Where are the missing Jews?

Discussion in 'Conspiracy Theories' started by Ronstar, Jul 11, 2019.

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  1. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Holodaust deniers argue that the Nazis did not murder millions of Jews, they only shipped them to "The East", which means Poland.

    Before WW2, Poland had around 3 million Jews.

    During WW2, the Nazis and their Fascist allies deported around 1.5 million Jews to the Operation Rheinhard camps (Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka).

    That brings the total number of Jews in Poland during WW2, to 4.5 million persons.

    At the end of WW2, around 300,000 Jews remained in Poland.

    So....one must ask: Where did the missing 4.2 million missing Jews go?

    Did they vanish into thin air? Did Thanos snap his fingers and use the Infinity Stones to cause 4.2 million Jews to turn to dust?

    Math doesn't lie, numbers don't lie.

    Millions of Jews are missing from Europe. They were sent to Poland by the Nazis and their Fascist allies and they dissapeared.

    One can argue that they all died from disease, or got eaten by wolves, but no one can honestly deny that these Jews never existed or that they didn't vanish from the Earth.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2019
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  2. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    oh, and the 440,000 Hungarian Jews deported to Poland.

    where did THEY go?

    that brings the missing total to 4.6 million, just in Poland.
    Dayton3 and Ddyad like this.
  3. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    Here's some info on that. I know it's second-hand info but so is the official info.

    How Many Jews?

    In this introductory chapter, we quickly review the principal problems that arise when demographic questions are asked. We then indicate, how demographic problems are resolved in this book, but indicate that the specific task of resolution must be deferred until later in the book.

    The problems inherent in a demographic study are formidable. First, all sources of post-war primary data are private Jewish or Communist sources (exclusively the latter in the all important cases of Russia and Poland). Second, it appears that one can get whatever results desired by consulting the appropriately selected pre-war and post-war sources. Consider world Jewish population. The 1939 study of Arthur Ruppin, Professor of Jewish Sociology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, gave 16,717,000 Jews in the world in 1938.[20] Because Ruppin (who passed away in 1943) was considered the foremost expert on such matters, on account of many writings on the subject over a period of many years, the estimates of other pre-war sources tend to agree with him. Thus, the American Jewish Committee estimate for 1933, which appears in the 1940 World Almanac, was 15,315,359. The World Almanac figure for 1945 is 15,192,089 (page 367); no source is given, but the figure is apparently based on some sort of religious census. The 1946 World Almanac revised this to 15,753,638, a figure which was retained in the editions of 1947 (page 748), 1948 (page 572), and 1949 (page 289). The 1948 World Almanac (page 249) also gives the American Jewish Committee estimate for 1938 (sic), 15,688,259 while the 1949 World Almanac (page 204) reports new figures from the American Jewish Committee, which were developed in 1947-1948: 16,643,120 in 1939 and 11,266,600 in 1947.

    However, New York Times military expert Hanson Baldwin, in an article written in 1948 dealing with the then forthcoming Arab-Jewish war on the basis of information available at the UN and other places, gave a figure of 15 to 18 million world Jewish population as well as figures for such things as Jews in Palestine, Jews in the Middle East, Arabs in Palestine, total Arabs, total Moslems, etc.[21]

    Such a sketch illustrates some of the simpler uncertainties that exist in a demography study. To carry the matter further, the 11-12 million postwar world Jewish population figure, which it is necessary to claim in order to maintain the extermination thesis, is very vulnerable on two points. The first is the set of statistics offered for the U.S., and the second is the set offered for Eastern Europe. Both, especially the latter, are subject to insuperable uncertainties. Let us first consider the United States. Census figures for the total U.S. population are:[22]

    Table 1: U.S. total population













    while U.S. Jewish population figures, as given by the Jewish Statistical Bureau (subsidiary of either the American Jewish Conference or the Synagogue of America), H. S. Linfield, Director, are:[23]

    Table 2: U.S. Jewish population


    Jewish Population











    It is important to note that all of the U.S. Jewish population figures are given by the same source (Linfield).

