Are they done yet...LGBTQIA

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by slackercruster, Jun 1, 2018.

  1. slackercruster

    slackercruster Banned

    Feb 14, 2011
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    LGB got expanded to LGBT. Then they expanded it to LGBTQ. Now the genderqueer are using LGBTQIA

    Do you think they done?
  2. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    Let em keep expanding.

    That way they'll be too busy arguing with each other over whos the bigger victim than bothering the rest of us with their long list of trigger conditions.
  3. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    If you want to go for the current acronym (it’s quite long) it is LGBTQQIP2SAA

    It’s a fairly encompassing yet confusing mix of letters that bring together various types of sexual minorities and their allies. I understand the point of trying to be as inclusive as possible which is important for groups that were once arrested or murdered for harming no one, simply because they existed.
    Most people have settled on LGBT or LGBTQ for simple clairity sake.

    I agree, I hope we do keep expanding, but we are not playing off who is a bigger victim, we are fighting to wrestle rights away from the groups that have stolen them from us. Looking at the current polls it looks like most are on our side, we just passed the 2/3’s mark and support is increasing every day.

    We only have one condition, equality
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
  4. cerberus

    cerberus Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 17, 2015
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    I'm all for it. Back in the days when it was LGBT, for some obscure reason it always made me think of 'bacon tomato and lettuce sandwich', but LGBTQIA has cured me of it. Hallelujah! Praise the lord.
  5. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    what about this???

    Cisgender- When you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth

    sex (n.)

    late 14c., "males or females collectively," from Latin sexus "a sex, state of being either male or female, gender," of uncertain origin. "Commonly taken with seco as division or 'half' of the race" [Tucker], which would connect it to secare "to divide or cut" (see section (n.)). Meaning "quality of being male or female" first recorded 1520s. Meaning "sexual intercourse" first attested 1929 (in writings of D.H. Lawrence); meaning "genitalia" is attested from 1938. Sex appeal attested by 1904.

    For the raw sex appeal of the burlesque "shows" there is no defense, either. These "shows" should be under official supervision, at the least, and boys beneath the age of eighteen forbidden, perhaps, to attend their performance, just as we forbid the sale of liquors to minors. [Walter Prichard Eaton, "At the New Theatre and Others: The American Stage, Its Problems and Performances," Boston, 1910]

    Sex drive is from 1918; sex object is 1901; sex symbol is 1871 in anthropology; the first person to whom the term was applied seems to have been Marilyn Monroe (1959). Sex therapist is from 1974.

    sex (v.)

    1884, "to determine the sex of," from sex (n.); to sex (something) up "increase the sex appeal of" is recorded from 1942. Related: Sexed; sexing.

    sexology (n.)

    1902, from sex (n.) + -ology. Related: Sexologist.


    word-forming element indicating "branch of knowledge, science," now the usual form of -logy. Originally used c. 1800 in nonce formations (commonsensology, etc.), it gained legitimacy by influence of the proper formation in geology, mythology, etc., where the -o- is a stem vowel in the previous element.

    The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian Hindu text written by Vātsyāyana.[3] It is widely considered to be the standard work on human sexual behaviour in Sanskrit literature.

    A portion of the work consists of practical advice on sexual intercourse.[4] It is largely in prose, with many inserted anustubh poetry verses. "Kāma" which is one of the four goals of Hindu life, means desire including sexual desire, the latter being the subject of the textbook, and "sūtra" literally means a thread or line that holds things together, and more metaphorically refers to an aphorism (or line, rule, formula), or a collection of such aphorisms in the form of a manual.

    Vātsyāyana is the name of an ancient Indian philosopher, known for writing the Kama Sutra, the most famous book in the world on human sexuality. He lived in India during the second or third century CE, probably in Pataliputra (modern day Patna). [1]

    He is not to be confused with Pakṣilasvāmin Vātsyāyana, the author of Nyāya Sutra Bhāshya, the first preserved commentary on Gotama's Nyāya Sutras.[2][3] His name is sometimes erroneously confused with Mallanaga, the prophet of the Asuras, to whom the origin of erotic science is attributed.ātsyāyana

    But to be honest, I do not think that all those 'gender identities' are from the LGBT organization.

