Israel vows to pursue Syria operations until Iran leaves

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Iranian Monitor, May 6, 2020.

  1. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    This 700,000 Palestinians. Oddly, it's the same number as the Jews who were
    driven out of Arab nations last century.
    clethnic cleansing of jews from the arab world.gif
    MGB ROADSTER likes this.
  2. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    The bible? Let's not get fiction mingled with reality.
    The Palestinians has as far as anybodies best guess is, always lived there.
    Way before the Arabs showed up. They just accepted Arab culture.

    I don't see any prove of that. And that's besides that you can not claim property based on your ethnic background.

    Not relevant. Besides, no self respecting patriotic American would bow down to the UN if they came up with the demand to let in millions of foreigners taking over your country like the Jews did to the Arabs.

    You mean... Jews were attacked by Aram armies, when those Jews drove out and killed Arab civilians.
  3. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Most just left. Take Algeria for instance. The Jews there were given and accepted the French nationality. With that they became French and helped out their fellow French citizens with violently oppressing Arabs. They lost and the French went back to France, the country for the French. And Algerians became a country for Algerian citizens. Logical.

    All that list is, is just a racist perception why it is justified for the Jew to thieve the property of Arabs. But it's full of falsehoods. The biggest one is that when some random Arab stole from me, means I can steal from an other Arab. It doesn't work like that. Just because that Jew Bernie Madoff stole the most money on the planet ever, doesn't mean other people can steal money from random other Jews as a tit for tat.
  4. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    The narrative goes like this
    1 - the Palestinians were forced out.
    2 - the Jews volunteered to leave

    Jews were in Iran four times longer than Islam. Jews were in the
    African nations for about 2,000 years. They just decided to get up
    and leave, en mass. Just because they wanted to.
    Meanwhile all the talk about the Palestinian regulars, the Imam
    and town leaders who urged their people not to spend one day under
    Jewish rule, just all volunteered to leave for a refugee camp for 80
  5. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I don't see you dispute that Palestinians were living there before the Arabs arrived.
    I don't see you disputing how the Jews accepted to become French, and so went to their new homeland.
    Not my fault they aint loyal to their own country.

    They still are there.
    Iranian Muslims give them seats in the government to be represented.
    Israel bribes those Jews to leave their country.

    I can source with a biased Israeli source that according to their own account only 5% left because of that. So the actual % is probably a lot lower. Needless to say... It's still them Israeli Jews who refuse to let Arab civilians back due to their background. That's a war crime. UN keeps on slapping Israel around with that. It's still the Jews who move over the border of Israel, ethnically cleanse around, and thieve the property to than complain they are attacked over their war criminal behavior. And the UN keeps on slapping Israel around with that. It's Israel that is racist. Not the UN. The UN who in all good faith recognized Israel decades before they recognized Palestine.
  6. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    You are all over the map - in some desperate attempt to avoid responding to the central points in my post.
    Half of all UN Resolutions are against Israel "For a Reason".

    Your claim there is no condemnation of Hamas is false - they are a designated terrorist organization. Given the IDF is worse than Hamas in many respects related to terror - perhaps you should be questioning why Israel is not on the list.

    You then go on insinuating that all the nations in the UN are "Anti Semitic" this is preposterous nonsense.

    You started out with some black vs white - Good vs Evil - Paradigm - spoon fed to you by various propaganda outlets. Everything was the fault of the Palestinians according to the narrative you were trying to put forward.

    Despite this narrative being proven false - you still persist.

    This is not about demonizing Israel -Hamas - China - the US - and so on. This is about calling a spade a spade - and trying to introduce some objective reality into the narrative.

    From a personal perspective - I dislike Islam - and hate Islamist's. I have posted on this numerous times - using terms such as "Human Garbage". Clearly you have a similar perspective. The difference is that I have valid coherent arguments that support my claims.

    Even in this post - you go on about the poor Muslims in China - but do not extend the same sympathy for the Palestinians.

    You go on about the evils of terrorist nations in Pakistan - and I agree. Where is your condemnation of the biggest State Sponsor of Terrorism on the Planet ? The USA -El Saud Consortia ?
  7. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Five percent of Arabs leaving of their own accord is not correct - 5% were forced out.
    Official policy in the not-state of Israel is that Arabs must stay. Israel's legitimacy hung
    on Arabs being in the new Palestine - that's one major reason many left or were forced
    to leave by their own communities. Some web sites offer a breakdown, town by town, of
    how many walked out due to fighting, their Imam, Palestinian abuse, Israeli terror groups
    and the like. Many stayed - and in 2020 they declared they won't live under West Bank
    administration. No Israeli govt ever forced Arabs out.

