Are YOU Brainwashed - under the influence of mind control

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Giftedone, May 21, 2018.

  1. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    See above!!!
  2. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    After throwing out nothing but insults and false narrative you then comment .

    Certainly this describes your world well.
  3. a better world

    a better world Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2016
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    By the 1970s and 1980s, the auto industry suffered setbacks that further impacted Detroit. The industry encountered the rise of OPEC and the resulting sharp increase in gasoline prices. It faced new and intense international competition, particularly from Italian, Japanese and German makers. Chrysler avoided bankruptcy in the late 1970s, but only with the aid of a federal bailout.

    Your turn to present some (substantive) facts and demonstrate why Moore was not maligned by the author of the originating post; (given the relation between perception and reality, I presume we are on topic].

    [Re perception and reality: I see your attachment to Spooner, and his noble ideal of man creating his own employment, surely an obsolete ideology in the industrial and post-industrial ages.....although indeed this ideology may well come into it's own, when machines are producing most of the resources needed for human well-being, provided we have global oversight of national trade and finance systems at such time, to avoid...…..anarchy!]
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  4. Liberty Monkey

    Liberty Monkey Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2018
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    I don't think I'm brainwashed after 5 years living next to a 24 hour McD's drive Thru I'm not loving it any more no matter how many times I see the advert.

    We shape our minds by the data we absorb, if you only watch Fox News or MSNBC you will have very different views of the world. Tools are being used to manipulate us even if it's not quite brainwashing. Advertisers know more about brainwashing you than MK Ultra guys ever did lol. This makes sense when you think about how many decades now they've been at it and how many billions have been spent. What worries me most is the "brainwashing" is 95%+ Democrat. What has attracted me to Republicans is the willingness to discuss rather than shut down a topic. Without true free speech (Including it's consequences) there can only be an illusion of free will.
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  5. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    And it's called neuro-linguistic programming.

    "Neuro-linguistic programming is a way of changing someone's thoughts and behaviors to help achieve desired outcomes for them." And it works by repeatedly regurgitating what they want us to believe. The most recent example is the Skripals.
  6. logical1

    logical1 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    If you watch the MSM you are indeed brain washed.
  7. a better world

    a better world Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2016
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    Moving along….

    Ignorance is a choice?
    Not really, opportunity to learn is also a factor.
    "Brainwashing is but indoctrination so readily accepted by the ignorant"
    I can agree, except that ignorance is not always a choice, especially if ideology is being taught, instead of the ability to think.

    Well after all that I now understand your statement that humans are dumber than animals, but I would warn that such statements are contrary to normal usage.

    "However, a main insight from computational neuroscience is that neuronal processes can be shared by distributed neuronal assemblies so that it would be inaccurate to label one area with one function—because the function is, in fact, distributed over many areas—and each area could, in principle, carry a multitude of neurons belonging to different neuronal circuits with different functions"

    "In humans, the neocortex is the home of our complex cognitive, linguistic, motor, sensory, and social abilities. The neocortex gives us considerable flexibility and creativity in adapting to a changeable environment. Cortex functions to socialize and control expression of emotions that originate in the limbic system; cortical appraisal of situations is also necessary for a more nuanced emotional repertoire than is possible based on the functioning of the limbic system alone."

    In other words the cerebral cortex gives us the capacity to be self-aware and resist instinct, in situations where this is desirable. The creation of the UN itself, a visionary* human endeavour (though flawed), was an example of this ability to over-ride instinct; at the dawn of the nuclear age, men recognised that the unfettered operation of raw instinct could lead to the destruction of all life on earth. (*Trump once praised this 'vision', but lacks attachment to the concept of co-operation, and so will not act to improve its effectiveness).

    That men were fending well without technology, in the stone age?


    You chose to ignore my substantive point, and hide behind a "strawman" (from my reading of your interactions with other posters, playing with words is a favourite activity of yours, but I am patient...).

    The substantive point was: "I have the possibility of experiencing joy. Further, I acknowledge this possibility (to experience joy) applies to all human beings". Can you elaborate on how this construction demonstrates my incapacity for "free thought"?

    That's right.

