Proof Of UFOs, assessing the authenticity of the Majestic Documents

Discussion in 'Science' started by Patricio Da Silva, Jun 11, 2021.

  1. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    I am posting this here because, in my view, it's a question of forensics, the science
    of authenticating documents (or one of it's applications), which if proven, will confirm the existence of UFOs, and the US Government's involvement in, and cover up of, UFOs, their capture, including aliens.

    The website containing the Majestic Documents is:

    The file assessing the authenticity of the documents is here, I'll let you read it
    and you be the judge:

    Witnesses validating some of the documents:

    The documents start, from 1948, onward, here:

    Two salient documents,

    The Eisenhower Briefing Document

    The SOM Manual, Special Operations Manual, Extraterrestrial Entities, Technology,
    Recovery and Disposal. (This is the manual for the military to deal with crashed UFOs )

    Overall, I find it all quite believable, but, that's me. If you are waiting for ET to land on the Whtie House Lawn and say, 'take me to your leader', that ain't gonna happen.
  2. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    They visited Washington and did a flyby of the White House in 1952


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  3. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Yeah, they swung by L.A. first to be greeted by anti-aircraft guns


    I guess they said '
    you had your chance, baby, we not landing for no one.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
  4. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Yeah, I know. My Aunt was a young mother at home with a new baby, and a husband who just shipped out due to the attack on Pearl Harbor two months earlier. A Japanese sub had shelled a nearby oil field two nights earlier. And there was an ack ack gun in her neighbor's backyard [civil defense in light of the attack on Pearl Harbor] which started firing in the middle of the night. And the object went almost directly over her house.

    50 years later she still wouldn't talk about it.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2021
  5. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Are you aware that the very claim of the existence of Majestic-12 is a hoax?
  6. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    I've not seen anything to convince me that it is a hoax.

    If you have something, I'd like to see it.
  7. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Me too.

    However, this is not proof of ETs. No document is proof. There is no "proof" that the M12 docs are legit.
  8. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    You'll never have 'proof'. Aliens are too clever, they operate clandestinely and won't let humans have it.

    Only the non curious want absolute proof.

    What the curious want are, is there enough quantity of evidence at some level for a reasonable presumption?

    Therefore, you are simply in the non curious category.

    That's neither good nor bad, it just is.

    Because I'm curious, I've studied the subject with great intensity for a number of years, and I'm satisfied with the huge abundance of data presented, that they exist, and have visited earth, and are abducting humans.

    Not absolute proof, sure, but for me, I feel confident in the presumption.

    You, no. Me, yes.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2021
  9. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    You are making rash assumptions about me and a lot of other things. I'd bet I've been investigating this since long before you were pooping your diapers.
  10. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    That was '51. You were born, when?

    I doubt it, you have been casually glancing at the subject, over the years.


    Of course I'm right.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2021
  11. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    You measure "curiosity" by how many pounds of debunked garbage dumped on the public by "true believers" that poster is willing to wade through.

    AND, you seem to ignore that we have very serious people spending their careers looking for life throughout our universe.

    This hits me as backwards.

    You should be interested in what is found out about this universe through our exploration.

    And, you should be identifying the sources that feed you debunked garbage so you can exclude those purveyors of schlock in your investigation.
  12. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    If I asked you to read one or two books, would you give it the benefit of the doubt, and read it, and them come back and tell me it is 'schlock'?

    I mean, actually read it, from cover to cover. Now, mind you, you will never find absolute proof. But, you can find serious material whereupon, if presented in sufficient abundance, some reasonable persons, not saying all, but some, will presume they exist.

    That is as good as it will ever get.

    Oh, I discard the garbage, and retain the portions that are reasonable for a presumption.

    The very 'serious' people looking for intelligent life throughout the universe are missing the fact that they are here, now. Who look out so far when it is here? Why, they don't believe it because they are like you. They want an alien to land on the WH land and take them to their leader or something as concrete as that.

    That kind of evidence is NEVER going to happen. Aliens are way too clever, and they are operating clandestinely.

    How serious are these scientists searching the universe with what, radio telescopes and Voyagers, etc., in our solar system? They think they can find aliens by looking for 'radio signals'? The aliens who are visiting earth communicate via telepathy, which are not detectable by our primitive technology.

    The scientists on earth are simply barking up the wrong tree. If they are doing that, then how can they possibly be wise enough to find them?

    It's not going to take intelligence to find aliens, it's going to take wisdom, they are way way way beyond 'intelligence'.

    Intelligence isn't the thing, wisdom is the thing.

    Mankind is very intelligent, but wise? No, we are not very wise at all.

    We are still investing billions in rockets.

    Rockets? That's like trying to get to NYC on the back of a Turtle.

