If you could discriminate, would you?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Ronstar, Jun 4, 2018.


If you could discriminate, would you?

  1. No I would not

    37 vote(s)
  2. Yes I would

    13 vote(s)
  1. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    coolio. do you know what colour/race/ethnicity I am?
  2. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    And the Chinese who were starved during the 20thC. And the Indo-Chinese refugees who landed in a racist west in the 1970s with no English. And the indigenous SE Asians treated like garbage in their homelands by the NE Asian diaspora. And the Filipinos who have worked as indentured 'slaves' all over the world for the past 100 years. And the Indians who've known not much but incredible disadvantage since the Raj. Etc etc etc.
  3. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    There is no difference. We ALL have horrors in the background, but it's what we choose to do with the opportunities available to ALL, which determines our victimhood .. not the flavour of the old horror.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
  4. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Apparently this is too complicated for you.
  5. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Awesome .. trundle out the hackneyed device "it's complex". The great cop out .. beloved of those who will do whatever they can to keep someone down.
  6. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    That was horrible...And if it were today you would be supporting it. And most of the Asians in the United States are not Japanese
  7. BahamaBob

    BahamaBob Banned

    Apr 3, 2018
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    What meaningless racist dribble. Asian fit this mold, Blacks must be this, Whites are privileged. Who thinks up all this BS. I grew up in a mixed race neighborhood and found that no one fits your liberal molds. I had an Asian friend who said teachers all expected him to be smart because he was Asian. Well he wasn't. I had Black friends who stunk at basketball. I had a White friend whose drunken dad beat the crap out of him 4 or 5 times a week for fun. These stereotypes the Liberals try to hang on everyone is just them trying to convince others that they are superior and all-knowing.

    I love it when libs have to go back 80 or 200 years to find an example of some wrong then try to make it relevant in today's world. What I do find confusing is that in the 1800s the Democrat controlled states had slavery. After that was ended, the Democrats passed Jim Crow laws, formed the KKK and committed thousands of horrible acts against Blacks. Why now would any intelligent Black think that the Democrats are his friends?
  8. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Thank goodness there is no racism. Why would black people think Democrats are their friends? Simple...because of people like you who can’t imagine racism and blame the victims of it. People who lack human compassion and can’t comprehend that because blacks aren’t defined as inferior as they were in the south, are suddenly seen as equals .internalized messages ! You take things for granted because you’re a white male. You don’t have to worry about getting picked up by a taxi cab. You don’t even think about shopping in the store being followed. You don’t think that you will get stopped by the police driving a fancy car. White males like to tell women and minorities what they think and how they should act but they have no insights
  9. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    We're not all white, we're not all males, and not all Conservatives. And I agree with him, not you. YOU are the ones perpetuating the 'internal message', not those of us who believe black people are perfectly capable of doing whatever the hell they want - just like all other human beings.
    BahamaBob likes this.
  10. BahamaBob

    BahamaBob Banned

    Apr 3, 2018
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    Typical lib, still stuck in 1950. Those mean Southern segregationists. I have news for you. Here in the south we don't care what color a person is. If you want to educate yourself, Google the most segregated cities in the US. You will find they are almost all in the North.

    It sounds to me like you have paranoia. Earlier you told me you hung around the most crime ridden area of New York and no one ever bothered you. Now you are afraid to afraid to get in a cab or shop. Which statement is true? Who are you afraid of anyway?

    You think compassion is related to skin color or sex? That is a suckers ploy. You need to lay off the Kool-Aid. You are just looking for reasons to claim you are a victim. As for cops. I have three sports cars and a lead foot. I get stopped by cops way too often. When they pull me over, I say yes sir, no sir, keep my hands on the wheel, and do what they tell me. Guess what, none of them has felt the need to use his gun on me or even beat me to a pulp. I figure they pull me over because I tend to speed. You on the other hand would say it is because you are profiled.

