Secret FBI document reveals attempt to discredit Martin Luther King as a sexual degenerate

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by Egalitarianjay02, Nov 7, 2017.

  1. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    One of the reasons I started debating racists on the internet was due to a website titled "The Truth about MLK" in which salacious accusations were posted about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. suggesting among other things that he was a communist sympathizer and a sexual degenerate. As I recall one article was titled "The Beast as Saint" and claimed that an anonymous FBI agent discovered through wiretaps that Dr. King liked engaging in sex parties with White prostitutes and that the night before he was killed King was having sex with Russian prostitutes and could be heard screaming "I'm not a Negro tonight" and "I'm f*cking for God!" while beating one of the prostitutes.

    I have addressed these allegations before which qualify as character assassination and as the CNN video above states are unsubstantiated. The website which specializes in debunking Urban Legends have addressed some of these claims.

    Claims of sexual degeneracy are very popular in politics and some sex scandals have been proven to be true which has ruined the careers or public image of many politicians. The Monica Lewinsky scandal surrounding Bill Clinton is a good example. Our current President Donald Trump has been accused by many women of sexual harassment, molestation and even rape after being discovered on a hot mic admitting to getting away with being inappropriate with women. Even Barack Obama was accused of sexual degeneracy mainly by a gay man who claimed he gave Obama a blow job in the back of a limo while he smoked crack and suggested that he killed off gay lovers in his church to cover up his sexual orientation. That man turned out to be a deranged nutcase with a criminal record involving crimes of a deceptive nature but they ended up in the tabloids and many others latched on to them including a Youtuber who claimed that Obama had a sexual affair with Rev. Wright!

    I find the King allegations to be highly improbable, ridiculous and a blatant attempt to ruin his reputation. I don't put it past anyone to be unfaithful to their spouses and since I don't know King's sex history I can't say that he never cheated on his wife. But having drunken sex parties with White prostitutes while beating them and making self-hating, racist and blasphemous comments sounds like a total fabrication. If this really happened the FBI could have easily had King arrested for assault. Instead they sent tapes and documents to his wife with a letter suggesting that he commit suicide before this information was released. That didn't work and shortly after that King was assassinated.

    I personally feel that if such allegations are true and there is solid evidence supporting the claim then it is ok to discuss them but if they are lies making up stories to destroy someone's reputation is a horrible thing to do. Until they provide concrete evidence that any of these claims about Dr. King are true I will not consider such claims a reflection on his character.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2017
  2. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Well, if there was a white politician who had close ties with and hired as his personal speechwriters people who had known long memberships in positions of power in the National Socialist Party but "quit" shortly before joining the guy's staff, I think you'd skip the sympathizer part and call that white politician a flaming Nazi, especially if a picture of the white politician came out of him attending a Nazi Party meeting. Apparently having Marxists write his speeches is what he resorted to after college, for while he was in Boston U he just engaged in massive plagiarism and got away with it.

    I found a source regarding his alleged affinity for white prostitutes, citing a book by Ralph Abernathy, And the Walls Came Tumbling Down, specifically pages 470-473. I haven't verified it, but it wouldn't surprise me. Rumors circulated at the time that he banged Joan Baez among others.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
  3. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    The Snopes article actually directly addresses these claims. There was no direct relationship between the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the Communist Party. Ralph Abernathy never said anything in his book about Dr. King being involved with White prostitutes. He did say that King was a womanizer in the sense that he was charming and flirtatious with women but never knew him to have relationships with White women of any kind and never directly stated he had extramarital affairs but entertained the possibility given his personality, traveling schedule and status as a well-known public figure. King spent a lot of time away from home as did his associates so him getting attention from women on the road made extramarital affairs possible and that's all Abernathy was talking about.

    The rumors about Joan Baez and others were made public in the FBI document. If they are true I want to see come credible evidence. Unsubstantiated rumors are not verified facts.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
  4. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    I said nothing about the SCLC and the Communist Party. The Snopes article addresses that Levison and O'Dell were indeed past members of the CPUSA, thus my point about it. Why would you have multiple such people on staff unless you were at least sympathetic? Again, would you accept if a white politician hired former higher-ups of the Nazi Party and claimed he had no sympathies? Of course not, so there's your answer.

