Do white lives matter?

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by tecoyah, Sep 21, 2016.

  1. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Seldom do we hear about some Non-Black individual being shot or killed by police, even though it happens at least as often as a black person:
    "Police have shot and killed a young black man (ages 18 to 29) — such as Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. —175 times since January 2015; 24 of them were unarmed. Over that same period, police have shot and killed 172 young white men, 18 of whom were unarmed."

    I know that going by population percentage the argument can be made for discrimination, yet I also note that interactions between police and young black men are inherently higher due to increased need because of crime. Never have I seen or heard of riots and other violent actions resulting because some white kid was killed. For me at least this creates a distaste of the back whining community and stinks of racism.

  2. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    I think there are some dishonest or ignorant representations of that the whole “Black Lives Matter” idea is about (at least initially). It isn’t a claim that white lives don’t matter but a claim that black lives are currently being given less value than white lives, that there is active racism within US policing leading to black suspects suffering greater violence and more deaths than white suspects would in the same circumstances. The message is (was!) that black lives also matter, not that black lives only matter.

    There’s an open question as to whether this is actually the case, especially in such a general and wide spread manner and there are inevitably people who are going to use something like this to promote their own political campaigns, regardless of how relevant they are to the original intent. There is also far too much overstretch on this issue so that any case of a black suspect dying following interaction with the police is automatically seen as entirely due to racism on the part of the police and any case where a white suspect is truly mistreated by police is still ignored since it doesn’t fit the narrative. That said, to deny that there is any racism within American society or that it inevitably influences some individual officers decisions (if only subconsciously), would be ridiculous.

    This being the USA of course, the whole thing has been dragged in to the extensive racial politics and the general binary partisanship to the point that all facts and reality get lost in the fight to get one up on “the other side”. The vast range of the complex and multi-faceted issues relating to race in America have long been lost here, as have, I fear, the chances of anything positive coming out of the campaign that I’m sure was started with good intentions.
    tecoyah likes this.
  3. Genius

    Genius Active Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Whites are far less violent than blacks.
  4. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    No, it is not based on race, it is based on economics and militancy police face. Questionable police shooting generally are low income people - not just blacks - and usually in a situation of facing the person acting militantly. Poor whites and Latinos are gunned down too.

    Blacks percentage wise are at the bottom of the barrel economically, with NAs very close. But the government created a welfare, subsistence level economic guarantee which has created a generational live style of living live solely on government money - no work, free, easy money. Designed into this (by Democrat Johnson) was to tear poor - meaning most of all black - families by making more government welfare and assistance based upon NOT being married and parents NOT living together. Democrat Johnson stated he goal was to give blacks just enough money to quiet them down and get them to vote Democrat - but not enough to develop any power or influence.

    Combined with this are disgusting white liberals on TV, rich blacks who get rich by promoting racial segregation, Democratic propaganda and corporate media propaganda that insist:
    1. That blacks are as separate people, a minority, who should stick together as blacks and
    2. that black should be very, very angry at being victims.

    This education of exclusion from mainstream culture and to be angry about it - both pushed by Democrats and liberals - had lead to police often face militant blacks because they taught they are supposed to be militant by the corporate and Democrat talking heads.

    Best example? The raging by Democratic and corporate media talking heads most focused on concerned blacks who were shot why engaging in criminal conduct and/or armed. Martin had attacked Zimmerman beating his head into the ground. Two more where the black shot was either armed or had committed a crime and then was violently assaulting the police.

    In fact, there are numerous instances and videos of police violence and shootings of questionable nature against whites. By ignoring those, the Democrat Party and corporate talking heads DELIBERATELY portray the false narrative that police are out singularly gunning down black people. This also is a situation deliberately created as a Democratic Party tactic of racial segregation that has continued from the origins of the Party in Andrew Jackson, combined with some black lawyers realizing they can become millionaires of it via lawsuits and paid TV appearances.
  5. Nordic Democrat

    Nordic Democrat Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    BLM doesn't care about white people, not their job. White people should be furious with how police behave, but so far most of them seem to side with the pigs. LEO's have no respect for the citizens they serve.
  6. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    There is absolutely no question that blacks are being treated differently than whites by the police in many communities.

