Should white people be discriminated?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Canell, May 22, 2017.


Should white people be discriminated?

  1. Yes, because they did many bad things to non-whites

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes, because I hate them

    0 vote(s)
  3. Yes, for whatever reason

    1 vote(s)
  4. Don't know

    1 vote(s)
  5. No, because they have done nothing wrong

    13 vote(s)
  6. No, because I love them

    5 vote(s)
  7. No, for whatever reason

    13 vote(s)
  8. Other

    3 vote(s)
  1. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I am not your son. If you are who you imply you are, then you are certainly correct as those "contributions" dwarf mine and I would extend to you my deepest respect.

    OTOH, your ideology is entirely another matter. Intellectually I am sure we agree on lots of things, but on others we are polar opposites.

    I'll make a deal, I won't tweak your nose and you don't swing your dick.
  2. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    SSN has been in use since 1936
  3. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Because people do embarrassing things in the name of your race. Black people - actually most all people of a non-white hue will judge you by what the most idiotic thing someone else will do in your name.
  4. ChrisL

    ChrisL Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2015
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    I don't feel embarrassed by what someone else does. Do you? That's pretty weird if you ask me. Nobody does anything in my name except for me.
  5. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    I don't know what the relevance of that is, but in the Privacy Act of 1974 the government could not deny to any person any benefit, right or privilege for failure to provide an SSN. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s the Social Security Administration held the position that even showing your SSN to any given employer was a private matter.

    One year I had to go to the trouble of preparing a lawsuit that was aimed against a new law requiring children to give their SSN to state officials when registering to go to school. The Georgia legislature convened in a special session, rewrote the bill to give parents the option of not giving the SSN and the school would then issue a random ID number for school registration.

    Tax protesters for years rescinded the SSN and avoided the income tax. The income tax was a voluntary tax. You "volunteered" when you applied for the SSN. Many rescinded their numbers, many challenges were going on and my own Congressman introduced legislation to get rid of the income tax. It's called the "Fair Tax."

    White people with a bug up their rump over so - called "illegal aliens" took up the cause of National ID on the nonsensical presupposition that National ID -the REAL ID Act - E-Verify would somehow save them from undocumented foreigners. In about 2005 - 2006 the National ID / REAL ID Act was passed, forcing people to have an SSN and become a 14th Amendment citizen, forced to register and pay the income tax - which, as you know, is a plank out of the Communist Manifesto.
    Last edited: May 26, 2017
  6. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Let me put this into a context you can understand:

    A few days ago I was channel hopping and ran across an episode of Walker Texas Ranger. In it, Walker and a black cop (and I don't follow the show so forgive me for not knowing names) are asking a gun owner some questions when the black cop looks, approvingly, at a Confederate flag on the wall. The gun shop owner says "I'm not racist; it's all about heritage." Of course, you know the reception he got. But, the fact is, that is Hollywood's perception and the public treats anyone who would dare honor their families are castigated and stigmatized over perceptions.

    So, the Confederate flag and its monuments come down. It is the perception that people have. Now, to illustrate what whizzes me off, Americans buy into the notion that we must be tolerant of Muslims when the most extreme among them are committing acts of terror. Society condemns the entire white race over ONE issue related to the Confederate flag while giving a pass to Muslims on the pretext that there are good Muslims and bad Muslims... but, only hatemongers fly a Confederate flag. I know when society is judging me and on what basis. Do you?
  7. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Heh, blue eyed privilege. How dare you have deep blue eyes?

    They should be distributed equally.
  8. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    I don't know what that means, but I'm sure that if you followed the path I have, you would support the journey IF you understood it. I cannot control who has the power in this country - not by myself, but what I can do is to work within the set parameters to get the best result for us AND to throw stumbling blocks at those who use the process to wage war against the posterity of the founding fathers.

    All I would ask is that you don't criticize until you have all the facts. Like it or not; believe it or not, the courts have ruled that foreigners have many of the same constitutional rights as you. So, when your solutions jeopardize their Rights, they jeopardize yours. No point in making them enemies. Better to make friends and allow them to fight for you, not against you.
  9. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    People who make a living out of "race" spend a LOT of time thinking, reading, writing, and preaching to the rest of us about it! Many of them have little else to do but sit around and wait for checks to arrive from the government in the day's mail.... :roll:
  10. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    I almost begrudgingly agree. Because the racialists appeal to an underachiever element, those who care about their culture (though not at the expense of others) get lumped in with the David Dukes, Dylan Roofs, Richard Spencers, etc.

