"We the People.." Do Not Have Constitutional Right to Vote

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Truly Enlightened, Oct 10, 2019.

  1. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Our representatives are elected to serve the interests of the people that elected them. Our representatives have chosen a life of public service. They were not elected to serve the interests of Corporate America. Corporations, by law and definition, are not allowed to care about politics, the public welfare, human lives(the Tobacco Industry), racial equality, religious ideologies, social norms and morality, civil rights and due process, jobs, the economy, unless they affect its profit margin.

    The only power that "We the people.." have, that stands in the way of the avaricious and mercenary nature of corporate America, Wall Street, the MIC, the FFI, Big Pharma and Big Tech, and corrupt political parties, is the power of our votes. Without this voting power, Corporate America can freely sanction other countries, plunder their natural resources, justify the need for regime-change wars, promote US Imperialism, legally bribe our representatives, and maintain the class of elitists Oligarchs. They can even use their own media, and their own corporate paid actors, to disseminate enough disinformation to manufacture their own truth.

    There is nothing explicit in the Constitution, that specifically guarantees anyone the right to vote? https://democracyjournal.org/magazine/28/the-missing-right-a-constitutional-right-to-vote/ But it is this voting power, that can allow 90% of "We the people..", to control at least one aspect of our future. So, why are we allowing corporate power to take even this power away from us? Why are we allowing Corporate America to provide us with the choices that they want? Why are we allowing power and money, to convince us that only Oligarchs, Plutocrats, and the Meritocracy, can understand the needs of the impoverished? Why do we choose to ignore the level of Integrity, history, corporate ties, health, policies, and the credibility of our representatives? Why don't we choose someone who as already demonstrated what they are willing to sacrifice for their beliefs? Why are we convinced to believe someone who has never sacrificed anything for their beliefs?

    Our vote is far to precious, to be controlled and manipulated by the powers to protect the status quo. We should be able to connect foreign and domestic policies, to determine who would benefit the most. These wars must be stopped first. Everything else is just empty promises.
  2. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    It is quite clear, comprehensively, that only state Citizens exist, and that each state is controlled by a majority of its Citizens.

    Fundamentally the question is really whether or not those Citizens actually have the rights conferred by the bill of rights (BOR). There is constitutional intent found there which is completely overlooked by a federal government corrupted under the organic act of 1871. Since that time federally aligned interests have sought to control state legislatures in ways usurping the people’s rihjts as state Citizens pursuant to the federal constitution states have agreed to abide by.

    The act of 1871 essentially seeks to obiviate the natural law functions of the 1st and 9th Amendment with their relation to the definitions and protection of un-a-lien-able rights. Rights that cannot be taken, removed or violated by law.

    There was undue influence by English gold going back to the creation of the Declatstion of Independence causing grave omissions in it and therefore a lack of understanding of how a majority of Citizens is to form and act in their states with regard to the most fundamental intent of the constitution.

    A major de-emphasis on the power of the people has been effected and the fact that congress has evaded its duty to enable an Article V convention since 1911 makes this clear.
  3. Belch

    Belch Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2015
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    Why should you be given the right to vote? You fight for that right. Don't complain, don't moan, just fight like women had to do.

    It was a mistake giving them the vote so easy, but they did put up a bit of a fight.

    I have the right to vote because I helped make my little neck of the woods what it is. My house that I built is in a village that accepted me, and I worked hard to be accepted by my neighbors. My wife and I had children who played with neighborhood children, we both have good jobs that help the community, and none of us has been arrested for anti-social behavior.

    the right to vote isn't in the constitution because it shouldn't be. You need to earn that right as an individual!
  4. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    That is interesting. All the things you bring up to criticize the private sector, I bring up to criticize government. The role of government should be to protect individual freedom rather than to destroy it.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
  5. fencer

    fencer Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2009
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    Whatever the original intent of electing representatives, as long as elected representatives are human their first priority is going to be their own interests. Any ruling elite, however they came to have that status, will first look to themselves, then their families, then their friends and benefactors, then maybe whatever official constituency they may have.
    Not at all. Corporations are merely groups of people. Sometimes government gives them special privileges or imposes extra restrictions on them but their essence is their membership and the people who make decisions for the corporate body (their people). There are religious corporations, municipal corporations, non-profit corporations and many others. Any corporation can and does, have the same cares and interests as their membership and their leadership.

