Roger E. Nichols has asked Mr. Dannion Brinkley to serve as his V. P. candidate.

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by DennisTate, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I am so glad that I suggested to Mr. Dannion Brinkley that he should allow me to initiate a Facebook page and group dedicated to him campaigning for the office of Vice President or even President of the USA.

    Mr. Roger E. Nichols has really impressed me by agreeing with my suggestion that he consider Dannion as his running mate.

    Dannion..... you have already gotten an interesting offer from Independent USA Presidential candidate Mr. Roger E. Nichols

    Roger E. Nichols:
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Mr. Roger E. Nichols, because you have prayerfully considered the advice that I gave to you to consider Mr. Dannion Brinkley to serve as V. P. candidate along with you...… and because you have actually taken that advice and made an offer to Mr. Brinkley........... Sir.......... I have an offer for you!

    My offer is also for all of America....... do you remember how President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II cooperated and planned and initiated a series of events that led to the fall of the Iron Curtain?

    I want to put your campaign in front of His Holiness Pope Francis....... and of course Catholics on this forum who would tend to read a discussion addressed to their number one human spiritual leader.

    Dear Pope Francis...... how about we assist the Jews to get Rabbi Nachman back?

    No kidding Sir!

    A good friend of mine from Israel has convinced me that if we Gentiles will assist the Breslovian Chassidic Jewish community to get the remains of Rabbi Nachman taken back to Israel......... there will be a massive shift that I believe will correspond with the ushering in of what will come to be known as the Age of Moshiach/ Messiah!

    In a way..... humanity is about to find out that Messiah Yeshua - Jesus - Issa, in his glorified form............ has a fantastic sense of humour!

    Sir...... I began reading near death experience accounts back in 1990 and proceeded to get myself excommunicated from two "soul sleep" teaching churches....... in about one month?!
  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    This was perhaps a rather rude thing of me to do but.........… I firmly believe that America needs a new major position to be created for the next administration. The best way to word it that I can think of at this time is......."Artistic Director of the NSA -CIA."

    Mr. Dannion Brinkley would be perfect..... and Mr. Roger Nichols could assist him to reach out to America's political right..... the conservative movement.

    Mr. Steven D. Kelley could help him to reach out to the political left...… and assist young people who are angry and disillusioned to feel a higher level of peace and see that some of their concerns are being addressed?!
  4. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    The key to the whole formula, in my opinion, is our relationship with Israel.....
    P. M. Benjamin Netanyahu, let's get into the production of....
    .... semi reality science fiction film projects that are partly financed through alternative local currencies, and/or State currencies, and/or community currencies......... that address specific problems that human beings are facing now in 2015?


    Surely..... something significant will happen for Israel in the nest JUBILEE YEAR?!?!
    Pope Francis.... The Donald is preparing America for Jubilee!
    Dear Pope Francis........ Sir....... I am almost certain from my research that a JUBILEE year will begin on Yom Kippur 2016 and go to the day before Yom Kippur 2017.

    The Donald..... seems to be positioned perfectly to prepare Americans for their role in JUBILEE!?

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