Tulsi Gabbard

Discussion in 'Elections & Campaigns' started by Doug1943, Aug 2, 2019.

  1. markjs

    markjs Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2019
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    It is hilarious how hard the right wingers are pushing, and actually think a case can be made for a GOP lite candidate to win the DNC nomination.

    If Tulsi wants to win, she has to join the GOP, she has hit her ceiling with Democrats.
    DavidMK likes this.
  2. Blaster3

    Blaster3 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2018
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    goes to just how far left the dem party went.

    newsflash, america & american corps(walstreet) will never allow the progressives, aka communists, to take control. even if by some alt- miracle warren becomes prez, she'll face a gauntlet of lawsuits & investigations that'd make what trump's being put through seem like summer camp
    Idahojunebug77 likes this.
  3. redeemer216

    redeemer216 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    the dem party hasn't gone left, they have gone insane, so insane that anything even remotely reasonable is a radical right conspiracy theory.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
    Doug1943, Idahojunebug77 and Blaster3 like this.
  4. redeemer216

    redeemer216 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Democrats who are only about 20 percent of the population. Dems can't win without independents and with that attitude you won't win. The left leaning independents won't vote for insane. Actually I'm probably wrong, considering how authoritarian and extremely radical they have become it's probably a far lower percentage. To win the Dems have to have someone moderate on the ticket, otherwise they won't win, and that's even if they have a populist like Bernie on the ticket. Some of his more extreme ideas like funding illegal's on medicare for all have to be curbed.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2019
  5. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Tulsi Gabbard is Right Wing.
    Smear Campaign ?
    Or do Left / Right really no longer, apply.

    Tulsi Gabbard is the only :peace: PEACE Candidate.
    Is that so very Right Wing? Or is it her service in the armed forces ;)

    The Right Wing labeling just a smear campaign?
    Do tell.

    Moi :oldman:
    Gabbard First
    Re-elect Trump Second

    Hear the Storm Trooper music yet?
    Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic,
    regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
    redeemer216 and Sallyally like this.
  6. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Only a gene-specific, one-dimensional evolutionary "throwback", will choose to see all of reality through the lens of a single political ideology. You might be a conservative(Republican) that may hate any forms of abortion, but still believe in a woman's right of choice. You might be a liberal(Democrat) that support racial and gender equality, but may disagree with certain provisions in the Affirmative Action Act(the number of people employers and Universities must hire or enrol). You might be a Progressive who believes that everyone should have free healthcare, but may be a conservative in how it should be funded. You might be a Libertarian that believes in American non-interventionism(not isolationism), but may support policies that support a strong military, or advance drone tech.. 52% of Republicans agree with the idea of Healthcare for all, including 70% of the of the general public. Many Republican also voted against increasing the Military Budget to 728 Billion. So, convincing and defining yourself, as a single conceptual political ideology, will only limit your ability to reason rationally and objectively.

    Now that is a spin, that I have never heard before. Trump lies for two reasons. One, because he is a narcissistic sociopath with zero empathy towards others. And, his lying also fuels his psychotic version of reality. Two, Trump has never had to take responsibility for any of his business failures, his inflated real estate frauds, his exploitation of bankruptcy laws, his defaults on major bank loans, and his total insensitivity towards the workers in all of his failed projects. Name just FIVE successful business ventures by Trump, that were not paid for, in part or in whole, by money lent, given, or inherited, to him by his father? Did you know that Trump was actually selling 5 month old duck, and calling it "Trump Steaks". This man is the antithesis of morality, and has less empathy for others, than a great white, or a crocodile. In fact, his running for President was only a publicity stunt, to increase his name brand recognition(where he makes most of his money). He is truly a testament that sociopaths can be very clever people. His lies are simply that, lies(build a wall, and have Mexico pay for it). Calling it sarcasm, or a method of attracting attention, would be an opinion that very few objective thinkers would share. Although, his remark that stealth aircrafts are literally invisible, did get my attention. We just got fooled, because he was a walking contradiction(rich and stupid), that appealed to both classes of people. To make the mistake the first time, shame on Him, but to make the mistake the second time,.... So please, vote this world-class embarrassment out of office, so that the state and local courts, can re-unite him with his fellow partners in crime. And, America can truly become great again.

