The New Right

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by bricklayer, Jan 16, 2020.

  1. God & Country

    God & Country Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    This march to the left began a long time ago. Up until the beginning of the cold war, America was pretty much all one thing, by today's standards, conservative. Whatever one's political party was American values were all the same and the dichotomy of conservative and liberal didn't really exist. Party differences were few and the line between the two was often blurred because we were all Americans first. We worked, paid taxes, obeyed the law, valued our faith and we did not celebrate anything that was opposed to that. We at times complained about politicians but never strayed from our belief in the Constitution and the Republic. We held sacred many things that are now maligned and derided, how often do we hear from other citizens how much they hate America, how silly our sentiments regarding our flag are and declare that our charter is obsolescent. They hate all these things but have nothing of value to offer that could compete with all of he things that have made America exceptional. College kids in the 1960s were much like today, naive, gullible and malleable. They became willing soldiers of the opposition, their righteous causes faded, they graduated, went to work, married and had children but the seed was planted. They created a whole new crop of malcontents, who were poorly educated in our schools, poorly socialized in every way, spoiled rotten and went off to college with the skill sets of three year olds. They graduated and some became politicians who felt the need to fix an awful lot of things that weren't broken. Their offspring, also poorly educated, poorly socialized, spoiled and very entitled are in college but clueless malcontents. So it goes and it's hard to tell what's worse, the depth their of stupidity or shallowness of their character. It all goes back to the cold war and the infiltration of communist influences that continues to this day. Mark Twain once said " It's easy to fool people but hard to convince them they've been fooled"
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2020
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  2. bricklayer

    bricklayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2011
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    There's no need to create socialists. We're all socialists until we grow up and earn our own money. Socialism offers freedom from liberty over and responsibility for yourself. Socialism is something that we should provide to small children as we teach them to take responsibility for themselves. There is coming of age a generation of young adults who want to remain in the socialism of their youth. Its nothing more of less then a Peter Pan Syndrome, but our "Lost Boys" are going to be a lost generation.
  3. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    Well done. This is essentially what the OP replied to me with. The problem is that the 'New Right' is already a recognised term which has a different definition, which applies only to the right:
  4. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    Well what do you understand as the 'New Right?'
  5. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Everything and everyone to the right of Bernie. Everyone who believes government makes an incompetent and excessively bossy nanny.
  6. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Neither party reflects the views of the majority of Americans. They cater to the Hannity crowd or the Maddow crowd which leaves everyone in the middle out in the cold.

    We really need a third viable party n this country - socially progressive and financially conservative.
  7. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Yet Trump identifies more with Putin and Kim than he does with Jefferson or Adams.
    gabmux likes this.
  8. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Right/Left, Liberal/Conservative, Democrat/GOP, Rich/Poor, Neocon, Neolib, libertarian, socialist, democratic socialist, Wall Street, "Corporatists" etc. etc. are all vague abstractions purposefully used to HIDE the true division in prevailing U.S. politics which is:

    A. The non government-dependent taxpayers of the private sector, owners and employees of ~29 million businesses of all sizes that do not tend to be "mixed" industries. This side benefits from smaller government, lower taxes, rational, limited regulations, and voluntary transactions. It is generally HONEST and direct in its advocacy about its interests in those things. It advocates mostly via specific policies to achieve its goals in relation to the state. This side is generally supportive of the Constitutional Republic form of government, seeks to protect and strengthen it. This side produces a vast majority of annual U.S. tax revenues, the largest pool of money in world history, that funds BOTH sides of the divide, and that every crook in the world, domestic and foreign, wants an illegitimate piece of without earning it, and will say/do anything to get it.

    B. A "Complex" of direct government employees at all levels (this includes foreign government interests, a HUGE part of the Complex), institutionalized education at all levels, public and private unions, government-dependent "private sector" contractors (this includes large, usually public, crony companies that buy political influence unduly and the institutionalized "mental health" industry), government-dependent grantees, trial lawyers and other large government beneficiary professional classes, and mainstream media. This side benefits from larger government, higher taxes, excessive regulatory regimes, and involuntary transactions. It is generally DISHONEST in its advocacy about its interests in those things. It advocates mostly via narratives as opposed to specific policy, including everything from "the failures of capitalism" to "wealth inequality," "climate change," "racism," "feminism," and all points in between. This side is generally destructive of the Constitutional Republic form of government.

