The Political Cow-towing to Israel

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by upside-down cake, Jun 8, 2019.

  1. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    I am confused...

    There's something that should be addressed because it seems like everyone can easily point out the flaws of the other and they make a big deal about it, but there seems to be one major flaw that no one seems to be talking about- even though it may be the most serious.

    Look at our politicians and the state of our country. Accusations of corruption are commonplace. Trust in government is very low. And yet politicians seem to have no problem performing this obligatory, fawning, overt rite of passage. They all seem to make it an imperative that they support Israel and they will condemn other US politicians for not supporting Israel- and any politician so condemned will break a limb going out of their way to publically redouble their support for Israel.

    This extends through both parties. Each side. This is what you might call an absolute deference to a foreign power and because America has been raised to feel pride in themselves as the masters (or leaders...) of the world- even while denying it- they don't see it for what it is. You see, people born in places like Haiti, Puerto Rico, Central America, South America, Africa, the near East, the South-East, and Japan can point it too you easily, because they were raised with it as well. It's political colonization. These are the actions of people who have no choice but to proclaim their public support for their masters.

    Why else do we "give" Israel an immense amount of money- even when we are facing economic cirsis at home? Ever think about that? You ever think that this act of gratuity from the US towards Israel isn't gratuity, and that we are being forced- that it is some sort of imperative or mandate- that we give this money to Israel? That this charade of voluntary support of millions of dollars to Israel every actually voluntary?

    Let me ask you. Whether it's your beloved Trump, or your sacred Obama, or your tough-talking Bush, or your charismat Clinton...what happens when these people do not decide to pledge support of Israel Unfortunately, that's a question that remains rhetoric because they all do it- we don't have a sample case yet. Wait. Maybe we do. Maybe we have Lincoln. Maybe we have the Kennedy's. Two people who actively resisted what they called a foreign, unpatriotic influence in the power of the nation. Maybe, right...?

    This is an opinion, of course, but the reason these candidates must get up there and cow-tow to Israel is because I believe they have no choice. They have to know how they look, but they also know they have no...choice. And when you left and your right are both beholden to the same can ask those Haitians...those Puerto Ricans...those African countries, those South American and Asian countries... You can ask all of them what it means when your so-called government is ultimately run by a foreign or undisclosed power. It means you don't matter unless you are of use to them. And the reason the US is being destroyed isn't necessarily simply because of the left or the right. It's because the US as a whole is not the supreme country, but is being used to advance the interests not of itself, but another, to it's own detriment. They'll let you think you run your planet, but tell me who you really think is in power. Donald Trump, or Jared Kushner? Who is in charge of the money- the Federal Reserve? Americans...or Israelites? Of all the things that have drained our money the most, what is the highest drain on our money? War. Who have we been fighting? Enemies of Israel. Under what pretext? That they are a threat to us? No one is a military threat to us. We are a nuclear armed nation- there is no nation that can attack us without assuring utter annihilation of themselves, if not the world along with them. But all these Middle Eastern countries are such a big threat and we have to take them out and we do so whether it is legal or illegal by American standards and why do you think that is? Who's pushing them- regardless of what their own countrymen think? These are the signs of political colonization. Economic colonization. No one talks about those dancing Israeli's, but they talk about Arabs in video's beheading people. They won't talk about Israeli's spying on America, stealing from America, using our sons and daughters as surrogate soldiers for their wars. They talk about PC culture. They are actively trying to pass a law at this very moment that makes it illegal for the US and other countries around the world to criticize or defame Jews or the Israeli nation. They call this anti-Semeticism. It's similar to the accusation of "terrorist" and America is likely going to find out how it feels to be criminalized with so broad an arbitrary a definition when they eventually succeed in making anti-Semetism a punishable offense the same way they have in Germany and/or Europe because our politicians aren't our politicians and they will push and push and push for it until- by hook or by crook- they get what they want.

    Your worried about Black people and MAGA hats and immigrants and I've seen this game before. They play you against each other. They're playing you against the Arabs, like they played you against the communists and the socialists. They are supposedly the most brutalized race of history and yet in each stage of history the Jews seem to be able to rise into the highest echelons of government, finance, and the intelligencia- and we are told it's because of their racial acumen. In all places- including Germany- they assume mass wealth. So much that they could claim reparations. People scoff at reparations for Blacks and Indians, but they will stampede over another American to give reparations times ten to the Jews and their nation. And then they'll complain about the budget and American welfare.

    You've been had, it's been said. Bamboozled, it's been said. Run-amuck, they said. Who controls Google? Who controls Facebook? Who controls the media? Who controls Hollywood? Who controls the government? Who controls the military? Where have you heard this before? They say the Germans were evil to the Jews, but the Jews enjoyed a very comfortable existence in Germany. At the summit following WW2, the Germans were shocked when they learned the Jews entered a secret deal with the Allies to destroy them for the sake of attaining a nation in the middle east. They said they were betrayed. Tell you feel betrayed when a person you've been trying to exterminate enters into a deal with your enemy? Is this a source of shock How. They were betrayed by the Jews. Did you know it is illegal to question the Holcaust- to question history- in most parts of Europe. You cannot contend the official narrative or investigate it or you will be imprisoned. That goes so far beyond censorship, it's confounding, and it's happening AGAIN. They're trying to make it illegal here, and they are trying to make it illegal all around the world.

