To Racial Minorities: We Should not Depend on the Left

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Cherub786, Feb 9, 2017.

  1. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    White people are represented by Whites; no one questions that because it's taken for granted. Minorities need special representation. Nonwhites (including blacks, Hispanics, Asians/Pacific Islanders and Native Americans) make up 19% of the current Congress. By comparison, nonwhite Hispanics and other racial minorities make up 38% of the nation’s population.

    The picture is worse in the Senate. There are only 2-3 Hispanics in the senate, and I'm not even sure if they are "nonwhite" Hispanics. The picture in the presidential cabinet is even worse. The point is that if you disqualify the need for special representation for minorities; then minorities will end up being way underrepresented. This proves my case and argument for the need for minorities to divorce themselves from mainstream political parties and begin representing themselves at all levels of government

    This reinforces my argument that minorities must represent themselves politically and not rely on the Democratic party, which as you admitted, just wants our votes but doesn't care about our issues.

    I think you misunderstood my point about why you cannot understand America. It is because America has different social issues than Britain. I am not saying you are different from White Americans, but you are not in a good position to understand the racial and social dynamics of American society; which as I pointed out is much more racially diverse than Britain and has a completely different narrative when it comes to race relations.

    In Britain people may be divided more by other things like class. But in America, race is the most prominent division in the society. It effects very much how you are treated in every aspect of your life. Race is very powerful thing in America unlike in Britain.

    Perhaps this parable can help you understand. In the Middle East there are huge divisions based on sect. Like in Iraq, you are defined by your sect; whether Sunni or Shi'i. To compare the power and relevance of these confessional differences in society and politics in Iraq to the division of Anglicans and Methodists in Britain would be fallacious. Just like you cannot comprehend why people in Iraq have such divergent political interests on the basis of denomination because in Britain there are no such divisions is the same reason you cannot comprehend why in America racial divisions are so relevant in a geographically large country of over 300 million people. Britain is an island that is quite homogenous racially and minorities are not large enough to be a big enough constituency.

    If you don't deny that Sunnis and Shi'ites in Iraq have obvious different economic and political interests, then how can you deny that Whites, Blacks, Hispanics and Asians have different economic and political interests in America and thus should have their own political representatives on the national level rather than the mainstream Democrat/Republican binary. That binary only benefits the White majority as their interests are amply addressed to the detriment of minorities.
  2. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Medium towns in the south? That is where there is the heaviest concentration of White supremacist groups. Doesn't sound very racially harmonized to me. People in the south regard the confederate flag - a racist symbol akin to the Nazi swastika - as a symbol of their culture and "southern pride".

    Minorities are marginalized in being represented in positions of power. The Congress is only 19% non-white despite the fact non-whites compose 38% of the population. The picture in the Senate and in the Executive is even bleaker. This is an obvious example of political marginalization of minorities.

    And without being adequately represented in the corridors of power; minorities can expect to lose some of the momentum they have made under the Obama years. After all Obama was himself a minority; even if he was under the control of the White establishment.

    The mainstream media is minority-friendly; but the alternative media is taking its place; and it is overall more negative towards minorities. The rise of right-wing populism is the greatest threat to minorities.
  3. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Is that why you don't see any southern city/town in the news about "racist cops shooting blacks" in the south? Please, you're bias is showing heavily. The largest concentration of minorities is in the south, and we don't have any riots going on here.

    So only non-whites can make laws that will benefit non-whites huh? And there needs to be specific laws curtailed to non-white as opposed to laws that cover everyone equally right? Please, go on about how your segregation will be different than before.

    What momentum did you have going for you? Was crime rates down? Poverty? Unemployment? Overall income? Sorry to say, if you believe that its because of government that people become successful, you have already lost.