    LGB(T) is an acronym for sexual orientation.. Not gender orientation...

    (L)esbians - female
    (G)ays - males
    (B)isexuals - both
    (T)ransgenders - Cross dressers.

    1. denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.

    1. 1.
      a person who emotionally and psychologically feels that they belong to the opposite sex

    Lesbians usually don't swing to Gays or Bisexuals or Transgenders.
    Gays usually don't swing to Lesbians or Bisexuals or Transgenders.
    Bisexuals usually can swing both ways maybe even with Transgenders
    Transgenders usually swing to the same 'sex' but under the opposite 'sex' guise.

    So for a male 'cross dresser' as a woman, or male transgender, he would probably be sexually oriented to Bisexual males.

    A female 'cross dresser' as a male, or female transgender, would probably be sexually oriented to Bisexual females.

    Gays usually don't swing to females but can...

    Lesbians usually don't swing to males but can...

    And then there are the men who have sex with men but do not identify themselves as Gay or Bisexual.

    So all those identities probably are not coming from the LGBT Organization..

    So there should be another 'category'... Males/Females preferring transgenders over males/females.

    There are those that prefer 'animals' also...

    Bestiality is much, much more common than you think
    You might think that bestiality has died out, or that it only happens on farms, or that it's illegal everywhere. You would be very, very, very wrong.

    But you see,,, the whole agenda isn't about preparing the world for individuals with sexual fetishes... But that's what the world is doing.. It is trying to have every other human accept individual sexual behaviors as if those 'small percentages' will be emotionally scarred for life and never live a normal functional healthy life because he or she feels as if he or she is being ostracized from every day persons. And so, to save a person from feeling that way, the world goes on the route of having everybody understand such a person as a 'human being' in need of acceptance and soon, individuals who are not familiar with such persons end up being taken to court for 'discrimination'.

    And you've got countless organizations, professionals, social workers, politicians.. all paid now.. not hurting for living expenses, aiding single individual persons with personal sexual 'desires and preferences' preparing the world, teaching the world, enlightening the world, that those sexual practices should be accepted as a normal human sexual quality that some may naturally posses..

    You've got hundreds of paid professionals and organizations supporting these 'small numbered' sexually 'different' individuals as if anyone who thinks of them as 'different' are the ones who are 'different'.

    Soon, many professionals might begin teaching that a person eating blood straight from a dead rat on the side of the road is just as 'normal' as those who don't.

    If anything, these 'small numbered' individuals feel low about themselves more than feeling discriminated against and so the paid professionals come in and try to 'teach' the general public that they should take extra steps in making them not feel the way they feel.

    In other words, they have not come into grips with their own sexual preferences and 'come out' to the general public... And so they might live 'closeted' lives but when are they going to begin feeling comfortable with their own sexual choice so that the world can stop the need to help them feel more secure in their own desires?

    Why should males and females be robbed of their own comfortability in their own 'skin' for the 'small numbered' individuals when laws and policies are changed and directed so that being comfortable is punishable by law? Besides, since when was being gay or bi or lesbian a crime in the U.S? It might be in other Countries but this is not another country..

    What's even MORE strange is how Heads of States are changing Nations for these 'small numbered' individuals..

    Being 'fired' from your job for saying people who dye their hair should be kept a keener eye upon?

    Some prefer natural...

