How Hillary could greatly improve her image to America and the world.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by DennisTate, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I admit it...... I prefer Bernie over Hillary as Democratic Party nominee.

    But..... Hillary is astonishingly intelligent and her extensive experience in Washington is obviously a major reason why many Democrats might well choose her even over the extremely likeable Bernie Sanders....... (even if he does get Ms. Elizabeth Warren to serve as his V. P. candidate)?!

    I have a theory in mind that could assist Hillary to tap into her artistic streak that could potentially make her much more of an anti-establishment candidate.

    She and Bill are good friends with The Donald........ and this makes it possible for them to have a much different than usual Presidential campaign.

    For starters.............. and I could be incorrect about this............... but I do believe that Mr. Donald Trump is extremely well prepared by the events of his life to be the man who alters America's view of Fed policy?!
    Donald Trump can be a GREAT President because.......
    … of his deep level of empathy with the greatest forces that are keeping the average American down!

    I saw two documentaries about The Donald yesterday evening. When I saw the part about how he purchased the Taj Mahal through financing arranged by about twenty different banks. When I heard that he had agreed to pay them a high rate of interest. I knew that The Donald had been guided by G-d to have a deep empathy for the situation faced by President Abraham Lincoln.
    Melvin Sickler:


    The Fed.......... is set up in such a way that it is extremely useful in causing significant boom and bust cycles..... which tend to break unions. To a segment of the population strong unions are one of the greatest evils in America and the whole world.
  2. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If I was an American rather than a Canadian I am 90% certain that I would vote for The Donald on November 8, 2016...... (if he is chosen to represent the Republican Party).

    But...... if American Fed Policy is not better understood by Americans....... it will be difficult to improve it.... and it must be tweaked in order to do what needs to be done to make the seven billion residents of planet earth safer from the probable consequences of climate change over the coming decades.

    On the positive side of things.... it can be argued that your USA Federal Reserve may well be functioning at a level of efficiency and effectiveness that is about three hundred percent better than the Bank of Canada. (By that I mean that the Fed is creating a much lower level of theoretically un-repayable debt)!
    I just read powerful evidence that the Federal Reserve is doing an excellent job.

    If this statement is correct...… that the bulk of the interest generated by the loans issued by the Fed..... go back into the budget of the USA...… then........ I no longer have any serious issues with the American Federal Reserve System!

    This is news to me...… although it looks like this has been going on for a long time.
    The flaws in both the USA as well as in Canadian central banking policy have a number of positive side effects....... for one thing.... they tend to protect our forests from being cut down at a much more rapid pace!
    Did P. M. Pierre Elliott Trudeau save the world environment?
    This is actually a quite serious question.

    P. M. Trudeau made an error back in 1974, that may well come to be understood as one of the most important mistakes ever made by a political leader.

    When P. M. Pierre Elliott Trudeau took Canada off the gold standard, (which incidentally had to be done for many valid reasons), a miscalculation was made that is the number one reason why our national debt has spiraled out of control.

    But..... there is a very good side to this because all of us know that we humans have been in a somewhat similar mentality to our ancestors who shot, boiled, barbecued, roasted and fried passenger pigeons into extinction.

    We are highly prone to OVER Consumptionism............. I addressed part of the background issues back in my 2006 provincial level campaign as an independent.
  3. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    If..... my suspicion is correct that Hillary would actually like to greatly increase the understanding of the flaws in Fed Policy by the average American....... she can capitalize on her friendship with The Donald to make this happen!?

    Over in the humour and satire section I began a discussion.... that I am actually quite serious about.... but I felt that 70 percent of readers would be certain that I was joking........ so I just surrendered and poked it there...... but in post #4 I put a message in front of anybody interested in Pope Francis that I felt that they needed to understand.......

    I could be wrong...... but I believe that both Bernie as well as Hillary would be unable to disprove the assertions made by AboveAlpha here:
    Dear Pope Francis...... how about we assist the Jews........

    Now I personally am no expert on any subject with the possible exceptions of forestry and cleaning but................. I read a lot and I have ran into what I feel is a brilliant opening gambit against a total climate catastrophe such as AboveAlpha has explained could well occur?!
  4. Alucard

    Alucard New Member Past Donor

    Oct 1, 2015
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    Perhaps if Trump does not get the GOP Nomination, Hillary could offer him the VP slot. All he has to do is change Parties. Easy for the Donald.
  5. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    That is hilarious but.................... that is actually also worthy of very serious consideration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    You have seen the results of this poll so far haven't you?

    Technically......"Other" includes Hillary!!!!

    Personally...I prefer Bernie.... and Ms. Warren would be an amazing V. P!
    I read an article about her just last week..... (that actually appeared in the July 20, 2015 issue of Time magazine)........ and I have to admit that although I have definite leanings toward the G. O. P.......... I think that a Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren team would be hard to beat!

    But..... that does not mean that The Donald does not play out an extremely important role in setting them up to accomplish much more for America and the whole world!