    Yeah, minority-friendly, by calling riots "peaceful". Saying the 19 yo thug TM a child. Making you believe that Brown was just minding his own business when the cop shot him. Yeah, they are actually the ones stirring up the resentment you have towards whites.
  4. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Which whites represent whites? The libertarians, the GOP, democrats, socialist, communist, green party? Doesn't seem to me like whites can agree with a single white ideology to represent them that well. But hey, I am sure all blacks, browns, and every other minority is a collective without individual thought the way you have described them right?
  5. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    What do you consider as the "South"? Do you mean the Deep South which is very rural not any major cities. Riots tend to take place in cities not in farms. And it's very revealing that you think riots are the worst problem facing the nation. A riot in America is basically the police firing rubber bullets and launching tear gas to disperse a crowd. Any time that happens you hear "riot", even though protesters were mostly peaceful until the White police decide to provoke a response then cry "riot".
    And don't forget the Charlotte riots in response to the police murder of Keith Scott (in a medium town of the south). There goes your theory that there is racial harmony in the south
  6. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I am talking about MS, AL, GA, SC, KY, TN. There are no riots even in their big cities. And no, people aren't "peaceful" until the cops show up. Baltimore, 60% minority cops, wasn't "peaceful". UC Berkley wasn't peaceful even with the cops not even involved with a stand down order from the mayor.
  7. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    All of them in America represent Whites first and other second. All of their leaders are White (Rand Paul, Trump, Hillary, Jill Stein, Gary Johnson, Bernie Sanders)

    White people are not as conscious of their interests because as I said they are taken for granted. Only when your interests are not being represented will you understand why minorities must have their own party representing their interests. Even a single-issue party that is only concerned with serving the interests of minorities in white dominated America is sufficient for us; as it is the most pressing issue facing our communities. We don't have the luxury to concern ourselves with social security, health care, climate change, foreign policy or other mainstream issues. We are struggling with more pressing concerns closer to home; so we definitely need a single-issue party or at least camp within a party that is solely focused on representing our interests.
  8. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    You still haven't explained why mere absence of riots proves there is racial harmony; especially in the States you mentioned, which happen to be the most racist and White supremacist in the nation. You mentioned SC, where Dylan Roof burst into a black church in Charleston and massacred 9 people. Which year was that? 1963? Actually 2015.

    It seems you only think there is racial harmony if there aren't any BLM people protesting and breaking some glass. But there is racial harmony if white people are going into black churches and machine gunning down Black people. Look at your double standard. There is racial harmony where you live because you aren't on the receiving end of racist violence.
  9. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    So what needs do blacks and minorities have that whites don't have? Is there a specific issue that can rectify poverty for one group but not the other? Have the Asians come up with laws and regulations that have allowed them to surpass whites on being higher income earners?
  10. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    You should prove your statement first. How are they the most racist when something like Roof can happen, and there be no rioting. Maybe its because even though the mass shooting happened in the south, the minorities don't feel like its an everyday thing or even a struggle to survive in the south? Why are the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson happening? Cause the minorities believe their is disharmony between them and the system, a system that has been liberal, and minority driven for decades. Baltimore is 100% minority in the elected official department, yet that doesn't seem to be helping out the poor minorities very well now does it?

    You are saying 1 white person doing something horrible is the equivalent to 100s of minorities rioting? Isnt it you that is talking about a disparity in representation in government and how that can only justify your stance of why we need more minority politicians? Yet the 1 act of one white guy in the south proves the south is more racist and less harmonious than those 100s of protesters in the rest of the country where they hate whites.
  11. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    The need for representation in the corridors of power proportionate to our numbers. The need for end to discrimination in housing and education. The need for end to extra judicial police killings of black men; end of race based deportation of Mexicans; end to discrimination of Muslims. Introduction of legislation criminalizing racist hate speech from White leaders mirroring similar laws in Canada and Europe; ban public display of racist symbols such as the Nazi swastika and confederate flag; proscribe White racist organizations; stop construction of pipelines corrupting water on Indigenous land; affirmative action in government employment and educational institutions. The list has numerous items.
  12. GreenBayMatters

    GreenBayMatters Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 10, 2016
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    And Dylan Roof doesn't prove that South Carolina Whites are "the most racist and White supremacist in the nation". Consider Indian-American Governor Nikki Haley and Black US Senator Tim Scott. Both elected by White Republicans.
  13. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    How is it that a state with barely 5 million people (68% White) has 11 active White racist groups, including "League of the South" which advocates return of slavery. Of the remaining 10 white supremacist groups, 4 are categorized primarily as “white nationalist,” 3 as “neo-Nazi,” 2 are Ku Klux Klan affiliates, and 1 is labeled as a “racist skinhead” group.