    You think people actually care about transvestites and abrasive language? You think PC culture is about protecting Black people and minorities? Who ever really cared about Black people and minorities? PC culture is the gateway that will ultimately lead to censorship on pains of imprisonment of death of Israel. The ban on Facebook- and eventually all the media platforms, as it's already informally banned from traditional news media and the so-called alternative media you think is independent on YouTube and all that... All of these so-called PC policies aren't their to protect Gay people or check hatred. It's their to ultimately prevent any criticism or information sharing that will tarnish the reputation or mitigate the power or influence of Jews and Israel. Mark my words, that is the real purpose. It is thought-control.

    Ask yourselves. Black people ruining the country? Minorities? They don't have any power. How can they? If you are in a bad position, think about them? Why do Black people hate White people so much? It's because you are used to brutalize us? Why do White people hate Black people. Because you are taught and bred to brutalize us? Imagine the shock of the Roman citizens who were similarly indoctrinated to believe that their empire was good for anyone else but Rome, and that Rome spread civilization and progress through the world and that the victims of Rome should be happy. Imagine their shock when the barbarians came to their gates and they came with nothing but wrath and how the Romans must have sneered at this. How dare they? What right? After all we did for them? What right?

    Is it every Jewish person that is the problem? No. But did every White person endorse slavery...or empire? No. But these things persisted as ruling institutions for centuries and although they may vocally criticize it, they ultimately support it and defend it rhetorically and militaristically. Legally and economically. That's why you can't be distracted by so called racial hate. Because no matter the scattering of supposed ideological sympathy and empathy you will get from these types, they will ultimately endorse and profit from the actions of the brutal organizations and systems the live under and pledge allegiance to and think about that. Really think about that...

    In the US, we are taught to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and we are told it is honorable and the citizens will get upset when they see this government or it's symbol desecrated. But before you, every election, YOUR political leaders will pledge allegiance to Israel. Israel. In Texas, they already have children pledging allegiance to both the US and Israel. You're looking at Kapernick...look at your politicians. Look at your country. If you had any idea, you'd be right there with Kapernick on knee because you don't realize it. This country isn't your's either. You're given privileges because you were useful, but that day is passing and soon...the need for the patronization and glorification of the American system will no longer be needed. It will be sacrificed to con people into the worship of the world system. The American system wasn't glorious. It wasn't moral. It's replacement or sacrifice will not be the sacrifice of a saint. It will simply be the powerful symbol of the fall of one empire and the of consecration of the true one.

    But go ahead. Vote for Jared and Ivanka... I mean Trump. Vote for another Obama- the same one who had racist Biden as his second in command. The same one who wanted to push your sons into another war for Israel. The same Black leader who's fire bombed and executed more military operations in Africa than any other President, but you didn't see that in the news because that's supposed to be just evil conservatives. Go ahead and cry about Russia and communism. Not the Jews haven't ruled in Russia for decades already so this so called Russian antagonism is ridiculous, but go ahead. Go make America great again- the definition of that ultimately meaning exercising some sort of forceful action against minorities to make you feel in charge of something or executing revenge against the White people by allowing the policies that will lead to the abuse of us all. Not like it's a new thing, is it. So many countries fell victim to it. So many times the cause was addressed and repeatedly concealed under the taboo of anti-Semetism, and it's happening again. It's happening again. But it's anti-Semetic. The Jews are so abused, yet you can't even talk crossly to them. Soon you wont be able to look them in the eye. They will become the untouchables of the world and even'll blame someone else. Anyone else.

    The thing is it's not just the politicians who are cow-towing. Everyone is going out of their way to excuse and defend these mind-bogglingly rich, nuclear-armed victims. People who have staggering international power and influence. People who are but a small, small pea in a sea of hostile Arabs, but are they? What are the real borders of Israel? What do they consider their borders? Is Israel a sovereign nation of the world, or is it the imperial province of a world empire, emergent?
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
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  2. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Screen Shot 2019-06-08 at 12.09.19 PM.png

    Not this.

    Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
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  3. TheGreatSatan

    TheGreatSatan Banned

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  4. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    The OP is too long for me to read. My small mind has a short attention span. Give me the Reader's Digest version.
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  5. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
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    Simple. In 1977, President Carter committed the U.S. to becoming the major arms suppliers and economic aid supplier to Israel and Egypt in exchange for them agreeing to make peace. The Camp David Peace Agreement. It was a particularly difficult sell to the Israelis because they had to give up territory as large as Israel proper.