    There's always been "Palestinians" living in the Levant. Sure. I think the biblical Philistines
    were called Palestinians. But Arabs arrived as a significant majority in the 7th Century. Most
    Jews were driven out by Rome 1st and 2nd Century.

    In European wars the Jews fought for their nations. Loyal German Jews fought loyal French
    Jews, for instance. The holocaust and its "willing executioners" was a big shock to the Jews
    of Europe. We are seeing more of that shock in our own day with more Jews leaving Europe.

    The UN is particularly racist. The Arabs refused all peace deals with Israel until the deal was
    taken off the table. That's the Saudi allegation against Fatah BTW.
  8. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    A report from the military intelligence SHAI of the Haganah entitled "The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948," dated 30 June 1948, affirms that:

    At least 55% of the total of the exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations. To this figure, the report's compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which "directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration." A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to "fears" and "a crisis of confidence" affecting the Palestinian population. As for Arab calls for flight, these were reckoned to be significant in only 5% of cases.

    The Jews admit themselves that only 5% left because of Arabs asking to go. The bulk left do to their own terror. It's a biased pro Israel source.

    That's fake zionistic lies.
    The orders of Carmeli's 22nd Battalion were "to kill every [adult male] Arab encountered" and to set alight with fire-bombs "all objectives that can be set alight. I am sending you posters in Arabic; disperse on route."[7]:191, 192

    By mid-May 4,000 Arabs remained in Haifa. These were concentrated in Wadi Nisnas in accordance with Plan D whilst the systematic destruction of Arab housing in certain areas, which had been planned before the War, was implemented by Haifa's Technical and Urban Development departments in cooperation with the IDF's city commander Ya'akov Lublini.

    The Jews were ordered at will to kill indiscriminately all male civilians and it was premeditated to burn down houses before the war. That's genocidal and going for a full ethnic cleansing spree.

    Them Palestinians of today are simply the same people who the Arabs accoutered when they arrived. They mingled and integrated. But in the end... your claim the Arabs arrived in the 7th century is simply fake. All your fake argument is about is that non Jewish people who lived there for 1300 years have less rights than your random Jewish immigrants who just showed up and so may get ethnically cleansed. It's a fake, a racist and war criminal argument all wrapped up in 1 go.

    There is always a thing of dual loyalty at play. Israel invites Jews over to permanently stay and has a place to live. They call it Aliyah. It's part of Jewish culture/religion.

    You saying the UN is particularly racist means you're accusing that the world leaders are particularity racist. That's an insane accusation. And you're only claiming victim here for Israel... while Israel defies the UN, the Geneva Conventions by endlessly being committed in making war crimes.


    Oct 3, 2012
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    This thread is NOT about the "Palestinians".
    This thread is about Iran's attemp to establish a front attack force in Syria against Israel.
  10. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    This thread is not about the Palestinians specifically. This thread is about "Israel's" attempt to drive out pro Iranian forces from Syria. And the larger geopolitical contest between the forces behind US/Israeli hegemony in the region, the forces resisting it led by the axis of resistance -- and the attempts by others, such as Russia, to carve a place for themselves in the region by playing both sides.
  11. Pisa

    Pisa Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2016
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    I've lost all interest in the hate fest here because most posters are not interested in debating. Like most threads about Israel, it's so full of dogmatic attitudes and unworldly Imagine-ish fantasies, that it belongs either in the "Religion & Philosophy" or in the "Conspiracy Theories" section (too bad there isn't a "Wild Fantasies" section...).

    Hasty generalization based on an out of context very partial quote from a SHAI report is happily pushed as god-given absolute truth, even after it was clearly shown to that poster that not only isn't the quote referring to all refugees, but it also doesn't say what the poster claims it says @notme.

    Lavish praise of Iranian backed terrorists while refuting assertions about Iran being a state sponsor of terrorism, a complete lack of even the most elementary understanding of the realities of the Middle East (its peoples, its cultures, its religions. its relationship with the rest of the world), an utter disinterest for fact checking, dividing whole nations into the self-hating good and the bad rest, branding whole nations terrorists, ignoring evidence likely to contradict baseless assertions - all stuff I've come to expect from @Giftedone, nothing new here.

