The next 100 years.. Your predictions? List them. (Use this format)

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by A random man, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. A random man

    A random man Active Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    In the next 100 years I predict with near-certainty based on my experiences residing in one of the richest countries in the world being a millennial American myself as well as being well versed among the younger generations of Americans than me that..

    -Western world's population is majority non-religious to some degree due to technological/scientific/wealth advances. More Tech/Science/Wealth = Less religion.

    -Prostitution is legal and regulated in many states. Majority of prostitutes are non-human AI.

    -Guns available to the public are heavily regulated on all levels with huge buyback programs to remove circulation such as in Australia.

    -Marijuana is Federally legal and easily purchasable at your local CVS/Walgreens/Walmart/Target pharmacy.

    -There exists a "Living Income" afforded by the Federal government to those below a certain income level to prevent instability and economically "flux" the economy from having an extreme lower class that incurs debt on the economy and society via crime.

    -If you gain entry academically into university as a US citizen, the Federal government automatically pays the full cost in order to promote economic and societal stability.

    -Birth Control pills are legalized universally and made easier to attain than ibuprofen.

    -Separation of church and state in public schools is enforced strongly at the Federal level.

    -Science begins to replace Religion as the most trusted source for answers.

    -Anglo's become less than 50% of the US population in many states such as Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Florida, Nevada, New York, Hawaii.

    -Religion fades from prominence due to scientific acceptance, economic prosperity rises to levels once thought impossible.

    -Religious symbolism is removed from all Federal and state symbolism as no one religion can be emphasized legally in any form.

    -Evolution class is a normalized, mandated core science class in American grade schools.

    -90%+ of all medical care for US citizens is subsidized by the Federal government to promote economic and social prosperity, stability.

    -Alcohol legal age changed to 18.

    -US armed forces personnel needs cut by 95% due to artificial intelligence playing majority role in ground combat.

    -Easy, fast mental access to large cache's of data by large populations of people mean that science and religion are compared to each other at higher rates and people choose more and more to abandon religious belief entirely in favor of science as access to mass data becomes permanent. Dominance of science due to this was inevitable as mass data became passive within the human mind and people could see more clearly the logical correct choice on a mental data-level. Religion stood no chance.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
    DennisTate likes this.
  2. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Sounds good since we will be dead in 100 years. Try some predictions for 2018.
  3. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    I think your predictions are being somewhat influenced by wishful thinking and sadly I feel you’re being too optimistic;

    The general idea of religion being replaced by science is unrealistic – they’re not mutually exclusive or interchangeable. What people are already replacing traditional religion with is more generic concepts of “fuzzy” spirituality, more fractured splits and personalisation within the mainstream faiths (including some going in extreme directions) and some socio-political movements developing pseudo-religious elements (unfortunately, some of the bad ones). I’d expect all that to continue and grow.

    I also think you have an unrealistic view of what AI actually is, how quickly it will developed and how it can be and is likely to be used. Your references to prostitutes and ground combat suggests you’re imaging the classic sci-fi humanoid robots but that’s actually a very inefficient package for AI software. Unfortunately for the film-makers and artists, most AI will sit inside boring grey boxes, controlling things that we don’t see, much like conventional computing already does now. Robot prostitutes and the like face a major blocker in that while we can simulate human behaviour and expressions to a point, we can’t get past the point where it’s noticeably not human and thus creepy and unnerving. I’m not convinced we’ll be able to get past that in the foreseeable future so any uses that would require believable emulation of complex human behaviour (like sex) aren’t going to happen.

    I don’t see birth control (pills) every being as unregulated as over-the-counter painkillers. It’s still more significant and potentially harmful medication so will always require a certainly level of clinical input.

    And I think you’re being extremely naive in thinking that access to much more data is going to lead to people making better and more rational decisions. We already have movement in that direction with the internet, making vast amounts of information available to the general public. The problem is that information is variously controlled by vested interests, spun, flawed or wilfully misrepresented. Put simply, “more” doesn’t automatically mean “better”. Far from helping people make better decisions, this mass of contradictory and confusing data is just as likely to lead them to bad ones.