    Clearly, MLK did not find the Communist Party abhorrent in the least. Quite the opposite.

    And then there's this:
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
  5. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    The FBI engaged in a propaganda campaign against King in order to discredit him including claiming he was a Communist Sympathizer. This is similar to the bogus claims about Obama being a secret Muslim and using "photographic evidence" to illustrate the point. After a thorough investigation nothing was found tying King to communist organizations. The Kennedy Administration issued concerns and warnings about Levinson and O'Dell however there is no evidence that King was influenced by communist ideology. This is a case of guilt by association and no I would not automatically assume that a White politician was a Nazi Sympathizer or did not find Nazism to be abhorrent just because someone was employed by them with connections to Neo-Nazis or White Supremacists. If this was unknown to them it's not their fault and if this revelation was made public I would see how they responded to the association before passing judgment.

    For example while I find the fact that multiple members of Trump's cabinet have associations to White Nationalist groups and the Alt-Right I haven't accused him of being a White Supremacist based on those associations. If he disconnected himself from such people or groups I wouldn't accuse Trump of being a White Supremacist. I judge him by his own behavior. Given numerous comments by Trump that are at best racially insensitive and bigoted I am highly suspicious of his insistence that he values egalitarianism. That's based on his own words and actions. I haven't seen any evidence that Dr. King made public statements that promoted communism. People have their conspiracy theories and if they want to be taken seriously they should provide credible evidence.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
  6. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    That he willfully associated with flaming Marxists isn't an FBI propaganda campaign. If the Communist Party abhorred him, he wouldn't have invited these people there.

    MLK didn't disconnect himself in spite of FBI warnings of who they were.

    Also, Trump denounced white nationalists at least as far back as 2000.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
  7. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    They were former members and King made an assessment of their character and actions when he knew them concluding that there was no reason to disassociate with men who were devoted to civil rights.

    The FBI tried to use these associations to discredit King but found no evidence that King was influenced by or supported communism.

    Yes, he did. He even denounced David Duke then he turned around and said he didn't know Duke or know enough about White Supremacists and White Nationalists to publicly denounce them.

    Trump says one thing and does another. He is constantly flip-flopping, contradicting himself and lying. Trump's lies and contradictions are well documented on video.

    The jury may still be out on how racist Trump actually is. I'm interested in The Apprentice audio tapes of Trump using the N-word and making blatantly racist comments.

    When they provide some actual evidence that Dr. King had sex with White prostitutes and beat them I will take them seriously. Right now they are mere unsubstantiated rumors.
  8. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    So basically you're giving them the slide because of a common cause, regardless of the CPUSA's affiliation with the USSR and it's gulag system and history of genocide and mass murder.

    If they existed, they'd have come out a year ago.

    Turned around? You're talking a space of 16 years apart. Trump probably forgot Duke existed.

    Since you don't care about MLK not publicly denouncing Stalinism and continuing his association with them, why is there concern about David Duke? Duke has about 5 followers and they pack into a clown car and show up at rallies and act like morons blaming all the ills of the Western world on teh j00z. The CPUSA was funded by the Kremlin until 1991. Which do you think was a bigger threat? Who murdered more people?

    "A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin
  9. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    None of that has anything to do with Dr. King, his values or his message.

    We don't know if they exist or not much like the allegations of sexual misconduct against Dr. King. What we do know is that the same source who says he has them authorized the release of the tape of Trump bragging about being able to get away with inappropriately touching women. There are ways to make evidence disappear or suppress it. Given what has already been released there is credibility to the claim that there are more tapes. Perhaps if Trump makes it to 2020 without being impeached we'll see more? We'll see. Allegedly the Russians also have dirt on Trump. Something about golden showers with Russian prostitutes. I believe things when I see concrete evidence that they are true. Until then we should just take in to consideration that there are claims being made and given the current controversies surrounding Trump I won't be surprised to see more scandals and revelations.

    Not unless he has serious memory problems. David Duke has been a public figure for decades. Trump is just a pathological liar who will say anything to get votes and support.

    Dr. King most certainly did publicly criticize communism. You were not aware of this?

