Liberal Agenda? Raise Hell!

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Wehrwolfen, Jun 27, 2017.

  1. Wehrwolfen

    Wehrwolfen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Liberal Agenda? Raise Hell!

    By Scott Adams
    June 17, 2017

    The political left in America has morphed into an anti-Democratic, anti-Trump hate group with the mission of terrorizing anyone who stands against them.
    After eight years of former President Obama’s leadership we’ve seen an escalation of racial tension and divide, economic despair and crumbling inner cities, and a level of political intolerance not seen since the Nazis took over Germany.
    AntiFa, Black Lives Matter, Liberal elites, Hollywood Liberals, and even our Main Stream Media (MSM) have coalesced into a hate filled and aggressive domestic terror group financed by wealthy Socialists, and left leaning corporations while at the same time bankrupt of anything having to do with policy.
    Over the past few months we’ve seen Snoop Dog hold a gun to Trump’s head and pull the trigger, Kathy Griffin hold Trump’s bloody head in an ISIS pose, Madonna wishing to blow up the White House, SNL showcase Kelly-Anne Conway’s suicide jumping out of a building, and New York’s Central Park production of Shakespeare in the Park where liberals get together to witness the assassination of Donald Trump with knives at the hands of people of color and women.
    Liberal politicians and Fake News MSM weaponize a Russian hacking story that has allowed the Obama Administration operatives to wiretap Trump’s campaign worse than Watergate, unmask names, and illegally leak information to the press, diminish Trump’s election victory over Hillary Clinton, use Neo-Cons like John McCain and Lindsey Graham to prevent Trump from relieving sanctions against Russia to improve leverage over North Korea, Iran and China, and try to prevent Trump from firing former FBI Director James Comey who originally initiated the fake news Russian narrative in the first place.


    The Obama administration created the atmosphere and violence we are seeing today. Their outlandish interference in their own presidential primaries is proof of their weaponization of the agencies under Obama is quite apparent as exemplified by using the IRS, Intelligence agencies and even the DNC to rig it so that Hillary would win the primaries and then attempt to win but horribly lose the presidential election. The Progressive Marxist Leftists orchestrated the lie of Russian hacking, while their own failings by hiring the Awan brothers to hack their servers giving our national secrets to Pakistan's ISI goes unpunished.
  2. vanityofvanitys

    vanityofvanitys Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Another commentary which succinctly states the case of why America has turned rotten.

    The problem: "The rotten" do not care --- irrespective if it makes sense to them or not. They are all arrogant know-it-alls who think destroying Trump is a holy mission. Who have no courage or wisdom to debate the issues, who have no answers to our national crises including underemployment, trade deficits, growing poverty, gang violence and fear, unvetted illegal aliens, Islamic terrorism and a morally decayed and debauched culture. And of all these sources of corruption, the mainstream media is the greatest poison in our land.
    Oh Yeah and Wehrwolfen like this.
  3. J.Idallian

    J.Idallian Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2017
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    The radical left has been trying to destroy the nation since the 60's. Each time they get put down they get just a little bit more power, slink back to their caves for 20 years, and then some new generation of 'invigorated patriots' show up to start the fight all over again. It's too bad, I actually like the moderate left. Before long the Republic will go the way of Rome, and we'll see the real rise of the Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo.
    Wehrwolfen and vanityofvanitys like this.
  4. 22catch

    22catch Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2016
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    NPR this afternoon had a moderate Dem interview, and I'll be honest all they talked about was changing leadership and a Democratic Messg that appeals to more people than on the coasts.

    The host asked some damn good questions, and they gave him a chance to really go off, but the Congressman was a little too scared to flat out say that socialist, identity politics don't connect with the majority of voters. Obviously somethings up since the Democratic party has less electoral power than it has in decades. He just flat out said we need to change. Focus on an economic platform. There's hope I think.