    Doesn't seem like a very racially harmonious society to me. Certainly not a utopia like what wildjoker is saying. Racism is very pervasive in the deep south; to deny that is ludicrous.
  14. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Again, how will this help with actual needs?
    Citation needed. Are you talking about public housing? Are you talking about large cities with huge minority government presence with loyalties to liberalism and the school unions like Baltimore, or ATL?
    More whites are killed, with less police interactions. For all the talk about proportionality, you do seem to overlook it when it comes to your grievances. Also, again, these killings of blacks by cops comes from cities with large minority populations and very heavy political representation that actually control the cops, unlike a federal representation.
    One, Mexican isn't a race. Two, there is no such thing. There is only deportations if you are found to be here illegally.
    Again, that isn't happening, anywhere.
    What about a ban from hate speech of black or minority leaders? And how do you resolve this with the constitutional right to free speech?
    Oh, what about banning burning the flag, or fists raised in the air, or whipping your ass with the flag? How about banning any foreign flag being waived on American soil?
    What about minority racist organizations?
    Because railroads and trucks are safer alternatives? Or do you just want the pipelines to be on white lands?
    Already there. And actually, minorities and women already hold a vastly larger stake in those areas already. This would be redundant or force the government to hire more white males to make up the disparity.
    And none of them are realistic.
  15. GreenBayMatters

    GreenBayMatters Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 10, 2016
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    OK. So you can't explain how racist White Republicans elected a Indian-American Governor Nikki Haley and a Black US Senator Tim Scott. Didn't think you could because it makes your argument look silly.
  16. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    I didn't say they were a utopia, I said they are more harmonious than what the rest of the country would like to believe and better for minorities than most of the rest of the country.

    5 million people, it has 11 hate groups? How many people in those hate groups? FYI, there are hate groups all over the country in every states. If a state had only 1 hate group, but had 100x more members in it than the total of the 11 in SC combined, which state would you claim is more racist?

    You also do know that many northern states are sitting at 99% white right?
  17. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    It is an important beginning. Perhaps the most important. White people, no matter how fair minded, cannot be expected to represent the interests of minorities. And this is why White conservatives go absolutely bananas when minorities are elected into positions of power. Look how they went nuts when Obama was elected; calling him a Muslim from Kenya, i.e., the birther movement. If the birther movement revealed anything it was how widespread racism is among ordinary White people in America. If white racists are against something that's reason enough for us to be for it.

    Take a look at the title of this thread I created "We (Minorities) should not depend on the Left". I readily acknowledge that the Left and the political establishment have failed the minorities. This only reinforces my point that we minorities need to be politically independent. We cannot rely on the Left to take our votes for granted. But that doesn't mean we are going to become Republicans either. We are not that stupid, especially since the Right in America became enthralled with Trump and abandoned the path of moving toward the center and making an effort to outreach to minorities. If you can't understand why minorities don't go for Republicans and the Right then you are seriously deluded and out of touch with reality.

    We have to empower ourselves in our own communities, not vote for mainstream parties and their token minority politicians.

    Mexicans are predominantly descended from Indigenous people, many of them pure blood and others mixed. White Mexicans are a small but elitist minority as elsewhere in Mesoamerica. When they are the ones being deported almost exclusively how else can I see it except to conclude racism? If Trump and his supporters reject birthright citizenship then why don't we deport the hundreds of millions of White Europeans that are illegal here since 1492? I can only conclude that not only is the anti-illegal immigration movement openly racist, but the policies of the State are racist too.

    Banning immigration from 7 Muslim countries is not religion-based discrimination? Russia and Ukraine are among the most violent countries in the world; but they are clearly exempted as they are White Christian countries.