    The indicated growth of U.S. Jewish population, 1917-1937, is 40.8%, while the growth of total U.S. population, 1920-1940, is 24.6%. This contrast is generally reasonable, since in the period under consideration Jewish immigration was fairly heavy. However, Jewish immigration into the U.S. raises some problems of its own. The American Jewish yearbook gave a net Jewish immigration for the years 1938-1943 and 1946-1949 (inclusive) of 232,191.[24] Figures for 1944 and 1945 do not seem to be available. It was in those two years, incidentally, that an indeterminate number of Jews were admitted to the U.S. "outside of the regular immigration procedure." It was claimed that there were only 1,000 such Jews quartered at a camp near Oswego, New York, and that they were not eligible for admission to the U.S. This was supposed to be a U.S. contribution to relieving the problems of refugees, but the whole episode seems most strange and suspicious.[25]

    Rather than attempt to settle the problem of the extent of Jewish immigration, suppose one allows the Jewish population a growth rate in 1937-1957 at least equal to that of the U.S. Jewish population of 1917-1937, as seems at least reasonable in view of various facts, e.g., the reasons which sent 1.5 million Jews to Palestine during the World War II and aftermath period appear to motivate immigration to the U.S. just as well, and no national or racial immigration quotas were applicable to Jews as such. In such a case, there should be at least 6,678,000 Jews in the U.S. in 1957, not the 5,300,000 that are indicated. There are about 1,400,000 Jews missing from the interpolated figures for 1957, and we consider this a conservative figure for the reason given. The period 1937-1957 was one of Jewish movement on an unprecedented scale.

    On the other hand, we can adopt an equally conservative approach and assume that the 4,770,647 Jews of 1937 grew in 1937-1957 at the same rate as the U.S. population in 1940-1960. Under this assumption, these should have become 6,500,000 Jews in the U.S. in 1957. If one adds the reasonable figure of 300,000 more due to immigration, we have 6,800,000 in 1957. Thus, by either method of extrapolation the figures offered for post-war U.S. Jewish population are at least approximately 1.5 million short for 1957.

    The specific major fault of the U.S. Jewish population figures is the inexplicably small claimed growth from 1937 to 1949 despite record Jewish movement and a very open U.S. immigration policy.

    Eastern Europe, however, presents the core of the demographic problem. In order to avoid very serious confusion, one must first recognize that there have been extensive border changes in Eastern Europe in the course of the twentieth century. A map of Europe on the eve of World War I (1914) is given as Fig. 1. A map for January 1938 showing, essentially, Europe organized according to the Treaty of Versailles, before Hitler began territorial acquisitions, is given in Fig. 2, and Fig. 4 shows the post-war map of Europe. The principal border change at the end of World War II was the moving westward of the Soviet border, annexing the three Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia) and parts of Romania, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and East Prussia. Poland was compensated with the remainder of East Prussia and what used to be considered eastern Germany; the effect was to move Poland bodily westward.

    Pre-war (1938) Jewish population estimates for Eastern Europe were offered by H. S. Linfield and the American Jewish Committee in the 1948 (sic) World Almanac (page 249). Post-war (1948) figures are published in the 1949 World Almanac (page 204).

    Table 3: Eastern European Jewish population (est.)






















    The claimed Jewish loss for Eastern Europe is thus 4,985,912. The figure for the USSR includes, in both cases, the three Baltic countries and the Jews of Soviet Asia. The pre-war figures are in all cases in close agreement with the figures that Ruppin published shortly before the war. To the extent that the extermination legend is based on population statistics, it is based precisely on these statistics or their equivalents.

    The trouble is that such figures are absolutely meaningless. There is no way a Western observer can check the plausibility, let alone the accuracy, of such figures. He must either be willing to accept Jewish or Communist (mainly the latter) claims on Jewish population for Eastern Europe, or he must reject any number offered as lacking satisfactory authority.

    It is possible to reinforce our objection on this all important point and simultaneously deal with a reservation that the reader may have; it would appear excessively brazen to claim the virtual disappearance of Polish Jewry, if such had not been essentially or approximately the case or if something like that had not happened. This seems a valid reservation, but one must recall that much of the territory that was considered Polish in 1939 was Soviet by 1945. It was possible for Polish Jewry to virtually disappear, if, during the 1939-1941 Russian occupation of Eastern Poland, the Soviets had dispersed large numbers of Polish Jews into the Soviet Union and if, during 1941-1944, the Germans had concentrated Polish Jews eastwards, with the Soviet Union ultimately absorbing many of these Jews into its territory, with those who did not wish to remain in the Soviet Union emigrating, mainly to Palestine and the U.S., but also to some extent to the new Poland and other lands. This, in fact, is what happened to the Jews who had resided in Poland before the war.

