Racist White Boys

Discussion in 'Race Relations' started by edna kawabata, Feb 17, 2020.

  1. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    The Racist Hordes!?
  2. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    No, you know exactly why, blacks dont like whites in "their" hood and robbery and assault are common. This is well known,
  3. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Sounds like you need to start a new thread....want me to do it for you?
  4. FatBack

    FatBack Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2018
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    As if you would, your only concern is certain racism.
    Yant0s likes this.
  5. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    "Yeah", as in it was acceptable? There's no way that you could have found it acceptable!
  6. chris155au

    chris155au Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2017
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    Absolute nonsense! This is a study about racial disparities, which dishonestly ATTRIBUTES it to racism. This isn't evidence of racism. Remember, there's only ONE SINGLE government policy which discriminates on the basis of race - affirmative action.
  7. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Aren't you willful.
  8. FreshAir

    FreshAir Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Mar 2, 2012
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    as common sense, these people used to be loners and the internet gives them an easy way to connect

    they were outcasts in each town, but all the outcasts now have a common community on the internet, it's just the reality of it
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2020
  9. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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  10. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Imposing institutional racism againt white people won't undo racism against black people, institutional or otherwise. This has backfired spectacularly.

    I think the rise of racist white people we have seen in the past few years can be directly linked to the relentless push of identity politics for minorities.

    Some white people got frustrated with the constant push to define people by race, maybe fought against that for a while, and then finally decided to play the same game, and win. And the existing white racists happily welcomed them into their ranks. Race identitarians do more harm than good.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
  11. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    I'm sorry I do not know what you mean by "Imposing institutional racism against white people".

    I don't know that there has been a "rise in racism". I think most people are less racist than they were in the past, but the racists have found each other thanks to the internet and the toxic atmosphere of collective narcissism has given their views the illusion of legitimacy. From that they have formed associations and a culture of victimhood.
  12. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Quotas, declaring only white people can be racist, stacking parliament based on race, etc.

    I think it was well headed in that direction from the 80s until recently, but I think recently the identitarian left emerged and took over and now people are becoming more instead of less racist (in all directions).

    There is that too.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
  13. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Saying only whites can be racist is ignorant.
    Attempting to level the playing field is "Imposing institutional racism against white people"? Do you feel a victim?
    Thanks to gays and minorities insisting on equal treatment and the internet the racists have come out of the woodwork (as on this forum). I don't know that they are more numerous than in the past, but the ideology of some has been radicalized to the point of taking up arms and terrorism.
  14. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    I didn’t say leveling the playing field. I am all for that. Publicly funded education, universal basic income, zero tolerance for racism or sexism, etc.

    But hiring somebody or admitting them to a school due to their race is institutional racism, yes. And giving an easy ride to some rich black applicant to Harvard isn’t undoing any racism or hardship a black kid in the inner city may be facing. People should not be treated as monolith representations of their race. That’s racism.

    An Asian applicant shouldn’t be discriminated against and held to a higher standard simply because “we have enough asians already”. Same goes for Jews.

    Yes, and so are you. We are all victims when things are decided by racism instead of merit. It means we wind up with people doing jobs they aren’t best suited for.

    I am telling you one of the key reasons for the recent upsurge in racist sentiment. It’s that the “woke” who somehow imagine themselves to be fighting against racial tribalism, and identifying oneself foremost by race, are actually pushing for it rather than against it.

    When identiarians push for everyone to band with their racial identity, many white people will do just that. And rather than shame, many will find pride and tribalism.

    Yes. Neonazis on one end and Antifa insanity on the other. As a visibly not white and not heterosexual person, I would like to see this dialed back. We were making progress back when the message was that it’s ok to be gay and the posters were of many skin tones shaking hands, etc. But now you are branded racist for saying “all lives matter”.
  15. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    To prove the imposed "institutional racism against white people" you have to call in the help of Asians and Jews? That doesn't help your argument. The right likes to point to blacks getting positions that they do not merit. That is an overblown complaint whose only proof is anecdotal. The system is not perfect, but what human construct is. It is an attempt to right over 100 years of blacks who merited advancement, to be hired, and to be in seats of power and were denied. The right ignores that and if left to them nothing would change. Now they are weeping "victims".

    I think your distaste for "racial tribalism" is more not liking to hear complaints that the social system we have is unfair to certain minorities and they are sick of it and are very demanding. Who do they think they are! You like it the way it was?