    If these 'small numbered' individuals want to work but is not being allowed because of their outward apparel, they can start their own small business, right? Besides, why would anyone want to work with others who they find discriminatory? I really really really wouldn't want to go to work everyday knowing I was going to face 'hidden' discrimination, even if I was hired regardless of what the 'law' says needs to be done as far as 'fair treatment' was concerned..
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
  6. reallybigjohnson

    reallybigjohnson Banned

    Jun 23, 2012
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    From a couple of very loud "discussions" I had the privilege of hearing at my uni a couple years ago LGBT is no longer acceptable. You must include the Q or you are insulting..........someone I guess.
  7. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    There are fringe idiots in every group. The loudmouth social justice “warriors” no more represent the LGBT community anymore than neo-natzis represent the average republican.
  8. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    I wouldn't care if my dad was the President.. i still would not want to work in such an environment.. pushing 'clout' like that would only lower myself even more... If my dad was the President, Head of Board, and I was working for his own Business, then maybe I can push a little. How else would the family business stay afloat and the family have enough to eat? Things got to get done properly, right?

    But do you want to hear of a stranger thing in my opinion??

    The fact that the youths of today are being presented with much more same sex sex than if they were 'brought' up in another time frame.. It's strange why there seems to have been a 'boom' in same sex sex all of a sudden after the 70s but not in any other time period.

    Why are kids so interested in 'sex' all of sudden when in the 60s or 50s it wasn't as so but they were still males and females and they still went through the same puberty as the youths go through today..

    What are the differences between the youths of then and the youths of now? What about 'commercialized' things also?

    If 'sex' is the highest earning marketing strategy, 'sex sells', then I guess the children are easily swayed into purchasing.

    And it's no wonder why the female youth population is choosing their own 'gender' over males now days.... the males are becoming more like hogs than dogs..

    go figure... lack of male responsibilities around the house... lack of male duties in school work... lack of male duties except to procreate and sex sex sex...

    husbands are now stay at home husbands while the wife is the one bringing home the 'bacon'. And I don't know alot of women who enjoy eating bacon as much as males do... have you ever seen a woman eat more than 4 strips? It might have something to do with where they come from... 'hogs'..

    Even pork chops... how excited are women when it's pork chop dinner night? They might usually stay with the salads on those nights.

    I mean, really... think about it... how excited do women get when it's 'meat' time? chicken is passable... turkey is passable... steaks and pork chops? maybe too much meat... but because they know their husbands enjoy the 'meats', they cook it up, smell the flesh being cooked, and tend to their husbands' desire to consume 'meats'.

    Here's another way of looking at it... when women are 'single', do they buy alot of 'meat' for their refrigerator?


    Besides, their jaws are not as strong as men's.

    Stop judging on what is 'accepted' by everyone else and start judging on what you know is true and not...

    If you want to be like everyone else.. then go ahead.. but don't think of those that do not as 'less' than those that you choose to associate with.

    1 Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

    The difference between child and man is that children are easily swayed... Men not so easily.. A child cannot live alone... Men can if they choose to.

    The Apostle Paul, the writer of 1 Corinthians, was never married. He lived his life alone.. He traveled alone.. He did things alone.. He had others with him, he traveled with others, he evangelized with others but he knew how to survive alone if he needed to. He didn't 'need' others around him to keep himself 'feeling' worthy.

    why do you think so many youths 'give' themselves away so easily and to 'just anyone'? Because they make themselves feel worthy... not that the other makes them feel worthy.. but because they make themselves feel worthy... after all, the other person has to 'somewhat' like the person in order to boink in bed, right?

    and what kind of 'adult' condones of a young male 'boinking' such a female only to make her feel 'worthy' for a time being and then leave when times come to move on?

    and what kind of 'adult' condones a young female opening her legs up to such males, just because it is acceptable by everyone else.

    It becomes their right when they pay for their own life. Until then, the persons providing has just as much say as they do...
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
  9. delade

    delade Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2017
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    I can't speak for all parents but some would be utterly disgusted if they saw what their 18 or 19 year old son or daughter was doing in college..
  10. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    Oh yes. Stolen rights. What are those again?
  11. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    The same rights everyone else has, marriage was a big one the right is still furious about and are attempting to roll back.