    Are you are black-letter lawyer? (That would explain the word-play). Actually I'm exploring veganism, but that is beside the point. Albert Schweitzer described his spiritual journey, reaching beyond Christianity to an all-encompassing reverence for life.

    Once again you have not refuted the substance of my argument ie natural law manifests as (inter alia) " behaviour driven..... by the instinct to survive. The reality of the tooth, claw and predation of this 'natural law' cannot be denied".

    Now you are telling me the consequences of violating natural law, but you still have not attempted to described what is.
    Obviously we have different conceptions of natural law, in any case you have described a law of physics, nothing to do with human capacity to think or create, so it would be nice if you elaborated beyond "being squashed if you jump off a building"....

    There's that 'black-letter lawyer' again. In the big scheme of things we can say we are at the dawn of the space age. But if you experience release by claiming those with whom you disagree are ignorant....well, we are not in court, so I don't mind.

    1. Yes. (but not happy about the 'whim of man' bit; and importantly, reason has power as does instinct.
    2. Yes.
    3. No: as a consequence of desiring increasing self-awareness by countless individuals - I mean liberate; that's part of the great journey of mankind.

    Anyway, have a go at describing natural law beyond what it's not, whether it's immutable, or not subject to human perception etc.. so far it sounds a bit like dark matter, making it difficult to either accept or refute.
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  8. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Well now, are you willing to find out?

    What's the difference?

    Oh good. We can test that at the same time we test whether you are brainwashed or not. Answer this question for me: What country can you think of that either IS communist, or WAS communist?
    AZ. likes this.
  9. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Another subject you know nothing about, does it ever end? But I have noted your tendency to use sociopathic arguments with no support for your replies.
  10. Texas Republican

    Texas Republican Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Aug 10, 2015
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    I'm under the influence of the Founding Fathers, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Gettysburg Address.

    The words espoused by politicians and the media today are just pathetic noise.
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  11. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Wiki, the source built by the ignorant for use by the ignorant better know as:

    There are no facts in what you presented just someones opinion and a misinformed opinion at that. Funny you should have chosen Chrysler because that is where I started my research those many decades ago, the autobiography of Lee Iaccoca.

    Substantive facts like substantive law are neither facts or law:

    As to law:

    As to law, I have argued this with the head county judge and offered to litigate the matter in federal court using 42 USC 1983 as the basis for my actions. Funny how things got real quiet. So I'm confident in the statement, you have no clue what you are talking about.

    So you want to talk around something rather than directly about that something.

    As to your dictate, no. As to whether the OP had a valid argument, no. As to whether you have any argument, no. That pretty much takes care of substantive.

    If I valued your opinion, which I don't, this would still mean nothing. As the old saying goes, it is better to be thought the fool than to open one's mouth and confirm it.

    And after all your crying over false accusations, you finally discovered argumentum ad hominem by committing it. My signature is not part of the subject at hand.

    Mind control, the contention of a weak mind, one incapable of independent thought. The science of psychology because humans are so predictable and controllable. Truth is belligerent because it is not meant to control but to inform.
  12. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    My oh my, another proclaiming to be the savior and not a clue. Disillusioned by their current manifestation of reality, they look elsewhere for relief. A new world, a new meaning, right up to the point of the new disillusionment when they discover the only change was the culture of the players.

    Your mind is not shaped by the data one absorbs but by how one comprehends that data. One news source is really better or worse than another, it is how one comprehends that matters. The mind is like a computer, programmable. Comprehension therefore can be no better than the programming allows it to be.

    To illustrate that point, let's examine one small myth most think of as fact, solid objects. The reality of the matter, there are no solid objects, period. All objects are made of atoms, an axiom. Atoms are up to 98% air, an axiom. Therefore there are no solid objects, a fact. Feeling solid is an emotional experience, not a fact.

    Pretty much the same should be said on the political analysis you offered, a myth. Please explain to me how Repugnicons and Dumbocraps are different or is it all an illusion?
  13. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    "Despite a lack of empirical evidence to support it, Bandler and Grinder published two books, The Structure of Magic I and II, and NLP took off. Its popularity was partly due to its versatility in addressing the many diverse issues that people face."

