Looks like sanctions will be lifted on Venezuela.

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by (original)late, Mar 8, 2022.

  1. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    The sanctions regime is hurting Russia a lot more than you think. For one thing, a lot of companies won't touch Russian crude now. Petrodollars will keep coming, but fewer. But the rest of the economy is sliding into depression.

    We are working to increase global production, which includes us, but it takes time.
    19Crib likes this.
  2. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    The sanctions that Iran faces are those businesses and personal wealth of the ruling council and senior military leaders. And it is for certain products, namely any product that can be directly tied to a weapon grade uraniaum program, fuinding of terrorists, and other nafarious enterprises. However, what happened with the IOC/South Korean Government had nothing to do with US Sanctions, considering Samsung was just as shocked as the Iranian Athletes were. Furthermore, your own article states, "All nuclear-related sanctions were lifted on Iran in January 2016, but many businesses, including major banks, still err on the side of caution due to existing sanctions relating to terrorism and human rights and the fear of sanctions returning." The only reasonable conclusion is that this was voluntary by the South Korean Government, not mandated by current US Sanctions.

    In addition, there is a type of hysteria among some small businesses, like the article you cited from Georgia, that does happen in the United States. However, it is isolated and not very common. I can show you same thing, comments made by Americans from all races and eithnicities, that have gone against Asian people, whether they are Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc. It does bother me and I have had my wife, her friends, and friends of mine experience harrassment such as the article. In America, we solve this by suing the arse out of the business, or at least the threat of so.Most of the time, a resolution is achieved. A nuisance, unneccessary, and ignorant of the Apple Store Employee who refused service because of her Ethnicity and Religion. We also can see people refusing service to any law enforcement officer, veteran, active and reserve military, etc. Point is, just because a few do it does not mean everyone does it. As we say, seperate the wheat from the chaff before you start your argument.
  3. Eadora

    Eadora Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
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    ............................................ [​IMG]
    So funny .............. Can We Say "Laughing Stock"

    Watching.... [​IMG]"The United States Of America"[​IMG]
    On their knees with hat in hand, begging Iran & Venezuela for Oil
    The same Iran & Venezuela THEY so cruelly Sanctioned

    And now WE find THEM groveling before the Ayatollah and Maduro
    begging for Oil so that THEY can afford to Sanction someone else

    Where in God's Good Name did these Puerile Neo Con Shysters
    ................................ learn THIER Geo Political Diplomatic Skills ???

    The Economic War
    Between The United States And Russia

    ....................... Just Shifted Into Overdrive

    The US and EU Are Over-Reaching on Russian Sanctions.
    The end result could be the de-dollarization of the global economy
    and massive commodity shortages worldwide.

  4. Iranian Monitor

    Iranian Monitor Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2015
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    No. The things you refer to are only a part of the architecture of the secondary sanctions on Iran. When it comes to US good and services, namely primary sanctions, everything is prohibited unless there is specific exemption. For Americans and American goods, there is an embargo on trade with Iran and Iranians in Iran. That is the Primary US sanctions imposed long before any nuclear issues. The rest, secondary sanctions, are meant to tell others not to trade with Iran with a long list of sanctioned entities and products.

    The reason you don't hear much about the primary US sanctions imposing an embargo on trade for US persons, because Iran doesn't care about them. It doesn't want any dealings with the US itself. With minor exceptions, those aren't even affected by the JCPOA.



  5. Alwayssa

    Alwayssa Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    Considering that secondary sanctions apply to individuals and/or their businesses who support a regime, they are not the only game in town. Apple products are popular in Iran, they are imported using third parties who are not on the sanction list and thus the populace does not feel the economic sanctions as much. However, with Iran specifically, their economy and financial systems are stressed, but not to the point that shortages occur unless it was deemed illegal by the regime in charge. Any actions the Iranian government takes on banning certain products is not a result of sanctions, but the result of polcy by the head of government.

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