    Making peace between Israel and Egypt was considered an economic imperative because just four years earlier in the 1973 Yom Kippur (October) War, OPEC stopped selling oil to the United States in support of Egypt's war effort against Israel. The embargo triggered the worst recession the U.S. had suffered since the Great Depression (up to that point) and played a role in President Nixon being forced to resign.
  6. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    The Jews are towing cows around, because mind control.
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  7. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    They also try to use humor to deflect from the truth. Most criminals have a pattern...

    Because where am I wrong? Point that out. These retards will spend weeks analyzing this video clip and that video clip or this sound byte and that sound byte because they're all infected with this western poison of mindless, useless rhetorical politics where all you do is talk in circles about everything and anything.

    And then they elect a con man because he's funny. Jokes on them.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
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  8. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Nothing you said was wrong. Incomprehensible isn't wrong, it's just incomprehensible.
    TrackerSam likes this.
  9. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
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    You did not respond to my explanation.
  10. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    It's comprehensible. Really.
  11. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    You're right. And it was going on before Carter. But you need to avoid making it an issue about Jews because 1) it's really all about politics: Zionism, and 2) you will be crucified as an anti-Semitic by ignorant people and by supporters (overt and covert) of Zionism. Look what they did to Ilhan Omar for criticizing the politics of Israel.

    We are not allowed to criticize the politics involved, and you're right that is puts the US in a very dangerous, vulnerable position. Criticism of Zionism is off-limits for anyone who cares about being hurt by charges of anti-Semitism, even when it's not justified and based on lies.
    rcfoolinca288 and Bear666 like this.
  12. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
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    The U.S. heavily shifted to supporting Israel because many of the Arab countries (especially Egypt) had shifted their allegiance for various reasons to the Soviet Union.

    For several years, the U.S. was deeply suspicious of Israel because of what they saw as its Socialist tendencies.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
  13. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    That's true. But the kowtowing and catering to Israel was going on before that. It got more intense under Carter. But Trump showed that we can back out of signed agreements by just choosing to and announcing it.
    rcfoolinca288 likes this.
  14. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
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    The U.S. has always had the ability to do that. Every U.S. president has full constitutional authority to withdraw the U.S. from treaties as he sees fit.
  15. Spooky

    Spooky Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Don't worry, its just another Jew hate thread.
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  16. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    That's the gross prevarication. Let's see you quote any poster here who posted hatred of Jews. If you can't, you need to retract your whopper.
    rcfoolinca288 and Grau like this.
  17. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Will someone explain to me why Jews are so hated?
  18. Dayton3

    Dayton3 Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2009
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    You're slamming the only Jewish nation in the world that's home to roughly half the Jews in the entire world. What should you expect.
  19. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Brains. Honesty.
  20. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    It's about the Jews. It is politics, but it's politics that is controlled largely by Jewish-Israeli ambitions. Avoiding directly accusing them of exactly what they are doing is exactly what they want. They want you to be scared to be called an anti-Semite.

    I'm a little iffy about Omar. She's like every other politician. She appears to support your cause and she says the right things and yet she works for the very system so corrupted by the things you criticize. Obama, Bernie, Hillary, Trump... They all talk that populist hustle and want to appear in the struggle right along side you, but it's all bull crap. Ocasio-Ortiz is the newest one I think. The same scrappy upstart-rebel badass brand that sticking it to the man and quipping all over social media and "confronting" the bad politicians...Seen it before. Always fizzles out and they end up just more mud in the swamp.

    Yeah, that's logical. We can't criticize the Jewish nation because it's the only one they have. It must exist because the Jews must have a nation.

    So who's going to give up pieces of America to the native nations that were displaced in creating the US? Technically, we should return what was there's and return to our points of origin, but
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2019
    Bear666 likes this.
  21. Bear666

    Bear666 Banned

    May 8, 2019
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  22. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    They killed Jesus.
  23. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    The French only have country, the Swedes have only one country, the Japaneses have only one county.....

    Does that mean that no country can criticized?
  24. Bear666

    Bear666 Banned

    May 8, 2019
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    But that is the clever bit about Zionists, they call their country a Jewish State, they say they represent Jews everywhere, they discriminate on the grounds of ethnicity, there is no such thing as an Israeli Nationality, they have redefined what antisemitism means, then if anyone dares to criticise them the conversation is immediately shut down as they accuse you of Jew hate. It is a brilliant move by them.
    ImNotOliver likes this.
  25. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Can you expand on that answer?

    So 2,000 years later the sons are paying for the sins of their fathers?

    I doubt anyone can explain the hatred for the Jewish people. I believe children are taught to hate the Jews for no good reason and that carries over to a group of adults with a deep hatred. A hatred for certain people, people they don't even know. I'm not Jewish, once had a Jewish friend in the Navy, and of the Jews I have had contact with I found them very polite, hard working, and honest. What's to hate?
    ibobbrob and jay runner like this.

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