    "With all of its false assumptions and evil methods, communism grew as a protest against the hardships of the underprivileged. Communism in theory emphasized a classless society, and a concern for social justice, though the world knows from sad experience that in practice it created new classes and a new lexicon of injustice." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    As for David Duke in terms of political influence he is a clown and I have never believed that White Nationalism has any hope of gaining political acceptance in any first world nation. However when it comes to domestic terrorism and hate crimes the racist propaganda of White Nationalists is very serious. Hate crimes are on the rise since Trump got elected. White Nationalists feel emboldened by his election because of his bigoted comments and policy recommendations. I don't believe Trump is a White Nationalist or will turn America in to a White Nationalist state however he has catered to White Nationalists because he knows that many of his supporters among the far-right are racists. He's not forceful in denouncing them and tries to pander to them. His attitude is encouraging racists to act out and people who support White Nationalism and admire David Duke are prone to become violent. I'm sure we haven't seen the end of these mass shootings and some will be racially motivated. The Republicans aren't making an effort to do anything about this. Unless they crack down racist propaganda on the internet and gun reform there will be a lot more violence from racist White people.

    [​IMG] - Hate, harassment incidents spike since Trump election

  10. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    And he still knowingly associated with longtime Stalinists. You wouldn't be here talking about someone's "values or message" if that person was white and had Nazi companions.

    Wow, you seem to believe every anti-Trump story that comes out there.

    If the Trump tape was legit, it would have been released a year ago. You fell for a pre-election hoax.

    Public figure? He's a fringe loon with a small following who seems to get most of his scant TV coverage during election years, when the Dems are trying to rile up fear to drive people to the polls.

    He had his disagreements, but he continued to associate unrepentant with Stalinists and did not denounce or distance himself from them. Actions speak louder than words, always.

    Depends on what you define as "white nationalism." European nationalists reject the idea of white nationalism as they see it as an American - or what they call colonial - ideal which does not sit well in a continent like Europe whose inhabitants don't want to lose their national, ethnic, or linguistic character. And European nationalist movements are predictably gaining in popularity in light of mass migration and demographics projections, and there's nothing wrong with that type of nationalism.

    Uh no, actually Muslims commit the largest rate of terrorist acts in the US hands down. The New America Foundation's terrorism study showed that over 90% of post 9-11 terrorism has been from Muslims, be they US-born or immigrants. 399 by Muslims and 22 combined by non-Muslims and unknown.

    That is especially striking because Muslims are about 1% - if that - of the US population.

    This is rubbish. Your data is based on the admittedly-biased SPLC. They set their own definitions and criteria. They don't even adhere to a standard.

    If you look at FBI data, you'll see that blacks are the single largest per capita group of hate crime-committers in the US.:

    Law enforcement agencies identified 5,814 known offenders in the 5,928 bias-motivated incidents. Of these offenders, 52.4 percent were white and 24.3 percent were black or African-American.

    Whites are about 63% of the US population and blacks are 13%.

    If that isn't cause to claim there's something wrong with black people, then there's certainly no cause to claim there's something wrong with Trump supporters.

    Many? Prove that. Any "catering" he does to white nationalists is incidental. He wants lower immigration levels to protect US workers - something recommended by the Barbara Jordan Commission in 1997. He's also renegotiating or withdrawing from trade agreements that are unfair to the US and screw US workers. The political establishment teaming with corporate interests and offshoring millions of formerly good-paying union jobs is why Trump got the Rust Belt from the Democrats.

    As opposed to MLK's legitimacy in spite of his not denouncing Stalinists and keeping them in his company? This is a clear and obvious double-standard. Again, who murdered more people? Stalin or "white nationalists"?

    What attitude? That he had the audacity condemn violent Marxists as much as he did the KKK in Charlottesville?

    Where were you when black nationalists and the NBPP supported Obama? You remember Farrakhan heaping praise, right? The Detroit City Council invited Farrakhan to speak in their chambers, and they met him with a standing ovation and received zero media time or condemnation for it. Imagine if a City Council in a heavily white city invited David Duke...

    How about all these police ambushes that kept happening after the media whipped up stories about cops and black males (nearly only during election years) which were followed up by sweeping condemnations of law enforcement by both Obama and Hillary? Something made those many cop killers feel emboldened.