    This is only true if by votes you mean purchasing power. Every dollar spent on a product is a "vote" for that product and that company. As an example, Microsoft can buy as many politicians as they care to, to protect themselves from government but if the people stop buying their products they would be out of business in short order. Further, without the wealth given them by their customers in voluntary exchange, they wouldn't be able to influence politics at all.

    The sort of power you describe here is currently only allowed to governments. If a private company tried to do any of that without government approval, they would be shut down. This is why corporations spend money buying influence, writing legislation (for their government lackeys) and lobbying. Government is the tool corporations use to further their ends. Without government whatever mischief they tried would be seen as illegitimate and their schemes stopped.

    Voting for an elected representative isn't a power, its a scam. You vote for your rulers and they convince you that you are the government, when in fact voting is just a sop to keep the dullard masses from revolution when those "elected representatives" first represent themselves and their political benefactors.

    Your vote, even in very small, local elections, is essentially worthless. If the local school board where you live has a voting population of 10 thousand that means your vote has a 1/10000th chance of having any significant effect. Your congressman "represents" about 750,000 and your senator "represents" the entire population of your State. That is, they represent themselves and their political benefactors and you or any of their other constituents only as their interests happen to randomly correlate to their own interests.
    jay runner and roorooroo like this.
  6. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    It is an error that our only power is our vote.

    We are not “allowing” corporate power to do anything. We are disabled from effective unity to make change. My earlier post is going towards proving that.

    The other way” to control government in America is NOT taught in schools and completely discouraged online.
  7. 61falcon

    61falcon Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Our SupremeCourt ruled in 2010's Citizens United case that corporations are PEOPLE with every right to use their economic wealth to buy or fix elections.
  8. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Thank you. The 2010 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision by the Supreme Court, opened up the campaign spending floodgates for campaign spending. The justices' ruling said political spending is now protected under the First Amendment. This means that corporations and unions could now spend unlimited amounts of money on political activities, AS LONG AS IT WAS DONE INDEPENDENTLY OF THE PARTY AOR THE CANDIDATE. It is this last portion of its ruling, that yes, have allowed corporation's to "buy or fix elections". This ruling has created super PACs, single-candidate PACs, or political action committees. These are only nominally independent from the candidates they support. What’s more egregious, is that this decision also protects corporations/unions from publicly disclosing much of its pending of "dark money,". This was not the intent of the Supreme Court ruling. Obviously, the courts are NOT promoting the corruptive influence of making a million-dollar donations directly to the candidates, with the naïve notion that the candidates can’t be corrupted by that donation. Or, that they will not owe any allegiance to their Pac donors. This certainly was not the intent, and would undermines our democratic right to fair representation and choice. Using a million-dollar megaphones to drown out the voices of ordinary citizens, essentially would make millionaires the kingmakers in our democracy.

    I assume that you are not a proponent of buying and fixing elections, by Plutocrats and Oligarchs, or by any other corruptive self-serving interests? I assume that you agree that money(Plutocrats, and power(Oligarchs), should not use their own media assets to lie, smear, dismiss, attack, defame, malign, or slander any candidate that threatens their own self-interests. I assume that you agree that power and money should not be used to manufacture fake personas and caricatures about any candidates. Or, to dupe the public into believing in only corporate spins and narratives, and not in the facts or the truth(like the NY Times article on Tulsi gabbard). When you’re talking to the same kinds of people for six to eight hours a day, when you actually dial for the dollars, you begin to understand that the people's problems are the country’s problems. But, you will get a skewed and warped view of the way the world works, when you are exposed only to the very narrow and wealthy world of the upper 10%.