    I leave the bs to the bsers.
  14. Distraff

    Distraff Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Yup, the people who don't agree with you are all brainwashed. This is just hyper-partisan ignorance.
    Liberty Monkey likes this.
  15. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    One can be said to be brainwashed when one believes watching anything brainwashes you. More to the point on the causation of this phenomena is Dr. Jordan Peterson, a professor and clinical psychologist, and his presentation on IQ. Dr. Peterson was a guest with Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio on YouTube, [video]
  16. thinkitout

    thinkitout Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Actually, brainwashing is a self inflicted phenomenon; one seeks out sources with perspectives that accommodate his or her priorities, and rejects those that do not support self satisfaction. . . . logic, other than rationalization, is not an integral part of this process.

    If this is not the case, brainwashing is simply due to mindless trust.

    Your claim that "brainwashing is 95% Democrat" does not support your claim to be an objective thinker.
  17. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Speaking of giving no support :) - what argument of mine do you think is sociopathic and why.
  18. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Denial, avoidance and demonization of the messenger. Classic signs of someone who is "under the influence"

    Twirling around spouting insults "Ignorance, Ignorance its all Ignorance" with no other material to back up that claim - is not an argument for much.

    What is more nonsensical is your claim that my post was Partisan ? Where does that come from - other than some desperate attempt to label and demonize ?
  19. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Pot is no more harmful than Alcohol. Have you ever tried it ? I used it often in my youth and am way smarter than you ;)

    There is definitely an epidemic in this country .. and epidemic of ignorance.
  20. mbk734

    mbk734 Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Sure there are some smart productive people that smoke pot but the majority are dysfunctional losers.
    The future isn't looking so good if everyone is on drugs. Mexico is waging war on the US by flooding us with drugs and poisoning the minds of young people.
  21. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Not moving along, it's called ignorance, choosing to ignore, see next comment.

    Yes a choice, there are no other factors.

    Nescience vs Ignorance - The context of not knowing.

    Nescience, from the Latin verb nesciere: "to not know because knowledge was absent or unobtainable"

    Ignorance, from the Latin verb ignorare: "to not know even though necessary information is present, because that information has been willfully refused or disregarded. Ignorance carries blame as it was a choice, a willful choice.

    Opportunity is only what you make of it, to willfully ignore knowledge is to slam the door on opportunities face. From your argument I would consider you an expert on door slamming.

    What part of me stating that your argument is based on false premises do you fail to understand? So why would I consider that a warning or other such from you would have any meaning to my reality? Because you probably ignored that offered, let me clarify the issue, I'm not normal, I don't toe the line, I don't take orders and I arrive at destinations using paths of my choosing.

    Why do we need other words when we have the real ones? In other words is just an opinion, one it seems with every post to further demonstrate you have no clue what you are talking about. You're basing your opinion on what your "authority" has readily declared "theory", that yet to be proven. Because you have used false data, none of your assumptions hold water.

    You didn't pass but instead make another uninformed comment. And the way you use language, Stone Age would be appropriate.

    I have already argued substantive. You have no point. You do not understand words especially straw man. The only point you thought you made was based on a flawed reference, so still no point.

    I never play with words. Words are serious. Words dictate the morality of a culture. Only a culture of low morals would endeavor to destroy a language.

    You have no substantive point! You have no substantive point! You have no substantive point! You have no substantive point! You have no substantive point! You have no substantive point! You have no substantive point!

    You seem to be a product of the modern indoctrination system, so I using rote to see if that helps.

    Now as to your non-substantive non-point, can you? I don't see anything but the musings of what seems an easily amused whatever.

    I bet all those ancient Roman guys are all standing in their graves patting each other on the back now that you agree with their language.

    This is totally off topic but I'll humor you. Lawyer, that is an insult but then words mean nothing to you. But do I know law, absolutely but it's not much used today. However, justice is a battle of words. If you don't know words, then you got what you asked for.

    That is emotions, not law, you have no point. You have no point. Repeat after me, you have no point.

    Before one can have a conversation, there needs to be more than one party that can converse on the matter, otherwise it's a dissertation, albeit a short one but dissertation one and the same. I gave you an example of natural law, gravity. Can man change it? Man can ignore it but not the consequences.