    We're too cynical to talk about the Constitution. Where was the constitution when the Patriot Act was passed? Why wasn't the constitution invoked as America became a virtual police state with massive surveillance of citizens invading their privacy supposedly protected by the Constitution? The Constitution is in many respects a relic of the late 18th century. For us minorities the constitution is just a piece of paper; especially considering the fact the constitution did nothing to prevent slavery or genocide of Indigenous people.

    As for alleged hate speech of minority leaders; you'd be hard pressed to find a concrete example of that.

    None of those actions are racist or associated with racism. The swastika, confederate flag, and other racist symbols have to be banned because they are racist. If you want to live in a socially cohesive society you have to accept that. You may not be offended by such symbols, but non-White people are deeply offended by them being displayed in public; provoking a natural reaction. For the sake of preventing public disturbance such symbols and flags have to be banned.


    Can you name me a single such organization in America?
  18. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    I discussed the reality of Nikki Haley here

    As for Tim Scott he was named to the Senate by Haley. He was elected thereafter because he was the Republican candidate.
  19. GreenBayMatters

    GreenBayMatters Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Not an answer to my question. If your claim that South Carolina Whites are among the most racist Whites in the country is accurate, explain the existence of Gov. Haley (not some crap about India's class system that no one but another Indian would understand.-it was the endorsement of America's "racist" Tea Party spokesperson, Sarah Palin, that propelled her to the Republican nomination for governor where she beat a White male Democrat.)

    Why would racist White Republicans vote for Tim Scott? No Black Senator had been elected from the deep South since 1881. Scott won a congressional seat beating White Republicans for the nomination, and twice won statewide election to US Senate, the first time after winning the nomination primary over White Repulicans. He was elected by White Republicans.after being endorsed by many right wing groups which are considered racist by those of your ilk.
  20. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    No, I mean how is an elected official going to help out an entire race of people? Unless you are suggesting of making some laws like jim crowe?

    Also, never saw any white conservatives go "bananas" when Allen West, Nickie Halley, or Mia Love were elected. Actually, it was more the liberals going crazy.

    Birther was also started by Hillary, the democrat.

    LOL, Trump is one of the most leftist, liberal Republican ever elected. But compared to the left moving into communism, I guess he does seem pretty conservative. Dems move 4 steps left, the GOP goes 1 step left, and its the right who doesn't bridge the gap enough. Too funny.

    Anyways, why haven't you acknowledged that the places having the most racial riots are places with very high minorities in political power?

    You mean birthright citizenship for minors under 18 while their parents are still here illegally? Gee, I don't know, because minors cant live on their own? The kids should go where their parents go...with a citizenship still with the US. They can return when they turn 18 if they want, just like any kid born to an America soldier who has a kid overseas, that kid has duel citizenships if the parent applied for it. Don't know much about people clamoring to get rid of birthright citizenship, just not allowing the parents to stay when they broke the law.

    Nope, its based off the fact that 72 terrorist have come from those countries. All Christians, Jews, and atheist are banned from there too. Those countries are also the top sponsors of terrorism in the world, unlike white Christian nations.

    I agree, the PATRIOT act is BS. As for your tirade against the constitution, as in the flaws of not banning slavery, it was an imperfect compromise. And has led to the abolishment of slavery. But freedom of speech doesn't need to be ignored, especially when you are calling for the silencing of one racial group and no others. You think this is south Africa or something?

    Oh, from one person or many?
    "David Dinkins, you wanna be the only (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) on television, only (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) in the newspaper, only (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) that can talk. Don’t cover them, don’t talk to them, ’cause you got the only (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) problem. ‘Cause you know if a black man stood up next to you, they would see you for the whore that you really are." - Al Sharpton.
    "You ain’t nothing, you a punk (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*). Now come on, do something!" Al again.

    Google is pretty easy to use if you want me to keep providing examples. Now, remember, what you deem hate speech and what other deem hate speech can be different, so you can't dismiss these.

