What are Progressive Values?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Greataxe, Apr 18, 2016.

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  1. A random man

    A random man Active Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    The true values of a cold secular Progressive (Far worse and more evil than Bill O'Reilly could ever begin to fathom):

    -People with purple hair don't phase me. It means a lot more sex with the women those guys would be sleeping with otherwise

    -Social Conservatism is merely insecure control freaks with power to enforce their insecurities on the rest of us

    -Religion is likely BS. Go Science!

    -Capitalism is awesome

    -Equality does not mean something is being taken from you, it means something is being added to economy/society/world that wasn't there before (Tech sector)

    -Actual true social conservatives are great people and I know this to my core but have absolutely no business running a modern country

    -Technology and Science are good things

    -Paying into society is not bad. You are a part of society. You have benefited from it all your life. You are not ever exempt from it. You are forever part of the human collective. Do you truly believe advanced Aliens would be anti-collective Libertarians? Be honest. We know the answer is no

    -GAYS!!!! PURPLE HAIR!!!! TECHNO MUSIC!!!!! ......... So what? How do you truly care about this? I mean you think about this regularly? You actually get upset over this? (Or is it really that you can't stand the fact that the model guy with purple hair in tight jeans could, if he was straight, bang any woman he wanted to yet doesn't and probably has a bigger than you and everyone knows it, compounded by the fact that you could never hope to get the women he could probably get, isn't that really why you're angry, I mean, if we're being honest and you know, hashing everything out, you know, man to man?)
  2. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Government is not cheap and the more it works to protect the rights of the person the more that the government costs (i.e. the greater the charge).

    Remember that based upon Locke's proposal everyone would pay from their "estate" (assets minus liabilities) but under Locke's ideology everyone would have a "positive estate" from which they could fund the government. It's only under Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations where both "positive and negative estates" exist and you can't tax a negative estate.
  3. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    This proves one thing above all else. People have very little intellectual knowledge when they express opinions on political ideology because their opinions are reflective of complete ignorance. That reminds me of Donald Trump that's admitted he really doesn't care about the facts.
  4. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Alex Jones is most certainly a COINTELPRO, Project Mockingbird, FBI agitator of some kind. His website is always FEAR DRIVEN PROPAGANDA, not facts.

    Try some more independant commentators ones not so firmly linked to the GOP or Democrat Parties. Like these above.

    Establishment lackeys - some examples - Jon Stewart,Al Franken, Glen Beck,Neil Boortz, Drudge, Ed Schultz, Amy Goodman, Tom Hartman, or Rachel Maddow are Party stooges who constantly lie for the Government about the wars. They protect the U.S. Military and politicians for big donations/salaries so the Military can continue the endless Full Spectrum Dominance oil wars.

    Me - I have 1000 radio podcasts on my flash drive - 2/3 of them are Steve Lendman and Corbett Report.

    Just tells ya how much WAR PROPAGANDA and Left vs. Right food fight, tabloid drivel is out there !

    Free speech is pretty much dead in America. The so called 'free press' in America is reserved for those that own it.

    I'm not gonna listen to some lecture about 'Global Warming' narrated by Matt Damon and funded by some State Dept. linked foundation while Obama and Hillary murder some 250,000 people in Syria by funding and training the al Nusra death squads !

    Let's get some context and perspective about what is newsworthy and what is tabloid. The major media is ALL NEWSPEAK now. And so are the movies. Language and dialogue have become bastardized in this country so as to be rendered meaningless.

    In the 1970's we had messages in the movies like 'Godzilla versus the Smog Monster' or 'Slithis' or 'C.H.UD.' about monsters created by toxic sludge.

    Now - the U.S. military runs Hollywood - with war and fear propaganda movies - 'Hurt Locker, 'Zero Dark Thirty' (.Kathy Bigelow), 'The Siege',or 'Pearl Harbor', 'Black Hawk Down', (Jerry Bruckheimer)'13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi ' so to be an artist in Hollywood you have to a creative whore for the U.S. Military, the CIA, and the Pentagon. I am ashamed Bruckheimer is from my hometown of Detroit. His TV shows are all busy selling 'War on Terror' propaganda - 'CSI', 'E-Ring','Soldier of Fortune,''Cold Case'. Even Batmans director Chris Nolan admittedly a NeoCon, weaponized Batman, and Marvels 'Iron Man' is thinly veiled 'war on terror' military propaganda brainwashing !

    The military industrial complex has the entire mass media, TV and radio in their back pocket. Its a permanent state of the politics of fear, guns and violence. And above all the media is designed to justify all the Foreign illegal U.S. invasions our 'unitary executive' President (see the Newspeak term for Dictatorship in the White House?) crams down our collective throats with their psychological fear brainwashing !