    Whatever may be said about Soviet Jewish policy after, say, 1950, it is clear that the earlier policies had not been anti-Jewish and had encouraged the absorption of Jews into the Soviet Union. It is known that many Polish Jews were absorbed during and immediately after the war, but of course numbers are difficult to arrive at. Reitlinger considers this problem and settles on a figure of 700,000, without giving reasons why the correct figure might not be much higher. He then notes that the evidence that he employs of extermination of Jews in Russia (documents alleged to be German) indicates about the same number of Soviet Jews exterminated, from which he correctly infers that, in the period 1939-1946, [26] This important concession, coming from the author of The Final Solution, shows that our unwillingness to accept the Communist figures need not be regarded as motivated merely by the necessities of our thesis. The figures are inarguably untrustworthy. It is claimed by the Soviets that their Jewish population declined by 38%, despite the acquisition of territory containing many Jews. Since the USSR is one of the lands where "Jew" is a legally recognized nationality, the Soviets do indeed possess accurate figures on the number of Jews they have but have chosen (in Reitlinger's opinion, if you choose not to accept this author's) to claim an utterly mythical Jewish population loss of 38%.

    Likewise with the value to be attached to the remainder of the figures offered.

    The most relevant research by a demographer appears to be that of Leszek A. Kosinski of the University of Alberta (Geographical Review, Vol. 59, 1969, pp. 308-402 and Canadian Slavonic Papers, Vol. 11, 1969, pp. 357-373), who has studied the changes in the entire ethnic structure of East Central Europe (i.e.excluding Germany and Russia) over the period 1930-1960. He explains the extreme difficulties with basic statistics:

    "The criteria used in compilation differ from country to country and are not always precise. In principle, two types are used: objective criteria, such as language, cultural affiliation, and religious denomination, and subjective criteria, based on the declaration of the persons themselves. Each type has virtues and deficiencies. Objective criteria define nationality only indirectly and are difficult to apply in marginal cases (for example, bilingual persons).

    The same criticism applies even more to subjective criteria. External pressure and opportunism can influence the results, especially where national consciousness is not fully developed or where an honest answer can bring undesirable consequences. Official data are not always reliable, then, even when they are not forged, as has also occurred. However, criticism of the official data cannot be applied in the same degree to all the countries, and reliability is very much a function of national policy."

    Jews are of course one of the groups Kosinski is interested in, and he presents various figures, generally comparable to those given above, for numbers of pre-war Jews. However, his post-war data are so useless from this point of view that he does not even attempt to offer specific post-war numbers for Jews, although he offers post-war figures for other groups, e.g. gypsies, giving numbers less significant, statistically, than the numbers of Jews who, according to the extermination mythologists, survived in Eastern Europe. It is true that he accepts the extermination legend in a general way and presents a bar graph showing a catastrophic decrease in the Jewish populations of Poland, Hungary, Romania and Czechoslovakia. He also remarks that the combined war-caused population losses for Yugoslavs, Jews, Poles and east Germans was about 12.5-14 million, not breaking the total down, and referring the reader to the statistical summary Population Changes in Europe Since 1939 by Gregory (Grzegorz) Frumkin, whose figures for Jews come from the American Jewish Congress, the Zionist Organization of America, and the Centre de Documentation juive contemporaine (Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation) in Paris.

    However, the point is that Kosinski arrives at no figures for Jews, as he obviously should not, given the problems he has noted. The ethnic population figures from Communist Hungary are based on language, and the figures from Communist Poland, Communist Czechoslovakia, and Communist Romania are based on "nationality," whatever that means in the various cases. Naturally, he apologizes for his use of "official statistics, imperfect as these may be." We will return to demographic problems, especially those which involve the Polish Jews, in Chapter 7.