    There is much overlap, significant exceptions, but that is the -accurate- division in current U.S. politics. It can be numbered and quantified unlike vague ideological abstractions like "Right" and "Left."

    The divisions are BOTH about $$$ and are BOTH "capitalist" (a Complex weasel word, hence the quotation marks). One side seeks to enrich itself via most voluntary transactions possible. The other side seeks to enrich itself via involuntary "fiat capitalist" transactions using force.

    The Complex controls the media, delights in obfuscation, projection and deflection of the above true division, so in order to have a chance of continuing to achieve its goals of protecting voluntary commerce, the rule of law, the Constitutional Republic, individual freedoms, the taxpaying private sector MUST discard Complex weasel words and purposeful vague abstractions, MUST reject all the many Complex lie narratives, and begin to address U.S. politics in terms of the true division of interests. If it does not do so, the Complex will continue to eclipse the private sector.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
  9. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    That's not what the actual New Right is.
  10. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    I could care less what wiki says. Things have changed since that entry. Trump has thrown everything into flux. Likely what wiki says of the so-called new right are the usual scurrilous assumptions leftist make about people they don't even begin to understand and know little more about than the fact they don't like them.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
  11. Sanskrit

    Sanskrit Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Please don't use wikipedia for anything other than a starting point with respect to ANY political topic, it is not a credible source and is utterly coopted by the Complex.
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  12. bricklayer

    bricklayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2011
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    The New Right is made up of everyone who does not take up political positions at the polar left.

    The thing about the polar left is that any difference, in any way, is a difference to the right.
  13. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Which would make the New Left anyone who is not a KKK, Nazi or Putinist. See how that works. Your claim of the "new right" s just as silly.
  14. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    I have always provided evidence of how far left the dems have drifted by simply mentioning JFK. JFK was an NRA member, was strong on foreign adversaries, in favor of low taxes. He was a big advocate for legal immigration, even wrote a book 'nation of immigrants' but believed in strong border security. He was a champion of civil rights but didn't play identity politics. Would he be considered republican or democrat today? I would say republican. There is NO WAY that a rich, white man who believes in low taxes, is an NRA member, is tough on foreign adversaries, believes in border security, supports law enforcement can run as a democrat today. Funny enough, JFK is revered by even today's democrats.

    Reagan even once said he was a democrat but the party left him.. even by then it was starting to move left and left.

    Many were shocked about how Trump could possibly win in 2016 but i wasn't. Take me, i liked George Bush Sr. (although was too young to fully grasp what he stood for), supported Bill Clinton (a centrist, ala JFK somewhat) and supported Obama (he was not radical and i couldn't quite get on board with neocon Mccain and neocon Romney). Today's democrats are just scary.... It's all about identity politics (divide along lines of race, gender, religion beliefs, economic status), attacking law enforcement, promising free stuff, attacking rich and private sector, attacking white people, high taxes, open borders (yes decriminalizing border crossings is just that!), being weak with terrorists and rogue nations etc.. Just damn scary, JFK would be a total outcast in this party of lunatics and misguided people.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
  15. bricklayer

    bricklayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2011
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    Characterizing those you disagree with as something that they are not has not dissuaded people from disagreeing with you. It's simply not working. No one is joining you because they don't want to be characterized as "KKK, or Nazi or Putinist".

    Is that your only tactic? Why don't you just make your case? Why don't you address the messages rather than the messengers? Do you really think that you can insult people into changing their minds?

    It's not just you, Daniel, the entire democrat party abandoned persuasion a long time ago. You are not going to get people to dislike Trump enough, or dislike themselves enough, to give you authority over and responsibility for themselves. You will never insult, misrepresent or intimidate your way into power over others.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
  16. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Both parties have shifted. Reagan backed gay rights and gave amnesty to 3 million illegals. Reagan backed the Brady Bill on gun control ... Reagan wouldn't make it past the Hannity litmus test today.
    gabmux likes this.
  17. Daniel Light

    Daniel Light Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Boy, you really misread my post. Put down the Trump tinted glasses and try again.
  18. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    of course he would pass Hannity litmus test. Peace through strength, low taxes would make Sean Hannity go to bed with a smile.

    you mention 'amnesty' as if that legislation was just that. Let's clarify. The IRCA act did legalize some illegal immigrants which had entered US prior to 1982 but it also made it illegal for companies to knowingly hire illegal aliens. So nice try trying to make it appear as if it was just amnesty. I'm sure Sean Hannity would have supported this... it's a case of giving a little something for something bigger in return.