    Because many people feel that their votes and voices, are being drowned out by power and money, there is legislation before Congress to overturn, or amend this Citizen's United decision. 16 States so far, have passed resolution to ratify the amendments to this decision. There are others(John Sarbanes, Udall Reid, Dick Durbin- fair elections act, and many others), that are actively trying to restrict the power of money within the Democratic process and our freedom of choice. https://www.ontheissues.org/2020/Tulsi_Gabbard_Government_Reform.htm . I sincerely hope that this amendment is ratified, to protect most people from being fooled by corporate fake propaganda, and in their exclusive influence on our elected representatives, undermining them from representing the people's urgent needs.
  9. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Thank you. Please understand that Corporate America is only concerned with maximizing its profits. Everything else is secondary. This is the only purpose of a Corporation. Anything that interferes with this, is dealt with(financially, threats, slander, etc.) in any way possible. Why can't we import cheaper insulin from other countries? Why do Americans pay more for drugs, then any other country? Why do we pay more for medical treatment, and have the worst outcomes, than any other country? Why do we keep getting involved in one illegal war after another? Maybe, it is because corporations are not interested in people, but only in increasing the profits for their shareholders. Maybe it is because the value of the individual, is only determined by his/her consumer worth. What do you think the role of Government should be? Should the government intervene in any inequalities between the State's rights, and the individual's rights? If the states do not want abolition, minority voting rights, children rights, fair trade and consumer protection, food and drug protection, women's voting rights, affirmative action, employment and educational equality, due process and legal equality, the right not to be lynched, abortion rights, and so many other nation-wide issues, should the government not intervene to protect the individual's right to life, happiness, and liberty?

    In what way is the Government destroying our basic freedoms? The Government is not a corporation(in the legal sense), and Is not motivated by profit. So, what are the same facts that I use to criticise private corporations, that you use to criticize big government?
    Sallyally likes this.
  10. God & Country

    God & Country Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    You forgot the second amendment, in these times the true meaning of it couldn't be any clearer.
    jay runner likes this.
  11. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Thank you. I don't feel that the second amendment has the same relevance today, as it did in the 18th and 19th centuries. It states that, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.". The purpose of the right of the State's citizens to bear arms, was to protect the State from a Government trying to occupy the State by force. Or, to forcibly enforce its own federal laws. Both have been done by the Government(Civil War, Civil Rights Act, Civil Liberty violations, Busing, etc.). Also, the States already have two well regulated standing armies. They are the National Guard and the National Reserves. There are also the security industries, the sheriff's, and state and local law enforcement agencies. All, could be considered as well regulated standing local armies. There is no reason for any citizen, that is not a part of these regulated standing armies, to bear and keep arms.

    Other than Britain and Japan, no country has ever attacked America on American soil. We also have nukes and the most advance military in the world, to deter would-be invaders. IMHO, it would cause more harm to repeal the 2nd Amendment, than it would to keep it.

    Not sure how the 2nd Amendment is related to the power of our votes. Your meaning is not clear to me. I am advocating using the power of our vote, to control Corporate control of our Constitutional rights. And, not to be distracted or manipulated into making decisions, that only serve the interests of Corporate America to maintain the status quo. Why are there so few people, that can see beyond the media spectacle, and the manufactured theatrics?

    The only real issue that matters, is to stop all these illegal wars. They are real, and their consequences are real. Without doing this first, everything else is just 4 more years, of the last 60 years of empty promises. When will we wake up and learn from our past? Or, is winning more important, than what we win?
    Sallyally likes this.
  12. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    It is the critical goal of any business. Without profits a business fails and disappears

    Let's say any way that is legal and doesn't hurt the company's reputation.

    Because the FDA doesn't allow it.

    Because the drug companies use American sales to cover development costs.

    Anyone who told you we have the worst outcomes is lying to you.

