The Police are the Problem

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by ImNotOliver, Jun 6, 2020.

  1. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    What is not being discussed is that the police are the problem. The earliest memory I have of a police officer is from kindergarten when an officer came to our class and taught us the rules of the road, looking both ways before you cross the road and all that. Yet by time I was a teenager I had come to see the police as no friend of mine.

    Once, it was the summer between 11th and 12th grade. A friend of mine had gotten his first car and wanted to take a trip up to some lakes with friends and make a camping trip out of it. We were going down the highway when suddenly a state patrol rolled up behind us, lights flashing. All the cops would say was we looked suspicious. They made the four of us sit on curb as if we were criminals while they unpacked and went through all of our camping equipment that was packed into the trunk. When they were done they made some vague threats and drove off, leaving our stuff strewn on the side of the road.

    Once one of my brothers and his friends were out cruising when they witnessed a car crash. The one car had an elderly couple inside and flames and smoke could be seen. My brother and his friends rushed to the car, pried the doors open, pulled the couple out, extinguishing the fire that had leapt to the woman’s clothing. When the police arrived they threatened my brother and his friends with arrest if they did not immediately leave the area.

    And we were slightly upper middle class and blonde haired.

    The current crisis was sparked by four police officers unnecessarily killing a black man. Something that police all over America seem to have a penchant for doing. But they also have a habit of killing homeless people and those suffering from a mental breakdown. Here in America, mental disease is often treated as criminal behavior, often to deadly result for the sufferer.

    As the protests continue on we hear more and more instances of police brutality. Time after time the police have attacked and arrested members of the press. They have shoved bystanders to the ground, and drug innocent people out their cars and beat and tased them. The people are protesting police brutality and there seems to be plenty of officers willing to respond with more police brutality. As is the case in most protests, half of the arrests are going to turn out to be little more than overzealous police just grabbing people who just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    It is not just Blacks but a good swatch of Americans have been abused by the police and the criminal justice system. That is why there is so much anger against the police.

    They often claim that it is just a few bad apples. But time and time again I have seen instances of large numbers of officers standing behind and in support of an officer accused of wrongdoing, and the courts seem to always let them off.

    I saw an episode of Judge Judy where a man was suing a police officer for having keyed his car, that is the officer had taken a key and scratched down to the metal a line the length of the man’s car. However, testimony revealed that the man had been charged with something at the time, domestic violence or something. Even though the officer more or less admitted to keying the man’s car, Judge Judy ruled that because the man was charged with a crime, the officer could not be held accountable for destroying the man’s property. It kind of illustrates the f$&@ed up mentality that has led to the protests we have been seeing in the streets.

    It has long been a rule of mine, if you see the cops coming, get going in the opposite direction. If you are walking down the street and you see a cop on your side of the street, cross the street. It matters not if you are guilty of anything or not. A good cop can always construe just about any act into a criminal one.

    The prosecutors and courts are just as bad, just as corrupted and abusive. I once sat in a courtroom that had misdemeanor type violations. Shooting off fireworks, drunken behavior, shoplifting, things like that . It didn’t take long and I noticed a clear pattern. It was so obvious that I could predict with almost perfect accuracy the outcome of each case just by looking at the defendant. Simply the better dressed, better looking, and well spoken defendants tended to get off rather light and those wearing old clothing who were ugly and had dark skin, would get the harshest penalties.

    There was an older handsome White businessman looking dude who got off with just court costs for not having had automobile insurance, while the Hispanic woman before him had gotten a $300 fine and week of community service, plus court costs, for the same thing.

    And the big spinner of all. The police have a habit of arresting people for resisting arrest even though there is no underlying crime that is being alleged. So how does one resist arrest if no legal arrest is being made? Yet prosecutors love to prosecute and people go to jail for nothing.

    Leaving the US the country with the most people locked up in prisons and jail of any country on Earth. The land of the free, except for the millions who get preyed upon by the police and our criminal justice system.
    Phyxius, Bob0627, Cosmo and 2 others like this.
  2. Antiduopolist

    Antiduopolist Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2016
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    Police: Not the problem

    The excessive gaze of law enforcement on communities of color: A problem

    The solution: Elusive
  3. Canell

    Canell Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    Well, the police have body cams now. You can always file a complaint if you feel violated, I guess.
  4. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    time to end the war on drugs, been going on long enough and it's easier now to get drugs than when it started, prohibition doesn't work, it just creates crime lords and makes recreational activities criminal, just like when alcohol was made illegal

    "The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this."
    - Albert Einstein quote on Hemp"
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
    Cosmo, Derideo_Te and ImNotOliver like this.
  5. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    still hard to get justice, even with video, will this man ever get justice?

