9/11 - The Legal Initiative

Discussion in '9/11' started by Bob0627, Mar 19, 2017.

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  1. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Freedom in the Balance

    Dear Friends,

    The terrible crimes of 9/11 have never been properly investigated. As a result, Truth and Justice have not been served, and the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights have been trampled under-foot.

    The Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation is legally fighting back in an attempt to redirect history and reclaim our individual and National sovereignty. This battle is for all Americans who want transparency and accountability in government. You can assist us, in the attempt to reclaim our National heritage, which the 9/11 crimes have seriously damaged, by financially supporting our efforts.

    Within the past 15 months the Lawyers’ Committee has accomplished the following:

    1. In April 2018 we submitted a 52-page Grand Jury Petition to the U.S. Attorney in the Southern District of New York with 57 Exhibits dispositive of pre-planted explosives, controlled demolition, bombs in the World Trade Center Towers responsible for their destruction.

    2. In July 2018 we submitted an amended Grand Jury Petition with added bomb/terrorist counts.

    3. On November 7, 2018 we received an acknowledgement from U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman stating that he would comply with 18 U.S.C. §3332 which is the federal statute mandating the US Attorney to call a Special Grand Jury to consider the pre-planted explosive evidence.

    4. On March 12, 2019 we submitted to the U.S. Attorney a Persons with Material Information Supplement to the Grand Jury Petition.

    5. On March 25, 2019 we filed a Federal Law Suit against the Department of Justice and the FBI, in the Washington D.C. Federal District Court under the Administrative Procedures Act, and the Federal Mandamus Statute whereby the FBI is cited for its failure to comply with Federal Law under the 9/11 Review Commission Act directing them to assess 9/11 evidence not previously considered by the 9/11 Commission and to report to Congress. The legal action has seven counts. These counts cite the failure of the FBI to assess and update Congress in the following areas:

    • Explosives used to destroy World Trade Center
    • Arrest of five individuals in New Jersey associated with a mysterious moving company, three of whom were identified as dancing and celebrating while filming the morning attack.
    • Destruction of evidence by the FBI related to film confiscated during the arrests.
    • Saudi terrorist financing.
    • Pentagon cameras and videos not previously known about by the public.
    • Plane parts with serial numbers which can identify planes, not previously released
    • Discrepancies with cell phone and air phone communication from airplanes.

    6. Filed numerous Federal Freedom of Information Act Requests; three Federal FOIA law suits against the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST); a Pennsylvania Right to Know action and a New Jersey Open Public Records Action (OPRA).

    7. Presently developing plans for multiple Grand Juries and legal action in PA, VA, and Washington D.C.

    In the future you will be updated on a monthly basis concerning the Lawyers’ Committee legal actions and their status, including the NYC Grand Jury petition.

    We need your assistance to fuel the momentum in our joint effort for nothing less than the TRUTH.

    Please support the Lawyers’ Committee with a tax-deductible donation. Go to: LCfor911.org

    Your support makes a difference. Freedom is in the balance.

    Thank you,
    David R. Meiswinkle
    President/Executive Director
    Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry


    If you don't understand how critically important it is to expose the facts about 9/11, 9/11 is the pretext used as eloquently described in the following article:

    Do Americans Know How Close They Are To Dictatorship?
    By Rainer Shea

    After 9/11, the balance between liberty and despotism in America took an unprecedented turn in favor of the latter. America had been put under presidential dictatorship and experienced attacks on constitutional liberties before-like with Lincoln’s imposition of martial law during the Civil War or with Wilson’s imprisonments of dissenters during World War I-but with the advent of the War on Terror, the possibility emerged for a much less easily reversible state of tyranny.

    In this case, America had entered into a war with the assumption that the war wouldn’t ever be able to end. A war against “terror” would be a war against an enemy that could never be decisively defeated, and that would be portrayed by the government as an overwhelming threat no matter what the reality was. Echoing Herman Goering’s rhetoric after the Reichstag fire, Americans were told after 9/11 that they were now on a “war footing.” Nazi-esque language about defending the “homeland” became normalized, giving a nationalistic sense of legitimacy to the illegal wars, unconstitutional state surveillance, for-profit security apparatus expansions, torture, extrajudicial arrests, and persecution of Muslims within law enforcement that would happen in the next few years.

