I've Now Read 100% of the Redacted Report | My Final Word

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Primus Epic, Apr 21, 2019.

  1. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    I think you'll find the answer you are looking for on Mueller's attitude on the question of a conspiracy in the legal definition of it he delineates. It wasn't enough that Team Trump was aware of Russia's actions to benefit them and that they openly solicited Russia's help. The conspiracy charge required that there be a direct communication explicitly entering in to an agreement between the two. Even if there was some coordination or communication between the campaign and Wikileaks regarding the dissemination of hacked material, Wikileaks isn't a Russian entity, despite being supplied with the hacked material by Russia.
    So while the campaign's actions were despicable and arguably those of traitors, they weren't legally in violation of the laws on conspiracy.
  2. PrincipleInvestment

    PrincipleInvestment Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2016
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    Obama knew Russia was meddling, and why. Putin has been accusing Obama / Clinton of Ukrainian meddling since 2010. Obama was saved by the Trump hoax. Putin wanted Clinton to lose period.
  3. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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    I think you've got that right. Mueller was bound by this..............https://www.justice.gov/olc/opinion...enability-indictment-and-criminal-prosecution.....................................coming after Nixon's potential impeachment.................which he interpreted as meaning indictment was never an option. Instead, as you say, he details 10 instances of obstruction and leaves it to Congress to decide what to do about them.
  4. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    lol, keep dreaming, you all are desperate.

    impeach for what? there was no crime, no collusion. There was evidence of a crime with Nixon and Nixon clearly tried to obstruct by firing the whole DOJ and lying about the cover up. Trump committed no crime so where exactly is the obstruction? What was he trying to obstruct? Clearly, Trump was frustrated that this witch hunt even started, based on a phony dossier so he contemplated ending it by firing Mueller. Not only is Trump within his legal authority to fire Mueller and Rosenstein (they work for him) but there was no crime. In my opinion, Trump should've fired all of them, as this witch hunt was a burden on the American tax payer and impeded Trump's ability to do his job, a job we was elected to do. So even if he would've fired them all, there would be no grounds for impeachment as it is within his right to do so and there was no crime to begin with.

    At the end of the day, everyone knows this was a waste of $$ and time and Trump committed no crime, everyone with half a brain knows he won't be impeached, this is all political garbage... It is a disgrace that this even started, based on false info and dossier funded by political rivals. I wouldn't be surprise if the DOJ comes hard on the people that orchestrated this fraud on the American people, those who weaponized the justice department against a political rival. Let's wait and see what comes out in next few months... will be interesting.

    As far a Mueller is concerned, i have respect for him but i do think the Moeller report had things in it that makes me believe Moeller wanted to take a jab at the president for attacking him publicly. Everyone knows that prosecutors don't exonerate, they indict. To say that the report doesn't 'exonerate' violates all norms of prosecutorial standards, Moeller wasn't there to exonerate. If he couldn't find grounds for obstruction, he should've just left it as 'no clear evidence of obstruction' as he himself stated there was conflicting evidence. In the end, Moeller knows that Trump was within his right to fire people and so thinking about firing people within itself is not obstruction, even the act of firing the Moeller team is not a crime, it's within the president's legal right. This, combined with the fact that there was no underlying crime to cover up, Moeller knows there is nothing there. I think Moeller did in fact take a jab at the president by sort of leaving things open... Moeller could've recommended impeachment by the way, he didn't. He knows it's all nothin burger.

    At the end of the day, no court or legal mind thinks there is anything here. Nixon committed an underlying crime and tried to cover it up by taking pretty aggressive action. Trump was incredibly transparent, provided Moeller team with everything they asked for and even though he could've claimed executive privilege, didn't. There was never an underlying crime to uncover and thinking about firing Moeller was nothing wrong, within his right and clearly for right reasons - it was witch hunt which should've never started.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
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  5. PrincipleInvestment

    PrincipleInvestment Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2016
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    No DOJ regs before or after (D)'s revisions prevent referral of criminal charges outside special counsels "scope" to the ageny authorized to prosecute. Mueller's report INCLUDES 14 outside REFERRALS. Mueller DID NOT refer Trump to congress. Mueller by DOJ regs must report and refer ANY crimes he discovers to the agency authorized to prosecute. ONLY congress is authorized to prosecute Trump. NO referal = NO crime.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
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  6. Turin