  6. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    I do hope as more and more video gets to the public, that good cops will finally start seeing bad cops as the bad guys and stop them from harming the public
    Cosmo and Derideo_Te like this.
  7. ImNotOliver

    ImNotOliver Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2014
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    I think it illustrates one of the fundamental differences between liberals and conservatives. Liberals tend to prefer a more restrained criminal justice system whereas conservatives tend to prefer a more aggressive one. It also makes one of the claims of conservatives blaringly false. From now on, when conservatives once again falsely accuse liberals of being authoritarians, we can always point out to which side is in support of more police brutality.
    Cosmo, Matt84 and Derideo_Te like this.
  8. kriman

    kriman Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 29, 2018
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    Where have we claimed we support "police brutality"? It is time for a retraction.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
  9. Creasy Tvedt

    Creasy Tvedt Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2019
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    Why do all these incidents of police brutality always seem to happen in cities governed by liberals?

    The police in your own liberal-goverened are famously racist.


    Portlad cops are famous for being racists.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
    FatBack, Pycckia and Gatewood like this.
  10. mitchscove

    mitchscove Well-Known Member Donor

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Democrats are the problem. 4 Democrat cops kill a black man fooled into being a Democrat in a city run by Democrats, and state run by Democrats. Molotov Cocktails and bricks staged by Antifa Democrat terrorists waiting to take advantage of a crisis like the one caused by Democrats in Minneapolis after the failure of crises fabricated starting in 2015. There isn't a single fingerprint besides the Democrat Party --- a party Wile E Coyote would be proud of.

    Panicked Democrats now claim the COVID lockdown was a hoax ,,, that Democrat terrorists should go out and light DC on fire so they can cough all over each other and create a spike in Democrat COVID cases that they can spread to the rest of America.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
    Gatewood and garyd like this.
  11. Crownline

    Crownline Banned at Members Request

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Did you or your friends tell the cop no to searching the car? You should always refuse a search.
  12. Just A Man

    Just A Man Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Cops made you sit on a curb while they searched the trunk of your vehicle. Afterwards the cops left and you repacked the trunk and went on your way. That settles it, get rid of all cops. Just think, when there are no cops there will never be another person killed by a cop. No more killings sounds good. More blacks are killed by blacks every weekend in Detroit and Baltimore than the cops kill in a year. Yep, the cops gotta go. At least no more cops will be killed.
    Gatewood likes this.
  13. kriman

    kriman Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 29, 2018
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    The problem is a lot deeper than just the police. If you look at the statistics, you will find that blacks kill about the same number of blacks that whites kill whites. They do that with about one seventh of the population. Then we have threads like this which put all the blame on the police. About all we hear is about how evil the police are. We have people like Kaepernick who preaches the same with a wide audience, who has cartoon pictures of cops as pigs on his socks on national TV. What kind of image does this give the youth of America, especially the black youth.? The message is that the police are not to be trusted. When a youth gets in a confrontation with the police, they tend to go with a combative attitude. It makes you wonder how many of those deaths could be directly attributed to Kaepernick.

    Now lets look at the police viewpoint. Because they are distrusted by the blacks, in any confrontation with a black, especially a young black, they tend to be apprehensive because they are expecting a problem and they are on edge and the tendency is overreact.

    There have been efforts to bring the two sides together, but the cops are outnumbered by a factor of over fifty to one and they are drowned out.

    There are no good statistics, but there are likely hundreds of thousands of encounters of police with the civilian population per day and around a fifth of those are with blacks. The blacks are a lot safer with the police than they are with other blacks.
    Gatewood likes this.
  14. kriman

    kriman Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Apr 29, 2018
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    Where did this take place? I would love to hear the police version of this tale.
    Gatewood likes this.
  15. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    I wonder if you ever look at the other side of any argument- I've never seen you do so.
    I just put up a post which fits very well here, so I'm going to be sure you and those you wish to influence see that other side. Read...

    "A long-term friend of mine was a respected district court judge for 20 years. For many years, when we got together, I would always ask him how the judging business was going; we would discuss law and order. Here is one of the best ways he ever put it:

    "The best regulator is the self-regulator. The only reason we have laws is that many people will not self-regulate, and the process of enforcement and consequence is the only way that society can protect itself from them. If everybody self-regulated, I'd be out of a job....."

    Point being that while a society with minimal form of police could work, it requires that the members of that society, each and every one of them, be self-regulating people of very good character.
    Lacking that, you have either an adequate police and legal system, or you have an armed and running battle between the good people and the trash of that society. The latter could not produce a society that could prosper or provide anyone a safe place to live or raise families; it would be instead a land of predators and prey; and the injustice of that would make the injustice people protest today comparable to a single grain of sand on the beach.

    Those who demand perfection from the police would never ask it of themselves."
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
    CWV and Gatewood like this.
  16. Derideo_Te

    Derideo_Te Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2015
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    Get back to us when you eventually return to reality here on planet Earth.

    In the meantime enjoy your "trip" and have a nice day!

