Attack Against Christendom

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Kyklos, Sep 14, 2018.

  1. Paul7

    Paul7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    Where did Jesus say to do that? They have a ways to go before the equal the body count of atheistic communism.
  2. Daggdag

    Daggdag Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2010
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    The only true Christians are those who live completely by Jesus' moral teachings . Most Christians pick and choose which teachings they want to follow. especially evangelicals who are closer to the money lenders that ZJesus kicked out of the temple, putting making themselves richer over anything else.

    in complete poverty and gave any money he attained to the poor. He expected the same from his followers. He said not to judge anyone because sinners are unfit to judge other sinners. Most Christians fail miserably in living up to Jesus' example but also tend to pretend to be the only ones who do.

    gabmux likes this.
  3. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Trump ‘spiritual adviser’ tells followers to skip paying electric bills so they can send her church cash leveraged on the blood of a crucified Christ. Paula White is a prosperity gospel minister who serves as President Donald Trump’s “spiritual adviser," because private jets are expensive. Christians by the millions...and all of the same quality.
    gabmux likes this.
  4. Paul7

    Paul7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    She's a whole lot closer to the Truth than you are.
  5. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Jesus never gave anyone any money. He was a freeloader who sponged off of his rich buddies. When he had the chance to sell the expensive perfume that he liked to splash on his carcass and give the money to the poor, he said screw that because he needed it more than the poor, who would always be there after he was long gone. He was the ultimate hypocrite.
  6. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    gabmux likes this.
  7. Paul7

    Paul7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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  8. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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  9. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    This is the garbage that American Fundamentalist Christianity now represents.

    Billions of dollars for "national security" organizations and endless foreign wars, with Christian fascists preparing with demonic enthusiasm to spread fear, and murder other Americans for racist prejudice, and material greed while posing as righteous nationalists. And all the signs of this anti-Christian were visible for literally decades so no one can say "We didn't know what was happening."

    As Chris Hedges recently wrote we are being lead by an amalgamation of Adolf Hitler, Al Capone and the Antichrist.

    The psychopath speaking in this video is house Republican Matt Shea of Washington State.

  10. Paul7

    Paul7 Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    He fed 5,000 at a time for free. You?

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  11. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Just like Jesus and his pals, all of the people had their own food under their dirty robes. The problem was that if any of them had exposed their lunch they would have had to offer it to someone else first before eating it. The other people would have accepted it and they would have been left with nothing. When Jesus had his disciples take their food among the crowd and offer it the people got embarrassed and pulled out their own lunches. Everyone then started eating and there was stuff left over. The story illustrates the power of hospitality in action (give and you will receive) and the ideas expressed in Matthew chapter 25, specifically Matthew 25:31-46 =;CEV;ERV;CEB;NKJV
  12. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Oklahoma couple tried to ‘exorcise’ demons from 7-year-old son by waterboarding him (3/7/2020)
    This Christian couple blind folded, drugged, and tortured their own son. They bound, beat the 7 year old child, dropped kicked him and waterboarded him...just like Jesus would do.

    There were no arrests by Oklahoma Law Enforcement which is not surprising. Don't expect any more information since these states routinely suppress the gory details out of sheer embarrassment.
  13. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    ‘Embarrassing’: Fundamentalist church in Indiana under fire for urging congregants to ignore CDC coronavirus warnings
    In the early 1971 the Republican right-wing infiltrated American fundamentalist churches with the Prosperity Gospel and some did in fact prosper with sinecures and taxpayer money. American Christianity in fact are a series of corporations and have the ethos of corporations.

    Theologian Paul Tillich noted how this comes about.

    "Absolute religion is a 'square circle.' Whenever Christianity has become religion, it a priori has lost its absoluteness" (What is Religion?, Tillich, p.127, pdf.).

    Only a crisis will break this cultist spell of the Market god.

    "...the destroyed religious consciousness cannot be restored through the will of individuals, but only through the fate of nations and masses" (ibid., p.135).

  14. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    If you have faith you should rely upon the biblical healthcare plan in James 5:13-15 =;CEV;ERV;NLT;NKJV
  15. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    In history the Christian Bible has been used by totalitarian leaders to justify atrocities against humanity.

    Here are some other points that are true about Nazism and its relation to German Christianity, and even Christianity in America.

    1. Social Fascism: Fascism, in the social sense, is ultimately an affirmation of “traditional values,” The Nazi slogan was , “Kinder, Küche, Kirchen,” or Children, Church, Kitchen.

    2. Fascism was ultimately born out of, and supported by, conservatism and the belief that Western Civilization had become decadent and self-ruinous.

    3. So fascism, as it developed, was reactionary; it was a reaction to the perceived problems of modernism, and the immediate perceived threat of Communism.

    4. Fascism labeled their enemies as decadent “liberals” and “Social Democrats.”

    5. Early on fascism was seen as a movement that embraced Christianity. In Germany fascists promoted what they called “true Christianity”, which was essentially “Christian fundamentalism.”