    Reagan would definitely be able to run as a republican today, JFK as a democrat? not even a remote possibility. When hell freezes over..
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
  19. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    right and also don't underestimate the unabated immigration that has created more division. Without question, diversity can be very valuable but it also creates division. Look around the world, every society that is not homogenous has a lot of social division. Look at France and the massive muslim problem... Japan has been smart about this. Immigrants who migrate to this Country who respect the constitution, abide by the laws, understand the genius of the framers/founding fathers and are grateful to benefit from the fruits this country provides (which others don't and thus why we come here) are 'good' and 'productive' immigrants. Those who come here to spit on what this Country has stood for and seek to change it to benefit themselves at the expense of others, should stay in their home Country. We don't want you here. We don't want to change the very same American values that has made this Country exceptional, as you point out.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2020
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  20. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    Yeah, so why not just come up with another term? I was thinking about 'the UNLIKELY right!'
  21. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    To put this in HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE the Founding Fathers were the ORIGINAL "democrat-socialists" Progressives!

    They wanted to move HARD LEFT and abandon the Conservative right-wing Establishment "deep state" that supported the King of England.

    The Founding Fathers were the radical LIBERALS who wanted a BETTER FUTURE for themselves, their children and grandchildren by "walking away" from the oppressive conservative ruling classes.

    And the TREND towards the LEFT that the Founding Fathers STARTED has never stopped, only paused occasionally, ever since! Setting up Universal Healthcare for Sailors and REGULATING the Militias with Gun Registries followed soon after the founding of the nation. The Civil War was fought over the LIBERAL concept of FREEDOM for American born slaves. The next LIBERAL step was the granting of the RIGHT of women to VOTE. Then came the LIBERAL concept of Social Security followed by Medicare for Seniors. The LIBERAL Civil Rights movement against the conservatives in the South PREVAILED and so did the LIBERAL Right to Marry the consenting adult of your choice over the strident objections of the conservative evangelicals.

    What is happening TODAY is just the ONGOING leftward TREND that our nation has been on since it was founded. Conservatives have been OPPOSED to every single one of the LIBERAL concepts mentioned above as well as all of those that were not mentioned. However LIBERALS have ALWAYS PREVAILED because what they propose is for the BENEFIT of We the People.

    And do you know WHY liberals ALWAYS prevail?

    Because as soon as conservatives EXPERIENCE what LIBERALS propose they LIKE it!

    It was LIBERALS who fought for decent working conditions and a clean environment and affordable healthcare. Conservative attempts to repeal these LIBERAL policies inevitably FAIL because We the People WANT them for ourselves.

    So once the LIBERAL policy of affordable Tertiary Education becomes a REALITY it will become part of our society and there is NOTHING that conservatives will be able to do about it afterwards.

    We ARE a LIBERAL nation by the DESIGN of the Founding Fathers and that is how it will ALWAYS be as long as our nation continues to exist.

    That is our current REALITY and conservatives can THANK a LIBERAL for all of the good things that they enjoy today.
  22. bricklayer

    bricklayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2011
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    Those on the New Right arrive turned off by the left and stay for the higher standard of living and individual liberty. They find it surprisingly refreshing to be among people who do not think of themselves or others, first and foremost, as members of groups rather than individuals. They enjoy being among people who judge others by the content of their character rather than by their immutable characteristics. In other words, they enjoy being among adults.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2020
  23. gabmux

    gabmux Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 17, 2013
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    The ALWAYS right...
    Derideo_Te likes this.
  24. bricklayer

    bricklayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 12, 2011
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    How about the 'anything-that's-not-the-polar-left Right'?
    chris155au likes this.
  25. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    LOL. Well I guess that would work too, but I think mine rolls off the tongue slightly easier.
    bricklayer likes this.

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