    Turin Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2012
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    Sadly, there are not enough republicans willing to stand up and do the right thing here because they are a bunch of power hungry jerks. The new Republican motto should simply be. Party before Country.
  7. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    the right thing is to impeach a president just because you don't like him? where is the crime? no crime... This is not watergate where there was a crime and a cover up, there was no crime here. When will you all just stop dreaming? You all cannot stand that Moeller couldn't find collusion and now dreaming that Trump can be impeached for obstruction, something Moeller was inconclusive on. Not only this, wanting to fire Moeller isn't a crime anyway, as the president has the authority to do so. It's only a crime if it's done to cover up a crime, but there was no underlying crime.

    the real crimes may be apparent in a month or two, DOJ is looking at how this even started... based on a phony dossier... I eagerly await the DOJ findings on this.

    jesus, you all are desperate...

    What i truly astonishing is that not only is all this BS (it was indeed a witch hunt, trump should've fired them all for wasting tax payer $$) but the stupidity of it all. Trump won the presidential election in 2016 by fooling political rivals and the media into becoming radical. They are all doubling down, which i find foolish to the umpth degree. The witch hunt, the impeachment movement (with no underlying crime), the comments on 09/11 and Al qaeda from rep Omar, the radical green deal, Beto calling Netanyahu a racist, the socialist assault on the rich, the bias in the media... it will all play into the president's hands come 2020, he will win in a landslide. America is mostly moderate and all this is helping Trump. This is why impeachment is being discussed, not because Trump committed crimes but because demos know he will win easily... they have to remove him from office. The current demo candidates are a total joke, the fact that 80 year old stuttering Biden is way ahead in polls is sad.... Sanders has no chance of winning as a socialist in general election, the rest stand no chance in hell. LOL
    Gatewood and Bridget like this.
  8. Turin

    Turin Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2012
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    My summerization from the Mueller report is that his campaign and its workers were simply to stupid to actually co-ordinate the efforts between themselves and Russia to rise to the level of a criminal conspiracy. And his subordinates were so inept at carrying out Trumps orders and wishes that they inadvertently prevented him from obstructing justice.

    His campaign certainly TRIED to collude. Trump certainly TRIED to obstruct justice. He and his supporters were actually just to damn stupid to carry through with it.

    What a relief for the American people though eh? That our president was simply to stupid to carry through on his intended plots.
    ImNotOliver likes this.
  9. struth

    struth Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2018
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    The opinion you cite was written in 2000....decades after Nixon but on the tails of the Clinton impeachment. Where too, the special counsel didn't indict, but recommended charges....of course that would only come after a successful impeachment. Based on the recommendation for charges, the House impeached. So, here, we have a full investigation, and we have a Special that said, look there was no conspiracy, and we do not believe we could succesfully prosecute on obstruction, therefore we don't recommend a charge.
  10. MolonLabe2009

    MolonLabe2009 Banned

    Dec 10, 2009
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    ...which exonerates Trump and his campaign.

    Thanks for posting what we already know.

    APACHERAT Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 23, 2013
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    They say the most damaging fake crap that was put up on social media in particular Facebook was "Pizzagate."

    How did someone presumably a Russian conjured up a pedophile ring opoperating in a pizza kitchen with hidden doors and passageways from a Podesta email that was hacked and published on Wikileaks ?

    The email that started Pizzagate that was intended to change the outcome of an election:

  12. Observing

    Observing Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
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    It is something with political consequences as far as re-election. Which is all this **** show is about anyway.
  13. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2013
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    From what I have gathered by the people involved, it was known by Jan 2018 that Mueller knew that there wasn’t any Russian collusion by any American citizen. And yet he refused to close the investigation.

    If you’ll recall, Rosenstein made a public announcement in Feb 2018, following Mueller’s indictment of a dozen or so Russian troll farmers, “there is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in” Russian collusion. I think that announcement by Rosenstein was the Trump admin trying to shame Mueller into doing the right thing, end the investigation. But Mueller was immune from this, since he had no honor or conscience.

    I think the DOJ knew back then that the investigation into collusion was over and done with, and there was a lot of angst that Mueller was refusing to end it. So he dragged this all out for another year and a half. Why? Was he trying to hurt Trump politically? Was Mueller hoping that by leaving the investigation open, he might affect the outcome of the 2018 elections?