    6. The fascists opposed atheism, modernism, the Enlightenment, intellectualism, liberalism, democracy, Social Democrat activist, Marxism, secularism, true laissez-faire capitalism, and evolutionary theory. What is most important to note about this is that many people, not just the fascists, shared many elements of these same feelings. These sentiments are in essence the definition of right-wing social ideology.

    7. Hitler himself complained of evolutionary theory and advocated teaching creationism in the German schools. "God Is With Us": Hitler's Rhetoric and the Lure of "Moral Values" by Maureen Farrell “The book The German Churches Under Hitler includes his assertion that secular schools should not be tolerated while Hitler's Table Talk quotes him questioning the wisdom in teaching children both creationism and the theory of evolution. "The present system of teaching in schools permits the following absurdity: at 10 a.m. the pupils attend a lesson on the catechism, at which the creation of the world is presented to them in accordance with the teachings of the Bible; and at 11 a.m. they attend a lesson in natural science, at which they are taught the theory of evolution. Yet the two doctrines are in complete contradiction! As a child, I suffered from this contradiction, and ran my head against a wall. Often I complained to one or another of my teachers against what I had been taught an hour before — and I remember that I drove them to despair. Hitler on Religion "

    8. In 1929 Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty with Pope Pius XI. This established Catholicism as the official religion of the State, gave the Pope increased political powers, gave papal sovereignty to Vatican City, ensured that the Catholic religion would be taught in all schools, compensated the Pope with $90 million for the loss of papal property since 1870, and cemented broad Catholic support for Mussolini.

    9. The Great Scandal: Christianity's Role in the Rise of the Nazis by Gregory S. Paul The Concordat , signed on July 20, 1933, was a classic POLITICAL KICKBACK SCHEME. The Catholic church supported the new dictatorship by endorsing the end of democracy and free speech. In addition it bound its bishops to Hitler’s Reich by means of a loyalty oath and in exchange for supporting Hitler the Catholic church received enormous 1.) tax income and 2.) protection for church privileges. 3.) Religious instruction and prayer in school were reinstated. 4.) Criticism of the church was forbidden. Page 11.

    10. The first concentration camp in Germany was Dachau, which opened in 1933. The primary prisoners of the Dachau camp were Communists, Social Democrats, and atheists. The first camps were essentially for "enemies of the State". Over time Gypsies, homosexuals, and dissenting clergymen were sent to Dachau as well.

    The above is a summary of the article in my words, Fascism Part I: Understanding Fascism and anti-Semitism by R. G. Price, October 23, 2003

    The Nazis advocated “Muscular Christianity,” as opposed to “Feminized Christianity” that portrayed Jesus as “a woman with a beard.” This same sect of Christianity is active in America today.

  16. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Episcopal priest Gini Gerbasi was in her clerical garb when U.S. Park Police and National Guard troops fired tear gas on her and the peaceful protesters in front of the church. Fascism went through the Christian churches first just as they have in American in 1971 after the Powell Memo ordered by Richard Nixon to seize political power under the cover of Christian identities. Many of the Christian ministers that resisted Hitler's "muscular Christianity" were tortured and died in prison camps.

    Trump Gassed A Priest To Get His Photo Op At DC Church

    God has sent us dear Hitler! Heil Trump!
    He is the chosen One!
  17. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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  18. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I'm not so sure the Bible suggests that being "close" is a big win.
    gabmux and Cosmo like this.
  19. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Well, what a surprise. All Republican politicians think about is your sex life and money.
    Ohio's Christian Conservative Bigot and Republican Speaker of the House Larry Householder arrested in $60 million bribery case
  20. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Last edited: Jul 27, 2020
  21. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    There is another famous scene in Fellini's film "La Dolca Vita" (The Sweet Life)(1960) called the miracle scene in which a group of grifters pay two children to pretend they saw St. Mary in a field and told them to build a church in this spot. The media shows up and overwhelms the pseudo-event with hype. Marcello is an Italian gossip columnist who travels to such media events to report on them.

    There is a very sad part of the miracle scene. I mother brings her bedridden child to the field in the hope of a healing miracle from a palm tree near the appearance of the supposed Madonna. The sick child's mother has tremendous faith in God, but is stampeded by a crowd of onlookers, press, TV crews, and security (see video at 1 hour mark which has English subtitles).
  22. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    "Plato told Aristotle no one should make more than five times the pay of the lowest member of society. J.P. Morgan said 20 times. Jesus advocated a negative differential - that's why they killed him." – Graef ​

    About seven years before the US economy collapsed in 2008 during W. H. Bush's administration the massive subprime mortgage fraud from Wall Street the media was flooded with financial advertisements on how to get rich in the real-estate market. It seemed that everyone was into real-estate house flipping to resale foreclosed homes. Predatory lending was becoming a national problem, but the Bush administration looked the other way while American homeowners where financially devastated. Evenly, over 9 million homes were foreclosed. The US government chose instead to align itself with the banks with an army of grifters that were victimizing American consumers.