    We must also remember that the problem of counting Jews in Western countries contains enormous difficulties on account of the lack of any legal, racial, or religious basis for defining a "Jew." As an example, the statistics available to Reitlinger indicate to him that early in World War II there were 300,000 Jews in France, including refugee German Jews.[27]

    continued next post...
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  4. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    The Nazis, on the other hand, thought that there were 865,000, and I see no motivation for deliberate inflation of this figure; other figures used by the Nazis were not wildly inflated compared to the figures of other sources.[28] I should add that I really have no idea how many Jews there are in the U.S. I can consult the World Almanac, which will tell me that there are about 6,000,000, but I cannot see how that figure was arrived at and have little confidence in it. As far as I know, the correct figure could as easily be 9,000,000. There must be at least 4,000,000 in the New York area alone.

    To summarize what has been said with respect to Jewish population statistics: the problem of compiling such statistics is formidable even without political interference or pressure. Moreover, in the demographic argument for a five or six million drop in world Jewish population, the sources and authorities for the figures used are Communist and Jewish and thus, by the nature of the problem we are examining, must be considered essentially useless. In addition, the post-war figures for the United States are demonstrably too low by a significant amount.

    One should not form the impression that it is essential to my argument that any demographic conclusions seemed to be reached above be accepted by the reader. It has only been shown what sorts of problems arise if one attempts a too direct demographic approach; it is not possible to settle anything in such a manner. In the final analysis, the difficulty is that the figures available amount to nothing more than statements, from Jewish and Communist sources, that millions of Jews were killed. Such claims are to be expected, but they must certainly not deter us from looking deeper. We will take up the demographic problem later in the book, however, because the nature of the situation is such that reasonably useful demographic conclusions are possible once it is understood what, in general, happened to the Jews.

    Rassinier's demographic study, in fact, does not really even attempt to settle the problem, strictly speaking. His basic approach is to analyze the inferences that have been drawn from two different sets of data, that of the Centre de Documentation juive contemporaine and that of Hilberg, both of whom infer from their data five to six million Jewish victims of the Nazis. Rassinier's conclusion is that the former can only claim 1,485,292 victims form its data and the latter 896,892.[29] Rassinier accepts the reality of about a million Jewish victims of Nazi policies, while rejecting the claims of extermination. For example, it is known that some East European peoples took advantage of general political-military conditions to persecute Jews. Also, many Jews who were deported from their homes no doubt perished as a result of generally chaotic conditions, which accompanied the latter part of the war.

    Believing that the task is not possible, I will offer here no definite estimate of Jewish losses. However, I have no strong reason to quarrel with Rassinier's estimate.[30]

    More info here...
  5. jay runner

    jay runner Banned

    Oct 5, 2017
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    The reason the holocaust of the Jews in WWII is being denied is in support of Muslims to try to get them (Muslims) into position to eradicate Western tradition, history, and ideals, and bring about a revolution the Left thinks it can then win over the long established Jihad of Islam and the remnants of the West.
  6. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    At least the "missing Jews" myth is appropriately placed under "Conspiracy Theories".

    The answer is simple. They either joined murderous monsters like Solomon Morel & Lola Blatt (see "An Eye for An Eye"), converted to a different religion or joined the millions of other displaced persons throughout Europe(1)

    Regardless of where they went, only a tiny fraction of remains are anywhere near the camps(2) from which they were transferred and many of those remains pre date WW 2 by decades.

    (1) "Expulsion of Ethnic Germans after World War II (1945)"

    EXCERPT "However, the forced displacement of some 14 million ethnic Germans and allied Slavs from Soviet Russia, from occupied areas of Eastern and Central Europe in the aftermath of World War II, has to go down as something pretty close to genocide, especially when one considers that between half a million and two million of them didn’t survive the journey.

    While most of these deaths were from famine and disease, many German civilians were also executed outright, or sent to internment and labor camps by the Soviets..." CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "It is alleged in orthodox historiography that; during WW II - hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of corpses were buried in numerous “huge mass graves” at Belzec, Chelmno, Ponary, Sobibor and Treblinka II. However, despite all the deceptive allegations to the contrary, the truth is; the largest (in terms of quantity of remains) of the - one hundred - graves / cremation pits that are alleged to have been scientifically proven to currently exist at these sites, in which verified human remains have been tangibly located via bona fide, verifiably honest and conclusively documented archaeology; contained the remains of - ONLY SIX PEOPLE.