    And since whites commit far fewer hate crimes than blacks per capita, it's quite clear that the "violent white nationalist" bogeyman is largely a figment of the New Leftist imagination.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
  11. Lil Mike

    Lil Mike Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Who in Trump's cabinet have associations to White Nationalist groups?
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  12. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    MLK Jr. is a Godlike figure to Liberals and Leftists. There is enough evidence of his sexual conquests, that even you don't doubt that he was unfaithful.

    As a supposed Christian minister, even one affair would be enough to be kicked-out of his "ministry." However, MLK Jr. should be viewed as by fellow Leftists, such as yourself, as a fellow Leftist/Progressive/and possibly Black Supremacist---which therefore allows virtually any kind of sexual activity outside of marriage among your own.

    Why would you even think these allegations would "ruin his reputation?" This is just the way people act in: the NBA, Hollywood, the LGBT community, and especially the Democrat Party.
    Empress likes this.
  13. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    There is no concrete evidence that Dr. King was unfaithful to his wife. Only unsubstantiated rumors. Even if they were true that should be between him and his wife. I would not judge King harshly for cheating on his wife any more than I would many other public figures including John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. I don't care if he had sex with prostitutes. If he beat beat up women in his hotel room that is a serious crime and he should have been arrested if that were true. Until there is actual evidence of these claims I won't take them seriously and if you were a reasonable person neither would you.

    As far as his reputation being ruined is concerned the FBI certainly thought these claims were scandalous enough to encourage King in a threatening letter to commit suicide before his "filthy, abnormal fraudulent self" gets exposed. Why are King haters so obsessed with these blatant attempts at character assassination? The man is already dead and has been so for many years. We have a President in the White House who has bragged on a hot mic to inappropriately touching women and been accused of sexually assaulting them including raping a 13 year old girl. Where are your posts providing links to those stories and using them as a basis for judging him?
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
  14. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Trump was just talking trash---<Mod Edit> MLK Jr. was very likely actually doing all kinds of bad things women. But he gets a free pass.

    Worse than MLK's sexual problems, was his undeniable association with Marxists.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2017
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  15. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Explain your stance that Martin Luther King was "very likely" doing bad things to women but Donald Trump was just talking trash. No women that I am aware of have ever reported King to the police for physical or sexual abuse nor spoken publicly. These are rumors put out by the FBI that was run by a man obsessed with discrediting King as a sexual degenerate with allegations that have never been proven and easily could have especially given the racism in America at the time. Black men could easily be killed by lynch mobs back then never mind going to jail for having inappropriate sexual affairs with White women or beating them and King was not immune to racial violence or injustice.

    On the other hand Donald Trump was caught on a microphone when he didn't think anyone was listening bragging that he could get away with inappropriately touching women and then women came out on video alleging that he was not only inappropriate with them but molested them and even raped under age girls. Those are serious crimes that can get you prison time and registration as a sex offender. And no, excuse me, I have never "talked trash" like Donald Trump in the sense of boasting that I have molested women. That is a slanderous accusation and I'm going to ask that you retract that comment or you will be reported. I've never done that and if you think I have you can private message me the comments you think belong to me. I have said offensive things to people in flame wars that were saying offensive things to me of a violent and sexual nature but never, even as a joke, said that I have molested women. You're entering dangerous territory with these claims. If you're not talking about the internet you don't know me in real life and have no basis for saying I have "talked the kind of trash" Trump has talked.

    You're the one giving Trump a free pass and have no evidence that King did anything sexually improper that the FBI accused him of. Also I think beating women is a lot more serious than knowing people associated with the communist party who weren't proven to have influenced King to commit any crimes of any kind. Empress has accused me of a double standard but no, if we use Trump as an example merely associating with someone who is a Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist or White Nationalist without having any criminal involvement in their ideology is nothing compared to being accused of beating or raping even one woman. White Supremacists killed many MANY more people than Stalin's regime in the history of the world if you want to go in that direction.

