Doctor Who? ( Put It Out of Its Misery!)

Discussion in 'Media & Commentators' started by Monster Zero, Sep 4, 2011.

  1. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Pfff !​

    Nobody is watching ...​

    • 3.75m (UK overnight figures)

    And if you call that convoluted crap "a plot"
    I feel bad for you.

    The Master is / isn't a woman, Cybermen who
    are / aren't a threat, just standing around ? :roll:

    EEEGADS - The Master is an ugly old spinster, how frightening !

    Just try reading thru these lame stories ,the producers,the cast,
    and crew, hate the genre and Doctor Who - isn't it obvious ?


    Series 10 finale


    Try watching the Colin Baker era in Revelaton of the Daleks

    ... now that was a classic !

    Last edited: Jan 14, 2018
  2. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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  3. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I stick to classic Doctor Who, incarnations 1 thru 6 - just watched Unearthly Child again. (1963)

    The difference between classic Doctor Who and the new one is:

    (aside from new Doctor Who horrid acting)

    The classic Doctor Who stories actually make sense - for example:

    Matt Smith, Capaldi have no charisma, but rely on momentary classic Who scenes, plots, and confuses the audience w/ 3 time streams and endless flashbacks, to draw fan interest.

    New Doctor Who has entire 45 min. episodes without action, but soap opera sentimental crap,played to elevator music - almost like Doctor Who for girls.

    Monsters barely ever mobilze. They're merely window dressing back drop of romance or emotionalism human relationships.

    Where are the shootouts, chases and battles? The monsters dont move fast like Destiny of the Daleks w/ Tom Baker.


    ( The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang )

    Sonatarans, Daleks, Cybermen onscreen for a minute, but schmalthzy drawn out wedding plot ? What ?


    Why does the Master ( as Missy ) bother to disguise but tells Capaldi who she is ?

    ( Death In Heaven / The Doctor Falls )

    There's a dozen Cybermen after Capaldi but only one fires a shot at him. Ludicrous !

    The Master ( as Missy ) plays out season long plots to get Capaldi then changes her mind.

    Doctor lets the The Master be his companion, knowing the Master killed off whole planets.

    Huge expense (80 -150,000 per episode) on TARDIS, ships, monsters lairs only seen by viewers for mere seconds, almost no scenes in the TARDIS

    Loud, fast, dramatic music played to anti-climactic, plodding, over wriiten too slow script.

    Last edited: Jan 27, 2018
  4. bigfella

    bigfella Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    'Classic' Dr Who has issues every bit as big as these, plus crappy special effects. You are also exaggerating the flaws of the new show considerably. I've re-watched every episode that is still available (including stuff that isn't on DVD). I love the show despite its flaws. Sometimes even because of them.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  5. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    The new Doctor Who definately didn't fly with viewers in America, either.

    Sci-Fi Channel stopped showing them in the middle of the David Tennant series. The show must be supported by an audience of British
    teen girls who had a crush on Tennant / Matt Smith. Plus, in Great Britain
    Doctor Who is shown commercial free, as the government run BBC is financed by $100 (pound tax) paid by each English household annually.

    Imagine Americans being taxed $100 a year to watch CNN, MSNBC News lies and war propaganda, like the British are taxed to watch BBC News lies.

    Now that's Orwellian.

    But the way Google, Yahoo, and Bing News now parrot the same news
    and propaganda lies as the big 3 TV networks news shows do:
    Russia fixed the election, obstruct / impeach Trump agenda lies and hype, 9/11 and Iraq both happened as a result of 'intelligence failures,' Bush was really elected, etc.

    Reminds me of the classic Doctor Who Deadly Assassin, where
    the Timelords erase, re-write history to conceal facts from the public.

    Last edited: Jan 27, 2018
  6. bigfella

    bigfella Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    You seem angry & confused. I'll leave you to it.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  7. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    I'll take classic Doctor Who over Hollywood any day of the week .

    Keep watching those retarded movies based on video games or superheroes, and Stan Lee Marvel, DC Comic war propaganda drivel like Batman Iron Man or Captain America. Big Bang Theory endlessly advertises them, and gets paid millions. F__k Sheldon.

    They'll have you dumbed down in a jiffy.Or, you go to a Robert DeNiro movie, a tough guy onscreen, but a big p___y in real life.

    Or perhaps go rent a film by that shrimp d__k Robert Redford, that sell out c__t they always lower the doorknob for, so he doesn't look like a dwarf ! :razz:

    The corporatists hire the Guardian, Telegraph UK, NYT, ROTTEN
    TOMATOES AND SCORES OF big business lackey apologists
    to keep you tuned in to tv, movies, to your i-phone and gps on board computers, people are brain dead automaton consumers walking looking at their devices, American robots un- aware of their surroundings, programmed to spend, convinced Net -fix has value - but the dummy corporation conglomos proved otherwise.

    'Tinsel Town' nothing but stuck up, money grubbing, vain a__holes who can't write, and treat the American people like dumb sheeple to be led around by the nose by their incessant money-worship, vain shallow drivel, and political correctness.