    It has nothing to do with corporations. We engage in stupid wars because the government wants to be the planetary police force. You put the blame in the worng place.

    Businesses value individuals because they are customers or potential customers. Government values them because the represent votes.

    Add freedom to your list and I'm with you.

    By creating laws that replace personal decisions with laws and regulations.

    Government is motivated by power and control. Unlike corporations, it has no competitors so it has become extremely corrupt as a result. I've expressed a few of the criticisms I apply to government above. There are many more but I'm too lazy to work on this thread any longer.[/QUOTE]
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2019
    jay runner likes this.
  13. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Thank you. There is a lot here to unpack. Let me say, that I have nothing against corporations making money. That is just what they are supposed to do. I simply don't want them to have any seat at the legislation table. Corporations are to make money, and not to make social policies. My government is NOT a corporation, or a business, and should not be run as such. If someone paid your employer to fire you, I am sure you would be up in arms about it. If a larger company bought out your company and laid off its workers, you would be screaming for more government protection. Finally, understand, without the interference by money into politics, WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT. Now lets unpack the rest.

    Lets just look at Big Pharma and the Health Care sector. These corporations spend almost 70%(over $70B/year) of their budget on marketing, lobbying, DTCA(direct-to-consumer-advertising) and for convincing doctors to choose their prescription drugs. These corporations spend very little on R&D(research and development). In fact these corporations take advantage of the Federal and State R&D tax credit, that significantly reduces their tax liabilities. So, they spend even less. Their after tax profit is NOT used to cover R&D costs. This profit is used for more effective marketing strategies, more effective lobbying, and to provide more profits to its shareholders.

    The connection of endless wars and corporations, is very obvious. Do you think that the Military Industrial Complex, makes zero dollars in making bombs, missiles, guns, drones, vehicles, tanks, ships and planes, and other technologies to kill people? Do you think the Fossil Fuel, and other Energy Industries make zero dollars, in providing the fuel and energy to keep these killing technologies going? Do you think that Industries such as Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Textron, Airbus Group(France/Netherlands), United Technologies, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems, and many other corporate war profiteers, will not profit off of the death that they will cause? If we also include the profits made on selling military arms all over the world, it is clear to see why war mongers, and international think tanks, exist in Washington. It is also clear why these corporations will financially lobby our representatives, to make sure that our foreign policy, is more suited to their own interest(not the people's). Including, creating a "revolving door" on their board, for all compliant and sympathetic representatives.

    Regarding, does America spend more on its healthcare than any other country in the world? This fact is beyond doubt, we ARE no.1. It spends almost $11,000 per citizen, that's over 17% of its GDP(over $3T). Does it have the worst outcomes? America's life-expectancy is the lowest of all OECD Countries(36 countries). https://www.reuters.com/article/us-...er-countries-with-worse-results-idUSKCN1GP2YN and, https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/135/6/961, and https://www.cnbc.com/2015/10/08/us-health-care-spending-is-high-results-arenot-so-good.html Unfortunately, the quality of healthcare is only relevant once people are sick, not the preventative healthcare needed for addressing a sick population.

    Please, what are the laws that our government is creating, that you feel are replacing our basic freedoms? Remember, we have the 9th and 10th Amendments, that enables the Government to expand the scope, interpretation, and definition, of our basic rights. So, specifically what basic rights do you feel is being threatened by government regulations and laws?

    It is the people that have power and control over the Government. This was clearly stated in our Constitution. The lack of competition is not directly related to corruption. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_corporate_collapses_and_scandals In fact, it is greed, power, and money that seem to fuel corruption. Our government only gets its power from the people(of, by, and for the people). It is written in the Declaration of Independence, "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.". Corruption only exists in government, because "We the people..", allow it to exist. We are about to elect another corporative into office, that will continue to corrupt our Government. The first step to stop this, is to get LOBBYISTS MONEY OUT OF POLITICS. These bills are already in the House to do this.
    Giftedone and Sallyally like this.
  14. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    They don't. If you mean they shouldn't be able to petition their government then you are just dead wrong.