    Since the initial post-9/11 hysteria went away, America has settled into a new normal, one where a constant state of war goes unquestioned and where we live with less and less of the freedoms we once took for granted. No one has digital privacy from government surveillance. Whistleblowers are now regularly prosecuted, and if Julian Assange is extradited to the U.S, both leakers and their publishers will become subject to arrest. With the passage of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, the president gained the ability to arrest and indefinitely detain American citizens at any time. Since the start of America’s longest war, our freedoms have been almost consistently stripped away, and under our current administration the authoritarian takeover could go much further.

    In her 2007 book The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot, Naomi Wolf wrote that “America is not driven by pure ideologies the way that fascist Italy and Nazi Germany were. In America, profit drives events where ideology does not: Within days of the 9/11 attacks, security companies were lobbying airport and government officials to invest in new technologies of surveillance. Six years later, the surveillance industry is huge business…Lockheed Martin, Acxiom, ChoicePoint, and other companies have sharply increased their investment in lobbying for a piece of this profit.”

    This corporate-centered American fascism, Wolf observed, had by that point thoroughly revealed itself as a threat. The historical signs of a transition towards dictatorship-leaders invoking an exaggerated threat, a crackdown on dissent, the loss of rights like privacy and due process-had appeared in those first six years after 9/11. And Wolf judged that since the war would go on indefinitely, the country would only continue on its path towards despotism unless an uprising took place.

    The last twelve years have proven Wolf right. Obama used the Espionage Act to go after whistleblowers more than all previous presidents combined did. The Obama years also saw the completion of the NSA’s universal online surveillance apparatus, the continued use of excess war equipment to militarize police, the escalation of immigrant deportations, the normalization of extrajudicial drone assassinations of American citizens, and the implementation of the 2012 NDAA, which both gave Obama unlimited indefinite detention powers and granted him the authority to use the army as a domestic police force. Since these authoritarian tools were turned over to Trump, the decline of liberty has further accelerated, as well as the project from the surveillance, private prison, and weapons industries to profit from the takeover.

    Trump has used the Espionage Act to prosecute three whistleblowers so far, with Assange likely being the next one; Trump’s FBI has been persecuting black activists like Rakem Balogun using the new label of “black identity extremist;” ICE has been empowered to conduct raids more aggressively than ever. The biggest causes of alarm are the instances where the Trump White House has used its manufactured “crisis” at the border to justify measures that endanger not just undocumented poor people and workers, but the entire American lower class. When Trump has sent troops to the border to attack migrant families with chemical weapons, or vastly expanded the migrant detention centers, or conducted military-style raids to round up millions of undocumented people, he’s set a precedent for treating political dissidents and the poor in general with the same brutality.

    Read the rest:

    Last edited: Jul 1, 2019
    Eleuthera likes this.
  2. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Some realize how close to tyranny we are, and others are prevented by cognitive dissonance from realizing it.

    Clearly, the Lawyer's Committee has exposed, for the umpteenth time, how the rule of law in this country is dead.

    Good intentions lose to tyranny. If they want to make it perfectly clear, they will file a Writ of Mandamus.
    Bob0627 likes this.
  3. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Actually this is now in the works.

    Lawyers’ Committee to File Mandamus Petition as U.S. Attorney Declines to Disclose Status of 9/11 Grand Jury Proceeding

    The executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, David Meiswinkle (right), and the Lawyers’ Committee’s litigation director, Mick Harrison (left), spoke last month by telephone with Michael Ferrara, the chief of the terrorism unit of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. Mr. Ferrara is one of two officials who signed the November 7, 2018 letter to the Lawyers’ Committee on behalf of Geoffrey S. Berman, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

    In this phone conversation, Mr. Ferrara confirmed that the November 7, 2018, letter he signed was sent with the intention of conveying to the Lawyers’ Committee that the U.S. Attorney’s Office had received the Lawyers’ Committee’s petition and amended petition (both of which reported federal crimes and evidence relating to the use of explosives at the World Trade Center on 9/11) and that the U.S. Attorney would comply with the federal statute regarding Special Grand Juries as it relates to the two petitions. He said, however, that he could not disclose any information regarding the status of the Lawyers’ Committee’s petition and amended petition due to the secrecy requirements for federal grand jury proceedings imposed by Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 6(e). Attorneys Meiswinkle and Harrison thanked Mr. Ferrara for taking their call. READ MORE: CLICK ->>

    Rule 6(e) does in fact impose substantial secrecy requirements on federal grand jury proceedings, although federal courts can order disclosure under certain circumstances. Given that the U.S. Attorney’s Office is reading this rule as preventing any disclosure to the Lawyers’ Committee (and all the petitioners) regarding the status of the Lawyers’ Committee’s petition and amended petition, the Lawyers’ Committee is preparing to file a mandamus petition and a petition for disclosure in federal court prior to the upcoming anniversary of 9/11.

