The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Condor060, Sep 21, 2021.

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  1. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

    The following sampling of VAERS death cases were taken directly from the VAERS reporting site on September 16, 2021 without alteration.

    Most don’t know that the VAERS system was created as an active reporting system for all medical professionals to reference before prescribing anything that is causing adverse effects in other patients. Too many are NOT reading these reports before administering or recommending the use of these vaccines. The news media must not be reading them either

    VAERS “1131084-1” “My sister died in her sleep six days after receiving the J&J vaccine in her sleep.”

    VAERS “1117078-1” “Patient died approx. 5 hours after shot was administered. Cause of death reported is Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease. The death certificate was signed by the county coroner without autopsy, based on the report by the onsite deputy coroner. No doctors or hospitals were involved. This report is FYI only; there has been no direct connection made between my mother’s death and the vaccine other than one followed shortly after the other.”

    VAERS “1118314-1” “She received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine on Wednesday and died on Sunday 3/14/2021. Her autopsy is pending.”

    VAERS “1100865-1” “Patient died within 24 hours of vaccine. Unknown at this time if related.”

    VAERS “1108312-1” “Severe exacerbation of idiopathic capillary leak syndrome 48 hours following administration of Janssen vaccine leading to profound vasodilatory shock, renal failure and DIC and death.

    VAERS “1185219-1” “Patient was vaccinated on 3/30/2021. Found DOA on 4/8/2021. Last time anyone spoke with the patient was on 4/3/2021.”

    VAERS “0917117-1” “After vaccination, patient tested positive for COVID-19. Patient was very ill and had numerous chronic health issues prior to vaccination. Facility had a number of patients who had already tested positive for COVID-19. Vaccination continued in an effort to prevent this patient from contracting the virus or to mitigate his risk. This was unsuccessful and patient died.”

    VAERS “0918487-1” “Two days post vaccine patient went into cardiac arrest and passed away.”

    VAERS “0920815-1” “Found deceased in her home, unknown cause, 6 days after vaccine.”

    VAERS “0921547-1” “DEATH ON 1/4/2021, RESIDENT RECEIVED VACCINE ON 1/2/21”

    VAERS “0966359-1” “Headache, pain in the injection site, threw up. A few hours later she died.”

    VAERS “0966844-1” “Patient is reported to have died at home, the day after his COVID test. Family member states that he did good the afternoon and evening after his COVID-19 injection, but that he started not feeling good the next day. The patient ” “was having palpitations””. The family tried to convince him to go to the Emergency Room, but he refused. Patient died at home.””

    VAERS “0955390-1” “Resident received vaccination on January 15, 2021. She was found unresponsive with shallow respirations on the morning of January 16, 2021 and was sent to ER via ambulance. The resident was admitted to medical center ICU where she passed away later that day.”

    VAERS “0967743-1” “Possible seizer, unknown at this time, aprox 1hr and 20min after vac given. Passed away aprox 2hrs after vac.”

    VAERS “0969220-1” “Patient expired one week after vaccine. Cause of death unknown to me.”

    VAERS “1058033-1” “Patient had a stroke two days after vaccine. Recevied TPA for treatment of stroke due to acute onset of altered mental status. Had a history of a fib, not on anticoagulation, which is likely cause of stroke. Family opted for comfort measures given poor neurologic status. Passed awaiting hospice placement”

    Now, these are just a tiny sampling of the thousands of VAERS reported post-vaccine deaths in just this one report. You can read more of them from the provided link. This is only one of eleven different reporting systems on the matter. (Even this full report is a small sampling of all related vaccine death events.)

    First Takeaway

    If you read these and more cases reported to VAERS since January 2021, you will see a few critical patterns in these reports. The first is that a majority of these cases died within 14-days of receiving one of the vaccines and it doesn’t matter at all which vaccine they took. They all have the same set of adverse effects ending in death, as you can see in these reports. This explains why the current CDC Guidelines include NOT counting any deaths that occur within the first 14-days after vaccine as a “vaccine related death.” Instead, they are all labeled a “COVID19 death”

    Second Takeaway

    The CDC are still using the false COVID19 death toll number 688,737 (as of 09/17/21) despite previous admissions that most of these deaths were due to other unrelated causes, aka “comorbidities,” to include things like car and motorcycle accidents.

    However, you will notice in all of these VAERS reports, never does anyone admit or even hint at the fact that every one of these deaths occurred within hours or days of receiving one of the vaccines. Instead, they attempt to blame these deaths on “comorbidities.”

    What doctor would inject anyone with a weakened immune system (comorbidity), knowing that the entire COVID19 event has mostly attacked the weakest among us?