    OTOH, that element that blames immigration on every ill of the American people have figured a way to snow the masses so that the left and the alt right socialists are on the same team. They are misguided and inconsistent in their thinking, but they have appealed to a broad cross-section of America.

    I care about my culture and know that we can preserve it without infringing upon the Rights of others. Of course, that means they cannot infringe upon the Rights of the white people - which is a harder sell; however, if the non-whites don't perceive an imminent threat, they aren't going to care that you are rebuilding a dying culture.
  11. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I wish I had the time this morning to give a more amplified, detailed response, but when we consider that it was a very non-White Chinese civilization, and elements of an almost non-White civilization in ancient India that represented the most advanced, superior advances human beings produced until the Renaissance, then we confront the reality that the "problem" is not one of "Whiteness", per se....

    To mash all the air-bubbles and bullshit out of it, the White and Asian races have been "carrying" the Black race for thousands of years. BUT, we Whites and Orientals should be forever grateful to humanity's ancestral Blacks in Africa for being the birth-race that gave all the rest of us our foundation hundreds of thousands of years ago.

    A thousand years from now, if humanity still exists on this planet, we will have become a "blend" of all three three races, and then, FINALLY, we will be able to put all this blithering idiocy about "racism" out of our vocabularies and our minds except as sub-chapters in ancient history.
  12. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    [QUOTE="TheResister, post: 1067531051, member: 69328"
    I care about my culture and know that we can preserve it without infringing upon the Rights of others. Of course, that means they cannot infringe upon the Rights of the white people - which is a harder sell; however, if the non-whites don't perceive an imminent threat, they aren't going to care that you are rebuilding a dying culture.[/QUOTE]

    Of course the non-whites will and do resent and oppose white culture. They are quite open about it. They blame white people for all their ills and misfortunes. That white people have built a superior culture is an indictment of black and brown inferiority. It is in fact the core motivation of Islamists.

    I am afraid you have fallen into the fallacy of believing in the "superior virtue of the oppressed."
  13. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Yes, up until fairly recently the used to publish the SSN right on a person's drivers licence as if it was a universal identification number, but now they replaced it with a customer number (which is just another way of saying account number). Nothing is anonymous anymore, you can track just about anybody if you know their email address because today practically anyone above age five carries their cell phone everywhere the go. With just an email address alone you can unlock just about anything else you want to know about a person from their entire Internet activity and history, to their ip address, to their contacts, to any registered property (including pets, children, spouse(s), dependents), to the jobs they've held, what schools they went to, what vehicles they own, their criminal history, what food they buy, who they date, if they vote, and even who they vote for. With a little critical thinking you can probably also guess all their passwords. Privacy does not exist anymore and neither do any of those rights listed in the Constitution. This dismantling started back in the early 60s under JFK and has continued ever since. Their is no "shirking the government" to reel things back, cameras and antennas are everywhere collecting mega-data (on buildings, cars, ATM machines, your cell phone, your laptop, in Space, along the interstate highways, on traffic-lights, on body-cams. You can find out what people watch on television, when they're awake, what they read. You can no more about a total stranger than that stranger consciously knows about themselves.

    To stop this you would have to shutdown the internet and get rid of cell phones, bring back public payphones and broadcast television. Get rid of NAVSTAR, shut down the NYSE, shut down the Federal Reserve, shut down the insurgence companies, get rid of ballot access rules. Federal elections should be managed but the Feds instead of the States, and so too should marriage licences and driver's licences. Or (better yet) just get rid of the States, make all political public offices submit to term-limits and be filled by election only. I cannot even begin to cover all of the necessary changes that would have to be made, but the point is that's not what people intend when they talk about smaller government. Most people that talk about smaller government aren't talking about restoring our rights, instead they're looking at the Federal budget to see what social programs can be cut to gain access to more spending on defense (that police State), which is actually growing the government and taking away our rights.

    This is not a White, Black, Brown, yellow, or pink-with-purple poke-a-dot issue. That is why when you said that White people should be discriminated against for being stupid, I said you were "off-the-mark."
  14. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Recent finds in Europe suggest that Europe was the birthplace of humanity. Not that I think that matters very much.