    Those who believe they can refute any statement of fact articulated on this web page are invited to accept


    $100,000.00 REWARD

    For proving - just 1 / 1,000 of 1% - of the criminally fraudulent buried remains allegations" CONTINUED
  7. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    The holocaust deniers even deny Rudolf Hoss memoirs, the numbers the Germans kept track of for extermination, the camp guard and survivor testimonies, and the actual photographs of the day. They live in a bubble of made up history.
    Ddyad and Capn Awesome like this.
  8. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    It looks like Eisenhower didn't mention the gas chambers in his memoirs. I googled around and couldn't find any reference of his to any gas chambers.

    This link only works with FireFox.

    DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER published his Crusade in Europe in 1948. In 559 pages General Eisenhower does not mention the German gas chambers in which it was—and is--claimed that millions of Jews and others were “exterminated.”

    Eisenhower's Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill's Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle's three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi "gas chambers," a "genocide" of the Jews, or of "six million" Jewish victims of the war.
    Grau likes this.
  9. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    What the photos show is consistent with deaths caused by typhus and starvation.

    There are NO photographs of corpses of Nazi gassing victims. The cheap, dirty trick which really makes the hoax succeed is the wilful misuse of pictures of countless sick and dead in the camps at the end of the war—none of which are of people killed in gas chambers—but which are repeatedly shown to give the false impression that millions of people must have been murdered in gas chambers. There really is no direct connection--but for the more than gullible masses, the connection is “undeniable.” The people who show those pictures are all in on the trick. They all know perfectly well that the pictures are of people who died of other causes such as typhus—but they use the pictures anyway for their powerful psychological effect to precondition their audience for the gassing and mass extermination pitch which inevitably follows. The pictures are irrelevant except for their enormous shock value. Pictures of countless healthy prisoners in the same camps are generally not shown for reasons that are all too obvious. This delibeerate misuse of photographs is rather widespread and illustrates the collective eagerness of many people (the “hoaxers“ or co-conspirators in the hoax), especially in the American media, to throw whatever they can find against the Nazis, SS and Germans generally just like spiteful children. They want to believe in the hoax.
  10. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    LOL, they killed many through starvation, beatings, and just plain shooting them. They created the gas chambers to be more humane, TO THEIR OWN TROOPS.
    modernpaladin likes this.
  11. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I think that it is noteworthy that even Eisenhower's more ethical brother is one of the many, many jurists who condemned the Soviet style, Nuremberg lynching as "...a black page in the history of the world" (1)

    "President Eisenhower’s Brother, An Attorney, Condemned The Nuremberg & Eichmann Trials"


    "I think the Nuremberg trials are a black page in the history of the world…I discussed the legality of these trials with some of the lawyers and some of the judges who participated therein. They did not attempt to justify their action on any legal ground, but rested their position on the fact that in their opinion, the parties convicted were guilty…"

    Edgar N. Eisenhower, American attorney: Brother of President Dwight D. Eisenhower
  12. Capn Awesome

    Capn Awesome Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2019
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    Thing that always cracks me up about holocaust deniers is that they are like "There was never a holocaust! .......(but there should of been!)

    Even the above long rambling post basically boils down to "I believe the Nazis"
  13. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Here is Eisenhower visiting a concentration camp.


    "But the most interesting - although horrible - sight that I encountered during the trip was a visit to a German internment camp near Gotha. The things I saw beggar description. While I was touring the camp I encountered three men who had been inmates and by one ruse or another had made their escape. I interviewed them through an interpreter. The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick. In one room, where they [there] were piled up twenty or thirty naked men, killed by starvation, George Patton would not even enter. He said he would get sick if he did so. I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to 'propaganda'." ~ Eisenhower

