time if you want your post to seem half-correct.

    I find this snippet of your post to be quite humorous. Of course I know that, most everyone knows it. The Obama administration and prior administrations along with undercover agencies within the United States government have been supporting terrorism for decades. How droll that your post seems to make the assumption that the United States funding ISIS is "news."
  11. Questerr

    Questerr Banned

    Feb 6, 2007
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    They hate us for our 2,000 lb, GPS guided freedom.
  12. Doberman1

    Doberman1 New Member

    Oct 28, 2014
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    So Obama is bombing the desert again?
  13. Ethereal

    Ethereal Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2010
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    Assad has support from Sunnis, particularly Sunnis who don't want to live under an Islamic theocracy. In fact, some evidence suggests that the majority of Syrians support Assad:

    Sunnis fill rebel ranks, but also prop up Assad regime

    Bashar Al-Assad Has More Support Than The Western-Backed Opposition
  14. Angrytaxpayer

    Angrytaxpayer Banned

    Mar 20, 2011
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    Good. They haven't evolved in 1000 years anyway so carry on.
  15. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    If we submit, give in, to #1, #2, and #3.....then #4 won't be far away. We can't let a 7th century pedophile beat us.
  16. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Yes, one can certainly find support for Assad. The Syrian business class, for example, really just wants all the fighting to stop so they can get on with their businesses. You can find quotes from them that say their worst fear is that Syria will turn into post-war Iraq. They are willing to accept a horrible and repressive government in order to avoid that - especially when it isn't their families who are being killed and when the present day alternative is both unclear and far to close to being accepting of ISIL.

    However, if you look at the break-outs in that poll you will find significant regions where Assad's support is in the 20% and below range. These include areas where Assad has been bombing his own civilian population and where he did not allow people to vote in the last election.

    I think the reason our government doesn't believe Syria will be stable under Assad (even after some magical removal of ISIL) is that to keep ISIL and other such groups out Syrians would need to see a positive future under Assad.

    The poll you cited shows dramatic differences in support of Assad - undoubtedly because there are regions that are disenfranchised, where civilians are being killed by their own government, where there is a deep cultural and religious divide (exacerbated by Assad), where this problem has continued for more than a decade, where the government can depend on Iran and Russia to ensure Assad's ability to continue the repression.

    The results of the poll you cite seem to confirm that removing ISIL would be only temporary at best if Assad stays in power.
  17. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I disagree.

    1) Arming and supporting (Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, Salafi and ISIS) in conjunction with (Saud, Turkey and others) to fight a proxy war with Syria has not made the world a better nor safer place.

    If we do not want to convert to Islam, then why are we on the side of those whose ideology is "To convert people to Islam and force them to stay that way"

    If we do not like Islamic extremism, then why are we supporting and arming the extremists ?

    These religious zealots were happily killing each other off before we stepped in. There were two countries in particular that were stepping away from Islamic Extremism. Iraq and Syria.

    Syria for example had a secular form of Government. Strict Sharia was not forced on the people and the power of the Theocrats was muted. Women wore short skirts if they wanted and drinking was allowed in bars, dance clubs and so on. Christians were not persecuted by the Government and people were not being executed for "leaving the faith".

    Strict Sharia Extremists (Salafi, Al Qaeda and so on) hate "Secularism" even more than the western infidel. This was viewed as a cancer from within. This is why Bin Laden was a blood enemy of Saddam and is the reason for the call to Jihad of the extremists in Syria.

    On one side we have Saudi Arabia. A country who executes people for apostasy (leaving the faith) and crucifies teenagers for wanting religious freedom. Saud was funding and arming the Salafi like crazy in Syria in an effort to stem the tide of "Secularism"

    On the other side we have the Assad Regime. A quazi dictator for sure (as is the case in all Muslim countries) but, with a serious problem on his hands given the number of extremist Sunni's in the country and his Gov't being Shia (Alawite).

    Shia and Sunny have an ongoing blood feud to begin with. The regime going secular put these people over the top.

    So here we have one side promoting religious tolerance and individual rights and freedoms (on a relative basis) and the other side who is comprised of Islamic extremists who want strict Sharia and Theocracy. A side who hates individual rights and freedoms.

    Not only do we meddle in this situation that was best left alone... we side with those who want or are supporting extremism ?

    Virginia Senator Thanks Syrian President Bashar Al Assad for Saving the Lives of Christians

    Open Letter of U.S. Senator Richard H. Black to President Bashar al-Assad Acknowledges US Support to Terrorists

    Rand Paul on "State of the Union" CNN Sunday morning Show.

    The rebels he is referring to are the one's that want Strict Sharia .. the one's the State Department likes to call "moderates" (Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, Salafi = the Sunni Extremists who formed ISIS )

    Paul is not done: Candy Crowley who is doing the interview shows a clip from Rubio. Rubio is presenting the standard vomit fed to us on a daily basis by the military head of the Oligopoly-Bureaucracy Fusion monster that runs this country.

    It is one thing that we are involved at all. That we are arming the people who represent the ideology that we hate to fight the side that represents reform from this ideology is fighting on the same side as Bin Laden.

    You say "We can't let a 7th century pedophile beat us" Agreed !!!! but, OK .. then why are we fighting on the same side of those that represent his sick ideology against those that want reform ?

    These "moderate rebels = Islamic Extremists such as Al Qaida, Al Nursra, Salafi, ISIS" are shelling civilian areas of a large city (Damascus - places where the real moderates are ... folks who do not want Strict Sharia Theocracy and value individual rights and freedoms) and in the country they are raping, enslaving and beheading Christians and anyone else who disagrees with them.

    And we are giving them arms and support (either directly or indirectly through our allies Saud, Turkey, Yemen and so on) to do this.

    It was arming these groups (Extremist Sunni's in Syria - many of which had come from Iraq to join the Jihad) that led to the creation of the IS. It was these Sunni's .. the one's that we armed that formed ISIS as we know it today.

    And we are still arming their allies ... at least in 2015 when that interview was conducted. Arming these extremists started right from the get go when the protest movement turned to armed insurgency in late 2011/2012.

    This led to the largest humanitarian crisis so far this decade and now .. we have this mass migration bring hoards of people who have adopted (not all the migrants but some) the ideology we are trying to fight into Europe and North America.

    Please explain to me ... Please .. Given what I have just explained ... How has our involvement in Syria has prevented expansion of these dangerous ideologies and made the world a better place and the US a safer place ?

    What arming of the extremists has done is created enough fear to give continued justification for the Military head of the Oligopoly-Bureaucracy Fusion Monster's feed rate of 1 Trillion Dollars per year which makes us less safe and ensures our future is less secure.
  18. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    "How Many Bombs Did the United States Drop in 2015?"....bad news for Obama - I just read the fine print on his Nobel Peace Prize, and it says "However, if you drop more than 50 bombs in a 12 month period then you will obviously have to give back this Nobel Peace Prize, you warmonger." Sorry, Barack, I guess you're no more "peaceful" than GW Bush was.

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