    They very much can be deemed as racism. Its coded and dog whistle racism. Oh, but how about jumping a white guy and saying "(*)(*)(*)(*) you Trump supporter"? Or Kidnappings? Again, its in the eye of the beholder as you have very well taught us what racism "really is".

    You just said Mexicans are indigenous and have their own race, so waiving their flag is like the stars and bars being flown. How can that not be racist?

    Oh, fun. Code pink, la raza, NAACP, black caucus. CAIR, NBP, Nation of Islam, Nuwaubian Nation of Moors.
  21. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Its not all about legislation. We simply want more of our people in high places of power, that will ultimately benefit us. We want the people in power to reflect the demographic makeup of the country. If you can't understand that what can I say?

    Yes I remember Hillary ran a very insidiously racist campaign in 2008. Remember the title "We should not depend on the Left". We have to be politically independent of both the Democrats and Republicans.

    Whatever the merits of your claim, the point is Trump ran a racial campaign and for us that's as far-right as you can get. You think me or most other people are concerned about traditional left vs right politics? We can support the most fiscally and socially conservative, small government, big defense expenditures, privatize everything, abolish taxes, and whatever else...if he also represents the interests of our minority communities. I personally prefer fiscal and socially conservative policies; but you will soon discover that minorities right now are to insecure to focus on those issues, we have more pressing concerns now that Trump has been elected.

    You haven't acknowledged that the problem is not riots; far from it. Poverty is a much more pressing concern for black people and nonwhite Hispanics. And the poorest states in the Union are where you happen to be from, the south (Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky, Arkansas). There is huge black poverty there...none of those states are dominated by minorities politically.

    You say the immigration policy in the U.S. is not racist. Why is it Canadians (mostly White country) can enter the U.S. without a visa but not Mexicans? Why is it that citizens of Australia, all Western European countries, all Scandinavian countries, New Zealand and Greenland are on the Visa Waiver Program for entering the U.S. but not Mexico which is literally our neighbor to the southern border? If you don't see racism in this policy there's nothing I can do for you.

    Kind of selective. Terrorists come from all sorts of countries. And the worst kind of terrorism isn't some radical group operating in caves. America itself is the greatest perpetrator of State sanctioned terrorism on non-white countries, as in the terrorism sponsored by the CIA against people in Central and Latin America during the 1980s, the American state terrorism in the Middle East and elsewhere. Its strange that these white Christian nations scream terrorism at the top of their lungs when there is some bombing killing about half a dozen people in a subway for example; but don't recognize their massacring of literally hundreds of thousands civilians in non-White countries through carpet bombing or using white phosphorus as "Terrorism". This is why we minorities recognize that racism is so entrenched in the white psyche that they only consider it terrorism if white people are killed in an isolated bombing incident, but if hundreds of thousands of people of color are killed by the actions of their states its just a statistic to them.

    Where's the racism in what you quoted from Al Sharpton?

    Where's the racism in jumping a Trump supporter (who himself is probably the real racist)? I'm not saying its a good thing to "jump" people, but how do you conclude it is an act of racial hate?

    Not a single one of those groups are racist. They are working for the upliftment and rights of various minority communities. That is the exact opposite of racism.
  22. Wildjoker5

    Wildjoker5 Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Will it though? Again, Baltimore, 100% black representation of a city which is 60% black. Are blacks better off in Baltimore? They don't seem to think so, because they are rioting against their own system. What do you really think will happen if 13% of the federal congress becomes black?
  23. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    What are you in danger of/from, please?
  24. Cherub786

    Cherub786 Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    We are in danger of once again becoming a White dominated nation where minorities are disempowered, weak and discriminated against institutionally. When Trump says "Make America Great AGAIN" he is referring to a time in our history when he thinks America was great. He is not talking about the 21st century, but an earlier time when racism was rife and minorities treated like 2nd class citizens.

    We are in danger of all the progress we have made in the past 60-70 years being reversed by the rise of White right-wing populism
  25. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    I'd be game for that, assuming your Muslim buddies ship themselves back to the Middle East and Africa. Deal?

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