    Also, what a lot of folks don't know is that the Auschwitz concentration camp network had 32 camps. All of them were work camps but with horrible conditions where workers were often starved or worked to death. It wasn't until about 43 that Auschwitz Birkenau became an extermination camp too after the Final Solution was decided. Germans had an 'expert' on extermination and there were many failed experiments including just blowing up a group of people. They had to pull parts out of trees and if they were too high, left them. The found by digging a pit, covering it with railroad rails about 1 1/2 foot appart, and stacking layers of wood, then people, then wood, then people that it was the most efficient way to burn the corpses but this meant the German soldiers had to shoot their captives which included women and children and it was very dispiriting for the soldiers so the SS found it to be much more humane for their solders in the field to ship them to extermination camps where mostly Sonderkommando's (Jewish inmates) were used to burn the victims after being murdered in gas chambers. Some of the extermination camps like Treblinka simply used motor exhaust to murder them.
  14. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    As usual, you provide no sources for your assertions just as the photo you included shows that burning diseased bodies in pits is woefully ineffective because it does not allow air to circulate underneath the fuel.

    Additionally, a small pile of partially burned bodies proves nothing about homicidal gas chambers and other WW 2 era fictional propaganda myths(1)

    If "millions" were executed and disposed of in such a crude manner and through rushed cremations, there would be a commensurate number of remains as is the case with other mass killings throughout history.

    However, after over 70 years of desperate & intense searching by well funded minions of the Holocaust Industry, only a tiny fraction of remains have been found especially in or around the so called "Reinhard Camps".

    No valid court of law issues convictions without being able to produce a body or bodies so where are these mythical "millions of bodies"?


    EXCERPT "It is alleged in orthodox historiography that; during WW II - hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of corpses were buried in numerous “huge mass graves” at Belzec, Chelmno, Ponary, Sobibor and Treblinka II. However, despite all the deceptive allegations to the contrary, the truth is; the largest (in terms of quantity of remains) of the - one hundred - graves / cremation pits that are alleged to have been scientifically proven to currently exist at these sites, in which verified human remains have been tangibly located via bona fide, verifiably honest and conclusively documented archaeology; contained the remains of - ONLY SIX PEOPLE.

    Those who believe they can refute any statement of fact articulated on this web page are invited to accept


    $100,000.00 REWARD

    For proving - just 1 / 1,000 of 1% - of the criminally fraudulent buried remains allegations" CONTINUED

    (1) "Auschwitz Electrical Conveyor belt of Death"

    EXCERPT "It’s a little known fact that running alongside the scientifically implausible gas gas chambers at Auschwitz ran the electrified conveyor belts of death. These industrialised slaughter belts, we can assume took the passive cargo directly from the “cattle cars” and electrocuted the hapless victims without struggle then disposed of the evidence in Nazi furnaces. One can only guess at the “special devices” for killing children. Somehow visions of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate/extermination factory spring to mind."CONTINUED

  15. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Well, again you ignore the historical records the German's produced themselves, the eye witnesses both guards and survivors, and all of the photographs of the dead with unsubstantiated nonsense from more holocaust deniers.
  16. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    You're assuming that all holocaust survivors say the same thing when such is not the case. One only hears from the innumerable holocaust survivors who stick to the script fabricated by the wealthy & fraudulent Holocaust Industry.

    I lived, worked & studied in Europe in the early - mid 1970s and had the opportunity to speak with numerous holocaust survivors who said nothing about beatings, gas chambers etc. One Russian holocaust survivor who had been held captive by all the major armies claimed that the Germans treated her better than her Allied captors but you'll never her story published by MSM.

    You will also never hear Alexander McClelland's story which reports that his injuries were a result of beatings by cruel and brutal Jewish Kapos:

    EXCERPT "The two Kapos that beat me daily, using a heavy wooden baton they called
    'Herr Doktor' (The Doctor) were both fellow Prisoners, both were Jewish,
    one from Hungary and the other was, I believe, a Ukrainian. I was often a
    witness when they dragged other hapless prisoners from their cells onto
    the 'Appelplatz' and beat them to death with 'The Doctor'.

    So whenever I meet a ' Camp survivor' now, I look him deeply in the eyes
    to see what sort of a 'survivor' they are; were they really a Prisoner
    just like me, or whether they were one of the many 'Privileged' ones who
    survived the war being more inhumane to other Prisoners than the Germans
    ever were."CONTINUED (1)

  17. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Well, you shouldn't have too many cracks because no one here has ever said: "There was never a holocaust! .......(but there should of been!)"