    ( they're all shallow caricatures)
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018
  8. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    "news is something someone wants suppressed. everything else is just advertising"


    in the new doctor who shows abysmal sci-fi show script, some people are waiting in line at a lunch truck when the server exclaims, "did you hear, obama is going to be on the tele to explain his plan to fix the economy," and on the same show, an evil alien is grilling a scientist on the whereabouts of a space travel portal, the scientist exclaims shaking in fear, "i won't tell you if its going to damage homeland security", (cough gag) homeland security in great britian? are the powers that be ever shamed by the broadcast tv fascist dogma? 'Homeland', the unnecessary all seeing eyeball of endless big brother police secrecy, though no one ever understands why, because there is no answer, the reason for constant homage to the State security is merely because big brother says so, and is not to be questioned, and of course, this is the fascist dogma on State TV we are subjected to, but, it is rather sickening the level to which hollywood actors will sell their soul for their high living standard, will give their allegiance to State fascist policies, endless death entertainment, bolster the use for torture in the scripts, and throw morality completely out the window.

    Lights, Camera; Covert Action: The Deep Politics of Hollywood

    False Flagging the World towards War. The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood

    Why is Hollywood Rewarding Claire Danes and Mandy Patinkin for Glamorizing the CIA?

    it was reported that amal clooney, georges new wife worked for a law firm and that she represented as legal counsel for tyrannical government of bharain who has been, with american support, disappearing people, torturing its own ciizens, indescriminate killings and oppression, so you can see how the liberal establishment is knowingly complicit in evil dictatorship regimes, use their connections to propigate false war narratives in film, become 'connected' thru democrat donations, nefarious ngo plots, connected to astroturf state dept think tanks focus groups used to bolster control and globalist domination of the NWO.

    Hollywoods Imperial Propaganda
  9. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    But I'm sure 'Hollywoods Imperial Propaganda'
    is all just a coincidence - aye ?

    By JOE GIAMBRONE , February 20, 2013

    "Hollywood likes to pretend that things aren’t political when they are. It’s that bi-partisan nationalist myth that if both corporate parties agree to cheer for the empire, then everyone cheers for the empire. It’s gotten so bad now that races like the Oscars and the Writer’s Guild screenwriting award are tight contests between one CIA propaganda film and another CIA propaganda film. The first one helps to demonize Iranians and set up the next World War scenario, while the second film fraudulently promotes the effectiveness of state-sanctioned torture crimes.'


    "As for Ben Affleck’s Argo, its sins aren’t so readily apparent. Both films show wonderful Central Intelligence “heroes” acting to further US interests and take care of imperial problems. The Argo scenario is a rescue, however, instead of a hit. The problem is that Iran, a country thrown into a bloodthirsty dictatorship after its nascent democracy was murdered by the very same CIA in 1953, is now the bad guy. There are clearly two sides, and the film takes sides with the people who destroyed democracy in Iran and propped up an illegitimate monarch in order to control its oil and its refineries.

    "So why are Argo and Zero Dark Thirty receiving all these awards? Are the awarding bodies so full of hyper-patriots who believe pro-American films can deceive and demonize with impunity, that they want to send an unequivocal message of support for these practices?

    Is hyper-nationalist propaganda in vogue now?"
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
  10. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    I can't believe this thread! Actually I find it quite depressing. :lonely:
  11. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Life is like being a protagonist in a HP Lovecraft story if you are a life long reader of fiction, nonfiction, and history reseacher like me. The main character will uncover horrors one doesn't expect to find.

    It's like the Voltaire quote: 'History is a lie commonly agreed upon.'

    The bright side is just how great classic Doctor Who (1963 - 1986) was, before the nightmare of Bush/ Cheneys 'War on Terror propagandized and politicized the tv, movies, censored rock music, talk radio, news coverage, etc.

    The actors put so much into great classic Doctor Who that they ad- libbed or like Lalla Ward said, (Romana) that her and Tom Baker re-wrote their lines.

    "We used to have the most awful problems with our writers. Tom and I used to have the rewrite most of our dialogue with the director, usually because it wasn’t right for the parts we were playing. And it happened from the very st art. Our actual rehearsal time, which was incredibly tight, was reduced still further as a result. So the programme was always a heavy workload – we had this responsibility for the show and we were doing so many a year against the problems of a small budget and scripts that we wouldn’t have done without at least an element of rewriting."

    I just watched 'Power of the Daleks' Patrick Troughton first episode, the only surviving footage is in stills -

    Patrick envisioned the Doctor as a sort of wandering 'space hobo'.


    Here are two interviews w/ Susan from the Hartnell era, and 4th Doctor Tom Baker:

    Carole Ann Ford:

    "There was a row at the BBC. “A lot of people did not want Doctor Who to go ahead. The people high up were against putting money into children’s programmes, which is how they considered it at the time.”


    "Still, she managed a mesmerising strangeness. It’s also striking how much of the modern Doctor Who can be traced to those first shows – from the theme tune to enduring ideas about who the Doctor is and why he is travelling. Remarkably, many were made up on the spot by herself and William Hartnell, who played the lead. “Bill and I put together a back story because we had to. You can’t act something unless you know what is behind it. We created the fact that he had done something to annoy the other Time Lords and they decided he had to go.”