    How about the natural law of defense? As you walk through the forest you come upon a mean bear. Hope you bought a gun because otherwise you will suffer the consequence.

    How about rights? Can you finish this one?

    There is but one natural law as there is but one nature. Some call it religion and have spent millennia trying to destroy it. Physics follows natural law, it does not replace it. When physics theorems follow natural law, then they are truth, if not they are false.

    You keep commenting on areas of complex principles without even bothering to understand the basics. If I can suffer through the writing of that mentally diseased Coke, then perhaps you could handle a few lectures by Dr. Jordan Peterson, professor of Psychology and Clinical Psychologist.

    You seem to have a nasty tendency to put labels on all matters you do not want to face and that's downright dishonest. Another's ignorance has nothing to do with me, that was their choice. I am but the belligerent soul willing to point it out. In court out of court, what does it matter? I've told a judge, in court, he was ignorant and offered to litigate the matter on federal premises. Funny how they grant what I want and have to suddenly take a potty break.

    And no matter how many times you repeat something, if it wasn't true the first time, it's not true any other time. The only difference being the ignorant that hasn't a clue but accepts whatever they are told if they perceive the person doing the telling is an "authority" figure.[/INDENT]
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  22. a better world

    a better world Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2016
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    I agree our correspondent 'AINewman' shows these in spades.

    But to your original post about brainwashing: do you consider that the instinct to survive (largely unconscious of course) is a factor that needs to be considered in a discussion about brainwashing?

    For example, Newman claims that "the law of defence" based on the instinct to survive, in effect means that we must all arm ourselves 'to the teeth' if we are to be worthy of life.

    I claim that reason can liberate us from the negative manifestations of the raw instinct to survive , among which is the threat of MAD, in the nuclear age.

    Obviously a discussion of brainwashing, or indoctrination, or perception of reality, will need to consider the influence of the instinct to survive (which Newman calls 'natural law'), in the affairs of men.
    Last edited: May 28, 2018
  23. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Most people that smoke pot do not do so all day long every day- but I know some who do - due to medical issues - and are perfectly function professional and once again .. are far bigger winners than you :)

    Many alcoholics are also productive but - that disease is far more destructive.

    Most people are not "on drugs" .. where are you getting this from.

    Mexico would have no market if Pot was legal. This would take money out of the hands of gangs - save a large amount of money in policing, courts and jail - and free up police time to go after the really harmful drugs such as Meth and Heroin and these other deadly opioids doctors were handing out like candy.

    Pot is no big deal there is concept this nation was founded on called "individual liberty" The Gov't had no legitimate authority to ban pot to begin with.

    The downfall of this nation is based on our Gov't disrespecting the founding principles. Not because of mellow minded pot smokers.
  24. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I have traveled all over the world. In most nations citizens do not have hand guns.

    Our police are so on edge (because so many carry guns) they shoot way too many people. Heck in Britain the police don't even carry guns - (sans in Ireland).

    The fear factor is a major brainwashing tool whether it is religious or secular brainwashing.

    Arming oneself will not do any good if the State is after you. You may be able to kill a few officers in the process but the end result will be the same.

    In the case of the vast majority of other killings - your guns will not help you. In general if one is going to kill another - you do not give that person warning.

    Paranoia deep destroyer.

    Not that there is not reason to be paranoid about some things - like how the Establishment is using propaganda to take away liberty - more this nation towards a quazi totalitarian police state of indentured servitude

    The way to fight this is through education of the masses and through the ballot box. There needs to be a "movement".
    a better world and Quantum Nerd like this.
  25. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Didn't say that at all. Just your interpretation of something you are unqualified to interpret. Before one can use reason, one must first understand the concept. Jumping to conclusions is not understanding.

    Reality is not what you want it to be, reality is what is. An individuals teachability, or their ability to learn by way of being taught by someone else, is extremely dependent upon the open-mindedness or close-mindedness of the individual being taught. Low teachability derives from arrogance and rigid skepticism, but also from naiveté and gullibility. High teachability derives from a balance between healthy skepticism and an open-minded willingness to learn and change. You are the former not the latter.

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