    You will probably be surprised to hear that the vast majority of people around the world are capable of independent thought and do not believe the myths promulgated by the wealthy & fraudulent(1) Holocaust Industry.


    EXCERPT “This is the most staggering statistic in a new survey by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of more than 53,000 people in over 100 countries, conducted by First International Resources.

    Only a third of the world's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical accounts.

    Some said they thought the number of people who died has been exaggerated; others said they believe it's a myth.

    Thirty percent of respondents said it's probably true that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust."

    - Hindus were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths has been exaggerated.

    - people younger than 65 were much more likely to say they believe that facts about the Holocaust have been distorted”CONTINUED


    EXCERPT "Writing to the Claims Conference’s board last week, recently terminated ombudsman Shmuel Hollander asserted that, while reports had said organizational insiders had siphoned off $57 million in German taxpayer funds meant for survivors, “the final sum is in all probability much higher.”CONTINUED
  18. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    I know, all the people that have lost ALL of their relatives during Germany's effort to make Jews extinct are all lying.
  19. Jazz

    Jazz Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Sep 21, 2008
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    Thank you, Hoosier, I agree with you... if not 100% so at least to a large degree.
    Here is a decent and truthful link to back your statement:

    The Truth About Adolf Hitler
    They say "the winner's write history," and it is absolutely true; the most egregious example in modern times has to be the mainstream (mis)understanding of Adolf Hitler and pre-WWII Germany. Adolf Hitler was actually a vegetarian, animal-lover, an author, an artist, a political activist, economic reformer and nominated for a Nobel Peace prize. He enacted the world's first anti-animal cruelty, anti-pollution and anti-smoking laws. Unlike the demonic portrait that history has painted of him, Hitler was beloved by his people and he wanted nothing but peace.

    After WWI in 1919 the Internationalist League of Nations Treaty of Versailles enforced draconian reparation taxes on Germany so ridiculous that US President Woodrow Wilson said, "If I was a German I should think I would never sign it." British Prime Minister David Lloyd George said, "We have written a document that guarantees war in 20 years … When you place conditions on a people [Germany] that it cannot possibly keep, you force it to either breech the agreement or to war."

    The next year, in 1920 Jewish international bankers (many of them the same involved in creating the League of Nations and the Federal Reserve) began giving big interest-bearing loans to Germany. By 1923 Germany was already going bankrupt to the Jewish financiers and couldn't continue paying the 270 billion Reichmark war reparations. Unable to even buy back their own coal from the "allies," factories began closing and thousands of Germans became unemployed. In 1924 as revenge for Germany stopping payment to the Jewish international banksters, they devalued the Papermark so sharply that within months millions of German families couldn't afford food or rent. It took a wheelbarrow full of Papermarks to buy a loaf of bread; thousands of Germans died of starvation.

    Stalin and the Jewish Bolsheviks were building concentration camps during this time, using Poland and other neighboring countries as a satellite to attack and takeover German soil. This was the pretext for Hitler's rise to power. From 1933-1940 Hitler tried repeatedly to make peace with the Jews and "allied" forces even calling for complete disarmament on everyone's part. He was nominated for the Nobel peace prize in 1939, the very year he was attacked on his own soil after repeatedly pleading for peaceful solutions. In 1936 99% of German registered voters went out to vote and 98.8% voted for Hitler.

    The Jewish media has ever since painted an evil picture of Hitler and the Jew World Order has even enacted laws in 18 European countries prohibiting free-speech on the issues of Judaism and the Holocaust. Please read Why the Holocaust Denial? and watch the following videos to see how you have been lied to about one of the most significant men in modern history.

    Continue here:
    Thank you for showing interest in the truth about Germany and its people! After nearly 75 years of relentless indoctrination by the winners of WWII it is very difficult to find and expose the truth, especially when one is threatened with jail time, as is the case in Germany and Canada. Praise be to the American people who still persevere on speaking their mind. I hope you will never succumb!
    Grau likes this.
  20. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    you have no evidence that the missing Jews moved to the USSR and the Soviets hid their jewish population growth by at least 4.5 million.

    you have no evidence that the missing Jews converted to Christianity en mass.

    just baseless silly speculation.
    Ddyad likes this.
  21. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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    First, there was no actual order for a Final Solution:

    “To the present day a written order by Hitler regarding the destruction of the European Jewish community has not been found, and, in all probability, this order was never given.”