    The goal of this federal court filing will be to have the court confirm that the U.S. Attorney’s Office has acted in good faith by presenting the Lawyers’ Committee’s petition, amended petition, and petition supplements with accompanying evidence to a federal Special Grand Jury or to confirm that this has not occurred — and, if the latter, to obtain a court order requiring the U.S. Attorney to present the petition, amended petition, and petition supplements with accompanying evidence to a federal Special Grand Jury.

    For further information, please contact the Lawyers’ Committee directly HERE


    Since AE911Truth offered expert witness assistance to the grand jury and they have never been contacted by the US Attorney since the petition was filed, it is presumed that nothing of any significance has been taking place with regard to the investigation and it is plainly evident that a Mandamus Petition is warranted. It's bad enough that a grand jury is a secretive judicial proceeding which is clearly unconstitutional but worse is that this is smelling of just another attempt at a typical 9/11 coverup by the judiciary.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  4. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    I am most cynical, and I think even if Mandamus is filed, it will be to no avail. Sadly, the federal judiciary is as corrupt as the other two branches, which means it is very corrupt.

    In the case of U.S. v. Reynolds 345US1, the district court went along with a claim of "national security" by the government, when it was eventually discovered to be a false claim to avoid a finding against the government under the Federal Tort Claims Act.

    If LC files the Mandamus, in my opinion, the result will be another demonstration of how the courts are part of the problem, not the solution.
    Bob0627 likes this.
  5. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    And that's how they use a judiciary granted all purpose excuse tool to hide the facts about 9/11 and everything else including war crimes and to prosecute any whistle blower who exposes the US government of committing genocide and other human rights atrocities.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  6. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    FOIA requests in the works:


    1. FEMA/NIST #12-057 against the Federal Emergency and Management Administration (FEMA) and the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) for all raw data collected during FEMA’s Building Performance Study.

    2. NIST FOIA #12-177 seeks access to NIST’s WTC7 data regarding crucial Column 79 measurements so that government analyses of collapse can be checked for accuracy.

    3. NIST FOIA #12-028 seeks access to the NIST’s 2003 and 2004 interviews with first responders.

    4. New Jersey Open Public Records Act (OPRA) action seeking records related to processing of film confiscated during an arrest of individuals on 9/11.

    5. Pennsylvania Right To Know Act arbitration resulted in the release of hundreds of Shanksville records to the Lawyers’ Committee.


    1. NSA FOIA #103441 and #106389 seeks raw data for incidents before, during and after 9/11.

    2. New York FOIL request seeks communications to and from the NY State Emergency Management Office related to the WTC disaster.

    3. Multiple FBI and NTSB requests seek all records related to the recovery and documentation of human remains and wreckage from the Pentagon and Shanksville sites.

    4. NIST FOIA request seeks all records related to the mentions of a heat source during the modeling of WTC7.


    1. FBI FOIA #1347927 seeking the list(s) related to imagery of plane parts, (photos or video)

    2. NTSB FOIA #2017-266 seeking the list(s) of photos or videos of plane parts.

    3. FBI FOIA #1385080 seeking the list of identified plane parts.

    4. NTSB FOIA #2017-399 seeking the list(s) of identified parts.

    5. NTSB FOIA #2017-293 seeking a map of the UA93 crash site (FBI/NTSB record).

    6. Secret Service FOIA #18-115 seeking White House optimized radar data.

    7. SEC FOIA seeking records related to insider trading.

    8. NIST FOIA seeking videos collected by NIST.

    9. DOD FOIA #10A-0178 seeking records related to the Pentagon CCTV videos.

    10. FBI FOIA #1392650 seeks specific multiple items related to film and cameras confiscated during an arrest in New Jersey on 9/11/01.

