BREAKING: Dem caught on film saying EXACTLY what she claimed Trump said!

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by MolonLabe2009, Oct 21, 2017.

  1. Frowning Loser

    Frowning Loser Banned

    May 28, 2008
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    post by mistake
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2017
  2. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Oh, BS! How much empathy did Hillary Clinton show to the families of Kate Steinle or Jamiel Shaw or hundreds or actually thousands of other families murdered or raped by illegal aliens? Or the victims of illegal alien drunk drivers or other crimes committed by illegal aliens? How much empathy did Obama show when he suggested that the elderly don't deserve healthcare because at their age it isn't worth spending the money and we should just, "give them a pill"? President Trump has shown empathy giving his own time and money to people he doesn't even know. Families that had health problems, families who were the victims of violence, he gave them the money or sheltered them or did something special for them. I've never seen the Clinton's or Obama's do that. How much empathy did Hillary Clinton show for the middle class or hard working lower income workers when she called them DEPLORABLES?

    You guys love to throw out all kinds of false charges and accusations against President Trump. Do you want me to show you the videos? They are on YouTube going back many years.
  3. Frowning Loser

    Frowning Loser Banned

    May 28, 2008
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    This is a desperate pile of crap. You are now force to change topics totally off the subject because we both know Trump humiliated the Johnson family and other Gold Star Families The Johnson family was humiliated by this orange-vomit-mouth president and all you can do is hide in your cubby hole of off topic trash.

    I could care less about your ugly right wing propaganda videos. They all come up with the same boring fecal matter and the right wingers suck on each others biased videos and blogs for nourishment. They show total warped inbreeding.

    Please show me current (2017) non partisan congressional committees who back you up on this lie of a statement. But you have no non partisan proof. Just biased right wing inbreded freakish trash.

    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
  4. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    She missed her calling as a rodeo clown.
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  5. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    So much anger and venom, are you one of those angry white men I keep hearing about? Maybe you should take a step back and take a chill pill or something before you blow a fuse.

    Yep, nothing fishy about having a Maxine Waters wantabe who just happened to be listening into a private phone call between the president and someone she probably never knew of before. I read the transcript and there was nothing offensive about it. It was just a couple of progressive Trump hater's who conspired to take what he said out of context and run with that in yet another unscrupulous attempt to demonize Trump. And as usual, throw out the racist card at anyone who called them out on it. One thing about progressives, they are predictable.
    goofball and PatriotNews like this.
  6. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    The Maury Povitch Show is now right wing propaganda videos! LOL!

  7. goofball

    goofball Banned

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Simmer down.
  8. Frowning Loser

    Frowning Loser Banned

    May 28, 2008
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    Lol what the heck does Murry Povich have to do with the topic of this thread???This is a pure twilight zone post and a massive topic change because you have lost on this issue.
    You are no longer contesting that Trump Treats Gold star families like pure crap especially the Johnson Family. You've lost completely on this issue.
    Here are the facts:

    Trump Rips Off Congresswoman Wilson and the Gold Star Johnson Family who vouches for her:

    “Myeshia Johnson told ABC News on Monday morning that Wilson's account was "100 percent accurate.” She added of Trump's alleged failure to use Sgt. Johnson's name: “I heard him stumbling on trying to remember my husband's name, and that’s what hurt me the most, because if my husband is out here fighting for our country and he risked his life for our country, why can’t you remember his name?”

    Trump Rips off Gold Star Families’ by claiming he spoke with Virtually all of them:

    "Not only had the president not contacted virtually all the families of military personnel killed this year, the White House did not even have an up-to-date list of those who had been killed"

    More ugly Trumpaganda vomit When General Kelly totally lies about Congresswomen Wilson’s speech at the dedication of the FBI building:
    “(Gen. Kelly) falsely claimed Congresswomen Wilson gave a speech at the dedication of an FBI building in 2015 in Miami where she bragged about securing money for the facility due to her connections with President Obama. Video of her speech showed she made no such statement.” (In fact the funding came from congress when Wilson was not yet a member.