    Like to a post branding Boko Haram a Saudi inspired organization - really, @Iranian Monitor ?

  12. notme

    notme Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2013
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    I sourced my things in post 183. You're only saying it is out of context. That's just petty. You got no other sources than Zionistic rhetoric. You know very well that it is the general well accepted truth world wide that the Jews ethnically cleansed +700.000 Arabs. The Jews also demolished Arab houses to make sure they couldn't come back. Not just a few... but they flatten 100's and 100's of towns. There are lists of them. In some places the ruins are still to be seen. And saying this comes always with an absolute troll response of endless questioning and distracting. The entire shallow tactic behind it is to white wash the war crimes and the guild of the Israeli Jew. They, and their supporters refuse to own up for their war crimes, and so refuse to undo their wrongs in any way. To than whine all over, oh why do they hate us,.. I got no clue what this is about, yet they attack me for no reason. It "could only be" because of my race. This such a dishonest shallow fake analogy that has been going on for decades.

    It's the American culture to fight tyranny. And if ever the UN dared to declare that around 400 million Latin Americans have the right to move to the US, to take over half of the country... and at first arrival they start clearing half the country of the ethnic white population demolishing their houses. We all know how those Americans would respond. They would pick up their semi automatic weapon and shoot at them Latin Americans where they can to protect what they claim is theirs. Without a single care what that UN declared to do. Not giving a rats ass what people in Russia, China, Africa, Europe have to say about it. And if there was an UK around that would help those white Americans around, than no white American would consider this some terrorist backing nation.

    And so there is no complete lack of the most elementary understanding of the ME needed. What this is,.. is just millions of foreigners arriving in Israel, ethnically cleansing the country and making the indigenous population a total minority that got discriminated around all over the place.... to than have an entire land grab campaign going at the expense of that same ethnic population. It is that simple. Nobody likes foreigners taking over your property and your country. And that is what the Jews did in Israel and beyond their borders. It's just really that simple.

    Leave it up to the fanatic jews to even try to attempt to make it a crime to remember the Nakba, and want to toss those into jail. They are poised to white wash their war criminal behavior. And their henchmen are to be found on forums like this one.
    Last edited: May 12, 2020
  13. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    I see you have worked yourself up into quite a tizzy ..reduced to gibberish - and false accusations - and various assorted ad hom fallacy.

    I have not lavished praise on Iranian backed Terrorists - nor denied that Iran is a State Sponsor of Terror. It is you who does not understand the Middle East - has no clue about Boko Haram - and can not deal with the reality presented so you demonize the messenger because you can't handle the message.

    So lets get to repeating that message one more time. USA- El Saud are by far the biggest state sponsors of Terror in the ME - Not Iran.

    It is troublesome I know - having one's illusions shattered. Time to put that koolaid pitcher down -wake up- and smell the flatus.


    Oct 3, 2012
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    This thread is about Good trying to drive out the Bad.
  15. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Nasrollah has give a speech discussing (among other things) the Israeli air strikes in Syria.
    Nasrallah: Bennett is ‘lying,' presenting ‘imaginary feats’ in Syria

    On the issue of Israel's strikes, and their real purpose and targets, are a lot more accurate than what the Israelis are claiming. On the issue below, however, I thing both things are true: the Israelis (and others) have tried to wage a psychological war with reports about the frictions between Iran and Russia and Syria. But there are such frictions and the Russians are clearly trying to play both sides to their advantage.
    Conflict between Russia, Iran over Syria psychological war: Nasrallah

    In the meantime, satellite imagery once again puts a huge question mark when it comes to the success of Israeli strikes.
    Satellite images appear to show Iran building new weapons storehouse in Syria
    Contradicting senior Israeli defense official’s claim of Iranian withdrawal, fresh photographs seem to indicate Tehran establishing underground facility to hold advanced munitions
  16. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    More on Nasrollah's speech, quoted in this article more extensively, shedding light on the nature of Iran's involvement in Syria, the target of Israel's strikes in that country, and reports of rifts between Iran and Russia in Syria.
  17. Giftedone