    Actually it would be far better if it were run like business. The problem is that there is no competition so it simply runs corruptly with no purpose or goal.

    And to reimburse the company for development costs, pay dividends, donate to charities and a jillion other things.

    Sorry, you are just confused. Companies do not war. They respond to demand. The government wants weapons of war and companies provide them profitably. The war mongers are in government.

    The reasons for the cost of health care are many and complex. You can read opinions about that everywhere. Personally, I don't opine. But most of the reasons are addressable. In most cases the solutions involve being smart consumers.

    I told you I want to withdraw from the thread. You are full of passion instead of understanding. The list would fill volumes. I'll let you define freedom for yourself. It isn't like to agree with mine.

    Pure nonsense. The people have no control over government at all. All they can do is vote and voting changes the names on the doors. It fixes nothing. Power and money fuel corruption in every sector of our society. No need for you to lecture me on the obvious. You are correct that government corruption exists at the pleasure of the people. The business people are trying to correct some of the corruption but the bureaucracy is fighting tooth and nail. If you want lobbyist money out of politics, then pass a law making it illegal for businesses to contribute to election campaigns. You realize, of course, that campaign donations are at the root of government corruption. The recipients of the lobbyist donations aren't about to give that up.
    jay runner likes this.
  15. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Firstly, no right is absolute. You simply can't loose your basic rights, without due process. The Organic act of 1871, is only relevant to the establishment a new territorial government for the whole District of Columbia. There were many other Acts in 1871(Treason Document, Third Enforcement Act, the Dog Act, etc.), so I'm not clear which act you are connecting to our 1st Amendment rights. The 9th and 10th Amendment allows the Government to expand the scope, definition, and interpretation of the of amending our basic rights. It has done this many times.

    My worry is that Corporate America already controls the narrative that it wants people to swallow. Now it wants to completely change the very document the protects us from their greed. The more uninformed and politically ignorant we are kept, the easier it will be to keep amending our Constitution, so that we have no protection at all. This is what I see happening. We are so distracted by spectacles and promises, that we can't see the purpose of the distraction. That is to maintain the status quo. Other countries are just watching us bury ourselves under over 200 Trillion dollars of national liability debts. There is just no way we can cover our national liabilities.

    While we are defending the corporations that are draining us dry, or talking about corruptions in the government, the Oligarchs and Plutocrats, are paying to have the Constitution amended to serve their own interests. We are becoming an economic joke, waiting to implode. Not if, but when. All because we can't get 100 people together to agree on anything, let alone make their representatives responsible.

    Let's say 100 people TELL their congressional representative, that if they don't get petrol back a $2.00 per gallon, that the will not be voted back into office. If 100 people tell their representatives to freeze the price of eggs, milk, and bread, or they will not be voted back into office again. The price of petrol will not rise, and the price of bread, milk, and eggs, will also not go any higher. If it does, simply vote them out of office, until you can vote someone in that can do these things. This is the power that Corporate America fears from the people. This is why they invest so much in keeping us distracted and divided.

    As I have said before, stop all illegal wars and save trillions. We have become so divided and fragmented as a nation, that we even find faults in certainty.
  16. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    This probably the most uninformed, and one-dimensional thinking, I have ever heard. I agree that corporations do not start wars, but they do directly influence those that do. I have listed specific corporations, among many others, that benefit directly from the cost of endless wars. I have listed sites with the exact amounts these corporations make from the cost of wars. I have stated the amount of money these corporations spend on lobbying our representatives to create, or vote favorably, on legislation that suits their own interests. For example, it was Big Pharma lobbyist, that successfully lobbied our representatives, to insert in their Health Bill, that the Government can't negotiate with Pharmaceutical Companies to lower its drug prices. None of this is rocket-science. Its just common sense. Weapons' companies need to sell more weapons to make more profits. All companies and corporations, need to sell more products and services, to make more profit. The obvious problem is, that the Government is NOT a corporation. It must contract out for the services of these war profiteering corporations. What products do the government sell to pay these contractors? It simply goes more and more into debt, at the expense of more and more social programs. If corporations had the same debt, they would be bankrupt now.

