Was Constitutional Convention really a Coup?

Discussion in 'History & Past Politicians' started by james M, Mar 16, 2018.

  1. james M

    james M Banned

    Jul 10, 2014
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    It mostly was it seems. The Articles had been a huge success at limiting central govt. They contained amendment procedures, to amend the Articles, but every time the liberals tried to use them to expand the power of the central govt they failed. That is when they finally gave up and went outside the ratification process and subversively called their own convention. Who showed up? Liberals who wanted to expand the power of central govt. As soon as the conservatives saw how dangerous the new Constitution was [ Jefferson and Madison, mostly] they formed the Republican Party in 1792 to fight against liberal big govt, and Republicans have been carrying on the battle ever since.
  2. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Not quite a "coup" because The States had to approve their unauthorized, Constitution.

    The Articles were patterned after the Dutch system of confederation but,
    the Dutch were much more cooperative working with one another than the various States were.
  3. james M

    james M Banned

    Jul 10, 2014
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    very much a coup because because it was ratified on liberal lie that Constitution would keep govt small.
  4. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Still no clue! Jefferson and Madison were Liberals. The Article of Confederation were a miserable failure that many of the states refused to fund. So the solution was to instill a government with the power to steal. But why do one vice when you could add lie, fraud, and murder at the hands of psychopaths, you call it a constitution. I prefer to call it what it is, a document of equality, not in freedom but in abject slavery. (sorry, here I go using those big words again)

    And for your edification, I know a futile effort but there are others here, Jefferson was in Paris during the convention. If in doubt, try reading why you are trying to use for justification. It is only four little pages, a little over 4500 words. At the end, their are signitures, Jefferson is not among them.

    John Blair and James Madison Jr. are the delegates from Virginia, no Jefferson. And by the way, Madison, at the urging of Jefferson from Paris, wrote one of the drafts.

    And the red and blue teams have been putting it to the people ever since.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2018
  5. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Actually their is no such lie in the document at all. I know words mean little to you but then words are used for communication. Words without meaning are babble, not communication.

    The constitution (I prefer Lysander Spooner's moniker, the constitution of no authority) is a document written in a legal style (open ended) establishing a trust with enumerated powers defining the powers of the trust.

    More than 50% of the delegates at the convention were lawyers.

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