    And, in too many communities the police are no longer trusted by the population. Policing can't succeed without the cooperation that requires that trust.
  7. Sirius Black

    Sirius Black Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2011
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    and they don't dance as well
  8. Genius

    Genius Active Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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  9. SiNNiK

    SiNNiK Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2014
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    I tell black people it's their fault white people dance like they do, look what we grew up with.

  10. Belch

    Belch Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2015
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    After all of this hubbub about "black lives matter!", what is the plan? From what I can tell, the plan is for blacks to become even more violent than ever, making their lives worth that much less.

    If blacks care about black lives, then they need to get serious about why their lives aren't worth what white or asian lives are worth.

    hint: a criminal's life is not worth as much as a law-abiding citizen's life is worth.

    Do black lives matter? Not as much, and for good reason. Work on the violent crime, the single-parent welfare homes, and their overall benefit to a civil society. Get that sorted out, and then we can reassess the situation.
  11. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    There never was a plan, it started as a knee jerk reaction to (reporting of) a series of incidents. Plans of varying legitimacy and quality seem to have evolved from it but I think it needs America to form a plan to address these issues. As long as each and every subgroup of Americans are saying “those other people” need to fix it, it’ll never get fixed. The first (and hardest) step is move from an “us and them” society to a unified “us”.

    What do you mean if. Are you suggesting that caring about black lives (or any other generic groups’ lives!) is optional?

    Not by establish US and international law. There are various restrictions and different principles that apply variously to suspects, charged and convicted individuals but none of these establish a reduced value of their lives.

    So a married, working, law-abiding black man is of less fundamental value as a single-parent, unemployed, violent white man? Just because there are disproportionately more black people in those categories is no justification for treating all black people as if they are (or presuming all non-black people aren’t). If there are more Americans in those categories that British, would that mean your life automatically has less value than mine?
  12. Pax Aeon

    Pax Aeon Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2015
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    No matter how the pc and their tortured logic cuts it, it comes down to facts;


    The pc-democrats ignore these facts in favor of their skewed ideology which favors maintaining the status quo and prevents them from being part of a comprehensive research to formulate a solution. The hardest part is acknowledging the realities surrounding these incidents.
  13. Crcata

    Crcata Banned

    Jul 8, 2016
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    The argument can't be made for discrimination. Blacks commit more violent crimes, resist more, and are killed less.
  14. Crcata

    Crcata Banned

    Jul 8, 2016
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    False. Disproven time and time again lol.
  15. Belch

    Belch Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2015
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    Then it'll never get fixed.

    Of course it's optional! Jeez!!!! This world is filled with heartache, and I've stepped over more than my share of homeless people on the way to the airport only to arrive in some third world country where there are starving children in the streets whose brains have been turned to mush because they sniff glue to ward off hunger pangs.

    It's not only optional. It's mandatory!!!! I'd go crazy if I couldn't turn off a part of me that actually cares about all of this pain and suffering.

    Life is a renewable resource.

    Are you ready to get angry with people who identify according to the color of their skin? The blacks are saying "I'm black!!!!!". That doesn't mean all people with black skin, but it does mean everybody who self-identifies as black.

    So are you ready to get angry with people who self-identify according to the color of their skin? They are the ones saying "I belong to this tribe!", just as ISIS is saying "we are muslim".

    Human life is not valuable, black lives don't matter, and at the end of the day, none of this is going to change. We are pack animals thanks to evolution, and we have to figure out some way to say "I am in this group, and you are not, so you are my enemy".
  16. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    Why bother even discussing it then? You might as well curl up in a corner and await the cold comfort of death. I’m a little less defeatist than you are being (or pretending to be) and have a little faith that there are some people out there with more humanity than you. It’s really a question of how effectively you beat them down.