    Some of your points do seem more realistic; Legalisation of cannabis is possible, a “living income” is an idea gaining traction around the world, the demographic changes you mention are pretty much inevitable and though some of your ideas about religion are unrealistic, the reducing provenance and influence of the traditional mainstream faiths seem likely.
  4. Swensson

    Swensson Devil's advocate

    Dec 16, 2009
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    Religion is unlikely to be defeated by science in the way you suggest. Religious views are always in flux on a world-wide level, science will kick religion out of some aspects of geographical history and whatnot, but those weren't really important for religion as a concept anyway. No matter how far science goes, religion is able to retreat into things like Buddhist views, which focus more on perspectives than supposed facts.

    As for AIs, I'm with HonestJoe. Sex-bots don't need full-fledged AIs. Chat bots basically already have the computing power that a sex-bot needs.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
  5. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Mankind will have blown himself up. Some may survive, but 100 years from now, man will be back living in caves. If by some slim chance, the nuclear holocaust doesn't happen, a pandemic will have swept through the world leaving a billion or so alive, but again living near a caveman's existence.
  6. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    2111- Jonathan Archer will be born in upstate New York
    2119- Zefram Cochrane will leave Alpha Centauri.
    fifthofnovember likes this.
  7. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    In 100 years

    - Spanish will be the official language of the USA.

    - Europe will be Muslim.

    - Israel has finally kicked out the last of the Palestinians from the West Bank, the Third Temple will be built.

    - There's no natural, unpolluted fresh water left on Earth.

    - There are massive deserts where arable farmland used to be.

    - The A.I. revolution never took off, your future robot friends don't exist.

    - People are mostly only literate at the high school level.

    - Everyone's poor. The rich were destroyed in revolutions, and the stolen money was wasted by dopes.

    - You can earn $2000/hour at food service jobs and you still can't afford more than the basics.

    - Single payer never happens in the USA, everyone there has to buy insurance.

    - Almost no one owns a house, everyone rents their place.
    DennisTate likes this.
  8. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Even the owners will rent.
  9. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    The next 100 years... prediction...

    Last edited: Jun 18, 2017
  10. Taxonomy26

    Taxonomy26 Banned

    Jan 24, 2016
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    So many unimaginative Political predictions, when science/Genetic medicine will change everything much more fundamentally.
    Virtually all disease will be cured, including possibly.. Old Age.
    Even in in 50 years people will not have to worry about Cancer, Heart Disease, etc, IMO.
    No more Prostate or Breast Cancer.
    People routinely living 100+++ year high quality lives.
    Phenomenally good news.
    Wish I was 20 instead of 67. My maladies will be routinely dealt with in 50 years. New immune systems, etc.

    Think about the pension/SS, workforce, societal implications as well.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
  11. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    Uh, what will change that those diseases will disappear? They've been around as long as humans have.....and for every "cure" there's a new disease....if the air is filthy I'm sure there will be diseases...
  12. Taxonomy26

    Taxonomy26 Banned

    Jan 24, 2016
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    you're apparently completely ignorant of even today's Bioscience.
    I gave "what will change" in my post above: Genetic manipulation (that can, ie, stop tumors from growing); New immune systems, like your own when you were 20... with corrections/improvements, and so much more.

    The fact some things have "been around since humans have" is irrelevant.
    Look how much medicine changed in the 20th century!
    And we are going much faster/more revolutionary now.
    Do you know what ie, telomeres are?
    Look it up.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
  13. VotreAltesse

    VotreAltesse Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Yes and in the fifties, people thought we would have human level smart robots and flying car. However, few people figured the internet.
  14. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    - I predict a massive movement away from urban life to the countryside so that people can become at least fifty percent self sufficient in their own food supply

    - I predict a brilliant USA President from 2024 - 2032 who will succeed in getting the Jerusalem Third Temple built by the year 2030 or perhaps 2031.....

    - I predict a massive decrease in hostility between Christians, Jews and Muslims as Jews finally see a shocking amount of support among both Christians and Muslims for their desire to literally fulfill every word of Ezekiel chapter 40 - 48

    - I predict an improvement in USA Federal Reserve and/ or central banking policy that will make a minimum income possible....... and American will no longer generally have a life that resembles a Gerbil on a treadmill......

    - The decrease in hostility between Jews, Christians and Muslims will almost certainly emerge out of some fairly serious conflict between now and 2030.....

    - The literal rebuilding of the Jerusalem Third Temple by Jews..... for Jews... but financed largely by non-Jews..... ( a metaphorical Gentile Cyrus type and his children, grandchildren and students)...... will result in an outpouring of the Ruach ha Kodesh that will make the miracles of the book of Acts look like elementary school in comparison to university......