    What smears? What lies or accusations are you depositing? His tenure as President IS bad, objectively. Maybe you think that shutting down the government, denigrating immigrants(calling them rapist, murderers, bad people, etc.), abandoning nuclear and sovereign treaties, designating a country's military as a terrorist group, denying anyone from designated Muslim countries entry into the US, inciting and legitimizing hatred and divisive rhetoric(have inspired mass shootings), adding $29 Trillion to the US debt in 8 years(https://www.thebalance.com/trump-plans-to-reduce-national-debt-4114401 ), signing the Religious Freedom Order(businesses can now discriminate based on their religious beliefs), his dismantling of the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and the repeal of the Patent Protection(intellectual properties) and the Affordable Care Act, views climate change as a hoax, created trade wars with China, has been so far just hot air on Glass-Steagall, and Trumps attacks on our Justice system https://www.afj.org/reports/trumps-attacks-on-our-justice-system , but I certainly don't. When I am wrong, or make a mistake, I just admit it and move on. I would never let pride and ego, force me to convince myself that I was right, by creating fiction.

    I appreciate your comments about Tulsi. But, it is not the DNC that elects Tulsi. It is the people that will ultimately elect her. Will the people be bedazzled and manipulated, by spectacle and bandwagon strategies? Or, will people begin to look at the policies, that best suits all Americans, and will improve our American way of life? Will we choose only from the candidates the DNC, and Corporate media provide for us? Or, can we think for ourselves, and use our own common sense, to choose the best candidate, based on their merits and message? Do you really think that any 70+ human being, will have the mental fortitude to make complex social and military decisions, without being manipulated by the chronic systemic corruptive interests, that will continue to maintain the status quo? Do you think that any candidate that receives large Pac and Corporate donations, will not look favorable to the interests of those Pac and Corporate donors? If you don't think so, then you are just fooling yourself.

    We should look first at the five policies that should matter to anyone, regardless of what their political ideology is. Without these policies, the rest are just empty promises and more debt. This requires a strong leader, that will NOT go along to get along.

    1. Stop all illegal regime-change wars. Stop disrupting countries economies with crippling sanctions. Stop stealing the resources of other countries.
    2. Use the Trillions saved as "war dividends", to help fund our urgent social reforms.
    3. Re-enter all nuclear and sovereign treaties, for the security and future of this planet.
    4. Get corporate lobbyist money out of politics, and end the "revolving door".
    5. Anyone who is sick should be allowed healthcare and treatment, whether they have insurance or money. Just like all other industrialized countries.

    This is America. This is my country. And, we are all better than this.

    redeemer216 and Bowerbird like this.
  7. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Out of 241 Countries in the world, only 5 claim to practice Communism. That's just 0.0002% of all countries in the world. Out of the 5, only one country(N. Korea) is the closest to practicing Marxist Communism. This means that only 1 country(0.00004% of all countries), actually practice true Communism. So, considering that 99.9998% of all countries on this planet do not practice Communism, claiming that Progressives are "aka communists", is just fearmongering by spreading disinformation. In other words, calling Democrats or Progressives Communists, is no different than calling them the "boogeyman". It is just a term used by adults to frighten children into behaving. We are better than this.

    Corporations don't care about political labels, they only care about political policies. As long as you are bought and paid for, do what you are told, don't interfere with corporate profits, give the rich tax cuts and concessions, do not impose regulations, and support American Imperialism, then you will be elected. Why? Because the American people are more addicted to spectacle, and how the information is packaged for them, than they are in making the effort to scrutinize and critically think through the polices. How many people actually look up the candidates records? How many people even understand the candidates policies? How many people even understand the difference between the BDS, and the BDS Movement? How many people know that the Executive Branch of government, has equal but separate powers, from the Legislative Branch? How many people know the difference between the 5 proposed Medicare proposals? Stop listening to actors, being paid millions of dollars, to tell you what their corporate masters want you to hear. Stop listening to the Maddow's, the Cuomo's, the Carlson's, MSN's MSNBC's, CBS's, or any of the media outlets own by the 5 corporations, and Think-Tanks. Go to the independent news outlets(not TYT).