    Third Takeaway

    The CDC continue to use a number between 10,000 and 14,000 post-vaccine deaths to date. This is the same number they have been using since January, the first month the vaccines were in broad use. Obviously, since January, the real vaccine related death toll is much higher, estimated somewhere over 200,000 Americans, but hard to quantify due to ongoing manipulation of vaccine related death data.

    The vaccines DO NOT WORK – THEY ARE NOT AT ALL SAFE – COVID DEATHS ARE GROSSLY OVERSTATED AND VACCINE RELATED DEATHS ARE ALL BEING LITERALLY BURIED, LABELED A MERE COVID DEATH. According to the massive propaganda machine, no one has ever died of a COVID vaccine…and now you know how. No one is labeling VACCINE deaths as deaths caused by these vaccines!

    According to the current “open VAERS site” recently put up for the general public, nothing we are being told by public officials and the news media is true. According to VAERS, over 76% of Americans have been vaccinated. If that were true, the vaccinated would have no reason to worry about the unvaccinated. If the vaccines worked, the unvaccinated would be no threat at all.

    Instead, as you can easily confirm in this report and the links provided, these so-called vaccines are killing thousands of American citizens… but not a single American news network is telling you so, even though the proof is positive.
  2. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    Most doctors do not take the time to report to VAERS since it takes about 1/2 hour to do it.
    Eleuthera, HB Surfer and ButterBalls like this.
  3. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    And nobody is reporting vaccine deaths. I find that unbelievable that this isn't being reported
    Eleuthera, HB Surfer and ButterBalls like this.
  4. ButterBalls

    ButterBalls Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2016
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    And how many of these people took the poke that actually had a better than 25% "CDC and Red Cross report" chance of being naturally immune? Why is this administration so reluctant to provide antibody test along with all the rest of the free test to prove positive infections..

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    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
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  5. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Event #1: Person gets vaccine at 9 AM

    Event #2: Person fatally injured when hit by car at 9:15 AM

    Anti-Vaxxer Take: "Vaccine Bad! Another Death Due To Vaccine!"

    You couldn't make this up. Too funny...:smh:
    gnoib likes this.
  6. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    No it wasn't. There is no expectation for clinicals to trawl through the raw data from VAERS before administering anything and it would be entirely unrealistic for them to do so. VAERS is a data source designed to provide early warning of potential issues which can then be further researched and investigated. VAERS is specifically not intended to be used as a definitive proof of vaccine dangers (or indeed safety). Any of the relatively few people who were aware of VAERS before COVID already know this.

    The simple fact is that you can't rely on the accuracy of any of these VAERS reports about COVID vaccines, especially all the ones (purportedly) reported by people who aren't medical professionals. You certainly can't assume the reported deaths were caused by vaccines, even if that is suspected or asserted by the reports.

    Of course you will. Your source has selected data from VAERS that fits those patterns.

    That seems highly unlikely. Do you have anything to back that claim up?

    You're wrong about that but what does it have to do with (alleged) vaccine related deaths?

    I'm not seeing that in any of the examples you listed here. The fact is that pretty much any death will involve comorbidities of some kind. Very few deaths are caused entirely by a single factor because we're very complicated machines.

    Inject with what? Any decent doctor would consider the condition of their patient and deliver the best course of action. In relation to patients with weakened immune systems that could well indicate a greater need for vaccination or it could require not vaccinating. It would depend very much on the individual condition of the patient.

    That is different to the figures I've seen and would depend on exactly what is being counted and over what period. Where are you sourcing this data?

    Unfortunately is isn't that simple. I'm not going to waste time trying to explain unless you're really interested in knowing though.
    9royhobbs, Quantum Nerd and cd8ed like this.
  7. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    These are the facts

    Right now the US (4% of the global population) is reporting 20% of all global COVID deaths.
    That math doesn't calculate and is the indicator of over reporting Covid deaths in comparison to the entire world

    Hospitals are not overrun with just unvaccinated as reported. Vaccinated individuals are getting Covid at alarming rates and are 27 times more likely to get Covid than unvaccinated individuals who already had Covid.

    Unvaccinated individuals have better immunity than any provided vaccination yet they are required to be vaccinated to enter restaurants in NY or keep their federal jobs? And they are included in the anti vaxxing left media agenda as well as Bidens agenda. Why is that?

    The media and Biden are keeping a lid on vaccine deaths.

    My own mother died during an operation to remove a blood clot in her back yet was designated on her death certificate as cause of death being Covid because she had Covid 8 months prior so don't tell me they aren't faking the death numbers.
    HB Surfer likes this.
  8. Hey Now

    Hey Now Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    I just picked the first one and bolded what would be scary!