    11. FBI FOIA #1432189-000 seeking NTSB records related to Form 6120.15


    The above list is current and release of any of the information may prompt other FOIA requests in the future. It is plainly obvious from the above list that the US government is doing whatever it can to hide 9/11 information, otherwise the above would have been released long ago and would not require FOIA action. It also shows how much we still don't know about 9/11. If it were my call I would also file a FOIA request for ALL of the following:

    There is approximately 570 cubic feet of textual records. A large percentage of the Commission's records are national security classified files.


    and ALL of these:


    There is absolutely no reason to classify any of the above data unless they serve to protect the REAL 9/11 criminals, which is absolutely unconstitutional.
    Eleuthera likes this.
  7. Shinebox

    Shinebox Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    dead in the water? ... the only things that seem active are the donate links ...
  8. Eleuthera

    Eleuthera Well-Known Member Donor

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Reality has finally dawned on the Lawyers Committee--the rule of law in the US is dead in the water. The DOJ is there to protect the criminals in government.
  9. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Are you hoping and praying? Did you see any evidence that either the Grand Jury investigation or the lawsuit vs the FBI was dismissed with prejudice? I didn't, so unless and until that happens they are both actively being pursued. If you knew anything about the legal industry in Amerika (wording and spelling intended as written) you would know it proceeds at a snail's pace. Anything of the magnitude of 9/11 could take a decade or more.

    These actions are much more about exposure (despite the lack of such by the CIA controlled MSM) than justice. That rarely exists with this pretend government in power.
  10. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    I'm quite sure the Lawyers' Committee members are fully aware since they are pursuing the NYC grand jury investigation and the FBI lawsuit and as I understand it, other grand jury investigations in other venues. If they felt justice had been served and the rule of law applied, they would not be pursuing these actions.
  11. Shinebox

    Shinebox Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    You should start a new thread on this ... "How the CIA controls the MSM" ... go for it Bobby ...
  12. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    How about I start threads as I see fit. I don’t need your suggestions.
  13. Shinebox

    Shinebox Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2015
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    hmmm ... the CIA runs the MSM ... just another conspiracy theory ... why so angry Bob? ...
  14. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Not that I know of. Perhaps you need to look up the definition of “control”, its synonym is not “run”.

    No it isn’t. Neither is the topic of this thread.

    If I post a response to your garbage it means I’m angry? Sorry just responding to your garbage, which is usually in the form of trolling. Please try to stay on topic if you’re capable at all.
  15. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    It's long past time to push the envelope on 9/11.

    Board of Fire Commissioners Adopts 9/11 Resolution
    July 25, 2019

    Resolution approved unanimously by the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District Board of Commissioners on July 24, 2019:

    Whereas, the attacks of September 11, 2001, are inextricably and forever tied to the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department;

    Whereas, on September 11, 2001, while operating at the World Trade Center in New York City, firefighter Thomas J. Hetzel, badge #290 of Hook and Ladder Company #1, Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department of New York, was killed in performance of his duties, along with 2,976 other emergency responders and civilians;

    Whereas, members of the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department were called upon to assist in the subsequent rescue and recovery operations and cleanup of the World Trade Center site, afflicting many of them with life-threatening illnesses as a result of breathing the deadly toxins present at the site;

    Whereas, the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District recognizes the significant and compelling nature of the petition before the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York reporting un-prosecuted federal crimes at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, and calling upon the United States Attorney to present that petition to a Special Grand Jury pursuant to the United States Constitution and 18 U.S.C. SS 3332(A);

    Whereas, the overwhelming evidence presented in said petition demonstrates beyond any doubt that pre-planted explosives and/or incendiaries — not just airplanes and the ensuing fires — caused the destruction of the three World Trade Center buildings, killing the vast majority of the victims who perished that day;

    Whereas, the victims of 9/11, their families, the people of New York City, and our nation deserve that every crime related to the attacks of September 11, 2001, be investigated to the fullest and that every person who was responsible face justice;

    NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District fully supports a comprehensive federal grand jury investigation and prosecution of every crime related to the attacks of September 11, 2001, as well as any and all efforts by other government entities to investigate and uncover the full truth surrounding the events of that horrible day.