    Several protections are still lacking such as in employment education and housing.
  12. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    If you're "protected" you're not equal. That's not wanting equality. That's wanting to be special.

    Yes the 10% of gay people who got married are now equal. Good for them. Now one of them will lose everything in the divorce but it'll be harder to figure out which one.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
  13. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    How about gay people (most of them anyway) want to be treated as separate from their orientation.

    If the only reason a gay person is fired or evicted they are not being treated fairly or equally to another person without the same characteristic.

    No person should have special rights.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
  14. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    Not true.

    If they weren't fighting for "special rights", they'd be advancing the argument that no one should be discriminated against for any reason.

    The only "discrimination" that should be allowed is that all employees are subject to the same rules and all housing is subject to the same rules.

    Which means, of course, you get evicted when you don't pay your bills or cause problems. Unfortunately, people who don't pay their bills or cause problems like to use their orientation or their skin color as an excuse.

    That's equality.

    If you'd like me to join you in the fight for true equality for all, I'll be the first in line.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
  15. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Whats not true?

    Most gay people only want equality, the loudmouths want special accommodation

    Gay people are not a protected class in most places so I will have to disagree that “gay people use their orientation as an excuse” but I will agree with everything else.

    That’s all any true American should fight for
  16. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    If gay people wanted equality, then their orientation wouldn't be front and center.

    They're simply lobbying for their special interest group.
  17. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Orientation is pretty important in most peoples lives, not just gay people. It determines quite a bit about people; their family, their home, their children, finances, partnership / love.

    If some see a straight couple holding hands it’s just normal or they don’t even notice it but if that same person saw a gay couple doing the same it is suddenly trying to “push an agenda”.

    Lobbying to be treated equally isn’t a special interest
  18. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    No it doesn't. Straight people don't advance some kind of group identity as some monolith.

    Uh no, holding hands is not advancing an agenda. I love how you tried to use something so unassuming though.

    They aren't treated equally. They're given more consideration than someone who isn't gay. That's what being a protected class is all about.
  19. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Straight people were not once arrested for being straight. They are not refused medical treatment because they are straight. They are not discriminated against because they are straight. Gay people have come together out of necessity

    You would be surprised of the number of people that believe hand holding isn’t “pushing it in their faces” and “the gay agenda”. People have been fired for having a picture of their same sex partner on their desk

    How are gay people given more consideration? There is no gay afermative action
  20. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    Sure they were.

    Straight people get arrested all the time, are refused medical treatment all the time, are discriminated against, and everything else a gay person has been subject to.

    Straight people receive complaints for PDA too, even as simple as hand holding.
  21. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Not because of some irrelivant characteristic. Show me one example of someone that was murdered because they were straight

    You are beginning to be purposefully obtuse

    I am not talking about people that complain about PDA irregardless, I’m talking about the individuals that are OK with it or ignore it with heterosexual couples but believe it is propaganda with homosexual couples.
  22. vman12

    vman12 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 25, 2015
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    I'm not being obtuse at all.

    Straight people might not be attacked for being gay, but they can and are attacked for plenty of other reasons. Wearing a MAGA hat, for example, by gay people.

    My point is that it is the behavior people are subjected to, and not the group they belong to, should be the focus.

    Current methods are just dividing people into "whos the biggest victim" groups.
  23. Steve808

    Steve808 Newly Registered

    Jun 1, 2018
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    Seems to me that the LGBTQIA folks are not victims but the aggressors these days (of course not all of them). They seek out "Christian" businesses hoping to find someone who might not want to serve them so they can file a lawsuit. But this is just my personal opinion based on some observations.
  24. Maquiscat

    Maquiscat Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2017
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    The BDSM community got it right. We didn't bother adding in letters as we included others not strictly falling under our letters. For example nothing got added as age players or diper lovers were welcomed in. Heck even the transgendered are considered a part of us in many circles, even though technically not a kink.
  25. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    they will need to include pedophilia as well as necrophilia. It's much simpler to say "sexual deviancy"

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