Myanmar ethnic cleansing half a million Muslim.. why is everybody quiet ??

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by MGB ROADSTER, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    I have been reading a lot of books and write ups on India from 1000 to 1700 ish or when the Brits took over. I would say with confidence that the Brits taking them over was a good thing for the Hindus in the short interim until independence.

    It was like an apocalyptic fight for their lives to stay afloat. The Muslims would every single year go across and brag about literal mountains they built of human skulls.

    The things found in muslim diaries about what they did to the "non people of the book" is like the Blood Eagle x10, but uesed every other day.

    I am not a religious person, I think they are all pretty funny when you look back at the actual stories and how they evolved. But the stuff we see coming out of Islam is pain and simple, it is war.

    You can blame all religions for all kinds of stuff, but out of the Roman, Islan, Zoroastrian, Egyptian, Jewish, Nordic, Celtic and Christian, I think the to two most violent religions were Nordic and Islam.

    And the Nordic violence was almost like a game, they didn't torture as much. The Islam stories are pretty scary
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
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  2. bigfella

    bigfella Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Anyone who believes this is somehow the result of 'Islamic provocation' or something similar is ignorant to the point of stupidity. Anyone who somehow thinks Buddhists are just peace loving folk in saffron robes is no better. There is a long history to this.

    Burma/Myanmar has been engaged in pretty much non-stop war with its ethnic minorities since independence in 1947. Hindu & Muslim Indians, Christian Karen, Chin & Kachin, Buddhist Shan, Ta'ang & Mon, Animist Wa and many more. The attitude of the majority Burmans seems to be that everyone else should do what they say or die.

    Rohingya and their ancestors have lived in Arakan for centuries - long before the Burmese conquered the area. During WW2 they supported the Allies against the Japanese (who were backed by local Buddhists) on the promise that postwar they would either get their own state or be joined to Bengal. Understandably there was a reaction when this was not done. Since then the Burmese state, often supported by local Buddhists, has used any hint of resistance to murder, rape, burn and expel. In the 70s, 90s & several times this century.

    In 1982 Rohingya were all stripped of their Burmese citizenship. There was a possibility they would have that restored under a recent agreement, and now they are all being driven across the border where they cannot lodge such claims. Pure coincidence I'm sure.
  3. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    Like I've already said - the Burmese probably read the writing on the wall that they're slowly but surely being outnumbered by Islamists or Muslims, whatever anybody chooses to call them. Apparently 400,000 children alone in addition to adults have crossed over into Bangladesh. Pity the poor Bangladeshis who are impoverished enough as it is.
  4. bigfella

    bigfella Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    There is not & was not the remotest chance 30 million odd Bamar and another 20 million from other ethnic groups are going to be 'out bred' by about 2 million (or less) Muslims whose population has barely increased in generations. More nasty fantasies.

    Anyway, thank you for proving my first paragraph correct. You folk really do step up quickly, don't you. As we have previously established, you are't really a detail guy - better a couple of images that confirm a prejudice than some well researched articles that might challenge it. I suppose that is to be expected from someone more interested in quality and 'likes' than coming to terms with grown up stuff like factual data.
    RiaRaeb likes this.
  5. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    You don't know the true facts of the matter for the expulsion any more than I do. Never mind 'bigfella', 'bighead' would suit you better. Hope you're feeling chuffed with yourself for getting a snidey little dig at me in though.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
  6. bigfella

    bigfella Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I am a million miles closer to the facts of the matter than you will ever be. Call me all the names you want, I pay attention & seek information rather than just stroking ill informed prejudices.

    You support the ethnic cleansing of millions of people who have done absolutely nothing wrong. There are a lot of groups & individuals throughout history you are throwing in your lot with, none of them good. I'm actually being pretty restrained under the circumstances.
  7. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    Here, have this on me . . .

    If a chessboard were to have wheat placed upon each square such that one grain were placed on the first square, two on the second, four on the third, and so on (doubling the number of grains on each subsequent square), how many grains of wheat would be on the chessboard at the finish?