    So, when Tulsi goes to Syria on a fact-finding mission, she is doing her job as a member of Congress and the committees she serves on. Does the Corporate media tell people that Tulsi spoke with religious leaders, opposition leaders, social leaders(who all told her they wanted America out, for arming terrorist to overthrow their government)? No. The only narrative they want the gullible public to absorb, is that she met with a brutal dictator. Then they double-down, in smearing her as an Assad toady, or even in love with him. What is objectively sad, is just how many people blindly parrot or believe this silly narrative. Do they ever mention Pelosi, and other diplomats who have also met with Assad? Of course not. We as a people are just letting this happen.

    Soon, good people, with good ideas, wanting to enter politics will just stay away. They, like anyone else, don't want to spend all their time defending smear attacks on their character, religion, or gender. This will keep leading us to the same old crony Capitalist, who will only maintain the status quo(Warren, Biden, Harris, Klobuchar, and O'Rourke). It is ironic, amusing, and sad to hear these tribal divisive political rhetoric. Especially, when both sides of congress, at the end of the day, are very good friends. Both sides get paid a lot, and enjoy the same benefits that we can only wish for. They are just laughing at us as we stay divided and distracted with the disinformation they spoon-feed us.

    There is NO ceiling for Tulsi. There is NO party advantage. There is only an overqualified patriot, trying to give us a chance to take back control of our country, from the Oligarchs, Plutocrats, and Meritocrats. It is the people that decides if she wins, not the party. Unfortunately, it is the people that are basically politically lazy. Unfortunately, if the lies look good, sound good, and said enough times, then the lies must be good. This is Mob logic 101.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2019
    redeemer216, Bowerbird and Moi621 like this.
  8. Shook

    Shook Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Tulsi will wreck the rest of the slate like a Ferrari with a stuck open throttle simply because democrats are first and foremost impressed with good looks, as they always have been. They always vote for the pretty face, and that's the best you can expect from them.
  9. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Part of a smear campaign or can you cite examples of GOP lite.

    GOP lite is taxing working people for ObamaCare to pay for poor people coverage.
    GOP lite is paying more attention to Wall St. and not Main St. ala Hillary / Obama

    How can the only :peace: peace candidate be GOP lite, in your references?


    What should be kept in mind for those determined to beat Trump is,
    Only Ms. Gabbard can carry all the HIllary States and capture some of
    Trump's in the great, Red Middle where her military service is more meaningful to voters.

    What other candidate can do that, today?

    Moi :oldman:

    Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic,
    regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
  10. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Would YOU
    PAH-Leeze provide an abstract / synopsis
    of your ever so wordful uploads.
    Some of us be dyslexic.

    Well Moi :oldman: anyways
  11. Heartburn

    Heartburn Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Explain Hillary?
    Seth Bullock likes this.
  12. Shook

    Shook Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Ya got me there. I have never been able to explain Hillary.
    Seth Bullock likes this.
  13. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Selfish opportunist like Bill.

    Neither are shining liberals but rather among the Conservative Wing of the Democratic Party giving up Main St. for Wall St. Obama too.
    Witness working people pay for poor people's ObamaCare via premium costs.
    Idahojunebug77 likes this.
  14. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    First post(#356):
    Only the most simple, the most insecure, the most obstinate, and the most ignorant, would ever define their entire persona, as a political ideology.
    Trump was a crook, liar, and was mentally ill, before he became the President, and he still is.
    Calling Trump's 8000+ lies as sarcasm to get attention, is asinine and irrational.
    Trump is an inciteful, divisive, ignorant, stupid, narcissistic, and a misogynistic sociopath, whose actions are destroying my country, as well as a world class embarrassment.
    Tulsi is the only candidate with the mental fortitude, the youth, the experience, and the proof, to make complex military and social decisions, that comes with becoming President.
    Tulsi is the only candidate who speaks truth to power, and puts service to the people, above the power of Corporate America.
    These are the only 5 policies that should matter
    1. Stop all illegal regime-change wars. Stop disrupting countries economies with crippling sanctions. Stop stealing the resources of other countries.
    2. Use the Trillions saved as "war dividends", to help fund our urgent social reforms.
    3. Re-enter all nuclear and sovereign treaties, for the security and future of this planet.
    4. Get corporate lobbyist money out of politics, and end the "revolving door".
    5. Anyone who is sick should be allowed healthcare and treatment, whether they have insurance or money. Just like all other industrialized countries.