    - I predict deserts being turned green on a massive scale.... partly to reduce the cost of building sea walls, dikes and levees to protect low lying towns and cities from rising ocean levels.....

    - I predict that the majority of us will soon live to be a minimum of one hundred years of age with few of the ailments that have been plaguing us for the last century........ high caliber courageous political leadership will play a huge role in breaking the average American out from under the clutches of Big Pharma.....

    - but..... before all the good things are some serious upheavals and calamities that will take the lives of a significant percentage of us
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
  15. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    You are apparently ignorant of all the new diseases .......look them up......ahhh, the dream of the ignorant "science will save us and we'll never get sick or die"""..
  16. Taxonomy26

    Taxonomy26 Banned

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Another......Pathetic sentence reply.
    You know NOTHING, and this is Ridiculous.
    "New diseases" do not preclude beating virtually all of them, and lengthening lifespan dramatically.
    We can beat any new disease by altering Our genome/immune system or it's genome.
    What a Mismatch this has been.
    Last word away but your ignorance/inability to even comprehend what I said is Glaring.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017
  17. FoxHastings

    FoxHastings Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2014
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    :)ahhh, the dream of the ignorant, "science will save us and we'll never get sick or die"""..

    """We can beat any new disease by altering Our genome/immune system or it's genome."""

    So why haven't "we" Oh Wise All-Knowing Pompous Ass One? :)
  18. ChemEngineer

    ChemEngineer Banned

    Jun 8, 2016
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    Christ will return long before one hundred years have passed. Your atheistic claim of science being at odds with "religion" overlooks
    Nature's Creator, as expressed in our Declaration of Independence, and verified by the Anthropic Principle, to name but one compelling concordance between truth ("scientia") and Nature's Creator.
    DennisTate likes this.
  19. Distraff

    Distraff Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    1. First I predict an escalation of global warming and loss on food production, and rising sea level because of it. The greenland ice sheet will be on the verge of collapse and everyone will be worryingly moving away from the coastline as they prepare for 30 feet of sea level rise.
    2. Far more alternative energy, high gas taxes, and more electric cars to offset global warming.
    3. We are going to begin to run out of oil and gas prices will pass 5 dollars a gallon. But thankfully biofuels, electric cars, and perhaps hydrogen cars will be there to replace them.
    4. A lot less meat since cows produce methane a greenhouse has and consume a lot of farmland which is needed to support large populations. High meat prices. Fishing will also be regulated, and we will have fewer fish as we are currently over-fishing.
    5. Much higher water prices as we are depleting our fresh water and we will be taking more water from rivers and oceans and using not completely purified water for non-drinking purposes.
    6. More advanced computer technology and things that resemble AI that will replace many jobs today like accounting, some doctors, manufacturing, fast food, cashiers, taxi drivers, and more. Cars will be self-driving and this will help reduce accidents and reduce traffic jams. Not as much advance in AI as some predicted though.
    7. Because of a loss of jobs more focus will be on practical high-skill jobs which will be essential to surviving the workforce. No more wide-spread english degrees. More funding for higher education and more focus on trade schools and practical education rather than university. More education going online.
    8. Because of a loss of jobs, and outsourcing we will see higher unemployment and much higher income inequality with a much richer 1% and continued stagnant wages for a somewhat smaller middle class.
    9. Militaries will become more robotic and we will see fewer human soldiers.
    10. Higher taxes on the rich to make up for this income inequality and expanded overtime pay for workers to encourage hiring more workers.
    11. Many stories close as online shopping and amazon rises further. Target, Sears, and Malls will be things of the past.
    12. China will dwarf the US economically and will have massive influence in East Asia but along the way it will go into a massive recession that will be felt world-wide. India, the middle east, and Latin America will expand massively. Anti-government protests begin in China.
    13. More outsourcing to these places. This will only raise prices further as more people compete for the same resources.
    14. The US will become mostly non-white and non-Christians and the democratic party will become dominant and the Republicans will shift to the center. Europe will have large Muslim minorities that will be a problem but they will be less radical than they are now.
    15. Some advance in space technology and exploration but still limited by the size of space and the cost.
    16. We will see other countries start to make more movies and the US will be a tiny fraction of the movie market. We will have more 3-d gaming and porn. Lots of ways to distract ourselves from our problems but also become isolated by our technology.
    17. Falling birthrates in the west and falling populations. Much larger older populations. Big cutbacks to social security. Government encouraging child-birth but with little impact. China lifts all birth restrictions.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017
  20. Woolley