    Saying "all lives matter" to them it is taking their phrase and negating it. The speaker knows that as well.
  16. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    We have to call for the help of everyone to combat institutional racism against everyone. White people get it the most out in the open and that racism even gets encouraged by some "woke", who pretend to be against racism.

    Racism against black people, asian people, brown people, natives, all still exist and are real problems we should deal with, but at least they are shunned, and we had managed to push such racism into being a nearly universal taboo. Now its back on the rise because some of the white people are sick of that taboo being itself racist.

    The more identitarians push for race being important and the defining characteristic of people, the worse racism will be.

    This isn't an issue of right and left. This is an issue of right and wrong. And it isn't black people getting positions they do not merit. Its anybody, including rich white kids on "legacy" admissions (or Hunter Biden or Ivanka Trump) getting positions they don't merit.

    My prime minister (Trudeau) came right out and said that he was building is cabinet based on gender and race, rather than merit, because he wanted the cabinet to "look like Canada". Many schools have scholarships that are blatantly racist and sexist. Many bursaries also exist that are race based instead of based on hardship and poverty. The same exists in many corporations, hiring to fill quotas.Treating individual humans as representatives of racial monoliths is not merely anecdotal. It is blatant fact. And there is a growing backlash against it, that swings too far in the opposite direction.

    No, it isn't. Not when you confuse those black people for all black people. As I wrote above, giving some rich black applicant an easy ride into Harvard does NOTHING to address the racism, poverty, and other issues facing poor black kids in the slums. It is a sweeping under the rug of the actual problems, and it is pretending to do something rather than actually doing something. You can't fix injustice by creating more injustice.

    That could be, but again, this should not be about right vs left. It should be about right vs wrong. We can fight against racism without being racist ourselves. That people claiming to fight racism have become racist themselves is the new problem that has developed and is one major factor pushing the rise of racism generally.

    Of course you think that. Because you are mired in this right vs left dynamic. You've already constructed a strawman of me, and of anybody else who recognizes the "woke" falling into the same cognitive traps that the right wing nutters do, complete with the autoritarianism, censorship, etc, that liberals have long fought to fend off.

    It is hard to point this out without the woke (perhaps that's you?) refusing to listen, dismissing it out of hand, and presuming the speaker to be some racist bigot, probably white, probably from the southern USA, etc. Since I'm actually an asian bixesual liberal from Canada, when I say these things to the woke face to face there is some very visible cognitive dissonance, but online that won't happen.

    No, it isn't. It really isn't. "All lives matter" by definition includes black lives, brown lives, asian lives, white lives, all lives. BLM's reaction to anybody saying "All Lives Matter" and branding it as racist instead of simply agreeing that yes, all lives do matter, and showing how some lives aren't being treated fairly, is a demonstration that they are not pushing from a place of empathy and love, but of a place of tribalism and division.

    It is telling that you can have black homophobes and gay racists, don't you think? Having experienced a lot of bigotry against them, you'd think they'd recognize it in themselves, but often that's not the case. People tend to recognize bigotry when directed at them, but not when they direct it at others. We need to recognize it all around, and guard against it. That means fighting it without pushing for more of it.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2020
  17. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    You write racism against POC has been made taboo, but now racism is on the rise because some whites are sick of the "taboo"? So POC need to stop, as a group (identitarians), voicing complaints of racism because that just stirs up the racists? Brilliant, let's hide our problems maybe they will go away.
    Its the rights complaint that affirmative action gives minorities positions without merit. With your Trudeau example, wouldn't it be a positive thing to give cabinet positions to POC who merited the job, that have a fresher perspective than the usual old white men? I believe once society has normalized, that is POC are represented equally in the work place, in positions of power, etc. quotas will disappear. There is a newish study that sent out resumes to jobs. The same resume had either a "white" name attached or a "black" name attached. The whites got the larger share of the responses, but that is not the surprising part, the study was done twice, 25 years apart, and there was no change in the racial bias. So we are not quite there yet.
    You say those fighting racism have become racist. That may be true for some that are hopelessly partisan, but the rational disagree. You can not blame a whole race for the failings of the many, but white culture is the dominate culture and has made the rules. Many of those rules favored them, in being chosen, in the ability to accumulate wealth, to choose who is making decisions for everyone. POC want at least a level playing field and it has been up hill. You don't seem to get it.
    BLMers use the phrase "black lives matters" because they want to highlight the fact to some police their lives don't. They aren't held accountable for murder. Taking their phrase, which represents an important issue in the black community, and minimizing it with "all lives matter", is an insult to their cause and the person using it knows that, even if you don't get it.
  18. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    That's not what I wrote. Complaining about racism is good. We can all unite against treating people based on their skin colour. That, of course, means NOT TREATING PEOPLE BASED ON SKIN COLOUR. It isn't all that complicated, yet the "woke" fall into this trap.