    After being a member of PF for a bit now I feel silly that I didn't realize that most of the people I get into the most heated debates with in fact aren't liberals but socialists hiding amongst our more moderate liberals. Interesting.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2017
    Wehrwolfen and Oh Yeah like this.
  5. Oh Yeah

    Oh Yeah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 17, 2010
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    Liberals have a philosophy of "live and let live." Socialists have a philosophy of " Live and believe as we do."
    22catch and Wehrwolfen like this.
  6. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    yes, I always believe over the top godwin based partisan analysis. It makes me feel so much better about hating the other side.

    Patisanism and bloviating factless misrepresentations go hand in hand. Its a shame the market for such garbage spans the entire political spectrum, especially because factless emotionally based excoriation seems to be SOP.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  7. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Glad you saw that, most of the very actively loud "Left leaning" people on this forum are indeed much more radical than the average Liberal/Democrat

    As to the beginning of you post, I do feel that since the Russian thing is starting to blow up a lot of the Democrats (more moderate ones especially) are starting to change the conversation quite a bit.

    Hopefully they will start to talk policy and add ideas into what we can do to help fix the country. There are plenty of things to go after Trump for without going to the lame Russian Collusion thing
  8. Fisherguy

    Fisherguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2016
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    Meanwhile the lunatic fringe has elected Trump, who is a clear and present danger to the entire world.
  9. J.Idallian

    J.Idallian Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2017
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    At for at least the 10th time in as many days, Donald Trump is a direct response to people being fed up with PC culture, and the radical lefts agenda to classify every white person in the world as a racist. You reap what you sow.
    Wehrwolfen likes this.
  10. One Mind

    One Mind Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 26, 2014
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    Yeah Scott is perceiving this quite astutely, except he is mired up in this "socialist" ruse. Wealthy socialists? Ha ha ha. The wealthy elites are capitalists, and they are practicing the most destructive form of capitalism, neoliberal capitalism, which was allowed to raise its ugly head again, because of the neoliberals that have taken over the Peoples Party, the Democratic Party. When this changed happened the Dem Party joined the neoliberal, Gilded Age GOP, which gave us one party with two heads. The two heads are mainly defined by social issues, but economically speaking we have only one party and no choice when it comes to our Neo Gilded Age economic model. As wealth, which also means power became concentrated into a few hands at the top during the first Gilded Age, this created the environment for the crash of 29 and the long Great Depression. But we also saw a move away from Gilded Age economics with FDR, when he took on what was left of the earlier robber barons, and convinced them to settle for a reasonable profit, which was essential for the rise of the largest middle class in the history of humanity.

    So, these wealthy socialists, calling them that is a cloud to obfuscate the real problem, neoliberal globalist capitalism which maxes out the profits, wealth, income, for a few at the top by utilizing what the sociopaths at the top have always tried to do. To find and use slave labor which these so called free trade enabled them to do. Yet so called free trade was not just about the exploitation of the poor overseas for greater profitability. For these agreements written by MNCs and the banking cabal also took away the sovereignty of this nation, and gave it to the banking cabal and MNCs. This in no way resembles socialism and Scott should know this. But this socialism charge has been used for a very long time, even as these predatory, sociopathic elite capitalists were indulging in the worst possible form of capitalism, which is the capitalism of an Oligarchy. Fascism. Mussolini styled fascism. Gone is competition, as more and more of capitalism is concentrated into so few hands, as laws and regulations have aided this concentration. The Sherman Anti Trust Act may as well not exist for these new robber barons are free to do as they please. And where we used to send the criminals in the banking cabal to prison, we no longer prosecute these crime families, the gov't just fines them, dips its beak into their pile of gold, and it is business as usual. The Reagan admin had almost 300 crooks, mostly GOPhers prosecuted, but we no longer prosecute these ruling elite. For that is what a republic does, to go after criminals in the gov't, but you know what form of gov't has a two tiered justice system? Oligarch. Fascism.