    Second post(#357):
    Simply referring to the left as Communists, is like calling them "the boogeyman". Especially, since there are no TRUE Marxists communist countries on the planet.
    Corporations, Big Pharma and Agra, the MIC and the FFI, and Wall Street, don't care about political labels, they only care about political policies.
    It is the people that will vote for Tulsi, not the DNC, or the RNC
    Americans are more interested in how the information is packaged(spectacle), then in the information itself.
    Americans are politically and intellectually lazy, and only know what they are being told about the candidate's policies.
    Stop listening to the self-serving narratives of corporate and established news media. At least balance their talking points with the narratives of independent news media as well.
    Good people with good ideas may not want to enter politics. They may not want to be smeared and attacked for telling the truth, or in not serving the interests of Corporate America.
    Both sides of the house are friends with each other, and are laughing at our tribal and divisive rhetoric. As long as we stay divided, they will have a job.
    Plutocrats, Oligarchs, and Meritocrats, only fear one thing. The unity of our collective votes.
    Stop trying to rationalize your own confirmation biases.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
    redeemer216 and Sallyally like this.
  15. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    "Not Hardly", John Wayne

    Basically it is a "cluster point" upload with so many facets
    it is hard to address an over zealous adjective / adverb
    embedded in the style let alone a fragment of your
    cluster point style.

    How is that for a synopsis

    @Sallyally you can still unlike
    Truly Enlightened likes this.
  16. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    I think that it is YOU that is projecting your own obsession with Tulsi's good looks, not the democrats. They not only treat her as a social and political pariah, but their disdain for her is almost palpable. So, being impressed with good looks, or voting for the pretty face, seems logically inconsistent with the facts.

    She is only a threat to people who have a weak character, or are emotionally insecure. Many women hate her because, she is a patriot, she is confident and resolute, she is respected by world leaders, she is a Major and a combat veteran, she has command over men, she is stunningly attractive, she is intelligent and talented, she is courageous and principled, she is authentic and genuine, and she is a 7 year member of Congress. She represents a "wake-up" call and a reminder in many women, of what could have been. In men, it is their fragile ego and their sense of maleness, that is also threatened by her. Many men are also threatened by her being perceived as their Matriarch. This would be perceived as the ultimate threat to male dominance, and can't be accepted. She never lies, and has no skeletons in her closet. She is a natural leader, who is dedicated to putting service before self. But I guess people only want to see the "dog and pony" show, and not the substance of policies anymore in America. As an American, I would be proud to call Tulsi "Madam President".

    Unfortunately, it is the heart that wins-out in matters of emotions. And, it is the mind that must rationalize the logic of the heart. If anyone simply looks at her character, experience, and her policies, voting for her would be a "no brainer".

    We should all concentrate on only the things that Tulsi can help, not the things that she can't help. All I have heard, so far, are her intangibles. What specific policies do you disagree with? Being a Democrat, is not a policy. With everyone of the other candidates I can name at least three clear reasons of substance, why I would not even consider them as President. Let alone voting for them. I can't find ONE relevant policy by Tulsi, that isn't a "no brainer", no matter what your ideology is. Please help me to understand. Because I'm starting to feel like the little girl, who is telling the crowd, that the king is not wearing any clothes.
    redeemer216 and Sallyally like this.
  17. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Sorry, I am not very good at writing in the way you want, but I am willing to learn. I just write as I'm thinking. Maybe you can give me some constructive advice, to get my message across, more succinctly? Were there some points that you wanted me to clarify for you? So, other than my style, syntax, grammar, and the structure of my post, was there anything specific you wanted to respond to?

    ps, I do agree that I use a lot of unnecessary superlatives. But that's just me. And, I still liked what you said.
  18. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    @Truly Enlightened
    See how such wisdom gets diluted in the :blahblah: ?