    If you want insight, you should talk to the hundreds of thousands of drafted men who where killed fighting our wars. Oh wait, you can't because they are dead. Dead because they got drafted. How many women have died due to that? Yeah, it is always easy to point at the other guy and tell them they are bigots because they haven't walked in your shoes. Maybe you should try walking in theirs.
    crank likes this.
  11. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Yes, it was my Imagination that blacks were defined as inferior human beings for hundred of years,,,,not internalized messages. Lol
    By the way saying everyone is capable of doing what they want is a dumb cliche. In my book, I tell teachers not to say that.
    I want to be a rock star but I am tone deaf.
  12. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Then fight to change the laws that women fight in wars. Most would be conscientious objectors .. remember it was men who fought against women serving in most roles. Blame them, not women
    Women were doing Unimportant jobs like raising families and taking care of the homes (sarcasm alert)
    I do have to laugh that in the south they don’t care about color...like in Charlottesville..??racism is everywhere north and south
    You get pulled over because you speed not because of your race, you’re committing a crime . My friend gets pulled over just to see his ID because he drives a bmw and lives in the Hamptons. He’s used to it.i have been stopped and even argued with cops, but they didn’t beat me like they do to black counterparts for the same things
    What the hell are you babbling about that I’m afraid to ge Into a car or shop?I never said anything so stupid...you just make up scenarios. I didn’t hang around high crime areas, I taught in one my entire career
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
  13. BahamaBob

    BahamaBob Banned

    Apr 3, 2018
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    Gee is that your answer for everything, "It was the men who did it"? Why can't you just tell the truth. Everyone has their own cross to bare. Men get drafted women don't, it sucks. If you are for equality, you should be for all equality not just the ones that benefit you. I know in your world white men are the cause of all evil. It is not some man's fault you are afraid to get in a taxi or shop. By the way here is your quote "You take things for granted because you’re a white male. You don’t have to worry about getting picked up by a taxi cab. You don’t even think about shopping in the store being followed. You don’t think that you will get stopped by the police driving a fancy car." Looks like the stupid part is you say so much BS that you don't even remember what you posted.

    Yeah, every liberal knows scads of Black people who are hassled by cops. Dragged from their cars and beaten senseless for driving in a white neighborhood. Give me a break. Half the cops in a place like New York are minorities. Any cop who hassles anyone is out of a job period. No major law enforcement department will put up with that. Beyond that, how do you know that cops are not profiling me? Maybe they are like you and just don't like rich white men. I am sure if I look long enough I will see a Black person speeding and not getting a ticket. In your world that is proof that I am being discriminated against.

    I think what you really have is "penis envy". They are pretty cool but you can learn to live without one. Millions of people do.
  14. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    YOU'RE the one telling black people they have internalised messages (which prevent them from getting ahead), not me. So who is doing the perpetuating?

    Also .. your only example of self-determination is 'rock star'? Are you actually a 15 year old boy?
  15. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    What isn’t true? Who denied women the right to register for the draft? Who made the laws? By denying that you are the one who is lying or just ignorant of history
    You keep repeating the same silliness. Why would women want to sign up to go to war that they don’t believe in? Perhaps men. Should make this an issue. We don’t want to do everything men do. I sure as hell don’t want to fight in wars .You cannot seem to comprehend that equality does not mean the same.2 nickels are equal to one dime. They are equal but not the same.
    Oh ok, all those videos of cops beating up unarmed nonresisting black men and women are all fake. Law enforcement has put up with that for years... it now they’re being exposed.
    When was the last time you were pulled over just to check your registration? We’re not talking about your criminal behavior.
    Why would I have penis envy? Sounds to me like you have breast and vagina envy. After all you guys want to touch them and look at them all the time. You don’t see us grabbing dicks lol just look at your adolescent avatar. You don’t see pictures of women putting pictures of men’s asses, but men just envy ours .
    I do envy that you can pee standing up, but That’s all .....All the important organs are protected. The heart is protected by the ribs, the brain is protected by the skull, the uterus is protected by the pelvic bones and balls? They just hang there and are vulnerable as hell. (Tongue in cheek)
    Today women are very lucky. We can do with men do and are free to be womanly as well. Guys they can’t do anything feminine because they’re still afraid of being like women
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
  16. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Black people can certainly get ahead, and especially those born after Jim Crow. But when you are told repeatedly that you are inferior please don’t be so lacking in psychological insight to not realize that a message is being internalized.
    I was being flippant about the rock star...sorry, I keep forgetting how literal you are. By the way an example of an internalize message is your believe that only a boy can dream of being a rock star especially knowing I am a woman.
    How about I want to be an opera singer but I can’t sing? .Do you really believe you can be anything you want? Or are you just so into attacking the messenger and not seeing the message
  17. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    1) wasn't "jim crow" like, 60 or 70 years ago? which means your kids today know nothing of it.
    2) it's my 'psychological insight' which informs me that if you keep telling someone that their perceived deficits and grievances are incapacitating (as you are doing), they will eventually believe it. you need to STOP that shiit.
    3) opera singer, rock star .. all the same. no sane adult suggests those 'careers', so I'll assume you're talking about idiots in charge of children.
    4) here's an idea .. why not encourage teachers (and parents) to tell kids that education is the key to having choices?
    Moi621 likes this.
  18. Swede Hansen