    If I were Trump I would have also been furious with Mueller. For a year and a half, Trump and Mueller both knew that the collusion angle had been completely exhausted, and yet Mueller refused to close the investigation. So how could Trump be interfering with an investigation when even the investigator knew there was no collusion?

    This explains why Trump was so vocal about the fake, fraud of an investigation, he knew it should have been over with, and yet people were still being bankrupted and having their personal careers and character assassinated by Mueller, and for what?
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
    Dispondent, Gatewood and Bridget like this.
  14. Lee Atwater

    Lee Atwater Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 15, 2017
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  15. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2013
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    Well, we already know that the Russian lawyer met with Fusion GPS just prior to and immediately after she met with Don Jr. at Trump Tower.
    Gatewood likes this.
  16. ronv

    ronv Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    However he did say this:
    “Congress may apply the obstruction laws” to the president’s conduct.
  17. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Assuming the usual unnamed sources weren't lying through their teeth or even actually exist in the first place, please tell me what you do with so vague a warning beyond what it appears team Trump according to the Mueller Report actually did? I mean the only thing team Trump was given was the sort of info anyone with a functioning brain would have known on their own without any such warning. The only response such a warning deserves is "Well, Duh."
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
  18. ronv

    ronv Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    Are you kidding???????
    There was a Russian in every Trump campaign office.
  19. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    NO there was not. In fact according to Mueller Florida was the only place they even tried and they failed there.
  20. ronv

    ronv Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    I guess I didn't make it clear enough.
    I meant campaign aids. You know like Manafort.

    There are now more than 101 known points of contact between the Trump campaign and Russian-government linked people or entities, including 23 meetings or calls.

    Sixteen Trump campaign officials are known to have had direct contact with a Russian government official or a Russian-linked operative, and at least an additional nine campaign officials were aware of these contacts.

    Trump campaign officials had meetings, calls, and digital correspondence with high-level Russian government officials, billionaires linked to Putin, an accused Russian spy, and hackers enlisted by Russian intelligence to meddle in the 2016 elections.

    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
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  21. PatriotNews

    PatriotNews Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2008
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    These threads are the last twitches of the rotting corpse of the Democrat Party. It looks like it's going to be a slow death.
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  22. Bridget

    Bridget Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Yes! Dems should not govern or talk about policy, just INVESTIGATE more....and we'll see you in 2020.
    Gatewood and PatriotNews like this.
  23. ronv

    ronv Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2018
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    He says as Trump and the republican party slowly slip beneath the blue wave.
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  24. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    All along I've said that the only way that I would vote for Trump, was if he were running against Pence. Like Quayle was to Bush, Pence is to Trump. Impeaching Trump leaves Pence as president. No liberal wants a Pence presidency.
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  25. Primus Epic

    Primus Epic Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    "If you take" were the operative words used in my opinion. Nevertheless, being different paragraphs does not remove the logical inconsistency in the conclusions drawn by both paragraphs, whether taken in whole or whether arranged to form a predicate and subject - an initial premise (presupposition) followed by an underlying conclusion (supposition). Mueller, ultimately, picked the path of least damage to our Constitution. That does not mean there was no "collusion" in the physical sense, there was for anyone having read the Report. What Mueller, did, was give Trump an card to play himself more "gracefully" out of the game. Trump, being the ultimate representation and definition of "Opportunist" will take that card, slam it down on the table and loudly proclaim: "Audi 5000. See, ya in 2020!."

    The whole thing sucks. The People, get screwed, lied to, mislead and misinformed (in part) by their own Media. The People, get screwed, lied to, mislead and misinformed (in part) by their own President. The President gets the screw the American People. The Media gets to screw the American People. Basically, the American People are taking once in the ass and once more in the mouth.

    This is Force Rape of the American People by a different name. Nothing more and nothing less. We are being Raped. Full Stop. READ the Report in its entirety as I have and you will fully understand where I am coming from. We got Raped. Republicans got Raped. Democrats got Raped. The Institutions we The People, are supposed to be able to rely upon to prevent this kind of thing from happening in the first place, played us like a Stradivarius Violin and ran us like a Three Ring Circus, where we were tamed Animals being forced to perform the service of voting for the Greatest Show on Earth.