    Trump rips off Wilson and the Gold Star Johnson family by claiming he has proof of the conversation he had with them.
    Trump says he has 'proof' on his call to soldier's wife, and the nation waits
    “President Trump claims he has proof that a Democratic congresswoman is lying, but if his proof is anything like the evidence he’s promised to offer for some of his other controversial assertions, the nation will believe it when — or if — it sees it.” ( But in the end Psycho-Don offers no proof. )

    And once again Trump rips off the nation and our representatives in congress by claiming his offices in Trump Tower were wiretapped by Obama. But you have failed to show any 2017 bipartisan congressional agreement that this is the case. In fact congress laughed off Trumps BS wiretap claim long ago Your statement below is a flat out lie. Lying on behalf of your president is not patriotism it just mindless obeying and marching in lock step.

    This is B.S. on a stick:
    There is zero 2017 bipartisan congressional support for this crap statement.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
  9. Doofenshmirtz

    Doofenshmirtz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 21, 2016
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    There's a turd in the punch bowl. She didn't say anything out of line. I could edit it or describe what she said to make her look very bad.

    Even of you hate trump, it is unreasonable to assume that hearsay from a biased source is an accurate description of what really happened.
  10. Frowning Loser

    Frowning Loser Banned

    May 28, 2008
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    No they mostly supported Trump.

    It's pathetic how some of Trump's followers swallow up his orange B.S. hook line and sinker and then mindlessly regurgitate it.

    This is a great example of pure raving lunacy complete with hot sweaty fantasies about what supposedly progressives did to Trump , I've never mentioned anything about race in any of my posts but you seemed to be obsessed with it. Your fantasy post exposes your hatred of the truth and your anger at the world because you didn't expect Trump to wind up being such a "moron". (Rex Tillerson's term).
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
  11. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    You have to watch the video. It was proof of Trump's empathy. There are many more examples of it. I'd post more but since you failed to watch the first one, why should I bother trying to educate someone who shows no interest in being educated?

    I do contest that he treats gold star families like pure crap. It's a lie. It's a political attack intended to smear him. That's what democrats do.

    I saw the widow on another show stating the opposite, that President Trump did say his name. Making a call of such a nature is not easy for anyone. It is difficult to know what to say. Certainly if he was at a loss for words, that doesn't mean he is hesitating or stumbling, it means he's sincerely reaching for words to console the family. If she doesn't understand that saying, "he knew what he signed up for" is in fact a compliment to a soldier because he volunteered for duty, that is on her. She didn't seem like a very smart person to me.

    I think he's making a sincere effort to call the families of those killed in combat. Some soldiers, sailors and Airman die of natural causes or non-combat related incidents.

    I saw the video and she was bragging about her work for the FBI building. To say she made no such statement because she didn't say the words "funding" or "money" is ridiculous. Look at her video, she is bloviating about what a great congresswomen she is at a ceremony intended to honor fallen FBI agents, not HER!
    I'm sure he's does, but doesn't want to shame the widow for lying about what he said to her.

    Why do I need a bipartisan congressional support to show that Obama wiretapped Trump? It was reported in the newspaper a long time ago, and we know for a fact that many people in high places in the Obama administration used those wiretaps to unmask hundreds of Trump associates. That's all the proof that is needed.
  12. Frowning Loser

    Frowning Loser Banned

    May 28, 2008
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    Because so far you've only demonstrated ignorance. I gave proof that the White house (on a previous post) said they didn't have an updated list of GoldStar families and that Trump talked to very few of them.This is after Trump bragged that he spoke to virtually all of them. I don't need to see one video after Trump lies deliberately about contacts with Gold Star Families in order to look good to his fanboys. He is a pure self serving exploitative bag of vomit stew.

    And Republicans attack Gold Star Families by stating they're not too bright. Everything Trump and Kelly said about Wilson who enjoys great support from the Johnson's was a lie , lie, lie, lie, and they implied the family was lying also.