    Doctor Who's Tom Baker: BBC bosses were monsters – but I'd come back

    "Doctor Who star Tom Baker has hit out at BBC bosses, saying they were a bunch of "monsters" who were no better than the Daleks. The Mirror reports that the actor, who played the Doctor from 1974 to 1981, said at the launch of the Horror Channel's season of classic episodes: "The monsters on Doctor Who were never so amazing as the monsters on the sixth floor of the BBC. There were some improbable looking people there." The former Time Lord added: "If someone gave me two wires now and said 'You could blow up the BBC' I'd be tempted." But Baker, who quit after falling out with the show's producer, admitted he didn't want to leave: "I was always happy. I didn't want it to stop."

    The best Doctor Who episodes by performer and Incarnation:

    1. Tom Baker
    2. Jon Pertwee
    3. Colin Baker
    4. Patrick Troughton
    5. William Hartnell
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2018
  12. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    DEAD wrong.

    Bill Hartnell was and will always be # 1.

    Bowerbird likes this.
  13. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    The thing is old Star Wars: one side was clearly the strong oppressing the weak, last chance for a dead Jedi belief, corruption is the norm, these are clear themes in old Star Wars ...

    Disney even changed the Stormtrooper masks, which used to look like a death skull mask were redesigned.

    But the way in Disney it was performed, ' the fascist' scene commander ranting as the big ray gun started, was so cartoonish and hammy. I'm sorry but I thought Solos expression after confronting his son was poorly performed, as was Fords lacklustre performance the rest of the way. Solos villianous offspring anger is not at all genuine or explained, not evil enough like Darth Maul, nor new/ sufficient a storyline.

    But back to your original point - the traditional freedom versus fascism argument. I did not answer for the longest time, because I wanted someone else to speak up while the ideas germinated, as Doctor Who (Jon Pertwee era 1970-75) says to Jo Grant, "You've got to stop messing about with your mind once in a while, let something pop in of its own accord." You see - I really did not want to ruin any spoilers of classic Doctor Who (1963-1986) or Star Wars if people hadn't seen them yet. Just like I didn't go deep into Michael Moorcock because they are so magical, and special in their own spiritual journey ways. I'm sure I'm not the only kid here who could relate to his father being Darth Vader.

    Sure, Princess Lea had to be the brave one in 1977, as Han wanted to cut and run, so we all knew women had the strength and superlative qualities - we didn't need the feminist lecture again. Lucas made the characters more humansitic to borrow the psychology term. In Empire, Luke is genuinely terrified on the big screen in the cave at Dagoba kids felt how real it was and why.

    That the establishment deliberately cancels shows and destroys alters/ narravtive plotlines is a fact:

    Judd Apatow "Freak and Geeks' creator said NBC cancelled his after he refused to let the one of the geeks date a cheerleader in the script

    Let's use another example from Doctor Who this time - without giving away plot endings or messages to newcomers to classic Doctor Who.


    When new producer John Nathan Turner took over classic Doctor Who in 1980 it was Tom Baker who was instructed at the outset:

    a) Tom could no longer write his own lines, BBC dictated to him

    b) Baker could no longer use humor ( no jokes were used all season ) John Nathan Turner adsurdly changed the tone

    c) Baker had to work with a file clerk who never acted before (Adric), Lalla Ward (Romana) was leaving, and a deliberately caustic humorless flight attendant was put in place.( Tegan) K-9 was written out all by Nathan Turners hand. No laughs.

    d) Tom Baker was now an international star, a big audience draw, but was offered no raise, the BBC instead cut the budget

    e) Nathan Turner gives Doctor Who a drab maroon new coat and scarf, Tom isn't smiling and laughing anymore - neither is the audience.


    So time passes, the last season drags Tom Baker quits, Peter Davison takes over, the fans go away ...

    ---It was no accident, corporate America wants status quo reinforced - square jawed GI Dwayne Johnson/Gary Cooper ---going to war for King and Country --- just how Uncle Sam wants it scripted w/ planes, tanks, choppers and bombs


    square jawed humorless bore, Dwayne Johnson / Vin Diesel / unshaven scruffy Bond Craig


    Like Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel people think that square jawed humorless characters, and colorless plots like 'Riddick' and 'XXX' are just unmemorable overseas hits sold to 12-15 year old demographics. They aren't. In Chuck Norris who are the villians, Russians and Arabs, in the sequel to 300 'Rise of an Empire' the evil sorcerous Persian dark skinned Assyrians (Obama- Hillarys war on Syria) you think that was a coincidence? it wasn't. Neither was Jack Ryans (Harrison Ford) Tom Clancy had 'friends' in the real CIA.

    Heroes resembling square jawed G.I. Joes, fatigues, Rambos, machine guns unshaven M-16 Daniel Craig an unforgiving, dour faced humorless assassin, and ICE QUEEN JUDI DENCH AS BITCH QUEEN 'M' (M-16) are more' psychotic than the villians. Star Trek Discovery' revives the Klingons ((they drink blood) enemies, Russkies Putin revived as villians on CNN/CBS NEWS who happenedd to be owned by Time WarnerBros, and Paramount film. No laughs plenty of blood and guts, hardware, death.

    Who Owns CNN? or MSNBC? ABC? ( war pigs )

    The mindset Hollywood wants is perpetual fear. At what point was Star Wars VII fun - none. No speeder races, chases, no intriguing prescence or aspect of the unknown. The most they got in were startling noises, blinding flashes, a dark passage with a tentacle, I mean the magic was gone, as were the imaginative aliens, quirking characters and surprises, but most noticably the realism of evil, sneakily impacted on the lives of the protags like the intentional trap of Empire Strikes Back, ... only the Disney cartoony version ...

    here is an interview w/ celebrated Nazi ******** FRANK MILLER of '300' -

    read more:

    So "300" was neocon propaganda after all.