    You clearly have not read the Report and you clearly miss the point where the Media has lied to you for two years. The Report says otherwise. The Report says that Trump's Campaign Trolls participated, cooperated, coordinated and even provided staging such as hotel meetings places for the sole purpose of engaging in the exchange of information from Russians to the Trump Campaign, that both sides fully knew and fully understood would be objectionable to Trump's opponent in an American Election. You cannot miss that point after actually reading the Report. The Report tells you this. Not me. The Report. Read it. I've posted excerpts in two (2) different threads now showing exactly where and how the collusion took place. It is right there in front of you. Read it.

    The Obama Administration had nothing to do with the Trump Campaign's willingness to actively engage Russians before, during and after the election of 2016. Page and Papa, were already under FBI investigation for other dealings with Foreign Governments. Trump, reached out to both Papa and Page and sought to bring them into his campaign, expressly because they were already connected to Russian operatives. This is in the Report. Read it.

    You are repeating Fox News talking points, not facts from the actual Mueller Report. I've read the Report in full. I invested the time, energy and effort to educate myself on the subject matter as it was understood by Mueller and his team. I know who the players are. I know what the Time Lines look like relative to the Obama Administration and the 2016 Election. I know when event were instantiated and I know how those events were not properly covered by your Media, nor put into proper Time Line Context on the X-axis.

    I've done the homework. I know what this is about. Mueller, tried to split the atom. In the process, he injected more confusion into the public domain. Mueller, was working from a Legal Perspective. Your Media was working from a purely Political Perspective. This is WHY your information is in error. This is WHY you continually offer incorrect premise. I'm not blaming you for the bad information given to you by your Media. I do, however, hod you responsible for reading the actual Report. All of it. Read it all and what I am saying will make a lot more sense.

    You are operating form a platform of bad information. There's no getting around reading the Report for yourself. I was operating from a platform of bad information. That is why I got so pissed at our Media. I got screwed right along with everybody else. I did not realize how bad I got screwed with misinformation until AFTER I rad the Report in its entirety. Mueller, did what he was supposed to do relative to the physical investigation. He remained Legal Minded in his Report and that is why there is such discrepancy between what Mueller finally concludes and the "great expectations" drummed up by mainstream Media.

    Again, you will not fully appreciate this until you invest the time, energy and effort into actually reading what Mueller tells you. There was "coordination." There was "cooperation." There was "foreknowledge." There was "intent." There was no desire to report any of it to the FBI or DOJ. There WAS crystal clear "collaboration." Mueller, did not reach for indictment because he knew the protocols for indicting a sitting President that came out of Nixon. He knew the President would never stand trial while sitting as Commander In Chief. He knew that was going to cause massive Constitutional upheaval. So, he tried to split hairs. He tried to juggle multiple balls in the air at the same time with his conclusions. He could not outright state "collusion" as the conclusion, but he most definitely showed you "collusion" in principle and in material facts.

    He left this up to Congress. I don't fault the man. He did what he thought was the best thing to do under the circumstances that we do not indict our sitting Presidents. We just don't do it. Mueller, cannot say, indict the man, when he knows full well the man would never stand trial and the Congress would burn down in fiery debate over what the Constitution says about the Separation of Powers.

    Sometimes, I feel like Mueller, should have just come out with indictment (he had plenty of evidence to do so). Sometimes, I feel like he did the right thing by trying to split hairs. I'm conflicted right now. I'll need more time to sort things out in my own mind before having a final opinion on the way in which Mueller, went about expressing his conclusions. But, there WAS "collusion" without question. Mueller, just felt like he could not trigger a much deeper rabbit hole probe that could lead to some serious Constitutional issues down range.

    Mueller, is not stupid. Imagine, if one Party decides it really does not like a particular President, wins a majority in both houses and then decides to go after their adversary with Criminal Indictments whether hard core or based on some legal procedure the President failed to comply with that did not seriously jeopardize the office or the President's ability to perform his duties in office. On a legal technicality, that President could be Indicted while in office under the right set of "political variables." Is that the precedent you want to set? Well, that's the kind of door that Mueller, could have opened up with Trump. He could have made it such that future Presidents, on a legal technicality, could be forced from office on purely political grounds by the opposition.

    That's Weaponizing the law, not Enforcing the law. I think Mueller, was also considering these things. Just my opinion. I am not Mueller's brain.[/QUOTE]
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019

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