    The problem may be solved using simple addition. With 64 squares on a chessboard, if the number of grains doubles on successive squares, then the sum of grains on all 64 squares is: 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... and so forth for the 64 squares. The total number of grains equals 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
    jay runner and Merwen like this.
  8. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    I appreciate your efforts at data collection; your provided history does give one pause.

    Unfortunately for such small groups, the bigger picture of Muslim history and its obvious success at quelling other populations in particularly bloodthirsty ways does not help such groups as long as they continue to embrace Islam. Mohammed fashioned his version of religion for worldly conflict and domination. He was an extremely evil man, because he knew better, but did not transmit that portion of the teachings to his followers. Whereas Jesus overcame the devil and the temptations of the world, Mohammed embraced it...and eventually, when they reach sufficient numbers, so do his followers. They are terrorist bullies and sleeper invasion agents in any culture they move into.
    xwsmithx likes this.
  9. VotreAltesse

    VotreAltesse Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2017
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    And what are you offering ? Acting as ballless european who let their daughters killed by european. Waiting that what happened in bangladesh in 71 happens in Burma ?

    I do not support murder, but peace can't happen between muslim and non muslims but a miracle. You just to open the quran to know what it's about.
    jay runner, cerberus and Merwen like this.
  10. VotreAltesse

    VotreAltesse Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2017
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    And again, here is my position : rohingyas should be helped to settle in other countries or have a part of the arakan to have their own region/country.
    The generals and politics who are responsible of the murders and rape in Burma should go in prison.

    It's time to stop to be delusionnal, we can be at peace with muslims only if they live in their own territories were they can apply their shariah as much they want.
    jay runner and Merwen like this.
  11. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    What did it for me a few years back was the murder of three Christian schoolgirls harmlessly walking home from Indonesia, I believe...and all the acid throwing at little girls trying to attend school in Pakistan and Afghanistan...and then reports of women being killed by fathers-in-law because they didn't immediately conceive a grandchild...and then murders of whole classrooms of students in just goes on and on. It is a bloodthirsty religion, period.
    VotreAltesse, xwsmithx and jay runner like this.
  12. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Why would anyone try to "Help" people who wish to hurt you? Muslims have created their own situation by being Muslims and allowing their "Religion" to become tainted by extremists. Islam is pariah and Muslims are dismissed for the most part.
  13. Merwen

    Merwen Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2014
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    Because they are still people...and what Mohammed chose to do to inflate his ego and accrue worldly riches is not their fault.
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  14. tecoyah

    tecoyah Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2008
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    Fault and accusation no longer even matters, the stage is already set and the perceptions instilled. Islam is unlikely to recover from what it has done and those who choose (it is a choice) to follow it will suffer it's fate. Religion is already fading worldwide and picking the most fanatical version is simply ignorant. So now they get a bashing from all fronts, including their own brothers.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
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  15. bigfella

    bigfella Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    So, another one in the 'ethnic cleansing is fine if its a group I don't like' club. I can see why you folk like this site so much.
    Elcarsh likes this.
  16. bigfella

    bigfella Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I don't forsee the government of Pakistan trying to kill anyone in Myanmar (the name was changed decades ago, do try to keep up) and I don't see the US intervening to threaten the only nation capable of stopping the slaughter. But hey, you keep an eye on that. Good man.

    'I do not support murder'.....but I'm happy to overlook it when Muslims are getting killed. Muslims just trying to get on with their lives, but they are the bad guys just for being Muslim. Gotcha.

    You people really did miss your decade by about 70-80 years
    Elcarsh likes this.
  17. bigfella

    bigfella Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    You really are just rambling now, aren't you. The Muslim population has barely increased in generations, but you get all obsessed with 'breeding' again (quite monomaniacal, aren't we) and suddenly a few million beleaguered people have overwhelmed a nation of 50 million that specializes in murdering ethnic & religious minorities in a couple of generations.