    What I mean by "I prefer Bernie" is that I think he would make a better President than Hillary!
    Who would you vote for....Voters 17. You have already voted on this poll
    The Donald plus anybody he chooses. 12............................70.59%
    Bernie and Ms. Elizabeth Warren. 3.......................17.65%
    Other....... 2.................11.76%
  6. nra37922

    nra37922 Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2013
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    How Hillary could greatly improve her image to America and the world.

    Very very easy. Be truthful and try to stop coming off as a lying, power hungry, hypocritical b!tch...
  7. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    All of us can learn a great deal about winning friends and influencing others by being willing to admit even our greatest errors and psychological problems.

    Paul did it.......... and it turned out pretty good both for him as well as for the Messianic Gentile Movement that he was the leader of........

    Acts 26:11
    Paul.......... admitted to being involved in something much worse than "washboarding" Messianic Jews that he had arrested..... it is a pretty sure thing that he hadn't managed to compel them to blaspheme the name of Yeshua - Jesus by merely tickling their toes with feathers???!!!!
  8. BestViewedWithCable

    BestViewedWithCable Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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  9. jrr777

    jrr777 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Hillary is done. No more public office period.
  10. BestViewedWithCable

    BestViewedWithCable Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2010
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    No no, Wait, I got it !!!!

    Hillary needs to Bend and Snap !!!!
    DennisTate likes this.
  11. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I am not so sure....... if she attracts herself a really interesting V. P. candidate...... she could certainly win this?!?!

    That "bend and snap" theory is great......... but Hillary's image would fit better with pouncing on...........

    A massive reevaluation of national wealth must occur in order to finance....
    ..... the shift over to a truly green and sustainable economy!

    I just got back a brilliant summary of the numbers for the national wealth of the world's leading economies but.......
    ... it is apparent to me that we must look at these numbers and rethink the entire formula....... if we wish to finance the shift over to a truly green, truly sustainable economy.... and do it with the minimum amount of economic, political and social upheaval?!
  12. thinkitout

    thinkitout Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    No, Trump would never accept a position where he is not under the main spotlight.
  13. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I am not so sure about that!

    He certainly has given us that impression but............... that could well be something that he uses as part of his image........ and it has worked brilliantly and made him a lot of money over these past several decades.

    Hillary would not have an easy time convincing him to come over to her side....... (if she was willing to handle the political backlash that would automatically come along with this)......... She would have to come up with a temptation that even The Donald........ could not resist???!
  14. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Picking the opposing side as the vp used to be our policy and I have long argued it would work. If trump were to pick sanders for example it would give him a very strong ticket. If Hillary picked Palin or Carson it would almost double her votes.
    DennisTate likes this.
  15. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    For Hillary, good, bad or indifferent she is what she is. She has a lot of baggage and good qualities. Hillary is past the stage for a remake. Hillary in a way is a lot like Nixon, people either love her or hate her and that depends on the party faithful. She will never be able to attract Republicans and democrats will never leave her.

    Those not Republicans or Democrats are not drawn to her or repelled by her. But they really do not like her much. Probably because of her baggage gained through 25 years or so being in the spot light. So who she is matched up against come November may mean the difference whether she wins or loses.

    Personally, I think Hillary would be better off just being herself and not trying to do a remake. She has been around too long and a remake would look phony which is exactly what it would be.
    DennisTate likes this.
  16. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I must beg to differ!

    At a number of critical points in my own life....... I read several paragraphs..... usually from near death experience accounts, and those few paragraphs radically altered my own world view......... and caused me to go off in a very different direction in life.

    Here is one of the prime examples of a couple of paragraphs that caused me to begin to understand the world view of people who would be termed "politically left!'
    Sincere apologies for taking 5 years to understand NDE comments on Gay Community!
    I personally am ashamed of myself for being a Christian who could not understand this message for about five years!!!!!

    9. What about sexually diverse people?

    Well.......... I am 99% certain that Hillary has travelled to the nation of Israel many times and so the following words from a near death experiencer have the potential to deeply sink down into her consciousness.................. and she can begin to see potential value....... in what those words could perhaps mean?????!
    Near death experiencer shown peace deal between Jordan and Israel is coming.

    I read both of Dannion Brinkley's books about his two near death experiences back in the '90's.

    - - - - - -

    "The country of Jordan was changing color" could mean that the deserts were turning green. There is an ancient Islamic prophecy that in the latter days… the deserts of the Islamic nations would be turned green.
    This is certainly a good beginning to turning the deserts of Jordan green.
  17. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I ABSOLUTELY AGREE with you in this idea Spooky!

    I have recently proposed the creation of a new USA political office....... that for lack of a better title I have worded......"Artistic Director of the NSA - CIA."

    What I have in mind for this proposed office would make it perhaps in many ways a more interesting and in at least some sense.......... powerful or influential position even than that of "President."

    I do believe that if Mrs. Clinton is elected President of the USA on November 8, 2016......... she could find people who could quite possibly work with her to convince The Donald..... and/ or Dannion Brinkley.... and/ or AboveAlpha and / or Mr. Steven D. Kelly and/ or Mr. Roger E. Nichols...... to serve in..... or assist in the proposed role for this new office......