    Why do you think they developed the outrageous 'Cable in the Classroom' for the U.S. Elementary School system ! Mass Big Brother militarism and thought control - obviously. '1984' has arrived and then some !
  5. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    What are you talking about? they're all in lockstep.... I mean they actually take pride in being in lockstep. They always go on and on about how the GOP is so disorganized and they're so unified.

    You know why they're so organized because they're collectivists that why....... They're so into collective groups and collectivism that they don't even know what the F an individual or individualism actually is and that makes it difficult within itself to even have a normal debate or conversation with a progressive because the idea that treating people as individuals and not groups is alien to them generally speaking..... Well of course when one of their pet groups is statistically criminal then they will pull the "individual card" but only to protect the entire group not the individual - the individual card just happens to be convenient in certain situations.
  6. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    I am no fan of Hollywood, but many of their war movies are far and away better than the crud that came out in the WW 2 era. The biggest load of crap I have ever viewed was this laughable propaganda flick to brainwash our soldiers into supporting Stalin and the Soviets. Only a deluded Marxist could stomach it.

  7. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I say again progressives dont have values, they only have feelings that can change daily.
  8. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    unlike alleged conservatives who advocate more public policies beyond Ten Commandments?
  9. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    The main issue politicians are avoiding in this 'election' - if you want to call it that, with computer hacked vote terminals - besides how they CREATED OUT OF WHOLE CLOTH the almost daily terror threats of ISIS, by arming and training them to overthrow the elected govvernments of Libya and Syria - is the ABSOLUTE POLICE STATE they've created and the permanent STATE OF FEAR THEY USE TO CONTROL THE AMERICAN PUBLIC.

    (Aside from the U.S. Government spying on your every phone call, email, fax, and web traffic)

    I look at my basic cable channel listings at how many police, murder and crime scene shows are inhabiting my living room EVERY NIGHT. LOOK: Criminal Minds, 3 CSIs, Criminal Intent, The Closer, SVU, Bones, Person of Interest, The First 48, Madam Secretary, The Good Wife, Law and Order, NCIS, The Blacklist, Flashpoint, Animal Kingdom, Forensic Files, The Interrogator, Women in Prison, Wives With Knives, Web of Lies, Cry Wolfe, The Coroner, Shadow of Doubt, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Walker Texas Ranger, In the Heat of the Night, Diagnosis Murder, Blue Bloods, JAG, etc. And many of the shows have this war on terror propaganda, or the lone sniper, mass shooter, fear the 'brown people' storyline -

    Now the phenomenon no one in radio is discussing is this practice the U.S. Government started BEFORE the SANDY HOOK shootings ... ITS F__KING OUTRAGEOUS !:evil:

    Only a drill: Police will Converge at Elementary School for Lockdown Training


    "MUSKEGON, MI -- Those who happen to be cruising past Reeths-Puffer Elementary School Thursday evening, Oct. 9 don't need to be alarmed by the numerous police cars that will be parked outside.

    Reeths-Puffer Superintendent Steve Edwards said the heavy police presence is a good thing. It will be part of a training exercise designed to keep students and staff safe during emergencies.

    About 60 officers from throughout Muskegon County are expected to participate in the school lockdown simulation at Reeths-Puffer Elementary, 874 E. Giles Road, according to Muskegon Township Police Chief Ken Sanford."


    There are so many police drill stories reported and going on around the country at all the elementary school its absolutely criminal. It is as if the U.S. Establishment has CREATED this vicious circle, this CASH COW INDUSTRY of guns,arms, more security, and of course, the foreign born terror groups themselves borne out by the CIA and the U.S. military, to control foreign oil fields as a means not to terrorize the "enemies" of the U.S. Government abroad, but domestically at home as well as a means of subjugating us the American public - bolstered of course, by these Hollywood fear shows. That lisiting of crime shows I gave you was a 2 day grid of my cable!:steamed:
  10. YouLie

    YouLie Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2012
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    Whatever is antithetical to Christianity. That is progressive values.
  11. Professor Peabody

    Professor Peabody Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2008
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    Do we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.

    NO ONE can plan my life better for me than I can for myself.
  12. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    That's exactly what society would be like if we took non-progressives out of the equation.... They basically play "king of the hill".. Progressives would eat themselves alive if they had to govern themselves. The only reason why they haven't imploded yet is because all these special interest group spend more time hating "republicans" than they do on one another...

    Progressives are inherently fascist - it's amusing.

    These progressives claim they're for peace, yea right!!!!! funny how non-progressives can get along and disagree on issues and we can do it without having to eat one another - progressives can't do that - they're fascist ideologues.
  13. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Yeah - Obama made about as much "Progressive" change as Nixon and Reagan did with more wars, arming death squads in foreign nations to overthrow governments and terror ... Syria and Libya today are infested w/ American death squads "Free Syrian Army, Al Nusra, the same way El Salavador and Nicaragua "Freedom Fighters" Contras were terrorized by the American CIA in the 1980s, of course, there REALLY is no such thing as independant ISIS group (just U.S. mercenaries) - like Reagans created Afghan conflict by training the Mujadeen, and if that wasn't enough ...