    Last edited: Jul 28, 2019
    undertheradar likes this.
  16. Gamolon

    Gamolon Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    From https://www.ae911truth.org/news/540...-make-history-call-for-new-9-11-investigation
    Yeah the "entire fire service of New York State is on board"? Doesn't sound like the actual Franklin Square & Munson Fire Department is on "on board". They put this on their Facebook page, distancing themselves from such lunacy.
  17. Gamolon

    Gamolon Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    Again, they DON'T have the fire district's full backing as proven by the disclamer posted on the actual fire department's Facebook page quoted above. AE9/11 is really stretching the truth aren't they?
  18. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Sorry but the resolution speaks for itself, end of story. Are you terrified about this? It seems to me anyone who has any integrity would absolutely demand and/or support a REAL investigation into 9/11 and not criticize every effort to have one conducted.
  19. Gamolon

    Gamolon Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    No it's not "end of story". Both the fire commisioner and AE 9/11 lied about the supposed support/full backing by the fire district/entire fire service of New York State. That's a fact as evidenced by the actual fire department's disclaimer they posted on Facebook. Funny you didn't even address what I posted. I wonder why the actual fire department distanced themselves from the commissioner's resolution.

    Another thing Bobby. Are you suggestuing that people like the Chiefs, Officers and Members of the Franklin Square & Munson Fire Department do not have integrity because they don't share the same opinions/views as the fire commissioners?
  20. Gamolon

    Gamolon Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    That sure is true Bobby. That's why the actual fire department distanced themselves from those who are trying to push it.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
  21. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    It's really you who's desperately trying to. The vote was unanimous, nothing changes that and nothing changes the resolution, it is what it is no matter how much you want to try to pretend otherwise.

    Quit trying to twist what I posted, it is quite clear as to what I posted and what kind of people I'm referencing. I posted none of the above.
  22. Gamolon

    Gamolon Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    AE 9/11 and the commissioners LIED Bobby. How about address that which I have brought up. Both the fire commisioner and AE 9/11 LIED about the supposed support/full backing by the fire district/entire fire service of New York State. It's there in black and white. Are you terrified to address those lies?

    I'm not twisting what you posted. You clearly stated that "anyone who has integrity" would demand a new investigation which implies that anyone who DOESN'T demand an investigation doesn't have integrity. The fire department clearly does not agree with the commssioner's resolution for a new invetsigation per their disclaimer. It's all there in your post Bobby.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
  23. Gamolon

    Gamolon Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    Where in any of my posts did I say that the vote was NOT unanimous? Why are you arguing that point Bobby when it has nothing to do with what I've brought up? The fact is they LIED about all the supposed support that they got FOR the resolution. THAT is what I am discussing.

    How about you quite playing games and address what I brought up instead of making up lies about what I actually posted.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2019
  24. Bob0627

    Bob0627 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2015
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    You didn't and therefore the case is closed as already stated and it seems you agree.

    That's not the fact, that's your personal opinion and nothing more.

    Right, because rather than discuss the real issues about the 9/11 legal initiative(s), you chose to divert the topic with trivial nonsense. Typical Gamolon tactic.

    You claim (you didn't provide a link, not that it matters):

    So that in your world translates to a "fact that they lied". For me the facts are that the Commissioners voted unanimously on a resolution that states several things that they all agree on and that some of the members of the Fire Department may or may not agree with one or more of those stated points in the resolution. There is nothing anywhere that states that any of them do not support the petition for a Special Grand Jury investigation. You're trying to make that leap. But even if some do not support it (which would be incredulous), who cares exactly? What matters is that this is happening and many do support it.

    Furthermore, I don't need to defend AE911T or the Board of the Franklin Square and Munson Board of Fire Commissioners. I support any and all legal and other actions against US government and MSM lies, distortions, disinformation and classification about 9/11.

    Having said all that, the discussion that YOU insist on having has no in relevance with respect to 9/11. It only serves as a typical diversionary tactic for YOUR personal agenda and I'm not interested in pursuing it. Hypocritically, you never seem to object to any of the REAL LIES perpetrated by the Bush administration, their minions, the 9/11 Commission, NIST, the FBI, the CIA, the MSM and many others who advance the OCT fairy tale. So what else is new?
  25. Gamolon

    Gamolon Well-Known Member

    Dec 4, 2013
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    Neither group lied about the supposed overwhelming support they had for the resolution? Explain that to me Bobby. Both AE 9/11 and the commissioners said they had FULL SUPPORT of the entire fire district for the resolution after they approved it.

    Then the actual fire department puts out a disclaimer on Facebook stating that "The opinions of the Franklin Square and Munson Board of Fire Commissioners does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Chiefs, Officers and Members of the Fire Department."

    Yeah, they lied about the actual support they had. Either they discussed and passed the resolution WITHOUT discussing it with the actual fire depratment or they DID discuss it with them and the fire department told them they didn't agree, yet they said what they said anyways.

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