    I don't limit the crimes against humanity of White Supremacists to the little hate groups of modern White Nationalists because they have ideological forebears who are responsible for some of the most heinous atrocities in history including the genocide of Native Americans, chattel slavery of Black Africans, the Holocaust orchestrated by Nazi Germany, the sterilization of people deemed racially inferior by American eugenicists, and every racially-motivated lynching and act of terrorism that resulted in death in America and all over the world. They are all connected. When you use the symbols of hate that represent these atrocities (e.g. Confederate Flags, Swastikas, KKK imagery, racist usernames or racist symbols such as 1488 etc.) you are associating yourself with a school of thought that has been used to justify all of the atrocities associated with it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2017
  16. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Its so funny to me that all these old white womanizers were so concerned with MLK's womanizing.
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  17. rayznack

    rayznack Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2013
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    It's crazy he ripped off his own phd advisor and they still gave him the degree because 'racism'
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  18. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    It should be enough of a red flag that MLK's advisors were not only Communists, but longtime members of a Stalin USSR-funded political proxy in the United States: The CPUSA. The CPUSA was a Moscow-funded party until the USSR's demise in 1991.

    In the 12 years that Stalin was the head of the USSR, he racked up about 30 million victims.

    MLK said nothing and he did not refuse to associate with Stalinist agents in spite of his knowing their backgrounds.

    But apparently we should be looking away from that because MLK wanted to desegregate toilets, which is far more important. Or something.

    Just wow.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
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  19. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Because if Boston U did the right thing, people would cry racist and start burning **** and threatening to kill the entire staff and faculty of that university. It's better to just give the mob their way even if it only encourages more of the same violent behavior.
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  20. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Yes I get it now.

    The only laundry list of grievances you care about is one by the US government and those you vaguely term as "white supremacists."

    Stalin and his goons wiped out some 30 million and you're here holding up MLK and his Stalinist handlers as moral examples for us. MLK associated with those people while Stalin was actively slaughtering millions.

    But wait! "Racist usernames, KKK imagery."

    "Associating yourself with"? Meh. If associating oneself with Stalinist genocide is a non-starter, why should a "racist username" be?
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
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  21. Egalitarianjay02

    Egalitarianjay02 Banned

    Apr 21, 2014
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    King publicly condemned communists. When have you ever publicly condemned White Supremacists for their atrocities? How can you expect me to take you seriously when you claim that King was all about desegregating toilets? This thread is actually about the allegations of sexual misconduct against King. If you acknowledge that these claims are unsubstantiated there isn't anything else to discuss.
    Margot2 likes this.
  22. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    No, he disagreed with them while refusing to stop associating with Stalinist agents. You're here accusing Trump of half-assed condemnations while he allegedly continued to associate with certain people, and here you are dismissing the very same with MLK and his Stalinist handlers.

    You're saying that genocide of 30 million is a non-starter in light of that you like MLK. You're also saying a little verbal slap on the wrist justifies the relationship between MLK and Stalin's government.

    <Mod Edit>
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2017
  23. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    I've said vulgar and trashy things, crude jokes and so forth as a younger guy. Not anything anyone took seriously. This is common for most younger guys I've been around over the years. Perhaps you are some sort of super-pure person that has never, even as a kid, said anything improper about anyone else. That's what I'm talking about. Not implying you rape children---geeeesh! So, if you are really innocent of saying improper things around other guys---then I'm sorry.

    You are convinced Trump is the devil, and a child rapist/White Supremacist. No one's going to change your mind. You also seemed convinced that MLK Jr. could not have been the serial cheat that has been hushed up for years:

    Your views on history are quite a joke, not based on facts. The greatest butchers and killers of people in living memory have been Communists:
    According to a disturbingly pleasant graphic from Information is Beautiful entitled simply 20th Century Death, communism was the leading ideological cause of death between 1900 and 2000. The 94 million that perished in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe easily (and tragically) trump the 28 million that died under fascist regimes during the same period.
    Empress likes this.
  24. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Not trolling. King's handlers were agents of the USSR via their high-ranking positions with the CPUSA. Deflecting to personal attacks isn't a defense of MLK's unrepentant alliances with the bloodthirsty, genocidal Soviets.

    Unfortunately, I had to excise part of your post that was a violation of the rules here, but besides that it takes quite a leap of the imagination to equate "holocaust denial" with supporting a guy with unrepentant associations with a government that murdered over 30,000,000 human beings. That's a VERY weak attempt at moral equivalency and deflection.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
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  25. Empress

    Empress Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2014
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    Sadly, agendas often take the place of a willingness to address the truth as it is. Some people have such deep-seated issues with prejudice and confirmation bias, that they blindly believe every negative story about someone they hate is 100% true.
    Greataxe likes this.

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