    A mere thirty or forty generations? Not bloody likely! More likely is a further separation of the races due to evolution.
  15. Pollycy

    Pollycy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    You may be right, in which case, if you are Russian or Northern European, you should be happy! The "White-Russian" is regarded by geneticists as the most advanced human today in terms of intellect, and, although I am not, myself, Jewish, the White-Russian Jew is identified as being the most intelligent of all, based on genetics.

    But, the cross-breeding dynamic has already been charging ahead in high-gear. In the last fifty years alone it has become legal, then acceptable, then laudible, wonderful, and praiseworthy in many circles for members of the various races to intermarry and interbreed. It's probably a better and certainly more humane idea than to have a race of evolved "supermen" killing off all the more lowly or inferior ones. The whole manipulated thing is a rather obvious and somewhat wearisome process, but it won't like take even that full thousand years to accomplish. "Social media", movies, TV, "entertainment", political drama, and all the many, many, many other propaganda organs are speeding the process along....

    Think: in a thousand years humans will have:
    1. The inventive, intellectual, independent capacities associated with Caucasians
    2. The efficiency, organization, and pragmatism associated with Orientals
    3. The physical strength attributes associated with Negroids

    NOT a bad combination! 8)
  16. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    The entire purpose of National ID was to create the means to discriminate against white people. Most, if not all, of what you say can be drastically reduced, and in many cases, eliminated.

    NONE of your accounts outside of banking should be tied to your SSN - NOT your purchasing habits, medical records, dental records, etc., etc. Whites have lost the ability to look down the road and figure out to work around tyranny. Instead, they make excuses for it and want to subject other people into the Hell on earth that the whites created. The easier way out is to stop using the SSN today - like right now. Sure, the old way of doing things is harder, but people having access to everything about you via the Internet is your own fault.

    I'm not talking out my arse on this one. I've never done Twitter; never had a Facebook page. On Tuesday I'm going to shut down all my banking accounts save of one to pay bills, but I'll only put enough in to cover the checks I write.

    We've focused on the SSN, the income tax, and National ID thus far, not talking about other areas, but ALL of the aforementioned happened under the watch of whites, thinking they were supporting laws to their cultural benefit when, in fact, all of it was calculated to put them in the same position many other people have been faced with just before the government began exterminating them.
  17. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    How was the purpose of the National ID created to discriminate against Whites? It was Whites who built that system. You completely lost me there.
  18. QLB

    QLB Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    How so? Do you qualify for an Obama phone and do you wear your underwear hiked up?
  19. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Of course the non-whites will and do resent and oppose white culture. They are quite open about it. They blame white people for all their ills and misfortunes. That white people have built a superior culture is an indictment of black and brown inferiority. It is in fact the core motivation of Islamists.

    I am afraid you have fallen into the fallacy of believing in the "superior virtue of the oppressed."[/QUOTE]

    "Fallen into the fallacy..." Not to be disrespectful, but that was all I needed to hear before shutting down. The people who cannot deal in honest discourse, have reduced themselves to parroting Internet memes that use emotion laden buzz words / phrases like fallacy, fallacious, logical fallacy, straw man, etc., etc., etc. as a means to sound intelligent and send code words to their supporters.

    It's dishonest and I'm not amused by it. FWIW The whites of today have no virtue. The whites of today have taken up the cause of the radical left. Remind them of the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded and they will spit on it. They want the same things that the left wants, just for different reasons. NONE of it has squat to do with them being a virtuous people. They aren't and they deserve to be discriminated against. Most of them stand for nothing and should be avoided.

    My detractors try to find a ch ink (can't believe the censor feature kicked that word out) in the armor so they perpetually attack - just as you will. But, I have had to defend people when it was not in my personal best interest. Why? If I did not stand up for the Rights of those that disagree with me, NOBODY is going to stand up for me. Whites cannot do that. The average white person today cannot tell you what an unalienable Right is. They will stubbornly insist on using the word inalienable and once it's been explained to them, from a legal point of view, they will continue to argue over it because some wordsmith told them the words mean the same thing. I'm trying to be positive and think they really DO understand the difference... The reason?

    I personally think that most whites have rejected the foundational principles and THAT is why they prefer their rights to be inalienable. Inalienable rights are government created "rights" that can be infringed, denied, sold, and even given up (i.e. "You have the right to remain silent, if you give up that right, anything you say can, and will, be used against you.")