    "A while back I posted a diary which implied that the movie "300" was neocon propaganda based on promoting prolonged war in the Middle East.

    "A lot of you folks on DKos called BS on my assertion and said "it was just a movie" etc etc and that there were no hidden motives behind it. Well, allow me to acquaint y'all with Mr. Frank Miller, the author of the "300" comic book on which the movie is based. Frank believes that in a post-9/11 world we are locked in a battle between good and evil where the West once again is leading the banner of civilization against those Eastern barbarians,

    Behold the words of Frank Miller and the true meaning of "300".

    NPR: […] Frank, what’s the state of the union?

    FM: Well, I don’t really find myself worrying about the state of the union as I do the state of the home-front. It seems to me quite obvious that our country and the entire Western World is up against an existential foe that knows exactly what it wants … and we’re behaving like a collapsing empire. Mighty cultures are almost never conquered, they crumble from within. And frankly, I think that a lot of Americans are acting like spoiled brats because of everything that isn’t working out perfectly every time.

    So by saying that "we're acting like a collapsing empire" Frank Miller believes that America needs to have an empire.

    NPR: A lot of people would say what America has done abroad has led to the doubts and even the hatred of its own citizens.

    FM: Well, okay, then let’s finally talk about the enemy. For some reason, nobody seems to be talking about who we’re up against, and the sixth century barbarism that they actually represent. These people saw people’s heads off. They enslave women, they genitally mutilate their daughters, they do not behave by any cultural norms that are sensible to us. I’m speaking into a microphone that never could have been a product of their culture, and I’m living in a city where three thousand of my neighbors were killed by thieves of airplanes they never could have built."


    Marvel Comics Batman 'Death in the Family' is NEOCON FASCIST DOGMA, Bush- Cheney war propaganda horses__t - Bush Nazi playbook ..

    "Batman follows the Joker to Lebanon, where he and Jason are reunited and foil the attempts of terrorists using the Joker's weapons. After interrogating a woman Jason suspects to be his mother, the duo travel to Ethiopia. There, they meet aid worker Sheila Haywood, who proves herself to be Jason's mother. The Joker discovers that Haywood had previously performed illegal operations on teenagers in Gotham and has been blacklisted as a medical practitioner. The Joker uses this information to blackmail her into giving him the medical supplies her agency has stockpiled in a nearby warehouse. He sells them on the black market and stocks the warehouse with Joker venom which, once set off, will kill thousands of people. Haywood herself had been embezzling from the aid agency and hands Jason to the Joker.

    The Joker proceeds to torture Jason using a crowbar, after which he restrains him and Haywood and blows up the warehouse using a time bomb. Batman arrives too late and both die of their injuries. Traumatized, he takes their remains to back to Gotham and holds a burial for them with his friends. Blaming himself for Jason's death, Batman resolves to continue alone. Meanwhile, the Joker is given a position in the Iranian government by Ayatollah Khomeini and leaves Batman a clue where to find him; the clue leads to the United Nations building in New York City. While waiting for him, Batman is confronted by Superman, who was sent by the State Department and asks him to leave. The Joker is to be Iran's representative at the U.N. and will be giving a speech at the General Assembly ..."
  14. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    ^ sorry, I don't watch those Disney movies so I did not understand what your post was about
    Bowerbird likes this.
  15. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    "news is something someone wants suppressed. everything else is just advertising"


    in the new doctor who shows abysmal sci-fi show script, some people are waiting in line at a lunch truck when the server exclaims, "did you hear, obama is going to be on the tele to explain his plan to fix the economy," and on the same show, an evil alien is grilling a scientist on the whereabouts of a space travel portal, the scientist exclaims shaking in fear, "i won't tell you if its going to damage homeland security", (cough gag) homeland security in great britian? are the powers that be ever shamed by the broadcast tv fascist dogma? 'Homeland', the unnecessary all seeing eyeball of endless big brother police secrecy, though no one ever understands why, because there is no answer, the reason for constant homage to the State security is merely because big brother says so, and is not to be questioned, and of course, this is the fascist dogma on State TV we are subjected to, but, it is rather sickening the level to which hollywood actors will sell their soul for their high living standard, will give their allegiance to State fascist policies, endless death entertainment, bolster the use for torture in the scripts, and throw morality completely out the window.

    Lights, Camera; Covert Action: The Deep Politics of Hollywood

    False Flagging the World towards War. The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood

    Why is Hollywood Rewarding Claire Danes and Mandy Patinkin for Glamorizing the CIA?

    it was reported that amal clooney, georges new wife worked for a law firm and that she represented as legal counsel for tyrannical government of bharain who has been, with american support, disappearing people, torturing its own ciizens, indescriminate killings and oppression, so you can see how the liberal establishment is knowingly complicit in evil dictatorship regimes, use their connections to propigate false war narratives in film, become 'connected' thru democrat donations, nefarious ngo plots, connected to astroturf state dept think tanks focus groups used to bolster control and globalist domination of the NWO.