    There’s a distinction between caring about people are recognising where you can realistic have making an impact on them. Declaring a general group of people as having fundamentally less value is quite different to what you’re describing here.

    Life is, individual lives aren’t. Anyway, this is irrelevant to you being wrong about the lives of criminals having less value though, legally, morally or practically.

    I’m not angry, I’m disappointed. I’m no less disappointed with the people making a mess of the whole BLM meme than I am with people like you. You’re all part of the same problem which was my initial point as your inability to really understand me demonstrates.
  17. NothingSacred

    NothingSacred Active Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    I agree and they can go fck themselves if they think getting in my face and calling me racist and trying to guilt trip me is going to make me care, I owe them nothing.
  18. Pred

    Pred Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
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    But police interact with a community in a way that corresponds to threat level and how they're treated in return. Cops aren't scared when pulling up behind a BWM in a mostly white upper class community because the odds of someone flying out of the car and shooting is slim to none. Pulling up on a BMW with a black guy driving in a poor community poses far DIFFERENT risks, so cops act accordingly. And if you need to ask why that poses a different threat, you're either trolling, being intellectually dishonest or simple ignorant to reality.

    Cops in suburban middle/upper class communities are treated mostly with respect. Cops is poor communities are NOT treated with respect no matter how NICE they are. That's the part people will not admit. Drug dealers and gang bangers are a scurge to cops and guess who is responsible for allowing them to proliferate? THE COMMUNITIES. The PEOPLE. By having kids and not giving a crap about them, THEY create the animosity. The PEOPLE teach kids not to respect authority, their teachers, their employers. That's why they're poor and low class. It all stems from the culture of the community and if its owned by gangs, guess where that all stems from? Cops busting up the gangs is obviously not good enough for these communities, because they just breed MORE gang members with NO FATHERS and NO AUTHORITY FIGURES except other gang members.

    No matter how nice a cop is, they're screwed, which brings us full circle. The easiest way to get shot is to have a mouth or not listen to simple instructions or walk back to your car, when instructed not to, then try to reach in...and for what? COuld be a book? COuld be a gun? Could be a detonator wired to the explosives you claim are going to make you car bang, bang, another dead stupid person.
  19. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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    Averages are irrelevant when it comes to crime. Criminals are criminals whatever the race.
  20. CourtJester

    CourtJester Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
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  21. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I don't agree that trust comes from "nice".

    We can study these various places where the population is not accepting of the policing that they are getting. So far, I see nobody proposing that what police are doing today is working.

    You're making assumptions. The guy who walked back to his car with his hands up left blood on his window - which is hard to do when the window is open. Also, the guys in the helicopter had already declared this guy to be a "bad dude" - based on what???

    You are also making huge assumptions about how we acquire communities of low income people.
  22. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Tecoyah -

    You forgot the story of Kelly Thomas. It got extensive national coverage and TV news follow -ups.

    Fullerton Cops Found Not Guilty in Beating Death of Homeless Mentally Ill Man


    "And a little after five minutes into the video, as three cops are piled on top of him, beating him, tasing him, one cop looks up at another cop who just arrived on the scene and says, “help us.”


    US: Police beat and taser 'gentle' mentally-ill homeless man to death
  23. Genius

    Genius Active Member

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Facts are facts. Criminals are criminals. It just so happens that black neighborhoods have far higher incidents of violent crime than others. Or does the truth not matter?
  24. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Oh that's irrelevant -

    The police haven't been keeping up their standard of upholding the law in the urban areas as well as in suburbia.
  25. Belch

    Belch Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2015
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    I discuss it because the subject is brought up. I look for people who might have some idea of how to fix the violence and endemic poverty of american blacks, and it's like nobody else has a plan, either.

    So yes, why bother discussing it? Because it can be fixed. I'm sure of that because blacks were making great strides in the 50s and early 60s. Then came the democrats, and everything gained was lost, and then some.

    I can't make heads or tails out of this.

    Then you disagree with society.

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