    That's exactly what people are doing when they imagine giving some unearned perks to some rich black kid is going to somehow address any problems faced by poor black kids. When looking through the frame of monolithic black vs white, it suddenly looks like things have evened out a bit, but all that's really happened through this is the creation of more injustice. Its just hidden, unless you regard people as individual human beings and not racial monoliths.

    I find it to be the height of prejudice to presume that "women" or "minorities" would bring "fresher perspective" just because they are women or minorities. These people actually chosen think a LOT more like those old white guys who held the posts before them, than they do like the typical Canadian, white, brown, asian, or otherwise. And I find it very wrong to be hiring or choosing anyone based on their physical appearance, race, sexual orientation, gender etc. That is racism, sexism, etc, plain, blatant, and institutional when done by government institutions.

    Society will never "normalize" so long as you purposefully imbed racism into it. You will create a circle of prejudice that will cycle around and create more prejudice in all directions. Again, outright institutional racism is one of the main drivers of white racism today.

    Indeed. The best way to do it would be by doing is as blind as possible. Why should a school need to know your name when considering admitting you to it? They only need to know your grades and your community service, etc.

    No. There are plenty of us still fighting racism without doing it with racism. Fighting racism isn't the problem. Thinking you are fighting racism, while pushing race-centred framing and mindsets is the problem.

    Let's start by doing away with "white culture". Let's start by not pretending white people are a monolith. White people can be new immigrants from third world countries, or they can be rich overprivileged trust fund kids.

    A level playing field doesn't mean a racist playing field, in anyone's favour. A level playing field would be partly about stamping out racism, but far far more about social programs and taxation to redistribute wealth. That means leveling the field for poor white people too, who racist policy to "redress past injustice" leave behind. And that's a surefire way to breed racism in them.

    I get it. And I agree with them. And to "All lives matter", a sentence explicitly including what they are saying. We can nod, and go on to highlight cases of police injustice against everyone (including against black men), and not just black people. If you only care about police abuse of black people, guess who the racist is?

    Again, if you think demanding we care only or especially about black victims, then guess who the racist is? It isn't the person saying "All lives matter". The person saying "All lives matter" is speaking inclusively.

    And if the person saying "All lives matter" turns a blind eye to or is dismissive of a black man being abused by the police or anyone else (which they have NOT done by saying this phrase), they can be held to account as a hypocrite and racist. If you think racists are saying "All Lives Matter", then that's actually a step forward for them, that you should be encouraging, not discouraging.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2020
  19. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    Proud Boys out of the closet.....now white nationalists

    per Kyle Chapman, the founder of the Proud Boys’ so-called “tactical defense arm,”
    “Due to the recent failure of Proud Boy Chairman Enrique Tarrio to conduct himself with honor and courage on the battlefield, it has been decided that I Kyle Chapman reassume my post as President of Proud Boys effective immediately,” Chapman wrote. “We will no longer cuck to the left by appointing token negroes as our leaders. We will no longer allow homosexuals or other ‘undesirables’ into our ranks. We will confront the Zionist criminals who wish to destroy our civilization.”
  20. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Actually, that just makes them racist and discriminatory within their organization. To be white nationalist they'd have to further take the position that non-white people shouldn't be allowed, not just in their organization, but in the country at large.

    The boy scouts and girl guides aren't gender nationalists, for example. Nor is the NAACP etc.
  21. edna kawabata

    edna kawabata Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2018
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    You just described "white separatists".
  22. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Yes. "White separatist" and "white nationalist" (or any-specific-race separatist and nationalist) aren't quite the same thing (though one can definitely be both).
  23. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    How are they different?
  24. Jolly Penguin

    Jolly Penguin Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2020
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    A white separatist demands segregation, and that could be within the same country. A white nationalist wants only white people in their country. A white supremacist demands that white people are superior and should have special status and rights. A white separatist need not believe that.
  25. Ritter

    Ritter Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    So, very minor differences, but major overlaps.

    Garbage ideologies, nonetheless.

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