    Hollywoods Imperial Propaganda


    I'll take classic Doctor Who over Hollywood any day of the week .

    Doctor Who is shown commercial free, as the government run BBC is financed by $100 (pound tax) paid by each English household annually.

    Imagine Americans being taxed $100 a year to watch CNN, MSNBC News lies and war propaganda, like the British are taxed to watch BBC News lies.

    Now that's Orwellian.

    Reminds me of the classic Doctor Who Deadly Assassin, where
    the Timelords erase, re-write history to conceal facts from the public.



    In the new doctor who shows abysmal sci-fi show script, some people are waiting in line at a lunch truck when the server exclaims, "did you hear, obama is going to be on the tele to explain his plan to fix the economy," and on the same show, an evil alien is grilling a scientist on the whereabouts of a space travel portal, the scientist exclaims shaking in fear, "i won't tell you if its going to damage homeland security", (cough gag) homeland security in great britian? are the powers that be ever shamed by the broadcast tv fascist dogma? 'Homeland', the unnecessary all seeing eyeball of endless big brother police secrecy, though no one ever understands why, because there is no answer, the reason for constant homage to the State security is merely because big brother says so, and is not to be questioned, and of course, this is the fascist dogma on State TV we are subjected to, but, it is rather sickening the level to which hollywood actors will sell their soul for their high living standard, will give their allegiance to State fascist policies, endless death entertainment, bolster the use for torture in the scripts, and throw morality completely out the window.

    Lights, Camera; Covert Action: The Deep Politics of Hollywood

    False Flagging the World towards War. The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood

    Why is Hollywood Rewarding Claire Danes and Mandy Patinkin for Glamorizing the CIA?

    It was reported that amal clooney, georges new wife worked for a law firm and that she represented as legal counsel for tyrannical government of bharain who has been, with american support, disappearing people, torturing its own ciizens, indescriminate killings and oppression, so you can see how the liberal establishment is knowingly complicit in evil dictatorship regimes, use their connections to propigate false war narratives in film, become 'connected' thru democrat donations, nefarious ngo plots, connected to astroturf state dept think tanks focus groups used to bolster control and globalist domination of the NWO.

    Hollywoods Imperial Propaganda

    Life is like being a protagonist in a HP Lovecraft story if you are a life long reader of fiction, nonfiction, and history reseacher like me. The main character will uncover horrors one doesn't expect to find.

    It's like the Voltaire quote: 'History is a lie commonly agreed upon.'

    The bright side is just how great classic Doctor Who (1963 - 1986) was, before the nightmare of Bush/ Cheneys 'War on Terror propagandized and politicized the tv, movies, censored rock music, talk radio, news coverage, etc.

    In new Sci-Fi like Godzilla, or Independance Day or even Alien remakes - did anyone notice the military and weapons hardware advertising (product placement ) gets more screen time than the monsters or character dialogue ?

    ( whereas todays movies and shows are busy, gaudy, overly opaque homages to Burtons first Batman blacks, or fleeting green screen or CGI, the sterile deck of the new Star Treks )

    When Mel Gibson / DeNiro get $20 million each to do WAR PROPAGANDA recruiting movies like "MEN OF HONOR" OR "THE PATRIOT" like Robert Redford / Brad Pitt flick "SPY GAMES" - ISN'T THE MILITARY/ ESPIONAGE INDUSTRY ADVERTISEMENT A LITTLE OBVIOUS?



    The sets in classic DOCTOR WHO were beautifully and masterfully designed.

    Look at Keeper of Traken, or the realiism of Genesis of the Daleks bleak battlefield.




    The actors put so much into great classic Doctor Who that they ad- libbed or like Lalla Ward said, (Romana) that her and Tom Baker re-wrote their lines.

    "We used to have the most awful problems with our writers. Tom and I used to have the rewrite most of our dialogue with the director, usually because it wasn’t right for the parts we were playing. And it happened from the very st art. Our actual rehearsal time, which was incredibly tight, was reduced still further as a result. So the programme was always a heavy workload – we had this responsibility for the show and we were doing so many a year against the problems of a small budget and scripts that we wouldn’t have done without at least an element of rewriting."

    I just watched 'Power of the Daleks' Patrick Troughton first episode, the only surviving footage is in stills -

    Patrick envisioned the Doctor as a sort of wandering 'space hobo'.


    Here are two interviews w/ Susan from the Hartnell era, and 4th Doctor Tom Baker:

    Carole Ann Ford:

    "There was a row at the BBC. “A lot of people did not want Doctor Who to go ahead. The people high up were against putting money into children’s programmes, which is how they considered it at the time.”


    "Still, she managed a mesmerising strangeness. It’s also striking how much of the modern Doctor Who can be traced to those first shows – from the theme tune to enduring ideas about who the Doctor is and why he is travelling. Remarkably, many were made up on the spot by herself and William Hartnell, who played the lead. “Bill and I put together a back story because we had to. You can’t act something unless you know what is behind it. We created the fact that he had done something to annoy the other Time Lords and they decided he had to go.”