    Swede Hansen Banned at Members Request

    May 21, 2018
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    I would discriminate against black, white and latino gangbangers, neo-nazis, white power arssholes and klansmen, antifa thugs and leftwing extremists, muslims who by appearance refuse to assimilate. I don't want these people in my establishment. I would reserve the right to refuse service to any person without explanation.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
  19. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    These are all BEHAVIOURS, and a choice. In which case, there is no actual discrimination.
  20. DavidMK

    DavidMK Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2015
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    My point stands. If a gay guy wants a cake, selling it to him won't lose you customers (even if most of your customers hate homosexuals, just don't draw attention to the sale). Not selling on the other hand loses the sale and the bad PR loses you business. And I WOULD hire a Nazi or anyone else that was qualified to do the job so long as they didn't share their views with customers. Except for qualification limitations, there is no logic in discrimination in hiring and unless it's disrupting business, there is no logic in discriminating in customers.

    To the bolded, I'll repeat what I said before:
    Rule of Acquisition 109: Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  21. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    I guess the idea of a legacy is over your head. The grandparents of the kids today know all about it..it will take a few more generations but now many remember the inferiority of black people . I am sure it will take time for you to accept women are equals ..like yourself
    It’s hard to talk to somebody who is an extremist but I am sure black people appreciate your telling them what they think and feel
    I knew the concept was too hard for you to understand. Telling someone they can be anything they want is bullshit and immature. Do you really think that as a teacher I do not encourage my students to get a good education? You create these ridiculous strawman and then get all hysterical. When I had students who had unrealistic dreams I did not discourage them but I always ask them what would be a Plan B if they didn’t make the NBA
  22. Renee

    Renee Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    And I bet you don’t think you’re a bigot.
  23. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    He isn't. Bigotry only applies to 'acts of god'. Race, gender, disability, age, etc. BEHAVIOUR is a choice, and therefore cannot be 'discriminated against'.
  24. crank

    crank Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2013
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    1) Parents should not be condemning their kids with the burden of past wrongs. give them an overview of the history, sure, but what sort of crap parent demands that their kids wear it like a chip on the shoulder, just because THEY did/do? My in laws were practically starved to death in childhood (and suffered more discrimination than your average black kid in America today), but told their kids nothing about it other than an impersonal short history. They never burdened their kids with their stuff. Their interest was solely in turning their kids faces forwards, and making sure they were educated and self-respecting. They (the kids) would not have benefited from inherited grievances, in any way.

    2) Extremist ... ha ha. Yes, if you think a POC fighting your kind of stealth racism on behalf of my black kids is extreme, sure thing. Knock yourself out.

    3) Kids SHOULD be discouraged from hair-brained nonsense like Rock Star or Sports Star. Any adult who supports that kind of delusional "I'm too special to work an ordinary job" shiit, is themselves an overgrown child and is shirking responsibility. We don't tell kids 'you can do whatever you want', we tell them that if they work really really hard, and have our 100% support to do so, they can graduate high school with enough marks to have a choice of highly paid and highly employable degrees. There's a WORLD of difference between that, and your Rock Star stuff.
    Moi621 likes this.
  25. Swede Hansen

    Swede Hansen Banned at Members Request

    May 21, 2018
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    No I don't

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