    Unalienable Rights, by law, cannot be aliened. They cannot be sold, traded, taken (without just cause), denied, or withheld by government because government did not give them to you. Our earliest court decisions determined that those Rights were literally above the law. Today the white man will side with Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer on one hand OR Trump, the Tea Party and David Perdue on the other side of the aisle. When it means it gets their agenda addressed, the whites will side with atheists (and many whites claim to be Christians) just to wage war against the people they don't like - AND put the government in the rights granting business just to avoid the foundational principles on which the Republic rests. No sir, the white people have no virtue when they reject the very things that made America great.
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
  20. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    "Fallen into the fallacy..." Not to be disrespectful, but that was all I needed to hear before shutting down. The people who cannot deal in honest discourse, have reduced themselves to parroting Internet memes that use emotion laden buzz words like fallacy, fallacious, logical fallacy, straw man, etc., etc., etc. as a means to sound intelligent and send code words to their supporters.

    It's dishonest and I'm not amused by it. FWIW The whites of today have no virtue. The whites of today have taken up the cause of the radical left. Remind them of the foundational principles upon which this nation was founded and they will spit on it. They want the same things that the left wants, just for different reasons. NONE of it has squat to do with them being a virtuous people. They aren't and they deserve to be discriminated against. Most of them stand for nothing and should be avoided.

    My detractors try to find a ch ink (can't believe the censor feature kicked that word out) in the armor so they perpetually attack - just as you will. But, I have had to defend people when it was not in my personal best interest. Why? If I did not stand up for the Rights of those that disagree with me, NOBODY is going to stand up for me. Whites cannot do that. The average white person today cannot tell you what an unalienable Right is. They will stubbornly insist on using the word inalienable and once it's been explained to them, from a legal point of view, they will continue to argue over it because some wordsmith told them the words mean the same thing. I'm trying to be positive and think they really DO understand the difference... The reason?

    I personally think that most whites have rejected the foundational principles and THAT is why they prefer their rights to be inalienable. Inalienable rights are government created "rights" that can be infringed, denied, sold, and even given up (i.e. "You have the right to remain silent, if you give up that right, anything you say can, and will, be used against you.")

    Unalienable Rights, by law, cannot be aliened. They cannot be sold, traded, taken (without just cause), denied, or withheld by government because government did not give them to you. Our earliest court decisions determined that those Rights were literally above the law. Today the white man will side with Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer on one hand OR Trump, the Tea Party and David Perdue on the other side of the aisle. When it means it gets their agenda addressed, the whites will side with atheists (and many whites claim to be Christians) just to wage war against the people they don't like - AND put the government in the rights granting business just to avoid the foundational principles on which the Republic rests. No sir, the white people have no virtue when they reject the very things that made America great.[/QUOTE]

    Would that you had shut down as you promised in your first sentence!

    Instead we get a rambling and incoherent screed. It seems to be a characteristic of libertarians.
  21. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    BINGO! That is exactly what I've been bi+ching about in this thread.

    In 1998 polls were running 84 percent of Americans against National ID to 13 percent for it and only 3 percent of the people with no opinion. At that time, I appeared at a town hall meeting organized by U.S. Rep. John Linder. Linder invited me. At that town hall meeting, I showed the people there a proposed National ID Card and accompanying system that would use the Post Office to register people. Linder dismissed it as a conspiracy theory that I got off the Internet.

    Ah, but wait a minute... I had - and still have one of the proposed cards that was floated within the government and this one FROM the U.S. Postal Service! So, Linder asks me a question much like the one you asked. AND he dismissed everything I said that night. Just because you asked...

    In 1998 the FBI had classified documents that said America would be the target of a major terrorist attack within five years (Linder laughed his a** off at that one.) Again, he said I was spreading "Internet rumors" when in fact, I did not have the Internet at that time and would not have for another year. Everything I learned was from the work I did. The purpose of that terrorist attempt would be to restrict the Constitution and implement National ID. What happened?

    In less than three years 9 / 11 took place. Immediately - actually on October 26, only 45 days from the attack on the Twin Towers, you had the signing of the so - called "Patriot Act" which affected at least 15 existing laws. You are expected to believe that somebody wrote a law that is 342 pages long, affecting 15 existing parts of the U.S. Code - and done it in 42 days (it was introduced into congress on October 23), shepardized it, researched it, researched 15 existing parts of the U.S. Code, debated it in committees, etc., etc. Noooo... The so - called "Patriot Act" had already been written. Stick with me here.