    Giftedone Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 7, 2010
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    Did you think Israel was Evil ?
  18. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    This is from the US government funded media and propaganda outfit, Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty. The propaganda arguments don't interest me, but the factual admissions do. I have made that in bold lest anyone really believes there are many "actual Iranians" in Syria for the Israelis to be trying to drive them out.
    Tactical Change Or Withdrawal? Iran's Syria Strategy Analyzed Amid Reports Of Force Reductions
    As for Iran reducing its involvement in Syria economically, financially, or through the forces it helps train and advice, let me say this:

    1- the reduction (which is not happening now, but happened during the past couple of years), as admitted even by the Israeli and US sources, isn't related to Israeli air strikes. It is the function of two things: a) the civil war which these forces were to fight in is now largely over; b) Iran, under "maximum pressure" and dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, has other economic priorities.

    2- any retreat by Iran from Syria is also affected, in some ways affected the most, by the Russians and their policies. While Iran and pro Iranian sources don't want to place emphasis on this point, the best and easiest way I can put this is as follows: to the extent Iran is being kicked out of Syria by anyone, it is by the Russians.

    The Israelis are doing what they do best: waging and fighting a propaganda war, using (in Nasrollah's words) "imaginary" Iranian troops to record their "imaginary" successes.

    To be sure, none of this means that Iran should simply ignore even the "propaganda war' waged by the Israelis. These propaganda wars are intended mainly to tell the Americans that they need to engage in actual fighting against Iran and that Iran will back off if the US does so. That is a dangerous message for Iran to allow to become accepted.

    Besides that, while until recently, the Israelis attacks were purely for propaganda (they would hit random warehouses housing munitions after making Hezbollah or other pro Iran forces weren't around), these days the Israeli are getting more 'adventurous'. They have begun taking out some significant assets, not Iranian ones per se, but assets that are important in allowing Syria to develop its own deterrent forces such as precision guided missiles. Iran needs to balance the pros and cons of doing nothing, doing little, and doing a lot, and come up with some form of response. Ignoring what the Israelis are doing isn't helpful in the medium to long term, in my opinion.
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
    Jeannette likes this.
  19. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    Alexa, I'm not an advocate for the Zionists believe me, and I wish the Jews would stop presenting themselves as the perpetual victims, but what you're advocating for is an Islamic Caliphate. That's what would happen if the Palestinians ever became the majority in Israel.
  20. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    The Russians are the only ones other than the Syrians who want the war to end in Syria, and that will not happen unless Iran leaves. Everyone else that's involved in Syria have their own agendas, and peace on anyone's terms other than their own, is not exactly what they want.
  21. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    I know that the Arabs kicked out the Jews and confiscated their goods, but had the Israelis compensated the Palestinians for their homes, would they have any claim to Israel today? It was the biggest mistake that the Israelis made.
  22. Jeannette

    Jeannette Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 12, 2012
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    The concept of Israel was not bad, but many of its founders were. Shamir and Begin were terrorists.
  23. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Sure Israel is "evil."
    Why would the Jews be driven out of 120 countries since being
    driven out of Palestine by the Romans in the first and second
    Some say the real reason Jews are the world's most persecuted
    race is because they insist on being different and they are often
    quite successful - but don't believe it, they are just "evil."
  24. Poohbear

    Poohbear Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 4, 2018
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    Why don't the Iranians just go home and attend to the problems of their own nation?
  25. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Peace and capitulation shouldn't be confused with one another. For Iran, Assad and Syria are important as members of the axis of resistance. For Russia, Syria is important if it becomes a Russian client state (something that it has become in large part), with its leadership relying on the Russians (and no one else). For Assad, his ability to have some independent room for maneuver is important: while he has to take into account the plethora of forces which want him to sever his ties with Iran/Hezbolllah -- the US, EU, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and more -- he knows that without their support, he would be merely a puppet (and a disposal one) in negotiations and discussions about Syria's future by the Russians.

    I believe Iran actually lost Syria to the Russians last year. But for the Israelis that is not enough: they want all of the pro Iran militia out of Syria. More important than that, they want Syria never to be able to develop a ballistic missile arsenal similar in precision and capability as the one Iran builds. That is, in fact, the only militarily significant thing the Israelis have been attacking in Syria: Syrian (not Iranian) installations and facilities which can help produce precision guided ballistic missiles for the Syrians (not for Iran).

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