    Widow's aren't soldiers. She doesn't have to know what (he knew what he signed up for") on an emotional level means. Proof again that Trump is dumber than a box of rocks. He has no common sense or maturity. How dumb and cruel to think that all widows have to pass some sort of a terminology class (while in shock and pain) and should be conversant in and understand things that soldiers say to one another . All she should have to concentrate on is her grief and nothing more especially after her husband passed just a few days ago. Trumps a complete insensitive idiot. .. This is how Republicans think. Blame the widow and the mother for the fact that Trump blundered harshly thru his discourse on the call and wasn't prepared to remember Ladavid's name before the call. (How hard is that?) What contempt you have for Gold Star families Keep immature Trump away from these calls.
    . He is too unstable and immature to make them. That's why orange vomit stew shouldn't talk to these families

    She did mention the fallen agents and as far as far as the rest of your nasty subjective opinion on how she acted who cares. The fact is Kelly lied about what she said and a lie is a lie and that is objective because every one sees it.

    The other fact is that the Johnson Family totally backs up Wilson's description of a blundering idiot who isn't mature enough to know how to talk to a widow and mother who are in shock and grief. Instead you denigrate them by making snide comments about thier intelligence. I see your contempt for these families

    Yeah if you're a a moronic raving madman like Trump.
    The Facts require evidence and you have none. Who cares about what the newspapers might have said long ago.. . The fact is that Trumps Justice Dept stated in Sept 2017 that there was no proof what-so-ever for Trumps claim.about wiretapping and no reason to investigate further. .. And the Republican controlled congress blew off investigating it months ago .Congress asked him for evidence and he screwed over the Republican congress completely by offering none. That's why congress gave up looking into it and never gave out a committee report. Trump requests that congress look into wire taps then screws it over by not furnishing evidence for his claims. Hes a total loon.. This it what is so dangerous about Trump. Only a sociopathic raving buthole would insist on a complete lie being the truth without furnishing evidence. This is how Putin does things in Russia but not how we do things in the U.S.A.. And this is but one of Trumps ongoing pathological lies.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2017
  13. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    You are a real piece of work. :roflol: Go back to wallowing in your misery.
  14. Frowning Loser

    Frowning Loser Banned

    May 28, 2008
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    We haven't figured out what you are yet. :laughing::lick::lol: I know this is hard for you but try to stay on topic.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2017
  15. Tim15856

    Tim15856 Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2016
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    The topic is mostly a pissing contest. I think your user name is very appropriate for you, good job picking it out.
  16. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    If you ask me the woman wants her 15 minutes of fame and is willing to use the death of that soldier for it. Trump did or said nothing wrong. You are just attacking him and smearing him with your lies. That's what this political discourse has come down to.

    Congress is still investigating the illegal wiretapping of the Trump Campaign. We know that it happened and to pretend it didn't is just dumb.
    Thirty6BelowZero likes this.
  17. Thirty6BelowZero

    Thirty6BelowZero Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 20, 2015
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    Yeah, he must have had a different message for THAT family because they were black.
  18. Frowning Loser

    Frowning Loser Banned

    May 28, 2008
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    You're confused and mixed up. You claim that the topic is a pissing contest. What total B.S. You love pissing contests because you're on this thread following it. Does the term blatant hypocrite mean anything to you. Your first post to me had nothing to do with the topic in even the remotest sense. You apparently don't have the slightest clue as to what you're doing and why.
  19. Frowning Loser

    Frowning Loser Banned

    May 28, 2008
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  20. Frowning Loser

    Frowning Loser Banned

    May 28, 2008
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    Total opinion and no facts. The Pussie Grabber In Chief admitted his contempt for Gold Star families by stating he called all of them even though his own White House proved otherwise. This a slave like devotion to a president who has shown pure contempt for Gold Star families, the truth, and others that are not fellow travelers.As Tillerson said: "he's a F'n moron".

    Only a non patriot would deny reality this intensely for his Fuhrer and place him above his Country. Obama never bugged Trumps NYC Tower. Notice the gutless inability to provide even the slightest evidence which is you admitting that your posts are pure Trumpaganda poison.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2017
  21. Frowning Loser

    Frowning Loser Banned

    May 28, 2008
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    I have never seen such blatant disregard for ones country to the point where one elevates his president above his country and the truth to protect said president without even a modicum of evidence. This follows the Putin mode of behavior exactly.