    The USA is a COUNTRY, not a corporation. It is a collection of 50 republics, one Federal District, and 5 independently governed Territories. A Plutocratic government only exist in science fiction, and the movies. Maybe we should replace our Constitution with the 235 "Ferengi Rules of Acquisition"? The government's first priority, is to make sure that all of its citizens, are protected by the same individual rights equally. Corporations have a different set of priorities, and human rights and equality, is not high on that list. The human worth is based only on how much he/she can consume. Corruption in Government will end, when money in politics is regulated or abolished. Crony capitalism, that trickle up through rent seeking is only one symptom of our social dysfunction. Our current fiscal policies only favors the 1%, and does not address the urgent state of our current economy(hundreds of Trillions in total debt). Maybe there IS a need for the US to try and take sovereign countries resources and wealth, or cripple them with sanctions.

    There are basically only two reasons for the high cost of healthcare in America. "Consumerism Culture", and "Economy of Scale". We pay much more for pharmaceutical drugs, and can't negotiate price. There is waste, corruption, and fraud in the Medicaid and Medicare to the tune of 120-180 Billion dollars/year. We don't allow any form of Healthcare rationing(not treating our elderly). There is also the wasteful practice of "defensive medicine", just to protect the doctors butt from malpractice suits. And, the burdensome problem of certifications and regulations. You are correct, it is complex, but it is not insurmountable.

    Did you even read the part about 70% of Big Pharma's expenditures? MARKETING AND LOBBYING. But you are certainly correct, they do spend some their money on the things you mentioned. As well as other things. Noted.

    You are also correct, I AM very passionate about my country, and the government I want for my children, and for future generations. I don't simply rote parrot corporate soundbites, or to cynically claim that my vote is just an effort in futility. This is exactly what money and power wants the masses to believe. It is called political apathy and cynicism.
    jay runner likes this.
  17. fmw

    fmw Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2009
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    Given that, this is a perfect time for me to bow out. Bye.
  18. God & Country

    God & Country Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    When the power of the people is circumvented by corrupt influences that results in the usurpation of a Constitutional government by a tyrannical replacement such as the radical left, it is up to the people to correct that. For instance look at the sudden and careless suggestion to toss the electoral college. This is a machination designed by the left to subvert the election process, they are fairly transparent about their intentions for America and it is abundantly clear that they don't care what it takes to seize the power to do so.The continuity of the Republic depends heavily on the unadulterated power of our votes but it is difficult to guarantee that, the 2nd Amendment provides a remedy should the lawful process fail.
    jay runner likes this.
  19. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    This is why natural law, our DNA is so important. We are already in agreement unconsciously, we only need to make the agreement conscious.

    Meanwhile, here is the fact of the act of 1871 we need to overcome with majorities in states to use "the other way" to control governments in America.

    THE ACT OF 1871
    On February 21, 1871, the Forty-First Congress–also known as the “Acts of the Forty-First Congress,” Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62–passed the Act of 1871: “An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia.” Without constitutional authority, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is literally a piece of land that extends out for only 10 miles. But why?
    After the Civil War our nation was essentially bankrupt, and America was very vulnerable to European interests. The Civil War itself was nothing more than a strategic maneuver created by the international bankers to gain a stronghold on America. Knowing that the nation was in financial trouble, Congress made a deal with the Rothschild’s of London thereby incurring a debt. As we know banks do not lend money unless it is in their best interest, so the Crown of London created way to gain control of the United States. Thus the Act of 1871 was passed, and THE UNITED STATES corporation was born.
    Note the capitalization; this is very important. Now owned by foreign interests, this corporation obliterated the original version of the Constitution with the Act of 1871. Our beloved Constitution was defaced as the title was capitalized and the word “for” was changed to the word “of”. The original Constitution was written in this manner: “The Constitution for the united states of America” is now changed to: “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”... a corporate constitution. This constitution operates in an economic capacity, and has been used as a tool to fool the People into thinking that it is the same Constitution created by our Founding Fathers. The capitalization of names on legal documents may seem minor, yet have major impacts on each generation born in this country. What the Congress did was create a constitution for the corporate government of the District of Columbia, and not that of America. Let that sink in for a moment.

