"Nobody Ever Changes"

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by ibshambat, Mar 15, 2020.

  1. ibshambat

    ibshambat Banned

    Jul 2, 2015
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    According to any number of people with feminist associations, nobody ever changes. Once a sociopath always a sociopath; once a narcissist always a narcissist; and once an abuser always an abuser. As I have heard it said in a movie, “Change is bullshit. People don't change; they become more of what they are.”

    My response to the people who believe this: You are absolute fools.

    “Nobody ever changes.” Oh yeah. So the Germans are still Nazis. The Russians are still Stalinists. The Americans are still slaveowners. People change, all the time, in all sorts of ways and for all sorts of reasons. For better, for worse, for a mix. In any direction.

    Look at these women themselves. They went from kind, generous peace-and-love hippie idealists to paranoid, vicious, mean-spirited fascist jerks. Nobody ever changes. Well these women are obvious proof to the contrary. They changed for the worse. Any number of others can – and constantly do – change for the better.

    In my former school there were any number of people who turned from bullies to compassionate and thoughtful human beings. There was also someone who turned from a thoughtful person into an absolute jerk. Feminists themselves changed from being loving and generous to being hateful and awful. They changed from good people into horrible people as a result of beliefs that they have espoused.

    They can change. So can anyone else.
  2. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    I believe people can change, but people rarely do.

    Well, in some sense. In another way everything including all people is in a constant state of change.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020
  3. kazenatsu

    kazenatsu Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2017
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    That's not a fair comparison, you're attempting to draw an analogy between societies and individuals.
  4. VotreAltesse

    VotreAltesse Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 1, 2017
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    If I'm not wrong, psycholigst do the difference between the "temperament" and our "personnality".

    Our temperament is our natural inclinations, personnality is what our temperament become with education and experience.

    Some people may have a quick to anger temperament, autism is also part of the temperament.
    But experience and education will do radical changes, a quick to anger can be expressed either as an ultra violent individual or someone which will have a caustic humour.

    Our temperament won't change.

    However, our personnality constantly change, even if it's very small. Thinking that nobody change is false, everybody is changing constantly, and often people who claim they don't change, change for the worse.
  5. XploreR

    XploreR Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2014
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    The only constant in this Universe is constant change. It affects everything & everyone. The question isn't whether or not people can change. They do--constantly. The question is whether they can change consciously or if they are limited to changing unconsciously. Gaining conscious control over more of the changes in your life is a spiritual quest. That's what Jesus, Buddha, & Yogananda taught.

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