    Cosmo likes this.
  17. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Good Lord. Cops are not the problem. The ridiculous number of laws we require them to enforce are the problem. And that's on states and cities.
    And then there is the creeping federalization of all crime.
    Gatewood and Injeun like this.
  18. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Consider that the lack of self-restraint and good character in so many people are the real problem, because that creates the demand for laws by the public- which then resent the intrusion of those laws when it's not convenient for them. The people demanding the police be perfect certainly aren't demanding that of themselves; because of- reasons. It's different when the law applies to them. Police should understand it wasn't convenient to follow the rules at the time..... Right.
    Gatewood and garyd like this.
  19. TheImmortal

    TheImmortal Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    No what’s going to happen is what happened in Baltimore. The cops stop enforcing the laws and the murder rate has increased by 85%.
    Gatewood likes this.
  20. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Cops are people, in a very difficult and high stress job that frequently puts their lives at stake and requires them to deal with irrational and dangerous people. Demanding perfection of them is an assinine concept, usually coming from people who rationalize their own failures consistently.

    Recently there was an incident where two cops pushed a 75 year old man to the ground, in Buffalo NY. We do not know the nature of the situation that precipitated and provoked that action- it's not being explained, but we do know the cops were suspended. They were part of a 57 man special response team- front liners, so to speak. In response to that suspension, all 57 members of that team resigned from it. I think that was exactly what they should have done. Cops deserve justice too.

    Cops are professionals- and they work for amateurs who have no idea what the job really entails; politicians whose focus is their public image and that changes directions like the wind. IF a community fails to back up it's police, they make a choice in favor of crime and disorder. Backing up your police doesn't mean sweeping bad behavior under the rug any more than it means throwing a cop under the bus to appease protestors. It means remaining consistently behind the policies your agency has, backing up those that enforce it, using appropriate discipline for any who abuse it. Fairness- not political convenience. Bad leadership in a city has that responsibility- and if they fail, it becomes impossible for the police of that city to do their job well. Everybody pays the price for that, and it can be very expensive.
    Crownline and Injeun like this.
  21. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    The problem is crime. 7k blacks kill each other every year, police kill 1%-2% of blacks. After police pull back, murders increase. Police go into line of fire, to save lives and save more lives than they kill.. there are many videos out there of cops being assaulted, liberal media never shows it.

    prime example:

    some thugs just starts punching a cop and throws him to ground here. When a cop does this, it’s brutality but when a thug does it, it’s what OLlie? These videos are never shown

    it is a disgrace how so many blacks kill each other and no-one cares, people like the OP don’t really care about black lives or he and all liberals would be in outrage about the 7k blacks killed by other blacks and lack of policing.. we need harsher policing, this is unacceptable.. kids get gunned down by thugs and no-one cares but one black guy resisting arrest gets killed and the liberals take to streets.

    facts don’t seem to matter too. There is no big problem with racism in law enforcement, they save more black lives than they kill and blacks are only 25% of those killed by cops even though they commit over 50% of the murder, robberies, rape etc.. that 25% seems low to me.

    what’s really going on is a move, by criminals and thugs, to push police out so they can control inner cities and do as they please.. it’s scary, the thugs want to be able to commit crime and not be jailed. This is what is going on, crime is rising where cops pull back, the fergusson effect is real. This is a communist, lawless move.. scary as hell and evil, as these poeple want more homicide and crime, without being policed. So many die at hands of black thugs, 98% of blacks and no-one cares. THIS, is racism.. black lives don’t matter to liberals.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2020
    spiritgide, Gatewood and TheImmortal like this.
  22. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    The overwhelming majority of people in our criminal justice system are there because they were preying on others.
    True that too many of us boomers raised a pack of spoiled self indulgent little brats who are now busily raising spoiled self indulgent little brats of their own and it compounds like interest. We abandoned child rearing methods that have been successful for thousands of years because we thought we knew better.

    They are all too willing to scream there ought to be a law but almost wholly unwilling to abide by any of those that already exist.
  23. Mike12

    Mike12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Black lives matter should have footnotes, as follows:

    only when killed by cops, 2% of blacks killed. The other 98% of blacks killed by other blacks, don’t matter.
  24. Thedimon

    Thedimon Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2018
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    If your arrest was illegal you dispute it in court. You don’t fight cops. They are not a judge or jury. Being arrested does not mean you will be convicted.
    I was arrested once and I had enough brains to be nice to cops. My night in jail was very uneventful (besides being very uncomfortable). Oh, forgot to mention, my only arrest in my life was in Minneapolis. And I survived to tell the story.
    This who resist arrest are part of the problem. People need to understand that being arrested is not the end of the world and if you disagree with it - fight it in court, not with the cop who is doing the arrest.
    TheImmortal likes this.
  25. spiritgide

    spiritgide Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 25, 2016
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