    Anti-gravity, warping space time, or whatever it is that aliens do, but what it isn't is reactionary propulsion, it's reactionless propulsion, it's some other paradigm. I have no idea, I'm not a scientist, but the aliens have figured it out, so, whatever it is, it is possible and it's not 'rockets' or blowing hot air and pushing things with some kind of propellent, even those ion drives are too slow.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
  13. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I absolutely will NOT read authors who have propagated debunked claims of alien visitation or who have limited their book to the unsubstantiated claims of individuals without evidence.

    And, neither should you.

    Our exploration of the universe involves rockets to the extent that we need sensors in space, where their views are not obscured by the noise and atmosphere of Earth. Plus, being able to land and examine planets, moons and asteroids is serious business.

    So, your attempts to call our scientific exploration garbage are something I find to have NO wisdom and no intelligence, either.

    You continue to make up stuff you believe aliens can do.

    Do you think anyone should find that convincing of something?
  14. Mircea

    Mircea Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    I would not disagree.

    You don't know what you're talking about.

    If you lost your car keys barbecuing in the back yard, would you jump on a plane and fly to Kiev to search for your car keys?

    Yet, that is exactly what your government does.

    I was a cop, and a detective sergeant and a private investigator. I've searched for missing persons, including toddlers.

    If a toddler is missing in Indiana, do you jump on plane and fly to Florida to conduct your search? Nope, but that's exactly what you're government does.

    From Day #1 SETI has never looked in the Milky Way. It's been wasting your tax-dollars looking at far distant galaxies 100, 150 or 250 Million light years away.

    Why would your government do that?

    A better question might be, Why would your government want to do that?

    They would want to do that -- think of it as psy-ops warfare -- to undermine claims of UFO sightings and such. Gosh, we searched this galaxy 250 Million light years away and can't find any signs of extra-terrestrial life. Well, duh.

    Do G-Class Stars support life? This one does. Our Sun is a G-Class Star. Do you have any idea how many G/K-Class Stars are within 50 light years of Earth?

    When does your government plan to get around to search them? Why won't your government search them? They're in "our backyard."

    "We found a Blue Giant in galaxy 400 Million light years away, but it doesn't have any planets. No shizzle. Is there some part of "Blue Giant" that your government doesn't understand? G/K-Class and even M-Class Stars form in a way that lends themselves to the formation of terrestrial planets, but Blue Giants do not. That's not to say that Blue Giants don't/can't have planets, it's just that G/K/M-Class Stars often have 6-15 planets.

    So, where is the wisdom and intelligence of the government doing what it's doing?

    Let's start small.

    Your government type-classifies ETVs based on their shape and hypothetical method of propulsion and there are/were four such types.

    What can we infer from that?

    We can logically infer there are four different alien civilizations each with its own spacecraft design and method of propulsion visiting Earth.

    Of course, there could be only 3 alien civilizations, because perhaps one has two different designs it uses for different purposes.

    What else can we infer?

    Well, the Black Triangles were here and then they were gone for 25 years before they came back.

    Did you not see the clue? Your government apparently doesn't either, and your government is so clueless it couldn't find a clue if it was smeared with clue musk and doing the clue mating dance in a field of horny clues.

    I'll say it again: Well, the Black Triangles were here and then they were gone for 25 years before they came back.

    We can logically infer they come from within 25 light years away.

    Right? So, they leave Earth travel 12 light years home and come back 12 light years later, or maybe they can go faster than the speed of light so they really are 25 light years or so away.

    Same-same for the others, the cigar-shaped, the saucer with a dome, the black triangles, and the cylinders (the "save the whales" Star Trek flick got that from film footage released several years earlier by the Soviets where a MiG was chasing a cylinder-shaped UFO.)

    If your government was serious, it would have conducted a search starting with the nearest solar systems, then spiral out, and then examine the 2 spiral arms on either side of our spiral arm and then work its way across the Milky Way. That should keep it busy for several generations without the need to look at far distant galaxies that we aren't even sure still exist.
    joesnagg likes this.
  15. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    Let's get back to discussing the issue of whether there is life other that what exists on Earth.

    As we've seen with the Navy footage, there are lots of mirages to chase if you are into chasing mirages and decide to avoid any actual analysis.

    I'm fine with people examining that footage. That footage SHOULD be examined. Besides the UFO angle, we need to know what other nations are doing.

    But, what's happening is that the footage is proven to NOT be of UFOs, yet the UFO nut jobs and quacks are still pumping it as if it is real, selling their books, taking their speaking engagements, etc.

    The entire world of science is highly interested in finding life that didn't begin on Earth. People are dedicating their lives to that.