    The MSM and the left went silent when former newsman, and white supremacist, Jim Gilchrist dusted off David Duke's (a former KKK Grand Wizard) old "Border Watch" program from 1977. In Gilchrist's line-up of officers were:

    Chris Simcox - This guy was a neo nazi that would eventually get convicted of child molestation. His next in command would be another neo nazi by the name of J.T. Ready. J.T. was probably the most notable of the founders of the current immigration gurus. On May 2, 2012, at Ready's home in Gilbert, Arizona, he shot and killed his girlfriend, her daughter and granddaughter, the daughter's fiancé and himself. Another of those people who headed up the immigration battle under the name of "Minutemen" was Shawna Forde. Forde was convicted for the murders of Raul "Junior" Flores, 29, and his daughter, Brisenia, 9 back in 2009. BTW, her job was to steal money and drugs to finance the anti-immigrant effort.

    Finally, is the man who finances and directs anti-immigrant efforts. He has been doing so for a number of decades via his many non-profit organizations like Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) and NumbersUSA along with at least a half dozen other similar nonprofits. He is John Tanton... a disciple of eugenics AND the man that David Duke relied on for his racial views.

    Duke was a neo nazi before starting his own version of the KKK. He was never a real Kluxer. But, those guys had an agenda. They had talking points. And they emptied the civilian militias to help them in an effort to get rid of the Hispanics in America on the most spurious of pretexts. These people even worked with the government to allow courts to limit the individuals response to undocumented immigrants trespassing over private property in order to effect an improper entry. And now we come to the end of this story:

    The whites, following the neo nazis around like a dog in heat endorsed legislation that, in 1998 America would in no way consider. And so, in 2005, the same U.S. Congressman that introduced the so - called "Patriot Act," the same U.S. Congressman that signed on to support the nazis and their infiltration of the Tea Party became the author and man who introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act. He was Congressman James Sensenbrenner.

    All of those people would become enamored by their rise to fame - especially the accolades doled out by Rupert Murdoch a Board of Director on the Council on Foreign Relations and Al-Waleed bin Talal (a Saudi Prince) who just happen to own Fox News. The CFR was able to use the Minutemen, Tea Party and others obsessed with the immigration issue to trade Liberty for Safety AND create the most anti-white atmosphere in recorded history. I realize that this is long, but I'm giving you the Cliff Notes here. I'll only look at ONE example (I can give you twenty, but look at how this plays out.)

    Today, with the National ID / REAL ID Act/ E-Verify system, it supposedly targets foreigners... WRONG!!! The United States has more people in prisons and jails than any nation on this planet. AND with all that pee test, blood test, hair sample, MVR check, criminal records background check, credit check, Facebook page check, driver's license, National ID Card, E-Verify atmosphere, a great number of whites cannot get a job because they cannot get beyond simple things like a youthful indiscretion of smoking pot. They are locked out of the system while some foreigners get the jobs because in their country many things you get a record for here are not crimes in foreign countries... and we don't have any time limits on the availability of records.

    I have a brother that can't get a job in America over the fact that, at 16, he tossed some firecrackers at the neighbor's pesky dogs. He's over 50 now!!!! How in the Hell is all this National ID helping us? It doesn't. Background checks don't work - except to create pretexts to keep some groups from exercising unalienable Rights. You are not keeping foreigners out of the U.S. The laws affect the whites more times than they do the supposed targets. This is but one example of how that legislation, brought to you by non-thinking neo nazis and promoted by the CFR is destroying the whites in this country.

    That's just the bare bones of a long story with many related examples.
  22. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    Would that you had shut down as you promised in your first sentence!

    Instead we get a rambling and incoherent screed. It seems to be a characteristic of libertarians.[/QUOTE]

    Don't bother me. I don't like being called names by people that live in fear.
  23. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    No worries then. I am not particularly afraid of anything. Especially not arrogant libertarians.
  24. TheResister

    TheResister Banned

    Sep 8, 2015
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    No? Then why are you grandstanding? If you want to call me out, I have a PM here. Fighting words in open forum will get you banned. In a PM you can say what you like... it's private. I can be very accommodating. Seems to me that you are afraid of something. Calling me names when you have no intention of a follow up (other than more sh!+ slinging) will not impress anyone here... especially me.
  25. Pycckia

    Pycckia Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2015
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    Maybe you are right.

    I am afraid you are going to waste a great deal of bandwidth trying to assuage your wounded dignity.

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