    She got the J & J vaccine in her sleep!!!! WTF!
    jack4freedom and Quantum Nerd like this.
  9. HB Surfer

    HB Surfer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 10, 2009
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    You ****ing non-Leftists better knock it off with questioning the Wuhan Flu Authoritarians! Take your vaccines, whether you need it or not, wear a mask, unless you are Hollywood Elite, or Democratic Elite (Pelosi, AOC, Newsom, etc.), and **** you worthless serfs. Just pay your taxes and don't complain about the inflation or crime.
    HockeyDad likes this.
  10. 61falcon

    61falcon Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    Meanwhile U.S. deaths from Covid with over 660,000 has now surpassed the Spanish flu as the deadliest pandemic to ever hit the USA
  11. 61falcon

    61falcon Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2018
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    We also have the most Covid patients in the world, as well as deaths.
  12. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    The reporting system is not to be taken as medical advice. They have a whole section on fraudulent reporting

    Questions about Reporting to VAERS
    Who can report to VAERS?

    Anyone can report to VAERS.

    Are all events reported to VAERS caused by vaccinations?

    No. VAERS reports generally cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. Some events may occur coincidentally after the administration of a vaccine while others may in fact be caused by a vaccine.​

    There have been 386 million doses of Pfizer, Moderna and J&J in the United States alone — your handful of cases (the vast majority say the patient was already ill or no direct link has been established) represent an almost statistically irrelevant data set that cannot even be verified.

    If you are that concerned about the side effects simply don’t get the vaccine. Maybe horse dewormer will be more effective?
    gnoib and 9royhobbs like this.
  13. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Don't need the vaccine. I already had Covid so my immunity is stronger than any vaccine that can be provided.

    But I do find it interesting that anything provided that isn't pro vaccine gets the same response. I would hate to live in such fear every day,
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
  14. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    If you think that 4% of the population of the planet can have over 20% of all Covid deaths, you're a pretty easy sell.
    the breeze likes this.
  15. HonestJoe

    HonestJoe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 28, 2010
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    These are a whole new set of "facts" (and you're still not providing any sources for your statistical or anecdotal claims).

    I asked you questions about your claims relating to VAERS and vaccine deaths. it's dismissive to simple ignore them and move on to a whole new set of (unsupported) claims. If you acknowledge and address the points and VAERS, we could then move on to something else.

    Of course, if you just want to spout empty assertions and allegations with no interest in honest discussion, don't bother wasting any more of my time.
    9royhobbs and cd8ed like this.
  16. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    You are correct. Most medical evidence is showing people that have previously contracted COVID are more protected than individuals that received the vaccine only. I got the vaccine because I preferred not to get the long term side effects of COVID such as damage to arterial walls, damage to lungs and heart.

    I simply made a risk assessment.
    Everyone else should do the same.

    How did you get fear out of my post? I simply advised you to follow your own judgment. Your statement that the vaccine doesn’t work is a lie but that isn’t fear, it is just not bowing down to misinformation.

    Strange that would accuse others of fear when your the entire premise of this thread is that the vaccine will cause death…
    Hey Now and 9royhobbs like this.
  17. Andrew Jackson

    Andrew Jackson Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2016
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    Sounds GOOD!
  18. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    Ok, I thought most of what you posted were statements but I can address them.

    Except I never made that statement. I said the VAERS system was created as an active reporting system for all medical professionals to reference. No expectation was given. Its there to be read.

    You obviously can't ignore the reason for VAERS just because you want to suggest it isn't a good data base. It is listing deaths that all have one thing in common. Vaccinations. To include deaths within days for most. There is a list of over 40,000 you can read through. And this is supposed to be ignored because you can't conclude that any of these are vaccine related? I don't think so.

    The critical data is vaccinated people with most dying in a few days after vacination. Of course theres a pattern. That is whats being recorded. VAERS isn't just for reporting deaths. Its for reporting side effects. The facts are the thousands of deaths within days of vaccination.

    You mean like no reports being generated about deaths due to vaccines. Yeah, thats what backs it up

    Just doing the simple math proves over reporting of Covid deaths in the US. 4% of the global population has over 20% of all global Covid deaths?
    Thats just isn't possible. Viruses don't work like that. Unless you can provide some scientific data that proves Americans are more susceptible to Covid than any other nationality on the planet, the numbers speak for themselves. Its you choice to ignore the obvious.

    My statement was notice in all of these VAERS reports, never does anyone admit or even hint at the fact that every one of these deaths occurred within hours or days of receiving one of the vaccines.
    Did you have a reported list of people dying from vaccination by the thousands somewhere that the rest of us don't know about?

    Thats the issue. The numbers haven't changed since January.