    But other than this Scott's perceptions are the same as my own, an ex democrat, driven from my party by the move to embrace neoliberalism and neoconism, which destroyed the party of FDR and the party responsible for helping to create history's largest middle class.
  11. Wehrwolfen

    Wehrwolfen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Wealthy multi millionaire Socialist Democrats:
    Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Hill and Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Penny Pritzker, Jon Corzine, Sen. Dick Durbin.
    Then there are more than 73 Democratic Party Congress persons that are millionaires. Whoops , I almost forgot Bernie Sanders as a millionaire. Let's not forget the largess to the Progressive Marxist cause from people like Soros, Zucker,

    Affleck, Ben
    Anagnos, Aris
    Asner, Ed
    Baldwin, Alec
    Baron, Fred
    Belafonte, Harry
    Biden, Joe
    Boxer, Barbara
    Boyd, Wes
    Brokaw, Tom
    Carter, Jimmy
    Chomsky, Noam
    Clinton, Hillary Rodham
    Clinton, Bill
    Clooney, George
    Close, Glenn
    Colbert, Stephen
    Couric, Katie
    Damon, Matt
    de Blasio, Bill
    De Niro, Robert
    Dean, Howard
    DiCaprio, Leonardo
    Donahue, Phil
    Durbin, Richard
    Emanuel, Rahm
    Farrell, Mike
    Fonda, Jane
    Foxx, Jamie
    Frank, Barney
    Franken, Al
    Friedan, Betty
    Gaga, Lady
    Gates, Bill
    Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
    Glover, Danny
    Goodman, Amy
    Gore, Al
    Hagel, Chuck
    Harkin, Tom
    Harrelson, Woody
    Hayden, Tom
    Hoffa, James P.
    Holder, Eric
    Huffington, Arianna
    Jackson, Jesse
    Jackson Jr., Jesse
    Jarrett, Valerie
    Jay Z,
    Katzenberg, Jeffrey
    Kennedy, Jr., Robert F.
    Kerry, Teresa Heinz
    Kerry, John
    Kirsch, Michele
    Kirsch, Steven
    Leahy, Patrick
    Lee, Spike
    Lopez, Jennifer
    Maddow, Rachel
    Maher, Bill
    Mark-Viverito, Melissa
    Matthews, Chris
    McAuliffe, Terry
    Miller, Diane Edgerton
    Mitchell, Andrea
    Moore, Michael
    Moyers, Bill
    Navasky, Victor
    Nichol, Gene
    Obama, Barack Hussein
    Obama, Michelle
    O'Donnell, Lawrence
    O'Donnell, Rosie
    Olbermann, Keith
    Pelosi, Nancy
    Penn, Sean
    Podesta, John
    Potok, Mark
    Pritzker, Penny
    Rangel, Charles
    Rappaport, Andrew
    Rather, Dan
    Reich, Robert
    Reid, Harry
    Reiner, Rob
    Robbins, Tim
    Roberts, Julia
    Rockefeller, Wendy Gordon
    Rosenthal, Steven
    Said, Edward
    Sanders, Bernie
    Sandler, Herb and Marion
    Sarandon, Susan
    Schakowsky, Jan
    Scheer, Robert
    Schultz, Debbie Wasserman
    Schultz, Ed
    Sestak, Joe
    Sharpton, Al
    Sheen, Martin
    Smiley, Tavis
    Sontag, Susan
    Soros, George
    Spielberg, Steven
    Springsteen, Bruce
    Stark, Pete
    Steinem, Gloria
    Stern, Andrew
    Stewart, Jon
    Stone, Oliver
    Streisand, Barbra
    Sulzberger, Jr., Arthur Ochs
    Suozzi, Thomas R.
    Suzuki, David
    Sweeney, John
    Tribe, Laurence
    Trumka, Richard
    Turner, Kathleen
    Turner, Ted
    Udall, Tom
    vanden Heuvel, Katrina
    Villaraigosa, Antonio
    Mark Warner
    Waxman, Henry
    West, Cornel
    Winfrey, Oprah
    Woolsey, Lynn
    Wright, Jr., Jeremiah A.
    Zinn, Howard
    Zogby, James
    That's just the tip of the iceberg....
  12. Tijuana

    Tijuana Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2017
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    Don't you understand how Socialism works? The elites don't have to suffer under it; they are given big deal jobs by the party.

    Wehrwolfen likes this.

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