    (I think thought that she should do some sort of poll of NSA - CIA personnel to see if they would be willing to work with The Donald........ under what conditions....... and their suggestions for this proposed new role)!
    Roger E. Nichols has asked Mr. Dannion Brinkley to serve as his V. P. candidate.
  18. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    From 6,000 to 10,000 years ago the Sahara Desert was a lush green place with monsoon rains and the like. It has something to do with the tilt of the earth. Sure, it will come again.

    As to Hillary, it is better I think she just be herself. Taking a different direction in life due to a life changing experience is not the same as a political makeover in the search for votes. Usually it doesn't work. Jeb Bush has tried it twice and his makeovers haven't done a thing to help him. Bush may have decided to toss all that image change out the window when he said he was proud to be a Bush. Perhaps he should have went that route from the get go.
  19. Papastox

    Papastox Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    She should slither into the woodwork and take her medicine like a woman...
  20. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Yes, I was hoping that she would do this for much better reasons than simply for getting votes!

    Whoever is elected President of the USA in 2017 should have a deep appreciation for the fact that their decisions will affect millions........ and even billions of precious human lives!

    I do like The Donald but Hillary has a party behind her who takes climate change more seriously........... all they need to do is switch away from carbon tax.......... and decide to invest in turning deserts green...... and a win - win - win - win scenario would be set in motion.

    I believe we are in a position where we have got to do more than simply wait for a natural cycle to turn deserts green......... I think we need to invest in large scale desalination projects which will tend to offset:

    Just a nudge could collapse West Antarctic Ice Sheet, raise sea levels 3 meters

  21. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    The problem with global warming or as referred to now as climate change is all the hype over it for the last 20 years or so have caused a lot of people to ignore it. Wasn't Al Gore who predicted the Arctic ice would be all melted by the year 2015 or something akin to that. People hear all these horrible predictions and none of them come true.

    Quite a few now have chalked it off to either natural occurring climate change by nature or the earth itself or just a bunch of money hungry global warmest out to make millions off the fear they are espousing. Cutting down the rain forest, clear cutting land for farming, urban expansion into what what had been farms with tons of vegetation which soaked upped the carbon is probably more the cause of excess carbon than what man is doing elsewhere in the fossil fuel area. That's my opinion on it anyway.

    Hillary is power hungry and says and does whatever it takes. I doubt she has any core convictions as she is constantly changing. Trump I have no use for, he is out for Trump and only for Trump. I dislike both and think neither belongs in the White House and I am not alone in that opinion. 60% of independents give both Hillary and Trump a 60% unfavorable rating, meaning they dislike both. What they do come November remains to be seen. But an indication is if the race boils down to Trump vs. Hillary, some polls are showing as many as 20% of independents said they will not vote or vote third party. Being independents make up between 40-45% of the electorate today, that is a huge chunk who will just wash their hands of the upcoming election. Since 30% of Republicans view The Donald unfavorably vs. only 8% of the Democrats who view Hillary unfavorably, advantage Hillary. The Democrats also have a larger base vote, 29-26% of the electorate according to Gallup.
  22. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Only 6% of registered voters are actual independents and 60% of those are single issue voters.

    The independent vote is irrelevant.
  23. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    But..... evidence does exist that President Bush and Canada's P. M. Stephen Harper may have known that the Global Dimming Effect could be used a bit like a Volcanic eruption.......... and could delay the probable results of a general Global Warming trend.

    For the record...... I am NOT complaining about what they may have done on purpose!
    Did President G. W. Bush and P. M. Harper deliberately use Global Dimming to..

    .... mask...… to decrease..... to postpone......... a general Global Warming trend?

    A second legitimate question is..... within fifty years is it at all possible that we may find out that they may perhaps have had a basically good idea in doing this?

  24. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    I don't know. The thing is I am old enough to remember the coming ice age scare of the 60's and 70's.

    ice age.gif

    So what is different about this one? Mother Nature is going to do what Mother Natures does. Volcanoes are a major source of CO2 into the atmosphere. When Mount Pinatubo I watch a documentary about it, towards the end the narrator stated the volcano put more greenhouse gases into our atmosphere than mankind had since his inception.

    Perhaps the eruption of Mount Pinatubo stopped the ice age and started global warming, just joshing. The bottom line is I don't pay much attention at all to global warming. That is until my electric bills goes up because of the elimination of coal (cheaper) fired power plants. Then I get a bit angry. But it passes. Mankind has been trying to control the weather since he began walking and has failed. Why does man think he is so smart he can defeat mother nature or the natural cycles of the earth?
  25. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    She could admit she is a serial liar.
    She could admit she got people killed in Benghazi
    She could admit it was stupid to have a home brew computer
    She could admit having gov files on the home brew computer may be getting more people killed
    She could admit all the lies and corruption connected with the Clinton Foundation
    She could admit Bill is a woman abuser, and a rapist.

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