    Doctor Who's Tom Baker: BBC bosses were monsters – but I'd come back

    "Doctor Who star Tom Baker has hit out at BBC bosses, saying they were a bunch of "monsters" who were no better than the Daleks. The Mirror reports that the actor, who played the Doctor from 1974 to 1981, said at the launch of the Horror Channel's season of classic episodes: "The monsters on Doctor Who were never so amazing as the monsters on the sixth floor of the BBC. There were some improbable looking people there." The former Time Lord added: "If someone gave me two wires now and said 'You could blow up the BBC' I'd be tempted." But Baker, who quit after falling out with the show's producer, admitted he didn't want to leave: "I was always happy. I didn't want it to stop."

    The best Doctor Who episodes by performer and Incarnation:

    1. Tom Baker
    2. Jon Pertwee
    3. Colin Baker
    4. Patrick Troughton
    5. William Hartnell



    Even the awful writer of Tom Bakers final season admits he
    hated Doctor Who:

    Christopher H. Bidmead (1988)

    "Robert Banks Stewart was talking to John Nathan-Turner, who was looking for a script editor. Bob mentioned my name as a writer he’d enjoyed working with, but what he didn’t know was that in the interim I’d been writing a lot of scientific and technical stuff, dealing with computers and gadgetry, which I thought equipped me very well for ‘Doctor Who’.

    “I then had to confess to John and Barry Letts that I didn’t actually want to do ‘Doctor Who’, as it had got very silly and I hated the show. "

    Barry Letts (1989)

    Terror of the Autons

    “When we made ‘Terror of the Autons’, there were big leading articles in several newspapers complaining bitterly about what we’d done. We even had a letter from Scotland Yard about the policemen who turned out to be Autons, saying ‘Don’t do it again’. I think we did go over the top, but when you think of it, the most terrifying things are ordinary things that can’t be trusted. If it’s a monster, it’s a monster, you know where you are. But if a toy comes to life and tries to kill you, it’s not so funny. They kept a very close eye on us a fter that, and we made sure we didn’t do that sort of thing again, although things like ‘The Daemons’ came close to it."
  16. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    here is the rest of the interview with Nazi F--k wit Frank Miller ( started above )

    "NPR: And as you talk to people in the streets, the people you meet at work, socially, how do you explain this to them?

    FM: Mainly in historical terms, mainly saying that the country that fought Okinawa and Iwo Jima is now spilling precious blood, but so little by comparison, it’s almost ridiculous. And the stakes are as high as they were then. Mostly I hear people say, ‘Why did we attack Iraq?’ for instance. Well, we’re taking on an idea. Nobody questions why after Pearl Harbor we attacked Nazi Germany. It was because we were taking on a form of global fascism, we’re doing the same thing now.

    NPR: Well, they did declare war on us, but…

    FM: Well, so did Iraq.

    So basically, Frank Miller has an agenda and that's to draw a comparison between the Greco-Persian Wars with the current War on Terrorism. He believes that Americans need to line up and support guys like Bush 100% because "we are at war" and that, like the Battle of Thermopylae, Western civilization is once again threatened by the barbarians of the east.

    And to top it off, according to the Frank Miller world view, Iraq "declared war on us". That's right Frank, a tiny third world country with internal divisions and sanctions and no-fly zones is tantamount to the threat that Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany posed during WWII.

    And to think so many "educated" bloggers on the typically left-wing DKos all rose up to defend this neocon tripe. You guys seem to think that this movie has no long-term impact, but it only serves to strengthen neocon propaganda. Neocons like Frank Miller understand the value of ideational power....and all of you fell for it."

    link from NPR , DKOS now gone


    sorry for mucking up the page w/ a repost of previous stuff, added 2 interviews for Who fans ...

    but you get my point NeoCons rethuglican warmongers put thinly veiled soldier recruitment messages in their movies - NEVER JOIN THE ARMY, FIGHT FOR PEACE - aye Brigadier ? :applause:


    my own cable company took off RetroTV away from Cox Cable lineup, which shows classic Who ...

    why - it's a free antenna station you know ... I called they lied some BS -- what a--holes

    American fascism is real.


    Roger Delgado - the best Master portrayal EVER ...

    Anthony Ainley was great too!


    now deleted review of new Doctor Who, and why classic Doctor Who was best

    Why "Doctor Who" Has Started to Suck

    By Jake Cook, writer at

    "I love movies and superheroes and sometimes I make funny videos about them

    If you aren't interested in watching the video you can read my thoughts down below:

    Ah “Doctor Who”. What a wild and wacky ride is been for this show. What started out as just some weird out dated reboot of an old, irrelevant BBC kids show, that looked like it’d been thrown together in a weekend, quickly morphed into something that all ages can enjoy. Once it managed to find its feat, “Doctor Who” went off running, taking all its fans with it on one crazy ride through all of time and space, and reminded us of why, all those years ago, the show managed to develop and maintain such longevity. Now, here we are, 10 years since Christopher Eccleston graced the small screens as our sassy Northern Time Lord to only then be immediately replaced the same year by the sexiest, coolest time lord ever, and the show is finally beginning to reveal to us all just why it was cancelled back in 1989.

    Doctor Who has now become a bad show, like really bad too, and we as fans can’t just sit around ignoring this anymore, because it isn’t healthy for anyone to pretend that everything is ok still. We can’t just keep thriving off our nostalgia for the Doctor and how amazing he is. We need more than that and we’re not getting it anymore people. This show use to be filled with complex characters and interesting plots and stories that gave us oh so many feels. Now everything seems flat and boring, like we’re just retreading the same waters over and over again, and we’re not getting anywhere or moving even the slightest bit forward, and a big part of this is the characters we have with us. If you can even call them that, since no one in this show no longer actually has any character or personality. They’ve all become defined by one particular trait or emotion and can never be anything more than that.