This corporate constitution serves outside of the original Constitution. It does not benefit the Republic nor its people, yet serves only to benefit the corporation. Rather than having inalienable rights guaranteed under the original Constitution, we now have ‘privileges’. An example of a privilege is the right to travel which also includes the right to operate a vehicle. Once must be licensed in order to do so. These privileges operate outside of the original Constitution.

Basically Congress committed treason against the People who were considered Sovereign under the Declaration of Independence and the original Constitution. What does Sovereign mean?
    Webster’s Dictionary defines ‘sovereign’ as: 1. Chief or highest; supreme. 2. Supreme in power, superior in position to all others. 3. Independent of, and unlimited by, any other, possessing or entitled to, original and independent authority or jurisdiction. In other words, our government was created to view all Americans as free people who had the highest authority. Only the People can be sovereign; government cannot be sovereign. If we look at the Declaration of Independence, it states “government is subject to the consent of the governed” which is the people, the sovereigns.
    Today the government is not subject to the consent of the governed; instead, the governed are subject to the greed of the corporation which extends to beyond the ten mile border of the District of Columbia into every state. Remember the corporation has NO jurisdiction outside of the District of Columbia, therefore has NO jurisdiction over the people. They just want you to believe that they do.

 The people of America are presumed to know the laws; it is your responsibility and obligation as an American to learn about the law and how it applies to you. Ironically we are taught very little about the law in school. We are made to memorize obscure facts, gloss over the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, yet not taught the actual laws nor history behind the laws. How convenient for the government. As a Sovereign people, we are entitled to full disclosure of the facts. As a citizen of the corporation you are only entitled to the privileges that the corporation chooses to gives you, and this includes information. Through mental manipulation and sheer ignorance, the People have allowed the government to think for them.
    We were never told that we were made beneficiaries of the American debt to the international bankers. For generations, Americans have paid towards a massive debt that the government incurred. Our government has transformed into a profit-oriented entity. We are ruled by a “de facto,” or unlawful government... corporate controllers.

Since the Act of 1871, deceptions were set in motion. At a very early age, were taught fictional versions of history. Instead of teaching the truth of our government’s deception, the people became ignorant of the truth. With the UNITED STATES filing of bankruptcy in 1933, the People essentially surrendered their law.
    Truly Enlightened likes this.
  20. ButterBalls

    ButterBalls Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    WOW, you are to be commended! I was lucky my parents filled out a permission slip :)
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2019
  21. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    every free American Adult does and should have the right to vote

    most Americans are better citizens than Trump and Trump is still allowed to vote and be President

    if one is imprisoned or committed, they are like a child, they have a guardian and are not free to vote until they are free again
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2019
  22. Belch

    Belch Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2015
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    Convicted felons are like children? Mentally, that's doing a disservice to children. Convicts are mostly just really evil people. Children are just learning the ropes, and the vast majority are not going to become convicted felons.
    2ndclass289 and jay runner like this.
  23. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    You seem to be fixating on some imaginary threat, because of some imaginary political ideology. There is no radical left, no tyrannical replacement Constitution, or any credible threat to the Electoral College. The average person is not politically one-dimensional on all issues. He/she may have liberal/progressive views on some issues, and conservative views on other issues. It is Corporate America, the DNC, and the status quo of power and money, that want to keep people ideologically, and politically divided. Our divisiveness is only artificially created by power, money, and disinformation by corporate America and mainstream media. If you ask 10 people the difference between Socialism and Democracy, they will only tell you that the former is bad, and the latter is good, but have no idea why. Attempts to abolish the Electoral College by both sides of the political spectrum, is not new. The closest we have come to abolishing the EC, was in the late 60's, and early 70's. It failed then, and will continue to fail now. I wouldn't worry about losing the EC, because it is extremely difficult to ratify any new amendment to the Constitution. And, even if an amendment to the Constitution were ratified, it would be by the will of the majority of people, NOT by the "radical left".