    So, how about a little respect???
  16. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Actually, there was something like this years ago (2012 to 2014) called SETILive (SETILive: Archive, SETILive - Wikipedia). I happened to find it while it was still around. It was like a game where participants scanned a plot of radio signals from promising nearby stars. And, plot a line to mark the signal. It really helped me to see how radio signals can be found, visually, among the entire radio spectrum. And how specific shapes of signals may indicate an artificial signal. Alas, it shut down and vanished from the internet.
  17. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    They're still looking for life in other places in the universe, but they've expanded their methods:
  18. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Based on the evidence I have examined, I'm convinced there are aliens and they are visiting earth and abducting humans.

    But, you won't even look.

    You think rockets are wise.

    They are not wise.

    And who are your debunkers?

    People who believe in rockets.
  19. Patricio Da Silva

    Patricio Da Silva Well-Known Member Donor

    Apr 26, 2020
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    Regarding the Navy 'tic tac' UAPs ( Naval lingo for UFOs ) .......

    "Imagine a technology that can do 600 to 700 G forces, fly at 13,000 miles per hour, can evade radar,
    that can fly through air, water and possibly space, and by the way has no obvious signs of propulsion,
    no wings, no control surfaces, and still can defy the natural effects of earth's gravity. That is precisely
    what we are seeing...I'm not the one tell you this, it's the United States Government that is telling you that they are real"
    --Luis Elizondo, former U.S. Army Counterintelligence Special Agent and former employee
    of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.

    It was November 2004, when USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group was training about 100 miles southwest of San Diego
    For a week, the advanced new radar On a nearby ship, the USS Princeton, had detected what operators called 'multiple anomolous aerial vehicles over the horizon descending 80,000 feet in less than a second.

    It (the TIC TAC UAP ) was mimicking our moves ( in flight ) ...It was aware we were there....David Fravor, Graduate of the Top Gun Naval Flight School and Commander of the F-18 Squadron on the USS Nimitz,

    And more amazing testimony on his 60 minutes clip.

    Possibilities given:


    Elizando and all the pilots talked to agree that there are no known technology by any US, or foreign sources, that can do the things they witnessed.
    There are a number videos on YouTube where US Naval officers are questioning about and examining the videos on the UAPs, including scientists with PHDs, and they all agree that they know of no technology anywhere on earth that can develop vehicles that do these maneuvers, and if the technology exists, it is done in secret. One high up Pentagon Official (in the above video ) stated he was, based on his knowledge, fairly certain they were not ours, he stated he was in a position to be in the know, if they were ours, he'd know about it, but he didn't.

    It doesn't prove 'otherwordly' but it is one possibility.

    And some point, people are going to have to acknowledge the elephant in the room.

    That's the problem, because of the stigma, no one wants to.

    See? Even you know what I'm talking about. You think it's crazy talk.

    But why should it be crazy talk? Why would a neighbor visiting us be crazy?

    Because, when it comes right down to it, that's all it is. It only seems fantastic because we are primitive.

    In fact, compared to what's out there, we are primitive, indeed.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  20. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    UFOs obviously exist but UFOs are unidentified by literal definition. If you're asserting that there are spacecraft piloted by alien beings, you're not talking about UFOs (since you claim to have identified them) and so using that term is misleading. There is an all too common problem in this field of people conflating a wide range of unexplained phenomena with their preferred specific explanation with little or no evidence or justification. If you really want to present this in a forensic and scientific manner, taking more care with your language would be a good start.
    Death likes this.
  21. joesnagg

    joesnagg Banned

    Aug 12, 2020
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    No more UFOs, now call 'em UAPs "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena". Don't forget, there's an intelligence (contradiction in terms) report on this subject due in Congress latter this month. I'm curious as to whether anything of substance will come out, or just more "swamp gas" BS.
    Death likes this.
  22. HereWeGoAgain

    HereWeGoAgain Banned

    Nov 11, 2016
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    Funny thing about the swamp gas explanation, that came from Hynek. Hynek became a total convert and the leading scientist in the field of ufology. In fact, he invented the subject.
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  23. wgabrie

    wgabrie Well-Known Member Donor

    May 31, 2011
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    Or the Pentagon and Intelligence agencies don't show up at all. The month is half over already.
  24. OldManOnFire

    OldManOnFire Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    Your government doesn't do any SETI research...almost no funding for this...
  25. WillReadmore

    WillReadmore Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    "God did it" is always available, too. And, I see nobody being shy about that.

    Claiming nobody will stand up for the truth is just plain ridiculous. We have people willing to stand up for even the most easily explainable nonsense about alien visitation.

    But, I'm not interested in that kind of logic.

    You need to show evidence that we are "primitive indeed" compared to something "out there". What do YOU know about what is "out there" that nobody else knows?

    One question: Did your expert point out that all the vids except for the one he likes show absolutely NOTHING even slightly out of the ordinary?

    Or, is he just one more joker who accepts all the garbage that comes down the pipe?

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