    Vastra and Jenny are two characters who feel the need to bring up the fact that they are married ever 5 ****ing minutes. We know, we get it, it’s great, good for you, now how about you try not defining yourselves by your relationships? because I’m sorry to break this to you but being gay is not a personality. Sure it can be part of your personality, but there are other thing that make that up too. You’re a Victorian maid and an ancient lizard creature from earths core with an alien butler who go around fighting crime and solving mysteries, how about we try talking about that instead of unnecessarily fetishising you’re relationship?

    And it’s not just the side characters that are like this. Clara Oswald is one of the worst companions the show has ever had. I don’t care how hot or how great Jenna Colman is, Clara Oswald is completely uninteresting and useless. When she first showed up she was at least a little interesting because she was “the impossible girl”. We didn’t know where she came from or why she kept turning up. Then it just turned out she just jumped into the doctors timeline and saved him from death or some ****, and that’s it. That’s why she is here, to do that. Her entire being revolved around her accomplishing this, and as soon as she did the reason for existing was gone, and now she has nothing. That’s it, all done. She has no purpose anymore, nothing to do in the show. She’s basically a glorified plot devices. She doesn’t do anything in any of the new episodes. She’s completely interchangeable. You could seriously of put any one else in her role and it would of been the same. Even when she’s in mortal danger surrounded by murderous robots who want to steal her organs she’s just like “this is fine, the doctor will save me”. Just because she was right, doesn’t make this ok!

    The companions are so important to the show. Every big moment in the Doctors life that resulted in him undergoing a big character change, happened because of the companions around him. Rose helped 9 to realise that he’s turned into the thing he hated most and because of this he learnt that the most aggressive option isn’t alway the best. That’s important development that carried on throughout the whole series. Now when there’s an interesting moment that looks like it might result in some kind of character development, the very next episode its forgotten about.

    Which brings me to another big problem, the show has now become so allergic to continuity that they aren’t just forgetting things in-between season, now they’re forgetting things in between episodes. It’s like no one on this show actually collaborated or even tried to make things link even slightly. They just picked a bunch of scripts out of a bucket somewhere, changed the names and said “yep! this’ll do!”. Important things that are bought up in one episode are completely forgotten about the next episode, and by doing this they’re robing the characters, especially the doctor, of a chance to grow, and allowing us to become attached to them. Which I can only assume they’re doing ‘cause, we’ve stuck around this long so surely we’ve become attached enough and now they can stop being interesting. Well hey guess what, that’s not how this works. If the characters don’t develop, they become boring and uninteresting. If the characters aren’t interesting and are boring and un-relatable then theres no reason to care about them. If I don’t care about them, then I don’t care about your show, and by pretending that things that happened in others episodes didn’t happen, and that previously established rules don’t apply anymore, then there’s nothing for me to grab onto in this show, and theres no need to continue watching!

    They’re clearly getting desperate for ideas now, since the episode “Into the Dalek” was essentially just a retread of the episode “Dalek” from season 1. They even stole the line about being a good Dalek. Didn’t think I would notice did you? well you know what? I did! And also apparently now they can just take any fictional character and pretend that they were real. Shoe horning in Robin Hood like that was terrible, and trying to pawn it off as just a bit of lost history is bullshit! He wasn’t real! Everyone knows this, and a ****ing teacher would definitely know that!

    I haven't even gotten to why the Master being a woman now was so terrible. And no, before all the feminist jump down my throat, it has nothing to do with him being a her now. I’m fine with that, I’m on your side. What I’m not fine with is the way this lead to the character being treated, which was a huge step backwards, when this should of been a big step forwards! and quite clearly the change was only made so that they could take all the gay jokes about the master a step further without making the doctor kiss a man. Because God forbid our hero show any sign of homosexuality or femininity, right? The Master was a fantastic Villain. He was an ego maniac with a superiority complex that desperately what to take over the universe and prove to everyone he was the greets being ever, but the only way to do that was to destroy the doctor. His obsession with The Doctor was one of many layers and it was interesting and compelling to watch. Whereas now, Mistress’s motivation is because she “love’s” her “boyfriend” so much and wants to prove it too him by doing crazy things that make no sense. She had an absolutely brilliant and unbeatable plan and she gave it all up just to make the man she loves happy. The Master has gone from being a criminal mastermind and the Doctor’s answer to Moriarty, to just some crazy stalker ex-girlfriend. That’s super diminishing to character, and to make it even worse nows he’s (sorry she’s) just another poster child for why female sexuality is dangerous and evil, and why with out men in their lives controlling them women will destroy us all. It’s maddening to watch. Oh and also, this is a visual medium so how about instead of just having Master, sorry, Mistress tell us every 5 minutes about how crazy and evil she is you just show us how crazy and evil she is. The thing about most crazy people is they don’t know they’re crazy, so having her running around yelling “I’m so banana’s!” is pointless, annoying, and juts bad writing.