    One aspect, rarely if not ever mentioned, is how the Wall Street fraudsters used people's religious beliefs to gain their trust and then swindle them out of their homes and bank savings leaving them with unpaid mortgages on houses underwater (worth less than the home loan that is being paid back). W. H. Bush--a self proclaimed born again Christian-- in fact was the point man between the Fundamentalists Churches and the Republican party. One good example is the Reverend Troy A. Titus who took calls from investors at his church! Let's take a look at Christian Brother Titus and see what all this is about.

  23. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    "But real demonry—if this word is to have any special content-occurs only in connection with a positive, sustaining, creative-destructive power...This is true also of the last great demonry of the present, nationalism....National things receive sacral untouchability and ritual dignity. But just there demonization begins. With the creative-supporting forces, destructive ones combine: the lie with which the self-righteousness of one nation distorts the true picture of its own and foreign reality; the violation, which makes other nations an object whose own essence and independent might is despised and downtrodden; the murder, which in the name of the god pledged to the nation is consecrated to holy war. Beyond this, it is the peculiarity of the national demonry of our time that it has subjected itself to capitalism. The nations entered the World War as capitalistic groups of power; and the chief bearers of the will for war were at the same time the bearers of the capitalistic domination in their own nation; not from any personal demonry, but themselves supported by the demonic figure of capitalism which they represent. Thus the social demonry of the present is revealed in its duality, in its immense supporting and destructive strength. Shattered for a moment, it is at present on the point of re-establishing itself, in order better to sustain and—better to destroy."
    The Interpretation of History by Paul Tillich. I: The Demonic

    Like Germany in the 1920s, the Nazi Party infiltrated the German Churches to replace traditional Lutheran and Catholic Christianity with a new version they referred to as "Muscular Christianity" that is antithetical to New Testament Christianity. Religious cults can be either Left and Right-wing depending on the cultural-socio-political climate at the time. The Mansion Family cult had "hippies" but they were actually extremist Right-Wingers and were proud racists. Charles Mansion emerged out of a family of Tennessee White Supremacists and attempted to create a race war with the Sharon Tate murders. On the other hand, some cult leaders present themselves as progressive and leftists such as Jim Jones who first became a student pastor in 1952 at Sommerset Southside Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. Whatever the politics, the result of religious and non-religious cults ends in self-destruction. However, nationalistic demonry is the most destructive and often uses religious beliefs to manipulate the country with totalitarian state mysticism and other forms of government propaganda.

    Those possessed of demons in the New Testament know more about Jesus than those who are normal, but they know it as a condemnation of themselves in their condition of cleft-consciousness. The Ancient Church called the Roman Imperial Government demonic, because it made itself equal to God, and yet prayed for the Emperor and gave thanks for civic peace, which he assured.---Paul Tillich, Interpretation of History.

    Jim Jones mass suicide of 918 followers.​
    ‘From hell, Jim Jones rejoices’: Famous anti-cult attorney explains what Trump has in common with notorious People’s Temple leader

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2020
  24. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Here is a recent photo of the American Christian Fundamentalist, Jerry Falwell Jr., the head of the Christian Liberty University on his yacht.

    Those possessed of demons in the New Testament know more about Jesus than those who are normal, but they know it as a condemnation of themselves in their condition of cleft-consciousness. --Paul Tillich

  25. Kyklos

    Kyklos Well-Known Member Donor

    Mar 13, 2018
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    If you watched the film on the Rev. Jim Jones, you may of missed how Jones kept people from leaving his church. His methods are not unlike the same techniques used to control persons by authoritarian governments. The United States is under the spell of a death cult and just look at the similarities with Jim Jones' cult:
    1. Jim Jones would not allow church members to talk to one another. This purpose of this rule is to prevent the church members from realizing their true situation by jamming the all channels of communication. If the members do not communicate with one another, then no new leader could spontaneously appear to challenge Jones’ leadership. Also, it is more difficult to catch Jones in a lie, or a contradiction if members do not compare notes. Despotic regimes discourage free public discourse and flood communications agitation propaganda. Employers discourage employees from sharing information (monitoring workstations), like pay and salaries so that incomes cannot be compared and prevent unions from forming.
    2. Many church members were elderly that have life savings and assets that were turned over to the church. A member could not just leave the church without being financially wiped out. Most Americans’ retirement funds are in the stock market as 401k accounts so they will have a financial interest in an institution that isn’t in their financial interest taking some 20% of the account’s value over time.
    3. Jones deliberately created complex legal guardianship relationships among the members to split up families if any person left the church. So any ex-church member could end up being destitute and have a legal dependent to support to boot. The term “mortgage” literally means “to die.” A debt slave is unlikely to revolt.
    4. Even with all these protections Jones didn’t stop getting even more control of people. In a ruse to force members to prove loyalty to the church, Jones pressured members into signing false confessions that could be used to extort members. Despots are afraid of honest persons that cannot be blackmailed which is why a lie detector is one method of getting false confessions, or discovering personal secrets. Personal background investigations are often fruitful because The average American commits three felonies a day.
    5. Jones kept his members in a constant state of fear of the Other. There is always a boogieman like “antifa,” which no one can define, or the old Russian Communists trope except for presidents that are in debt to the Russian mafia and laundering dirty money for them.
    6. Jones commanded his followers to commit's just the flu go to work!
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2020

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