    Delusional does not begin to describe that. it is completely unhinged from reality. I can see why you want to use a chessboard as an example, no demographer with a functioning brain would give you the time of day.
  18. FreedomSeeker

    FreedomSeeker Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2007
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    Wherever Mohammad goes, death and chaos follows.
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  19. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    That's funny! As if the so called Christians ever were.
  20. Canell

    Canell Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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  21. Fred C Dobbs

    Fred C Dobbs Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2016
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    It's not just the Brits. There's a pretty good propaganda campaign going on as to why all western countries should take them in and those which refuse, despite less terrorism fewer cultural disruptions, are being heavily criticized..

    It would have seemed reasonable, at any other time in history, to question what visitors, or applications for entry or citizenship, actually believe rather that just assuming that people of all beliefs have the same values.toward human rights and freedoms.
    Merwen and jay runner like this.
  22. Fred C Dobbs

    Fred C Dobbs Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 12, 2016
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    Say anything critical of Islam and its followers and the personal insults quickly begin.
    Merwen, jay runner and JakeJ like this.
  23. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    That is not even close to what he said, why would you make up something so blatantly untrue?

    For those of us that have been on the forum for a long time, we have seen literally hundreds of people like you come and go. Being that this is one of the mest "in the middle" message forums out there, hyper partisans like yourself often find themselves frustrated that they are no longer in the echo chamber they are used to being a part of. While I have my Rightie forums and my Leftie forums that I go to as well, I do enjoy for being squarely in the middle of the two hyper extremes.

    I have two specific "Rightie" forums if you would like to visit them, however I can safely assume you are a partisan Leftie based on the fact that you are sitting here calling people names who do not agree with you

    I actually blame it on Reddit, strangely enough. There are so many hyper Left partisan who think that Reddit forums are a good measure of the nation as a whole and the people in. Donald Trump winning the election I thought would have shown you guys how wrong you are, but alas all it did was make you come to forums like this and call people names.

    There really are a myriad of voices coming from all over the world at PF, I can obviously tell you are frustrated, but this is not Reddit where everyone has the same stance and if you don't you are personally attacked.

    You are trying this strategy, personally attacking those who disagree with you and it is just seen as comical here.

    Hope to have you stay, even partisans are welcome here and I love PF more than any other forum out there! But you will have to quickly learn that your ideas are much further to the Left than the average American and Reddit is NOWHERE CLOSE to what America represents
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
  24. Draco

    Draco Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2012
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    Islam has been the fastest growing religioin for a while now, mostly because "Muslim Countries" have an insanely high birth rate as opposed to "Non Muslim Countries"

    Why would you not tell the truth in your comment? I am confused....

    Your rhetoric is extremely close to that of Reddit and that is where I assume you are coming from. But PF will make you actually quote sources as to your ideas and unless you have data showing otheriwse, it is fairly well known that Muslim countries are "outbreeding" those of The West.
    Fred C Dobbs and Merwen like this.
  25. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    Islamic leaders militarizing their civilians of both genders and ages, including suicidally and sacrificially, while refusing to wear uniforms, puts the cause of the military deaths of those civilians the blame of those Islamic leaders because they are no longer civilians, but non-uniformed soldiers. When a military hides among its own civilians disguising themselves as civilians, THEY are who put their own people at risk.

    What is happened there is due to Al Quaeda and other radical Islamic warmongers openly declaring they were militarizing the Muslim civilians in that country.

    Is this any different from what the North did to Southern civilians during the Civil War in the USA - justifying it upon those civilians providing support and shelter to the Confederates and what the USA did to Native Americans to expand American society and control?

    BUT the real question is why is any of this the responsibility of the USA? Its another country that we have no alliance with or interest in. In the perpetual civil wars there the most reasonable conclusion is that there are no good guys. Whichever side we supported would use that support to slaughter their opposition. If we supported the Muslims, they would more slaughter Buddhists. That's how it works there and has for decades.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
    Merwen likes this.

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