    Don't you want to stop our soldiers being "pimped" out to fight the wars, of the terrorist nation that flew planes into our buildings on 911? Don't you want to stop the killing of soldiers and innocent civilians, due to endless wars and crippling sanctions, all over the world? Don't you want everyone access to medical care, regardless of how much money they have in their pockets, like other countries? Don't you want to deescalate this new nuclear arms race, that waste money and can potentially destroy this planet? Don't you want to resign armament treaties, to promote peace, cooperation, and security? Don't you want to use the "war dividends" to support social programs, that need our urgent attention here at home? Don't you want to see the influence of money and power being controlled or abolished from politics? These are the progressive views of the radical and tyrannical left. In what way are these views(supported across the political spectrum) designed to subvert the election process? How is the power of the people being circumvented, and when is calling out the truth ever corrupt?

    It is the views of the progressive left that is trying to protect, and raise the awareness of the voting power of the people. It is the power and money, of Corporate America, the DNC, Plutocrats and Oligarchs, and the meritocracy, that is trying to openly usurp our voting choices. These entities can control, spin, and package any narrative, about any candidate, that they choose. They also control all the information we see and hear, on the TV, radio, the Print Media, or over the Internet Medium. So, spreading smears, lies, false associations, bigotry and xenophobia, misrepresentations and personal attacks, and rigging the polling process to eliminate any candidate that threatens the status quo, is by far the REAL threat to our election process. Have you ever stopped to connect the dots, as to why no progressive candidate has ever been nominated by the major parties, and why our economy and society has only gotten worse for the last 70 years? Or, why the top 5% of the population continue to own 95% of all the wealth in the world?

    If you are going to assert who the enemy is, you should also be able to prove it. Again, what specific "radical left" policy do you consider as radical or unlawful?

  24. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    What is the relevance of the Organic Act of 1871, in 2019? What is the specific point you are trying to make? I do agree with your latter comments.
  25. ChristopherABrown

    ChristopherABrown Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2014
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    The relevance is that the infiltration of government is fraud, therefore invalid.

    The point is that the people creating majorities in states that are focused upon using the 9th Amendment to perfect the 1st Amendment is a hyper constitutional action that can purify politics nationally.

    People are convinced there is no solution, which is exactly what the infiltration wants. By exposing the fraud, the people are empowered to embrace the alternate truth.

    That truth is the fact that the framers were faced with bizarre social dynamics where the church and English gold were doing everything in their power to prevent the inclusion of language in the Declaration of a Independence (DOI) that was natural law capable of empowering effective unity.

    The point is that America can re-Declarate and re-Constitute using the natural law which was excluded. The primary law is a doctrine titled “
    The Greater Meaning Of Free Speech.”

    From the practice of free speech between people an understanding can be formed. ~~ From the understanding can come; forgiveness, tolerance, acceptance, respect, trust, friendship and love, protecting life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.~~

    The Tory’s pursuant to the interests of the empire, paid the community in gold surrounding the framers to prevent the first 70% from being included in the Declaration of Independence. By doing so they weakened the philosophical basis of the new nation to divide and conquer with the civil war.

    In 2019 Americans can simply focus on invoking natural law amongst themselves and use their retained right to define rights by majority through their states. By use of Article V a supermajority of states can Amend and congress nor the court has authority over the amendment.

    In this way politics can be purified. The “other way” to control governments in America is by petition within in states, then states can be made the people’s allies in dealing with the federal. This is the true design the framers created for the people.

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