    Florida Students Terrified As Police Hold Unannounced Active Shooter Drill In Elementary School


    Winter Haven, Fla. (CBS TAMPA) –

    "Seventh-grader Lauren Marionneaux told WTVT-TV that when the officers burst into her class with an AR-15, she was in fear for her life

    The innocence of our children has been forever destroyed by an “always on” siege mentality perpetrated by a police state government that insists we live in constant fear. As our children become anxiety ridden and fearful, we put them on anti-psychotic medication that turns them into walking zombies. And it’s only going to get worse.

    Students, teachers and parents were taken by surprise after an “active shooter drill” brought the Winter Haven middle school into lockdown as armed police officers burst into classrooms with their weapons drawn.

    Students at Jewett Middle Academy said they were terrified when police officers burst in the doors for a planned active shooter drill – but students and teachers are irked they were not told ahead of time.

    Seventh-grader Lauren Marionneaux told WTVT-TV that when the officers burst into her class with an AR-15, she was in fear for her life.

    “We actually thought that someone was going to come in there and kill us,” the station quoted her as saying.

    But police say they conduct these drills for the absolute safety of the students.

    “These types of drills are vital in order to evaluate not only law enforcement response, but more importantly to educate the students and school officials in case an actual event were to occur,” Chief Charlie Bird said in an email to media.

    Parents were notified of the drill through email after it was over, but many parents, however, received panicked texts from their children as the drill was going on."

    source – CBS Tampa

  14. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Like with GENESIS COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK (GCN)s Alex Jones and Joyce Rileys running all this noise so you have to buy all these crappy phony illness cures, and medicines, protein powders, and ads to scare you into fork over your cash or buy guns and ammo, survivalists gear, because like the NRA, all Alex Jones is selling is FEAR, pushing up gun sales, more xenophobia, and less and less factual reporting.


    Where is Alex Jones care about human rights or U.S. military stopping the wars by organizing a protest?

    Why is the UN the only one to freely admit the Syria death toll could be as high as 400,000 (esimated) thanks to Obama-Hillarys "Assad Must Go" regime change war?

    (the United Nations, among others, also recently announced it would stop counting casualties in the U.S. led war in Syria)

    Death Toll From War in Syria Now 470,000, Group Finds

    "The report from the Syrian Center for Policy Research said that at least 470,000 Syrians had died as a result of the war, almost twice the 250,000 counted a year and a half ago by the United Nations until it stopped counting because of a lack of confidence in the data."


    US, French raids kill 140 civilians in Syria

    "Airstrikes by the United States and France inside Syria have killed as many as 140 civilians in a northwestern city and on its outskirts over the past two days, the Syrian government says."

  15. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    HAHAHA..... You think I was born libertarian? conservative? republican? hahahaha..

    Naw, I was once a PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL, then I grew up, got educated, joined the real world and realized the progressive party are for people with Peter Pan syndrome, for people who have never had a real job, for people who loathe those that have more than they do, because they're 40 years-old and still living in their moms basement... Oh and of course the party is for those that GET OFF on control and telling people what to do....
  16. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Yeah - and because you had no morals, look how great the world turned out !
  17. MrNick

    MrNick Banned

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Of course I have morals, however it's not my place to shove my morals down YOUR THROAT.... You progressives believe you're so morally superior to others that you actually believe IT IS YOUR POSITION to shove your morals down others throats...

    I'm a libertarian, I mind my own damn business, perhaps you should try that some time?
  18. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Yeah - just wash the blood off your hands like the NBC network news WAR PIMPS do
    for the lemmings at the Democrat Convention.
  19. TedintheShed

    TedintheShed Banned

    Aug 31, 2010
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    Progressives simply have the misbegotten belief that overall the lives of the citizens of a nation can be improved through the use of government, even though history is replete with examples to the contrary. For example, nothing conceived by man has killed taken more lives than government.
  20. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    Except of course that flood.
    I am assuming if one can't get morals from society, put in place by gov't.
    Then you are referring to some higher moral authority that mankind must follow.
  21. TedintheShed

    TedintheShed Banned

    Aug 31, 2010
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    What flood?

    I am not referring to any moral authority, but no government can even remotely qualify as any form of moral authority.
  22. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    "Libertarian" is code for Republican - (i.e.) too embarassed to admit they voted for Bush/Cheney, and too slow to admit the U.S. invasions of Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Afghanistan are war crimes ! :peace::p
  23. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    equal rights, freedom for all to choose their own path in life, their partners in life, when to and not to have children....

    we value safety nets, social security and religious freedom, fairness and a country where anyone willing to work hard can pay the basic bills needed to survive, we support a living wage

  24. Conviction

    Conviction Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2016
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    Progressives actually believe in equity in the guise of equality. Very dangerous indeed.
  25. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    we have Courts, for that.
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