    "Justice Department: No evidence Obama wiretapped Trump Tower"
    Politico 9-2-2017

    "Trump has never produced any evidence to back up the explosive claim, which he made on Twitter in March, and which a spokesman for Obama promptly denied.
    In response to a question about the DOJ filing, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Saturday, “This is not news,” and that the White House had responded to the matter weeks ago.
    The White House has argued that Trump's comments were merely alleging surveillance, which is why he put "wires tapped" in quotation marks in the initial tweet."


    "Openly Testy, Republicans Reject the President’s Wiretap Claims'


    “Those two things cannot both be true unless he is suggesting that the F.B.I. was engaged in a rogue operation unsupervised by a court to wiretap Trump Tower,” Mr. Schiff said. “There is absolutely no evidence of that and no suggestion of any evidence of that.”
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2017
  22. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    What contempt for gold star families? I haven't see his White House prove otherwise. But even if he was mistaken, so what? That's not "admitting contempt for gold star families. Far from it. Perhaps the had thought he had called all of them? I only saw him say that we usually write a letter, or make a phone call, but I like to try to do both, or I like to do both if I can. That is not saying, "I have called every gold star family." You are changing what he said.

    Calling him the Pxxxx Grabber in Chief is disrespectful to the office. You show contempt for every Gold Star Family by demeaning their commander and their country.

    Obama did bug Trump associates, he unmasked them, he used that fake dossier to investigate him and get FISA warrants on Trump associates. He spied on them and leaked it to the media. Did you not read any of the news during the election? Are you totally unaware that all of this happened? Or are you okay with violating the civil rights of Americans if it is done by Fuhrer Obomba?
  23. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    You are living under a rock if you have not heard that Obama spied on Trump, Trump associates using surveillance techniques and the powers of the intel community and the FISA courts to unmask and spy on them. It's been all over the news for some time.
  24. Frowning Loser

    Frowning Loser Banned

    May 28, 2008
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    Sen Nunes may be looking for evidence of a FISA request made by the FBI on behalf of Obama but this will never prove that Obama directly set up a live wiretap of Trumps NYC office.. .. The Justice Department signed off that there was no evidence of Trumps Building being actively Bugged. Trump is a bald faced liar. This orange- puke mouth stated that Obama bugged his NYC tower offices. And never provided proof to the American People or Congress when Congress asked him

    "Justice Department: No evidence Obama wiretapped Trump Tower"
    09/02/2017 05:23 PM EDT
    "The FBI and Department of Justice have now sided with former Director Comey and confirmed in writing that President Trump lied when he tweeted that former President Obama ‘wiretapped’ him at Trump Tower,” said Austin Evers, executive director of American Oversight."

    Here's Trump's Tweets:

    "Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism"!

    'I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election'!
    7:52 AM - Mar 4, 2017

    This is a total lie. He had no evidence when he tweeted his claims and when Congress asked him for evidence he gave them nothing because he had nothing. And Sen Nunnes Resurrection of the Obama Wiretap claim will never prove actual live wire taps of Trumps NYC tower. In fact looking into FISA requests won't help. Lying Trump and Nunes have never shown any real basis for Trump's claims of wiretaps to begin with this started with rumors from a right wing gossip rag. What a solid waste of the Governments time. Once again Trumps pathology proves he doesn't have the stability to talk to Gold Star Families let alone run the country.

    ...You stated Obama did wire tap Trump which is insane because Nunes himself is still searching for evidence of that.. There is no proof. His search is dumb and purely as a deflection from the Trump-Rusia investigation. Duh

    Once again a bald face lie on behalf of a sociopath president is not being patriotic. You place an F'd up Trump above truth and the safety of this country.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2017
  25. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    Oh I see. You are taking the term "wiretapping" too literally. He was talking about whatever means the corrupt Obama White House was using to spy on him. He use that term because it was reported that he was witetapped, but he intended it to mean spying in general. We do know that Obama and his crime organization was spying on Trump, the opposition candidate. Obama is the one who is a left wing dictator like Hitler.

    They were spying on them using the intelligence community, which is forbidden, but didn't stop crooked Obama from doing it.

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