    Woolley Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2014
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    Isn't predicting the future about two opposing world views? One is positive, the other negative. One is progressive, the other apocalyptic. We have several foundational issues that will impact human existence for the next 100 years. They are at a minimum the following:

    1. Over population
    2. Scarcity
    3. Technology
    4. Rising disparities of income and wealth.
    5. Religious resistance to change.
    6. Failure of governments to manage change.
    7. Globalization of disease.
    8. Shortage of potable water.
    9. Education
    10. Advances in biology, medicine and life spans.

    Now looking at this list it is easy to see a future that is very, very dangerous. However, every single one of these can be managed by human beings to avoid catastrophe. Our children will end up being the leaders of our world that drive the next 100 years. They will be assuming power within the next 20-40 years which is when most of these issues will need to be addressed in a rational manner. Will our children rise to the occasion? Are they displaying the type of behavior that could lead us to believe they will be better than us in managing our world? I believe the answer is yes almost universally. The boomers ruined a world set up for us by our parents, our kids know that the current model will not work for the future because it is not working for them. I am positive because the alternative is nihilism. Nihilism is not a universal human condition.
  21. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    I'm not sure why this thread is in the Religion and Philosophy section.

    In any case, Fukushima is still out of control and irradiating the Pacific Ocean with no fix in sight. The oceans are additionally being polluted by garbage and other toxic waste, destroying what is left of the food supply that is already heavily depleted from overfishing. Global warming is on the increase with water levels rising and nothing to stop or reverse it. That means methane trapped in melting ice is going to be released into the atmosphere which will cause an additional greenhouse effect, not to mention increased atmospheric toxicity. It also means coastal flooding in heavily populated areas around the globe and the disappearance of many islands. There's also the threat of major volcanic activity, possibly the eruption of one or more extinction level super volcanoes as well as tsunamis. And changes in the oceans currents which will likely adversely affect global weather patterns. And that's the bad news, the worse news is the socioeconomic consequences of these events on a global scale.

    It ain't looking good. The only good news for me is I won't be around for all that except maybe the very beginnings of it. For my children and grandchildren though, the forecast is just incredibly awful.
    DennisTate likes this.
  22. Distraff

    Distraff Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Predictions from the Entertainment industry by 2100:
    Shrek 20
    Transformers 30
    Pirates of the Caribbean 18
    Avengers 12
    DennisTate likes this.
  23. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Good news though......
    in most years somewhere around 293 CUBIC MILES of ice get added to the Central Region of Antarctica........
  24. DennisTate

    DennisTate Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2012
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    I think that you are correct........
    and I believe that near death experiencers to some degree verify your theory......

    Dr. Richard Eby saw a different time line though.......
    an alternative universe or example of applied Multiverse Theory.... in our time line
    grace has been given and the fulfillment of Zechariah 14 has been delayed.....
  25. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    And with all these wonderful things on Earth, how are humans to live? What joys and praises will they have? The Earth sounds nice. The cleanliness sounds nice, but how will individual lives be any better than they are today besides the higher monetary wages and less illnesses and ailments which costs on medical bills? How are individual lives going to get better for the overall well being of the individual person on the spiritual/emotional/mental/physical/familial/neighborly/elderly/young/ etc....??? How will individual persons' lives be better 'enriched'??

    If you move a zoo giraffe into a nicer zoo, the giraffe might have more room to play in but it will still be a zooed giraffe and not a free giraffe.

    Just as the 'capitalists' and 'atheists' of today's time are more than joyful for their personal gains, many might be the same in that 'better Earth' you speak about. Selfishness might still be alive. Murder might still be alive.. Crime might still be alive. Envy and Jealousies might still be alive... Why even bother try to change the Earth into anything better if humans aren't going to change?

    It might 'look' prettier but the human souls are still going to have the dead men's bones living within them...

    Proverbs 16:8 "Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right."

    Better is the little with righteousness than the great wonderful pretty things without right.

    And don't forget 1 Timothy 6:10. "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

    They have erred from the faith. They are going in the wrong direction.

    Many individual persons are going in the wrong direction, this is pretty evident. The scary thing is how wrong and frightful it is and would be if The Government tried to share this and urge this 'way of life' to its citizens..
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017

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