    My other statement was the unvaccinated who have already had Covid have stronger immunity than any Pfizer vaccine. This isn't a guess, its already been determined. They created this study in Israel because they have the highest Pfizer vaccination rate of any country reaching 85% encompassing over 2.5 million participants. And there numbers far exceed what is being told to us here in the states. Viruses don't lie. The media and politicians do.

    Vaccinated people are getting Covid at a rate 27 times higher than unvaccinated who already had Covid in Israel but you can't even hear of a vaccinated person being hospitalized in the US.
    But here in the states its only the unvaccinated who are all being hospitalized. Its claimed as the disease of the unvaccinated. How does that work?

    Vaccinated people are being hospitalized 8 times higher rate from Covid than unvaccinated who already had Covid
    But here in the states you can't find anyone dying from Covid who have been vaccinated and we are told that if you get the vaccine, you will have much lower symptoms. We now know thats a lie.
    How can so many people be dying of Covid in Israel with the vaccine but nobody in the US? You actually buy that?

    And unvaccinated people have much higher immunity to Covid than vaccinated.
    But not in the US. Even if you already had Covid you have to be vaccinated or lose your federal job.

    When you add this all up coupled with the US claim that we have 20% of the global deaths with 4% of the population, it more than obvious this is one of the biggest lies ever perpetuated on the American people.

    It seems the laws of physics only exist everywhere except the US.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
  19. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    I agree the 20% figure isn’t correct but not because the US is over reporting but rather because other countries are under reporting

    Deaths per million

    Nations with little mandates or lockdowns
    US: 2,084
    Mexico: 2,081
    Brazil: 2,757

    Nations with mandates and lockdowns
    Canada: 726
    UK: 1,983
    Germany: 1,114

    Nations with zero or questionable national response
    India: 319
    China: 3

    The US is slightly behind wealthy nations, slightly ahead of poorer nations. The only extreme statistical outlier are the only two nations bigger than America.

    Sure you can say Americas numbers are based on a global conspiracy of medical agencies both public and private designed to <the narrative was to get rid of dear leader and all of this was supposed to go away shortly after the election so that conspiracy didn’t pan out so feel free to substitute your own>..


    China and India are not giving accurate numbers.
    bx4 likes this.
  20. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    So everyone on the planet are involved in a conspiracy to elevate the US numbers because of Trump.
    Got it
  21. Condor060

    Condor060 Banned Donor

    Oct 22, 2018
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    You got a vaccine without even knowing what the long term effects are.
    Yet, everyone who gets Covid now has damage to arterial walls and damage to lungs and heart. lol Please
    Does that include the people who don't even know they have it? lol
    Having a 99% survivability kind of speaks for itself. Doesn't it.

    If your vaccine works, then whats all the crying about the unvaccinated? Why is it that vaccinated individuals are 27 times more likely to get Covid and 8 times higher to get hospitalized than those who already had Covid and have natural immunity?
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
  22. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    Wrong ANYONE can put a report into VAERS

    Case in point this is NOT a medical report and given the murdering of the grammar within that sentence I would suspect it’s veracity as well

    A vaccine caused atherosclerosis in five hours? Really?? Even the reporter of this incident did not think there was a connection

    VAERS is raw unchecked data ANYONE can add to. To prove a point one doctor entered a report that following a vaccine he turned to the Hulk”.

    VAERS is there so the process of reporting can be as open and honest as possible and despite the troll entries, medical professionals can sift the data to find those one in a million adverse effects
    Hey Now and cd8ed like this.
  23. Hoosier8

    Hoosier8 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 16, 2012
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    How many died of Covid vs died with Covid? Many were admitted for other issues but incidentally tested positive for Covid so are listed as Covid deaths. Hospitals get $$$ for that.
  24. bx4

    bx4 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2016
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    Those are all anecdotes. Nothing more.

    More than 50% of Americans are now vaccinated. That’s tens of millions of people. All you would have to do to show that vaccines are dangerous is to look at death rates for each demographic pre-Covid (as a control) and compare those rates with the rates over the last 6 months of people who have been vaccinated and those who haven’t.

    Actually the most relevant comparison is looking at death rates of vaccinated and non vaccinated people over the last 6-8 months. Everything I’ve read says it is safer to be vaccinated.

    But if you can come up with some other stats, show us. But not just anecdotes.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
  25. cd8ed

    cd8ed Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 19, 2011
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    An honest poster would know that side effects are only possible and not universal or guaranteed. Side effects are felt by a significantly higher percent that 1 out of 100.

    Now run those same numbers for vaccinated vs unvaccinated.

    Who here is crying? I support anyone wanting to remain unvaccinated to stay that way. The issue is they are clogging up our medical system.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021

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