    There is a sort of common union between
    Libertarian Republicans and Progressive Democrats.
    Some Congressional, hands across the aisle
    thwarting leadership attempts to get marijuana enforcement funding.
    My Ex (R) Congressman Dana Rohrabacher was an architect
    of these events that thwarted the entrenched leadership of both
    parties and the President.

    Are they "centrist", or some other pole.
    Like rational?
    Or maybe Neo Rational. ;)

    Tulsi can carry any Hillary State
    as well as some of those more,
    "libertarian" minded Red States.
    Don't blame me for labels.
    I'm doing my best to describe
    those peculiar events in congress.
    Not just :weed:
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2019
    Sallyally likes this.
  19. Sallyally

    Sallyally Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Pretty wordy for a synopsis.
    Bowerbird likes this.
  20. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    I thank you for quoting my words as being WISE, on another thread. I felt very proud. Although, the superlative adjectives that I used were hyperbolic, and not meant to be taken literally. I certainly did not mean for my comments to be used to denigrate the entire Canadian population, as all victims of Atavism. I think it is an insensitive stretch, unless I have missed the context of your point.

    I agree that the examples you posit are borderline gibberish, Could, this time, you use my own words instead?
  21. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Excellent video :)
  22. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Economic Sanctions kill people and cause massive suffering to people. Economic sanctions in Iraq killed hundreds of thousands of Children. The economic blockade in Yemen has resulted in a humanitarian crisis on the level of crimes against humanity.
    Moi621 likes this.
  23. Moi621

    Moi621 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 13, 2013
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    Time to consider Economic Sanctions
    an Act of War!

    Time to dump the "war powers act" for
    Constitutional, Declaration of War.

    Tulsi Gabbard, the only :peace: Peace Candidate.

  24. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Economic blockades - such as the one in Yemen - is considered an act of war under the definition of what an act of war is.

    I agree that other economic sanctions should fall in the same category.
  25. Truly Enlightened

    Truly Enlightened Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Great news. Tulsi is now a top tier candidate in New Hampshire. Three bought and paid for Neo-Libs vs. two social and foreign policy progressive democrats. This is amazing, considering every smear and attack job, you can imagine was thrown at Tulsi by the Corporate media. Has Warren found the courage to go on Fox News to face tough questions yet? Tulsi is the most dangerous threat to Corporate America, the MIC, Big Pharma and Agra, the DNC corporate donors, the FFI tax credits, and the status quo of the Oligarchs and Plutocrats.

    None of this is rocket science. Keep voting for the Corporate neo-Libs, neo-Cons, and the crony Centrists, and NOTHING will change for the people. We will continue to trip over more of the homeless, be confronted by more beggars, to wait in longer hospital lines, pay more and more for goods and services, and make less than a decent family wage. We have once in a lifetime hope with Tulsi, and we are just throwing it away. I guarantee, that Tulsi will not bail out corporate America and Big Banks, using taxpayer's money. I guarantee that Tulsi will END all regime-change wars, crippling sanctions(which can cause a refugee crisis), and re-enter both nuclear treaties. And, I guarantee that Tulsi will use her war dividend savings, plus a revived tax system, to address healthcare for all and other social reforms. This is a given on day one.

    Again, I ask, name just one policy that you would disagree with? Name just one character flaw that she lacks? I just don't get it. What is so compelling about the others, who would clearly go along to get along. Or, just do as they are told, and not lead. There is not even ONE example where any of the other candidates have made any sacrifices on principles alone. Not one. People wake-up. The BS these actors are spinning is just an act. It is not real. Our country is divided and xenophobic, in debt to its eyeballs, killing people all over the world, giving lip-service to social issues, and stealing the resources of other countries. Have we become so callous and apathetic, that we just don't care anymore?
    redeemer216 likes this.

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