    - Walter Laqueur, Was niemand wissen wollte: Die Unterdruckung der Nachrichten uber Hitlers Endlösung (What Nobody Wanted to Know: The Suppression of News About Hitler’s “Final Solution”), (Berlin-Vienna, 1981), p.190

    Secondly, If the Nazis wanted to exterminate all Jews, they would not have allowed them to be members of the Nazi Party(1) nor would they have knowingly allowed full & mixed Jews to comprise some of the highest ranks in Germany's WW 2 military(2)

    Finally, of course not all holocaust survivors claim the same things but, yes, there are innumerable frauds making up outrageous lies for fame and profit (3), (4), (5).

    (1) "List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent"

    EXCERPT "Notably, there were several high-ranking Nazis of Jewish descent."CONTINUED

    (2) "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers"

    EXCERPT "Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a startlingly large number of German military men were classified by the Nazis as Jews or "partial-Jews" (Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s. Rigg demonstrates that the actual number was much higher than previously thought-perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals."CONTINUED

    (3)“Most Outrageous Tales of the Holocaust”

    • Moshe Peer's astounding Holy Shoah tale - Gassed six times by the Nazis and survived!! - Claims people were murdered in gas chambers at Bergen-Belsen

    • William Lowenberg's astounding Holocaust tale - Had a magic thirst-quenching pebble, did not drink water, survived on his saliva for 3 years

    • Yankel Wiernik's Holotale - Babies torn in half, woman leaps 10 ft barbed-wire fence, guards nail inmates' ears to walls, jews roasted on giant outdoor hibachis

    • Testimony from the Eichmann Trial by Leon Wells - Dug up and burned bodies, used bone-grinding machine, ate lunch on top of corpses

    • Irene Zisblatt's incredible Holocaust tale- Ate and retrieved diamonds from feces, had 2 post-sterilization children, weighed 40 lbs when liberated

    • Rivka Yosselevska's absurd Holocaust fable - Escaped biting jew corpses, witnessed geysers of blood” CONTINUED

    (4) "Could there be anything more twisted than these Holocaust fantasists? How more and more people are making up memoirs about witnessing Nazi crimes"

    EXCERPT "Unfortunately, despite all these examples, publishers are still wilfully selling suspect memoirs based on the Holocaust and the war.

    No doubt there will be more books of this type. With publishers fighting it out to sell the latest tale of World War II derring-do, or Holocaust misery, it seems unlikely this is a genre that will die out. "CONTINUED

    (5) "Zionists Fake Holocaust Cremation Deaths Using 35 Year-Old Train Wreck Images"
  22. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Well DUH. Hitler was a megalomaniac and had full control so nothing happened without his knowledge and he proclaimed publicly what his intentions were.
  23. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    this is NOT the topic of the thread!!!
  24. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    thank you @Scott, for showing us all what Holocaust Denial is REALLY about.

    pure, extremist, obsessive anti-Semitism.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2019
  25. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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    This might be true but it doesn't prove there were gas chambers.

    This might turn out to be true too but it also doesn't prove there were gas chambers.

    It's hard to verify stuff such as the above as all we have is second-hand info. The real proof is in science and physics.

    Do you think that no lies were told by the US government? Do you simply believe every mainstream story you read? What do you think of these issues?


    In addition to the now even by non-revisionists discredited gassings, Buchenwald is notorious for allegations of production of human skin artifacts (such as lampshades) and shrunken human heads from prisoners. Such artifacts and heads were introduced as evidence during the IMT, but later disappeared without a trace, except for some photographs.[1]

    The shrunken heads are argued by revisionists to in one case even have war painting and to be obviously non-European, to have long hair despite the camp prisoners having had their hair cut down almost to the scalp, and to have been from South America and to have had an inventory number of a German anthropological museum.[1]

    Various artifacts, such as lampshades, claimed to have been made from human skin have been found to have been made of synthetic leather, animal leather, textile, or cardboard.[1]

    Mod edit/off topic/flamebait
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2019

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