    That is what’s truly disturbing about this. Is how quickly the writing has gotten more noticeably bad in recent times. I mean, I think people have to admit that Moffat wrote some good **** back in the day. But the thing is, everyone still seems to think that everything going on in doctor who is fine. We’ve gotten so comfortable with the show and ignoring its plot holes that we’ve become too comfortable, and we’ve allowed the writers to get lazy and it’s not ok anymore. I’m sorry doctor who but you’re show just isn’t doing it for me anymore. Your time is up, and you need to move on just as the rest of us do."
    Last edited: May 13, 2018
  17. Supreme Allied Condista

    Supreme Allied Condista Member

    Feb 23, 2015
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  18. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    I was a huge Doctor Who fan, at least with Doctor's one through seven with Tom Baker being my favorite. But I certainly don't like the one hour episodes which began once Dr. Who returned. Dr. Who lost something, at least my interest in watching. I recorded on VHS the first seven and I still put them on and watch them. Not the newer doctors.

    Now it seems Dr. Who has resorted to gimmicks. A woman doctor. So be it, if it works fine, if it doesn't, perhaps it is time to end it.
  19. Moonglow

    Moonglow Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    Doctor Who? ( Put It Out of Its Misery!)

    That is what I said in 1980.
  20. bigfella

    bigfella Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    The new doctor is great. Of course, I liked the last one, who was apparently quite unpopular. The 'new' Dr Who has been around for a while now and it is getting a bit tired. Many of the talented people who revived it have moved on. It is still enjoyable, but not the 'must watch' TV it was a few years ago. I wouldn't be shocked if they kill it in the next few years.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  21. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Bill Hartnell ~ GREATEST Doctor:


    Robert Delgado ~ greatest Master:


    K-9 Greatest Companion:


    Dalek - Greatest Villain:

    Derideo_Te likes this.
  22. perotista

    perotista Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2014
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    Yes, writers and other folks do tend to move on. Perhaps it becomes old to them? Perhaps in the first seven doctors, they took an hour and a half to two hours, more or less each episode a move which gave them time to develop the plot and any new characters which appeared. The one hour time frame, actually 45 minutes or so once commercials are excluded doesn't provide that time needed to give your story the depth the first seven doctors had.

    It's like going from a slow, lead up, foreplay and more to a sexual experience to wham, bam, thank you ma'am.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2018
  23. The Sentinel

    The Sentinel Active Member

    Aug 3, 2014
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    I started watching Doctor Who when I was about six years old when it was being played PBS. Later I watched every single episode, from 1963 to present. I have to agree with the poster who said nothing even comes close to the quality of the original run, produced by Verity Lambert from 1963-64. Since then, the show has had it's ups and downs. The show was almost canceled towards the end of the first and second Doctor's runs. If it had, we never would have gotten Tom Baker's Doctor (who also had some bad seasons, as most people would admit).

    The new series has clearly been stuck in a rut for the past 6 years with Moffat's pointless runaround with no intended endgame. I'm still glad we got to see Peter Capaldi play the Doctor, even though the writing was mostly terrible. Why would anyone want to cancel the show just as we're getting out of that rut?
  24. bigfella

    bigfella Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I think you might be viewing the original Dr Who with slightly rose coloured glasses. For a lot of its history it was cheapo kids TV banged out at a rate of knots. I watched it as a kid and have watched the old ones as they are re-released on DVD. I still love it, and some of it holds up remarkably well. Quite a bit does not.

    Everyone remembers the great serials - the peak Pertwee/Baker ones when they had top notch writers and producers. The quality of the Hartnell, Troughton & Davidson serials are patchier, and the Tom Baker & McCoy stuff rarely gets above mediocre. Some of those 90-112 minute serials (episodes were only around 22 mins) used every minute well and developed great story lines. Others were blatantly padded (ooh, more corridor running!) and repetitive. Some of the longer Hartnell/Troughton serials could have had up to half their length cut without any loss of quality.

    The new doctor is a different beast. Fewer episodes per season (though similar screen time per season to the old 26 episode seasons) & aimed at adults who grew up on the originals. I like the more adult approach to the Doctor, his internal life and his relationships with others. I have liked all the new Doctors, including the latest. I honestly think the best of the new show matches the best of the old. There have been some brilliant ideas, some great writing and some great acting.

    However, all TV shows have a point at which they become stale. The new doctor is a bit of a breath of fresh air, but she will live or die in part on the quality of writing she gets to work with. I think a lot of the good ideas have already been used up. Sadly some people with agendas to push will end up blaming the choice of a female Doctor for problems that have been apparent for a while now. So it goes.
  25. Monster Zero

    Monster Zero Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Actually, classic DOCTOR WHO (1963- 86) predicts future shock events quite well ...

    the Cybermen


    now read this GOOGLE GLASS at wikipedia


    "The basis of Brain Power is to create a classroom that would be wearable, using the Empower Me[81] software. The trial is based on self sufficiency and focuses on "skills including emotion decoding, eye contact, speech, conversation skills, behavior and self-regulation, avoiding stress and meltdowns".[82] A category formation tool on this device, which rewards autistic individuals for properly labeling images that are shown to them. These could include images such as an apple or various animals. Another tool for these images could be a consistent image that represents a calm or soothing emotion, while could result in stress levels decreasing. Many families have had positive experiences with this technology, but has not proven to be a permanent solution for any trial member."

    Google Glass

    google is the evil empire
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2018

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